This has been one of the best years for PlayStation in recent memory, with the selection of software available on the PlayStation 4 outstanding from start-to-finish. But with the year all but over – albeit with one big European sale left to come, we hope – Sony’s already turning its attention to 2018. And the fine folks at XDev Europe have a message for fans: “If you thought 2017 was good, wait till you see what we have in 2018.”
Sony XDev Europe is mostly responsible for exclusives developed by external teams, like Detroit: Become Human and The Inpatient. We already know it’s (seemingly) involved with the MediEvil remaster, and it’s helping bring WipEout Omega Collection to PlayStation VR. What else could it have in store? You can pretty much bank on more PlayLink titles as they've proven particularly popular in the UK, but everything else is anyone’s guess.
Comments 59
I'd settle with more PSP titles being brought over to the store as Remastered, and I'd definitely hope for a new Buzz game (with actual buzzers instead of phones) and for some reason, a new Little Big Planet. I'll also ask and hope for (but could be let down) for Hot Shots Tennis, Twisted Metal, ATV Offroad Fury, a new Jak And Daxter, a new Ratchet And Clank, a new Sly Cooper and some other goodies!
Genuinely was unimpressed with Sony in 2017 and cannot think of 10 titles that were “ 😮 I need to Pre order and buy this day one.”
The 2018 currently announced titles are sequels to franchises I got bored of 1-3 titles ago.
Getting quite bored of nothing new coming from Sony. Bit like the PS4 over the PS3. I miss how good Sony were 10 years ago.
@KingSandyRavage I respect your opinion, but you're insane.
@KingSandyRavage I respect your right to post your opinion but not your opinion itself. Because it sucks.
Well, I just hope that Sony could improve their conferences next year. I mean, this year wasn't terrible but it was nowhere near as good as 2015's or 2016's (especially when E3 2017 was more like a part 2 to E3 2016).
@SoulsBourne128 In their defence, 2015 and 2016's conferences (particularly E3 2015, E3 2016, and PSX 2016) were the best ones I've ever seen from any company.
And I've been doing this for ten years. So.
@get2sammyb Yeah, I know. I really liked both years but if I have to pick one, it'll be 2016 since it was the year where I said "Holy ****" a lot of times, especially in E3 and PSX 2016 which were amazing. TGS 2016 wasn't terrible but TGS 2015 was so much better (even though it is where one of the worst Resident Evil games of all time was originated.)
I can barely keep up as it is.
I need more time...
Bring back Cool Boarders in VR. And while you're at it Sony, send me a free PSVR.
God of War, Spiderman, Days Gone, Detroit, Dreams, Dissidia: Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest 11, Shadow of the Colossus, Medievil, The Inpatient, Bravo Team, Moss, Fighting Ex Layer, Digimon Hackers Memory, Ni No Kuni 2, Yakuza 6/Kiwami 2, Catherine, Persona 3/5 Dancing, Concrete Genie, Patapon 2...WHAT MORE CAN THERE BE? 😱
Kratos vs Thor, that is all I want Sony.
Shadow of the Colossus, Ni no Kuni 2, and Monster Hunter World look fantastic, but I'm not really interested in any of the other PS4 games releasing in 2018 (so far).
All the better for me, as I have a backlog to attend to, and god only knows what Nintendo has up its sleeve.
I do tend to agree with you 2017 was definatly not as good as a lot of people have made out. A lot of the big titles did not hit the mark this year.
2018 gonna be amazing year for fans
God of War
Detroit Become Human
Days Gone
Red Dead Redemption 2
Ni No Kuni 2
Far cry 5
Metro Exodus
Shadow of the Colossus Remake
Shenmue 3
Two new EDF in 2018. Nuff said
I'm calling it, PSX 2018... Shadow of the Colossus VR Experience!
One concern I do have going into next year is if God of War is due in a few months then why hasn't it been publicly playable yet? In fact that was a complaint a few made at the PSX showfloor this year, the big titles had very elaborate booths but nothing to actually play. I can understand it for Days Gone and Spiderman but GoW not been left me scratching my head.
um yeah..they always say that.
i remember them saying earlier in the year (i forgot which one it was) "psx (or paris games week) is part 2 to E3!"..yeah right..maybe part 2 in that all of them were underwhelming.
@Lonejester well let me cry myself to sleep and retract my opinion haha.
Honestly couldn’t care less about PS4 this year, I’ve cancelled more pre orders than I’ve actually purchased. I want originality and to be impressed not an Uber graphics attempt at a tired format
With exclusives like Dreams, God of War, Shadow of the Colossus, Spider-Man, Detroit, Medievil, Days Gone, Yakuza, Fist of the North Star, it will be another epic year on PS4.
Btw, I'm not mentioning games like The Last of Us 2, Ghost of Tsushima and Concrete Genie because they will probably not be released on the next year.
I still would love to see on PS4 (not necessarily on the next year already):
Ratchet & Clank (reboot's sequel)
Sly Cooper
Spyro trilogy remastered
A new sci-fi game made by one of Sony studios, like an action-adventure or rpg.
Sony should talk and acquire games like Vanquish 2 and Sunset Overdrive 2.
About the sequel of Horizon, it will be probably on PS5, right?
I thought we already saw it at E3. XD But yet more aces up their sleeve can't be bad news.
@manu0 Ghost of Tsushima and Concrete Genie were not underwhelming at all.
Paris Games Week was awesome with many reveals.
People really like to complain, sigh.
@manu0 Paris was a pretty decent conference all round, new exclusives and updates on games we already know about. What more could you want?
Crap. Between PS4 and Switch I've barely kept up with all the games I've actually managed to buy, let alone all the ones I've put on my wishlist. 2017 was bonkers and if 2018 is gonna top that then I'm gonna need to quit my job. Heck, Monster Hunter World alone could probably keep me busy for six months!
