We’re not entirely sure how we’ve reached this point, but The Last of Us: Part II and Detroit: Become Human have become hot button topics in the wake of Sony’s Paris Games Week 2017 press conference. You probably already guessed that from the fact that we’ve published, like, five articles on the subject already.
There’s always room for one more, though, and senior vice president Michael ‘Murasakeh Babeh’ Denny had a few things to say on the topic in an interview with VG247: “We’ve always wanted to have a variety of content, lots of choice, we’ve always wanted to be innovative and sometimes challenge as well,” he said.
Denny argued that, just as violent games are a part of PlayStation’s spectrum, so too are titles like Concrete Genie and Dreams. “It always has been that we trust in our creators,” he continued. “It’s about the experience and the game they want to make. Part of these things are about playing the game and putting them in context – making sure it’s thought-provoking in the right way.”
In the case of Detroit: Become Human’s domestic violence, Denny notes that it’s part of a much wider plot. “I wouldn’t say it's a central part of the game,” he concluded. “It’s a big part of that scene about Kara questioning her programming and whether she can react against her master in a very challenging circumstance.”
We’re starting to think Sony put these trailers out on purpose to distract journalists from asking the inevitable questions about cross-console play. Genius!
[source vg247.com]
Comments 70
I'm fine with that level of violence and subjects like abuse being depicted in games, personally, but a warning probably would have been a good idea for those who aren't comfortable with seeing it.
Besides, you never know if some little 8 year old is tuned in hoping they reveal a new Little Big Planet or something.
I don't understand all the controversy, I'm seeing worse violence on tv (game of throne, walking dead, even on cartoon like rick & morty), but why suddenly it controversial when a games does it?
At least it's better to have this conversation rather than another cross-play talk lol
Well thank god there is at least one site that doesn’t try to overreact to the trailers.
man.how many articles like that are we going to have about pgw violence.Sony didn't invent all that.I love it.if someone have a problem with PlayStation games have to many violence.than go play Nintendo games.play Mario.Zelda.pokemon.I love PlayStation.been a fan since day 1 .from underdogs to the king.like Brett the hitman Hart always say he is the best they're is.the best they're was.the best they're ever will be.that's the PlayStation.thanks to Sony.I even love PlayStation more than the Sega genesis.keep doing your thing Sony you're the best word up son.worrrrrd upppp
@BLP_Software seriously, if you’ve got that much of a triggered response maybe watching or playing games of this caliber are for you. There was nothing wrong with the trailers and how they were presented. Just overly sensitive people in an overly sensitive world.
@DLB3 yes thank you. I’m so tired of these damn triggered people these days. Just looking for the next micro aggression to be offended and upset about. Kudos to Sony and Playstation for having the courage and trust in their creators.
@BLP_Software Althought it's true that there should be warning, the last of us and detroid is a violence game, the previous trailer of detroid shows a kid die falling from the top of the tower and android cop shot through the head so the violence shown in this trailer is not as bad as previous trailer.
Does the previous e3 trailer has warning? I forget.
@JoeBlogs Now we know, deep in his heart, jim ryan doesn't think of the children
@BLP_Software All those Nintendo games are making you soft.Maybe you're not ready for these kinds of games.
'Unprecedented.' Talk about over the top sensationalism, wow. People need to grow a pair.
They went to far loool i think they didn't go far enough.
What's funny is Xbox has more than its fair share of violent games. Not that it should matter anyway. These games are rated age appropriately so what exactly is the problem here?
There's subject matter people are uncomfortable with, that's the way of the world. A gun isn't being forced to anybody's head saying 'you have to play this game!' So the complaining is ridiculous. Everybody knows from previous trailers, and previous games by David Cage, that there will be some graphic violence in his creations. Everybody knows what The Last of Us is all about. A purpose of the trailer is to show what's in the new game.
@BLP_Software Who'd of thought the guy who always tells everyone else to have a sense of humor cant take a joke?
@BLP_Software im fully aware of some of those people. Hell I am in the same boat. But i learned to get past it so the mere sight of it doesnt illicit this type of response.
@JoeBlogsi can't hold on.I got to go play some PlayStation masterpiece that's full of violence.PlayStation is the best a game changer.best story tellers with the best graphics.have problems with violence.go play Mario.Zelda. word up son
Alright, enough is enough. I've been a long time lurker of this site and after reading the past few articles and comments, I decided to create an account, simply so I could just say...
When did everyone become so damn sensitive? Do we have to make the world a cushy place to accommodate the sensitive people?? I just don't get humanity anymore
We prefer great exclusives than crossplay, no doubt about that. =P
Trouble is if you worry about trying to please everyone all the time. Things end up getting signed off by committee and we’ll all be playing candy crush. no offence there but Censorship ruins freedom. You just have to accept that this roll of the dice you’re in a small percentage minority and nobody else gives a monkeys . And just want to experience more because we’re excited. You shouldn’t be forcing your issues on other people
@NYJetsfan123 Like i said it before, they always want to complain about something, but now they can't complain about the lack of announcements and exclusives, so let's attack the violent trailers!
