There’s no way around it: Sony’s PS2 Classics initiative has been embarrassing. While the ports are generally pretty good – complete with Trophy functionality, upscaling, and integration with the PlayStation 4’s operating system – they’ve been slow to release, and so many essentials from the last-last-gen console’s catalogue are still missing.
Nevertheless, those Jak & Daxter titles that the platform holder promised months ago are still around the corner. You may recall that the first entry in the series, The Precursor Legacy, arrived back in August as part of an Uncharted: The Lost Legacy pre-order promotion. But we’re still waiting on (the abysmal) Jak 2, Jak 3, and Jak X: Combat Racing.

Fortunately, an intrepid Canadian has spotted artwork for a Jak & Daxter bundle on the PlayStation Store, suggesting that all four titles should be available soon-ish. The link currently only takes you to the first game (which can be purchased standalone right now if you like), but the image’s existence suggests we won’t have to wait too long for the rest of the series.
[source reddit.com]
Comments 27
I would like Spyro first.
This would be a good time for me to play these, as I never experienced them back on PS2.
But yeah, as @Xaessya said, bring back Spyro.
@YummyHappyPills They'd already butchered them in 2, so whatever.
@get2sammyb I didn't like 2 nowhere near as much as 1 but I wouldn't call it abysmal
Honestly since its been released already of a re release on PS3 did anyone asks for this really. His about a new remaster or Spyro instead and make exclusive now that I would pay for
Do a new one. thnx
BTW Jak 2>Jak 1 ...don't know what kind of drugs you guys take but Jak 1 is a normal platformer that reminds me of games like Croc, Spyro etc...doesn't have much besides the charming characters. Btw F**K the fishing minigame
An embarrassing initiative indeed. The PS2 has a plethora of great games and it seemed something like this would be a great alternative to Nintendo's VC that has gone mum over the past year or so. Which would make it the perfect time for Sony to start rolling out PS2 classics for those with an nostalgic itch that Nintendo isn't scratching at the moment.
They need to get with Bamco and release the DBZ Budokai and Tenkaichi PS2 games on PS4!
It won't happen for PS4 but I want PS5 to be the hub for all of PlayStation, from PS1 onward. MS proved that publishers aren't bothered having their games been made BC so should open up as much of the PS1 and PS2 era at least.
Just give us Persona 3 and 4 as PS2 classics. Thanks. Oh, and where the heck are all the PS1 games?
@adf86 I would literally die if PS5 was backward compatible with everything. Maybe not "truly" backwards compatible, but at least in the way the Xbone is, with game discs unlocking digital game downloads.
I've been wondering what happened to the rest of the games. Jak 1 is fine, but I've been looking forward to revisiting 2 and X as well as playing 3 for the first time.
Jak 1 is still sitting on my PS4 unplayed (I’ll get to it eventually) so they can take their time. Besides, we have Shadow of the Collosus and Okami coming very soon, and I haven’t replayed FFXII yet — so there’s no shortage of PS2 classics on the PS4.
Oh yeah, and Yakuza and soon Yakuza 2. I think those originated in PS2
If the games are abysmal, I don't get why you want them.
I liked 1, hated 2 and thus skipped 3. And IMO Daxter is the most annoying sidekick ever.
After the following PS4 lineup we already know of, I wouldn’t be mad if Sony would deliver classics in remake/remaster form for the final year of PS4 & first year of PS5. Jak, Spyro, CTR, Tomba, Medievil please!
@adf86 If it didn't happen on the PS4 I'm not sure why it would suddenly happen on the PS5.
I really, really, really like what Microsoft's done with the Xbox stuff, but has it really been worth all of the effort? I'm sure some people would say yes, but I dunno... It doesn't seem to have moved the needle for them at all.
As a fan, I completely agree, though.
Come on Sony, stop releasing stuff on PC and focus on your platforms only. We want more PS2 classic games on PS4.
Jak II will always be my favorite in the series, but it is a hard game. So I can see why some make not like this one.
I had a feeling it would take time, but I'll definitely jump on that Bundle once it's released. I'll have a blast playing Jak X with friends.
What I don't understand is the PS2 games are selling well. Why would they start slowing the releases down like this?
Give me puppeteer. Best game on the ps3 in my opinion. Very under appreciated.
ONE MASSIVE LET DOWN WITH PLAYSTATION IS - A few of the Family were around last weekend and wanted to play TimeSplitters 2 so I had to set up my PS2(with the Multi-tap) etc etc then they wanted to play Bomber Man on the PS3 so I had to recharge a few controllers ect etc, then FIFA14 on the PS4(which I had ready to go Anyway) etc etc, YAWN, Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :-/ I wish SONY could make a PlayStation that could play 'ALL' my PS Discs There must be a way?!?! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE + I would pay a lot for it to. Oh well + the PS1 and PS2 line up of games so far on the PS4 is just a Joke :-/ Apart from that i still love the PlayStation brand
@get2sammyb It's more to do with preserving their heritage if anything, I say PS5 cos they can start fresh but people will be expecting BC with PS4 at least due to similar architecture etc.
Abysmal?? Shove off
@GameDial Watch the language please.
I miss the Jak and Daxter series, wish they'd release a new game but I understand they're focused on Uncharted and Last of Us.
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