We won't beat around the bush here: November wasn't an especially amazing month for great PlayStation 4 games. That's not to say there was nothing to pick up and play, but the big hitters of previous months weren't present. However, that actually made for a super close staff vote, but as always, only one title be crowned our Game of the Month.

Bronze Trophy: Hand of Fate 2
Hand of Fate 2 is a great example of an improved sequel. The first game was solid enough, but the second does a fantastic job of refining its key features and systems. A somewhat unique mix of role-playing and brawling, reviewer Ken Talbot wrote that its "mix of strategic planning, random chance, and meaty combat is both rewarding and addictive." He gave it an 8/10.
Click here to read our full review of Hand of Fate 2

Silver Trophy: L.A. Noire
A fine remaster of a unique and still interesting title, L.A. Noire's back to crack one last case on PS4. "One of the best detective games of all time, L.A. Noire on PS4 will certainly give you bang for your buck thanks to its improved graphical prowess and neat package containing all of the original’s content," wrote reviewer Sam Brooke. "Team Bondi may have been shot three days before retirement, but its spirit lives on," he concluded. A nice 8/10.
Click here to read our full review of L.A. Noire

Gold Trophy: Far From Noise
An intriguing indie title from developer George Batchelor, Far From Noise is a unique experience -- one in which you express yourself through talking to a deer as you sit in a car that's teetering on the edge of a cliff. Yes, it sounds absolutely mad, but reviewer Graham Banas was left impressed. "We went into this expecting a short title with a bizarre premise, and walked away having consumed a beautiful, occasionally melancholic story that helped us understand ourselves a little better along the way," he wrote in our 8/10 review.
Click here to read our full review of Far From Noise

