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Bloody Black Friday, eh? Every year, retailers around the globe slash prices in the hope that the public will spend, spend, spend. As you'd expect, the games industry weighs in big on this day of discounts, with retailers shifting software, hardware, and everything in between -- but what do you make of Black Friday? We're here to find out.

Whether you love to sniff out a good deal or two or you simply couldn't care less, we want to know what you think of the year's biggest spending spree. Vote in our polls, and then feel free to brag about you buying habits in the comments section below.

What are your overall thoughts on Black Friday? (121 votes)

  1. I love Black Friday, I snap up any bargains I see11%
  2. Black Friday's fine, I take advantage if I see something I want55%
  3. I think Black Friday's largely overrated25%
  4. I have no interest in Black Friday at all9%

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Have you bought anything game-related in the Black Friday sales this year? (119 votes)

  1. Yes, I've bought loads of stuff14%
  2. Yeah, a few things here and there25%
  3. Just one or two things29%
  4. Nope, I haven't bought anything32%

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Do you tend to shop online or do you brave stores on Black Friday? (120 votes)

  1. I find deals online60%
  2. I hit the streets and check out stores3%
  3. I do a bit of both24%
  4. I don't get involved either way13%

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