@KingSandyRavage Well you need to play Indies for "Originality" these days cos AAA publishers go with the tried and tested format, even then Sony do more then most at trying new things. I sure as heck will never see a publisher like Activision making games like Dreams and Concrete Genie.
😂😭 Sony, my wallets already dead. Don't savage it further!!!
@KingSandyRavage you must be on drugs.why don't you go play gears and halo.and scalebound.😂.word up son
@PS_Nation word up son.sly Cooper is definitely coming
@playstation1995 I am on drugs! Lovely drugs. Doesn’t sway me away from appreciating quality video games as opposed to over produced regurgitated turd
@adf86 it's not about what i want. it's about what sony made people expect when they said it's going to be part 2 or they're just getting started or whatever. sony is constantly overhyping their stuff and this website is happily joining in btw (like with this very article).
Microsoft: Hey guys we have PUBG...anyone?
@playstation1995 why would I play gears and halo? They’re even worse
A legend of Dragoon and Syphon Filter Remaster or remake would be very welcome
@AFCC Sorry I couldn't hear you over that bug riddled sub 30 fps shooter
@KingSandyRavage Did you play Nier Automata or Persona 5? How about Horizon?
Horizon and Persona 5 are not just my favorite titles of the year but easily top 10 all time (personally). Lost Legacy and Death of the Outsider while short were as good as any main game in their respective series. Really going to take a lot to top 2017 IMO.
@NinjaWaddleDee I’m sure that guy will say he did and will also say they are trash. He caused my troll radar to go off when he first commented. It’s probably best to let him finish whatever bottle he is drowning his sorrows in.
@KingSandyRavage As far as originality, I think we’ll see some this year. Dreams and Detroit seem mold-breaking. Valley of the Gods does too but it’s 2019. Heck, even SotC is very original in the sense no other game is really like it, even all these years later, so if you missed it before it is quite unique. And like someone said — indies will have originality in spades for you, I bet.
We can already see what's in 2018. It's the waiting part we're dealing with now.
@KingSandyRavage I'm with you, originality is great, but it's not a good way to evaluate year-to-year. When exactly was there that much "originality" in a given year? The average release was better than the average release of most years, thus I say it is a good year.
@KingSandyRavage You obviously love a bit of banter in the comments but in all seriousness, there are only 3 games outside of the Sony ecosystem Ive wanted. They are all on Switch in Arms , zelda botw and Mario Kart. 2 of which are in the house now. Yet Ive had a way better time with Yakuza zero, Horizon zd and Persona 5. I would even argue Wipeout with a touch more love (hopefully vr sorts that) will be more solid for an adult gamer than Mario Kart. 2017 has been great, maybe not 1998 great but its still great.
I'm hoping this somehow means there are more announcements to come. Especially since E3 and PSX weren't very good this year, though PGW was surprisingly awesome.
Sony has done A great job on bringing in a a lot of great exclusives titles. The new titles they have announced this year that will be release in 2018-2019 and I know there are more great surprises to come. People need to realize that they have announced more exclusives titles that will be release in the future than Xbox and the switch. I’m completely satisfied with what I’ve seen and I don’t expect more than what they already have in the works. One thing I’ll be waiting is on that devil may cry exclusive announcement next year which are the rumors but if it is true then Sony Will have another great exclusive title on there library
Cant wait for 2018!!
More "bump in the night" survival horror please
@WasabiPeanut Yes to everything you said! I loved HZD and then I followed that up with P5. Both which are now in my all time favorites. Not often you can play back to back games (buying day one) and have them BOTH be in your top 10.
Unless it's Bloodborne 2 it ain't topping Bayo 3 (assuming it launches next year). Still excited though.
@playstation1995 Word up son!
It really depends on what games you like but the only games I bought that were 'exclusive' to Sony were H:ZD & DLC and Uncharted: Lost Legacy so its not particularly difficult to beat that in 2018.
If Sony do get the games we know and expect to release out in 2018, It could easily eclipse 2017 - Spider-Man, Days Gone and Last of Us. GoW looks interesting but as I am nt a fan, its a wait and see, Detroit isn't my thing and Dreams, SotC etc have no appeal at all but I know for a lot, these will be of interest - let alone any VR games too...
2017 was a great year for overall gaming. Even X1 got a couple of great games.
Next year looks good with Spiderman and TLOU2. GoW looks great and I am hoping to see Nintendo's offerings, particularly Bayo 3.
@dryrain I guess my 15 plus games are not so much.
2017 was the year of the RPG. Which was fine by me because thats the majority of what i play.
2018 looks likea bunch of Action Adventure games are incoming. Spiderman i will check out and maybe Ghosts of Mushima if that gets released in '18. Otherwise not interested...well maybe Monster Hunter.
@RogerRoger I played Tombraider and somehow i quit 25% i found it kinda boring. I did farm the multiplayer trophy the worst punishment ever.
@PS_Nation +1 everything on your list, you have good taste !
@KingSandyRavage yet your avatar is from a highly generic and derivative side-scrolling beat 'em up that could be quite aptly described as over produced, regurgitated turd.
@hi_drnick oh no!!! Not my Avatar!!!!! You’re so mean!!!!!
Played too much Persona 5 to notice any other PS game this year!
@adf86 Like...I have a PC, I have PUBG (don't really play it now) and honestly if you buy an Xbox one over're dumb. There's just no other way around it...
Have a PC and a PS4...max profit!
Maybe they can get the GT Sport server to work as intended in 2018, that would be great ... or allow for offline saving.
There's lots of games I'm excited for in 2018 (on the PS4):
@KingdomHeartsFan i would've of it wasn't multiplat with a competing platform.
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