Platinum Trophy: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR
Push Square boss Sammy Barker is constantly calling Skyrim VR a "transformative" experience. Exploring Tamriel's frozen north through the magic of virtual reality changes the evergreen role-playing title in surprising ways. Suddenly, Skyrim's vast scale is fully realised, and Bethesda does a fantastic job of including accessible control options so that you don't spew up your guts while taking a leisurely walk through Whiterun.
"Virtual reality breathes new life into an already excellent campaign," wrote Sammy in our 8/10 review. "While you’ll have probably seen everything that The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR has to offer before, you’ll never have seen it quite like this: vast, varied, and like an actual living, breathing place. Bethesda’s proven that blockbusters can make the transition to PlayStation VR – and on this evidence, it’s something we’d like to see happen more often," he concluded. Yep, Skyrim's still winning Game of the Month awards six years after its original release.
Click here to read our full review of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR
That's it for another month of PlayStation gaming, but what was your Game of the Month for November? Vote in our poll, and then let us know if we missed something in the comments section below.
What was your PlayStation Game of the Month for November 2017? (53 votes)
- Far From Noise
- Hand of Fate 2
- L.A. Noire
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR
- Other
Please login to vote in this poll.
How we decide our Game of the Month: At the end of each month, the editorial team put together a list of nominees. Nominees must have been released within the month, and they must have been reviewed by Push Square. We select nominees based on our own review scores.
The editorial team then presents this list of nominees to the rest of the Push Square staff. Staff are asked to vote for three games that they think deserve to be crowned Game of the Month. First choice gets 3 points, second choice gets 2 points, and third choice gets 1 point. When voting closes, we tally the results to determine the order of this article. The game with the most points is our Game of the Month.
Comments 19
frozen wilds, the horizon dlc is the only thing i played this month. march and august are the only two months this year in which i've actually bought games .
Hadnt played Skyrim past the intro before. Starting to really get into Skyrim VR now! Nothing like travelling through a VR world to relax and forget about this twisted one for a while. Only negative (and its a big one for me) is the baffling lack of 3D audio. You hear everything in both ears so if you hear an enemy, it sounds like it could be anywhere. One of the great things about PSVR is the sound... someone talks into your left ear - you look left and see them. Someone whispers from behind you, you turn around and they'll be there. Its especially required for a conversation-heavy game like this... but in this game you can be standing in the middle of a circle of people and have no idea who's talking to you!?? Really big oversight but, still, really enjoying it nonetheless!
@fluggy wow, I hadn’t noticed the lack of 3D audio...I wonder if it can/will be patched in 🤔
Edit: “but in this game you can be standing in the middle of a circle of people and have no idea who's talking to you!??“
I get that in real life....
Agree. Frozen Wilds should've been on the list.
None. My PS4 November playtime all belonged to Binding of Isaac.
@Chronicus_Pr1me Unfortunately we don't include expansions unless they're standalone (can be played without the main game).
Never understood the fuss about Skyrim, it really lacked personality when I played it on PS3, no soul. Bland & uninteresting characters who all sounded a bit bored. I felt sorry for them all. Oblivion was fun though, some great little quests in that.
@LieutenantFatman it's a different feel in VR! I am actually there!
COD: WWII for me. I’ve been playing CoD religiously since 2006 so this is an easy one for me. It’s been a frustrating launch to say this least, but it’s definitely a great game and worth checking for the amount of content it provides.
I got Gran Turismo in November so for me at least it's my game of the month, absolutely loving what I've played of it . The online is so good that I can't bear to play the AI afterwards.
CoD:WW2 for me with SW:BF2 in 2nd place but if the Loot Box implementation was cosmetic only (or better still - dropped completely), SW:BF2 would easily take top spot.
Its very sad that a 'poor' version of a last gen game (Skyrim) - especially compared to the 'remaster' and a 'remaster' of an average game (LA Noire) take the top 2 spots. Even the Frozen Wilds DLC is better than both of these...
When Santa brings my psvr round for Chrimbo, skyrim is the first game Im gonna buy.
Bit of an elephant in the room saying you like cod on a public gaming site. I’m really enjoying this years instalment to. Some much content for your money and full servers for years, had a crack at black ops 1 recently it still had 13k players online. Compare this to the great titanfall 2 and it’s next to impossible to get in a lobby it’s so baron.
@gingerfrog yeah, there’s definitely weird stigma surrounding Call of Duty and other games. Generally, the hardcore call of duty players solely play call of duty and it’s heresy to play other games. And on the other hand, casual cod players try it out every year for campaign, zombies then a little bit of multiplayer. Then there’s me, I am a pretty hardcore cod player (played every release since CoD3 generally putting 7-20 days worth of playtime in multiplayer), but I also play most major releases. I love games in general and would get bored if I only played CoD. I feel as though gaming news outlets like PushSquare, IGN, kindafunny, and easy allies never have a hardcore COD player voicing his opinion. Most of the time it seems Call of Duty gets put into this bubble that other annually released games do. The negative stigma probably has to do with the thought that the multiplayer is full of young immature kids squeaking profanities through their mics. This may be true at times there are still the veterans that love the game every year and keep coming back for the amazing gunplay and cinematics. Sorry for that rant haha. This has been on my chest for awhile. I need to write a soapbox about this to get all my thoughts down and points across. I’m just frustrated that there aren’t more cod players representing themselves on gaming news outlets and that there are some of us that play cod everyday but also play hellblade, horizon, TLOU, uncharted, assassins creed, shadow of war, etc. you get the point.
Oh wow a new skyrim game? Oh no, just milking the cow
@ShogunRok I would also suggest not including remasters and VR versions of the same game! Just an opinion, but I understand why it's this way...not saying this with bad intention!
Two remasters and two more niche titles seems pretty bad for a month that is often used to release big games for your Christmas money. It seems like it was a long time ago 2017 was being touted as potentially the best year for games ever
I'm still playing Yakuza Kiwami
I still consider the original Skyrim to be one of the most overrated games of all time, but I have to admit that the idea of playing in VR does make me want to give it another go. Either way, I voted for Far From Noise instead.
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