And it's not just video games I'm referring to here, it is literally everything you read or hear about everywhere. I'm glad we see eye to eye. Does anyone else find it frustrating??
Remember when everyone was grumbling about micro-transactions?
Violence in games (books, movies, TV, theatre, music, VR) is always going to be an issue for some people. Ultimately it does come back to censorship as a couple of people have pointed out. I'll always be against censorship in any form.
@BLP_Software I watched it live and it was midnight. Don't assume you are the centre of the universe.
@gingerfrog that is BLPs speciality. Because he is miserable, we all need to be miserable.
way too many mature rated games on ps4/xbox.
a lot of us grew up with Playstation & are Adults now I for one will enjoy all types of games & definitely the ones that have caused a stir! what bugs me is this is a big deal because it is viewed as just a kids hobby still in many ways & it is NOT just for kids.
I've been saying the same thing since at least 2012, which is when things seemed to really get out of control in the game industry especially. Much of that thanks to the rise of an obnoxious website (run by somebody who doesn't even play games but thinks it's ok to comment on them) that I won't mention the name of.
@KirbyTheVampire That 8 year old will see people killing each other like it's nobody's business. I'm sure that's worse. Mom's spaghetti.
Not sure if this has already been addressed, but as to your first post, to view the PGW stream you were required to acknowledge that the content was for mature audiences only.
Did you acknowledge?
You need to preface that with “When Microsoft has games,...”
LMAO. It does get third party support, which is more what I was talking about. The majority of games on PlayStation and Xbox are from third parties and most of them have quite a bit of a violence. I get why Nintendo gamers hate on PlayStation, they're a different type of audience. When Xbox gamers hate on PlayStation, it's just hypocritical and laughable.
Speaking of Dreams, where is that game now?
I was really hoping to hear something about it at pgw, although I gotta say I'm pretty satisfied with what I did see. So I'll give them a pass and let's hope for some news in December???
This is just silly. What “unprecedented violence?” The original The Last of Us has far more gruesome sequences than anything shown at PGW. Pick any God of War entry and I can show you as much or more violence.
To call something unprecedented means that it’s never happened before. That is a very inaccurate way of describing what was shown at PGW.
I think people are just freaking out because the graphics are so damn good that it looked real. That should be taken as a compliment by Naughty Dog and Quantic Dream.
I could see a warning for the trailer maybe coming before it was shown, buuuut it doesn't feel like that would have helped any either way.
People will always find a way to complain.
@BLP_Software Yeah you are right because people dont let their kids play COD or GTA. Next time they will do there reveals at 3 in the night again.
Seems like there are some separate issues in the overall argument.
1. The level of violence in the actual video games
2. The showing of violence without a warning
3. The targeted audience watching the trailers
I would not have wanted to watch those trailers with my young children so that makes me realize I will not be able to watch Sony live events with children.
I do feel warnings are appropriate and respectful to your audience. I think it shows a lack of respect for your customers to show Mature content on a general audience live stream without taking 2 seconds to display a warning.
@deepspace5d Pretty much everything I was gonna say. I've said in another article that the trailer for Last of Us Part II wasn't as violent as others have made it out to be. There's been worse than what was shown at PGW.
Violence in videogames is pretty much a given. From shooting space invaders in the face to strangling someone to death in manhunt.
The main issue I have is recently young kids are now put in games where as they were completely absent previously. Add in the extras like mood, emotion and realistic scenarios and that puts a different angle on things. Its a change for sure and the 2 main trailers were made to shock.
Im really not a fan of dark stuff much preferring comedy and satire, but some of the comments above come across as juvenile. Moooore violence, they didnt go far enough etc. Like really? And thats why as gamers we will never have a fair discussion about wherever content is right in any capacity.
So rather than calling people snow flakes or belittling other users can we start to form a more cohesive argument as to why Sony feel they need to showcase the worst of humanity to sell their games.
I think there's always room for improvement and if people are offering Sony constructive criticism on how their games are presented, then great. Sony should digest that and give it due consideration.
There were some very impressive games on show but a little more warning would have been respectful to the very diverse audience Sony has.
@themcnoisy Agreed. I find it especially sad how some appear almost eager to mock people who are suffering from trauma or people who for whatever reason feel very uncomfortable seeing such levels of violence. Somewhat ironic they are calling for people to grow up.
Whoa what did I wake up to...
I have no problem with the trailers. Variety is the spice of life. If I wanted sugar, spice and everything nice I'd be over at Nintendo.
