PlayStation VR is an amazing piece of technology, but as time goes on, the PlayStation Move is starting to reveal itself as something of a weak link. Sony was right to recycle the PlayStation 3 motion wand and it’s more than adequate for the job, but compared to the superior Oculus Touch controllers it’s not quite up to scratch.
Fortunately, a couple of new patents hint at technology the Japanese giant may be looking to manufacture in the future. While we wouldn’t expect this peripheral to arrive until the PlayStation 5, they tease new motion controllers with analogue sticks and finger tracking technology. Potentially very exciting stuff, eh?
The first patent filed earlier this month by SIE Japan reveals a motion controller with an analogue stick surrounded by face buttons. It has a familiar looking wrist strap, and a trigger on the rear. Meanwhile, the second patent from 2017 talks about finger tracking – which would be unbelievable in enhancing the immersion of PSVR.
But there’s more: the patent also discusses the possibility of the head-mounted display – in other words, the virtual reality headset itself – being able to track the position of the controllers. This would help in situations where the PS Move controllers lose tracking because the PlayStation Camera can’t see them due to your body position.
To be honest it all sounds like a huge upgrade on the current setup, and we wouldn’t be surprised if this is a product that’s actively being prototyped behind closed doors. Assuming that Sony will continue pushing virtual reality with the PS5 – and there’s very little reason to suggest it won’t – then it’s going to need a new set of motion controllers.
These sound like just the ticket to us.
[source ipforce.jp, via ipforce.jp, vrfocus.com]
Comments 27
Yes, please.
I'm sure the Internet will find some way to whine about this before the days over.
They're a bit like the Vive controller, something that's built from the ground up for VR. The fact that PS Move existed when VR came out was a happy coincidence I think. So yes, I expect their next motion controllers to be built for VR first and foremost.
The thing is, motion controls and the like inherently limit the gameplay design in games. I guess that's kinda true for most VR games too, though.
PSVR definitely needs a revamped controller, and this looks to solve a major problem with the inclusion of analog sticks.
Perfect. I've been wanting new controllers for VR for a bit. You're right in assuming this will be on the PlayStation 5, I think. No way the standard camera could deal with all of this.
@Yowza Do they? A big part of VR's appeal is being able to "exist" within a virtual space, so I think it's crucial you're able to interact with it by reaching out and "touching" it.
Motion controls are virtually essential for VR. Pun maybe intended.
I got PSVR at launch and It was fun for a while but I just lost interest. The initial wonderment of how incredible the scale was was definitely worth trying. It was obvious that there were plenty of ways Sony could improve on the design and tech involved but I could tell they were onto something
@get2sammyb I said it limits gameplay. It does so in favor of immersion.
How do you think street fighter would play in VR? The same combos, or a simplified version? Do you think you'd actually be punching with your hands instead? And how would you move back and forth? Everything would have to be simplified.
well i hope it'll be compatible with the current headset and software
PSVR 2.0 will launch either right before or a little after PS5 launch Fall 2019, If u follow Sony’s past PlayStation launches they always release a Next Gen System the year it’s final batch of Exclusives launch for their Current Gen System, For Example In 2013 The Last Of Us launched and then PS4 launched that Fall u’ll see the same thing happen with The Last Of Us 2 next year and PS5 launching that Fall.
Make it affordable and I'm all in (< £50).
DS4 will always be my preferred controller, but the moves are nice to have around for shorter games.
@Eman619 I don't think so. I think Sony will wait 2 years to announce next gen PSVR and 3 years after PS5 to release it. I don't think they'll put 2 expensive pieces of hardware out so close next to each other & the PS5 launch would take priority over everything.
The Pro and PSVR launching months apart didn't really matter as they were targeted to the hardcore.
@Fight_Teza_Fight They didn’t launch months apart PSVR launched almost one month before PS4 Pro, Y would u think they’d launch PSVR 2.0 3 Years after PS5 when 3 Years after PS5 PS5 Pro would launch. We’ll see how it all goes down and what do u mean PSVR was targeted for the hardcore? that makes no sense because it’s specs were for the PS4 Crowd but for sure PS4 Pro was launched for Tech Freak Crowd.
@Eman619 I think they'll do exactly the same thing next gen as they did this gen.
Release PS5-->Build up sizable install base-->Release PSVR2.0 2-3 years later-->Release PS5 Pro
As they build up the install base, they can wait for component costs to fall. That way they'll be able to bring out an affordable next gen VR unit and have a bigger pool of potential buyers as I don't think it will be backwards compatible. PS5 Pro will release shortly after for those looking for a performance boost (VR & general gaming).
Early adopters like myself (& I assume you) bought into the technology. The casual gamer as a whole is yet to buy into it. VR is growing, but there are nearly 75 million PS4s and ~2.5 million PSVRs.
This is pretty much what I am waiting for before jumping in on VR. I hope it's accurate.
@Fight_Teza_Fight I got lucky 1 month before PS4 Pro launched and got a new 55 inch LGB6 for $1699 total and the next month I traded my launch PS4 in for PS4 Pro, I totally understand what your saying and can’t wait to see how things turn out. Enjoy the rest of your weekend man.
@Eman619 And you man! I'm looking forward to next gen PSVR. This gen has WAY surpassed my expectations already .
I had my first ever try of VR last night playing a bit of Gran Turismo, Skyrim and Resident evil. It was amazing, especially Resi, being able to virtually peek around corners just felt like a totally game changing experience. Unfortunately I started feeling nauseous after about 30 mins constant play and had to stop. Gutted really because I was loving it.
@ApostateMage Same experience with nausea. You get used to it, though.
Nice design, looks a bit like a joystick, would look the part for playing a game as a pilot for a mech, helicopter, fighter plane or some sort of hybrid.
More importantly, they need to take the 4k screen they use for the Xperia premium phones and stick it in the new VR headset. I'm patiently waiting for the second generation to make the leap
@ApostateMage You do get used to it. You have to build up your "sea legs" a bit first.
I'm so glad more people are beginning to try it, though.
@get2sammyb @naruball That's good to hear. It's weird because I as playing it around my mate's house and nobody else felt sick after playing on it. Mind you, I was hogging it quite a bit.
@Eman619 hows the LG b6? Any Image retention or burn in? I know its off topic but this is suppose to be an awesome screen
@RoyalGuard luckily nothing at all since I got it and my friend last year that works for GeekSquad colibrated it for free, without a doubt once you go OLED you never go back.
@Eman619 thanks man for the response i seen one in BB great looking screen! Not trying to hijack the topic lol. I game alot and was slightly concerned is all
Oh of course no problem my man, ur gonna need a TV like that if ur gonna get a PS5 or a future Xbox this is the best site for reviews https://www.rtings.com Happy Gaming Man.
Its design reminds me of the Wii controller - not the Wiimote, the one with the analog stick - although the tech is definitely different. =)
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