@BLP_Software The time of day has nothing to do with it. Timezones. We all go through different things, that makes up our likes and dislikes.
If you don't like something, have your opinion and move on. Forcing your beliefs and insulting peoples intelligence is not the way to go about it.
I enjoy Tearaway and I enjoy God of War. I enjoy LocoRoco and I enjoy being mass murdering Nathan Drake in Uncharted. Does that make me a terrible person? PlayStation has always offered a wide variety of games. Some may be for you, some may be not.
As others have mentioned the violence on display is nothing compared to God of War or moments within TLOU.
It would've been interesting had Persona 5 been more mainstream, because that game tackles real life issue on another level. Here's a warning for those that are easily upset by video games tackling real life issues: 'Persona 5 may upset you. Stay away.'
Man I play video games to get away from all this BS.
@KratosMD Exactly.
This is why i have and always will be a playstation fan, sony provides a breadth of different experiences that push not only boundaries but also the industry, they constantly provide fresh ideas alongside their existing successes.
This is why i have and always will be a playstation fan, sony provides a breadth of different experiences that push not only boundaries but also the industry, they constantly provide fresh ideas alongside their existing successes.
@BLP_Software for what it's worth, I agree with your comment and don't think the bashing you're getting for it is necessary.
@VotesForCows hey you stole my thunder! Great minds and all that...
I agree with you on both points.
@LieutenantFatman I dont want to be mean but what do you think they should do then? Just make games without terrible things in it? Violence is in games and it will stay the same happens in movies dont here any complaints there. You have terrible things in the world i dont like when i see Kids get hurt but the context was is the trailer of Detriot consequence in your actions. With the start of The last of Us the start was horrible but it made understand Joel right away.
@LieutenantFatman The points that have been raised about violence are valid. Here's the thing though, I could tell within a few seconds that the Detroit trailer was going to a dark place (based on what had been shown before, the general nature of QD's work and on what my eyes were seeing) I also found the content to be quite disturbing, especially as a father of two kids. However, I chose to be an active participant. If I felt that the content crossed my line of comfort, I also had the choice to turn down the volume, to push pause, to stand up and walk away for a few minutes or to turn it off. This is a choice we all had except for those in attendance. And this is the issue I have with BLP. He is an active and willing consumer of the content but somehow he is not willing to control what he consumes, instead choosing to make himself and his plight the focal point of the conversation.
@DerMeister Did you not get the hint when they pulled the woman through the dark forest that it might get violent? Or with Detriot that it would have gone south when the dad starts yelling at the little girl.
@BLP_Software Another here to provide support. Comments on here are getting too heated and missing the point you are making. For people who have experienced such trauma, or have grown up around it ; this kind of thing has the potential to cause damage, and unless you have been placed in that awful position your self, it is impossible to know what it must feel like, and the long term or permanent damage that it can cause.
I love push square for its great community and respect for all users and contributors. Debate is fine and necessary, but lets not make things personal against individuals if we do not share their views. there is too much of that already on other forums.
As for Sony's conference ; it was a great show, showing a wide variety of great looking games. But I think the point about some degree of warning before the show, or potentially controversial trailers is a good one. If parents choose to ignore that, or viewers choose to watch anyway, at least they have had fair warning first.
Ultimately, whether people think Sony's show went too far or not; the fact this conversation is taking place has diverted attention away from what should have been a discussion about the bright future for the platform, into a much more serious matter that only drags playstation down.
@manu0 Then you should go to Nintendo its a more kidfriendly platform.
So warnings change the content and would stop the perpetually offended from calling for developers to censor their games? It really doesn't matter what Sony had done there are people who are always going to b*tch about something. I'd also say there's a good chance, many (not all) have experienced some level of trauma and there's content in certain games that make them feel uncomfortable. I draw the line at the child stuff myself. Anything that even slightly crosses into the pedophilia territory or has to do with extreme 'realistic' violence against children is not a game I'm going to buy, especially when I've never been impressed with the way a writer (in this case David Cage) has handled subject matters in the past. But, it his is creation and he's allowed to put whatever content he wants in his product. It's then up to the consumer to decide if he/she wants to take part. Right now, it's pretty clear on PlayStation and Xbox at least that violence sells.
I bet if the gender of the 'victims' were male, this would be a non-issue. There is a big movement trying to address violence against women - either domestic (as was alluded to with Detroit) or outside the home (as Last of Us).
Now I don't agree with violence at all - whether its male on male, male on female or female on female but when its in a video game or movie, where art is reflecting on te society we live in, IF its integral to the story then I see no issue.
Yes its cruel and barbaric but its nothing compared to some of the real life footage and aftermath of violence we see in the news everyday. If it helps raise awareness, helps to stamp it out, even helps someone vent their 'anger' instead of taking it out on someone, then what's the issue?
You can't portray life as being all rosy when in reality life isn't like that and chances are, it wouldn't be rosy in the situations they are portraying in video games either!!
So I'm reading that Sony showed this whole presser without any age-rating labels. That could probably be a problem, but I think press conferences (especially live streamed) are covered because of their nature of showing various content across platforms and ages.
Simply put, anyone watching videogame content with their kids shouldn't be tuning into live streamed press conferences. Same goes for people who are triggered due to PTSD or whatever else they may be suffering from. They should be waiting for the official trailers to release (which happens quickly now), go to their videogame-related site of preference (or Facebook), and watch them there.
@Flaming_Kaiser I'm not disputing whether these games should exist, I'm all for variety and tackling difficult issues in a responsible way. The issue raised was with how and where these scenes have been revealed to a diverse audience and if this could be improved upon in the future.
@BraveFencerZan That is advice worth considering. Even so, a short disclaimer at the start of the press conference could be useful for those not in the know.
@hi_drnick Fair point, but a short warning beforehand for those not familiar with the developer or game wouldn't cause too much harm I would suggest. For those who would suffer more than just discomfort.
Ive had every playstation console and never had an eye on xb for a reason. Keep doing what youre doing sony, and trust your developpers. I love all ranges of titles, but the stuff that leeps me playing as an adult are the mature titles that you guys are known for. 1luv
@LieutenantFatman I agree, but this is actually less of an issue.
After going back to see the live stream, they did indeed show an ESRB rating before the whole thing kicked off. So frankly put, this is a case of people not paying attention and then deliberately tuning in to something that can trigger them.
Both of these games are basically at the top of my need list! Cannot wait!
@Flaming_Kaiser Very late reply, but how do you get the impression that I didn't think it violent at all? It was violent and I expected it to be, but what I'm saying is that it wasn't as violent as everyone makes it to be, nor is it "too much" to show. If anything, I'd say it wasn't violent enough to justify the hoopla made about it.
Sure, this is gruesome but I don't think it constitutes speculative violence. It's the same kind of pitch black take on basic human nature as in The Road (masterpiece btw) and later seasons of walking dead.
@BLP_Software The same thing that would happen if you tune into Game of Thrones after the intro. It's your responsibility to educate yourself on the subject matter and then plan accordingly.
The point is they covered their bases like any other piece of media has done in the past.
On the one hand, people are too easily triggered, but on the other: people should be informed when about to be shown disturbing imagery. I think many people here are purposefully missing the actual point others here are trying to make.
There is nothing wrong with mature content in games. There is a label on the back that says who the game is for and generally what you're to be expecting. There is, however, something wrong with having it pop up with no warning. If I sit down and pull up a Youtube video with some adult language in it, I don't want an unskippable ad to pop up of a digital child getting beaten, or women getting bludgeoned. When I load up The Last of Us though, I know what I'm getting into, and I'm fine with it.
@BLP_Software Hope you didn't take my comment personal. I'm just down on games and games media in general.
For the record I disagree with a lot you say, but it's thought provoking nevertheless. Hope you stick around.
@BLP_Software @BLP_Software are you incapable of pushing pause or turning the volume down or getting up and walking away for a few minutes or turning it off? I'm pretty sure all of these options were available to you.
@BLP_Software I agree on this point. I didn't consider it at the time because I was sneakily watching at work but yes, there was no warning at Sony conference in the afternoon UK/EU time that this was showing strongly adult themed material.
I have zero issue with mature themes in games. However, it is really a responsibility of Sony to warn that there are mature themes in any presentation. Probably goes without saying but people should have the foreknowledge so that there isn't hoopla like this.
Whenever I don't like something, I tend to look away. It's always worked for me. It's not up to everyone else to adjust for what I may not like. That's why I don't get mad when a TV station shows a wildlife programme with prey being ripped apart while I'm trying to eat my dinner.
Anyway, I don't think this is that big of a deal, outside of the snowflakes at Polygon and a relative handful of the usual social media knee-jerk over-reactionaries.
Anyway, loved the trailers - can't wait to see more, or even get a release date. Maybe at PSX in December, eh?
I am all for freedom of expression in video games, as movies are allowed to show all this stuff in trailers with almost no backlash. On the other hand, I don't understand why people are still saying "Just go play your Nintendo games." Are we still children on a playground? Why can't we love happy-go-lucky games and upsetty-go-screw-yourself games too? Sometimes I just want to jump around a cartoon world and sometimes I want reality to be handed to me like a sack of bricks.
man, I wish life was so simple we could get our own way all the time!! if you do not like something turn it off or look away. what I used to do watching horror films when I was younger lol.
I applaud Sony for it I want more Adult stuff that is hard hitting! maybe Nintendo would be better for some people more family friendly.
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