What are the best upcoming PS4 games in 2018? There are a lot of them. Sony's console is now well and truly hitting its prime, so we're here to point you in the direction of the most promising games set to launch over the next 12 months. You might want to sit down -- this is a big list.

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory
Publisher: Bandai Namco
Developer: Bandai Namco
Release date: 19th January 2018
A followup to the rather good Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth which released in 2016, Hacker's Memory is another turn based RPG that promises more digital beasties to discover and train alongside an entirely new story.
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Lost Sphear
Publisher: Square Enix
Developer: Tokyo RPG Factory
Release date: 23rd January 2018
The second game by Japanese studio Tokyo RPG Factory, Lost Sphear is a traditional turn based RPG inspired by the classics. Much like I Am Setsuna, this is shaping up to be another solid and charming adventure.

Monster Hunter: World
Publisher: Capcom
Developer: Capcom
Release date: 26th January 2018
We've been ranting and raving about Monster Hunter: World for months now. Capcom's going big and ambitious for the series' return to home consoles, and boy does it show. Weighty combat, dynamic environments, and lovely, lovely loot all play a part.

Dragon Ball FighterZ
Publisher: Bandai Namco
Developer: Arc System Works
Release date: 26th January 2018
Is it too much to suggest that Dragon Ball FighterZ could end up being the best Dragon Ball fighting game of all time? No, we don't think it is. Everything we've seen of FighterZ so far suggests an incredibly polished, unbelievably good looking brawler.

Dissidia Final Fantasy NT
Publisher: Square Enix
Developer: Team Ninja
Release date: 30th January 2018
Final Fantasy's crossover brawler is back, and it's looking good. Heroes and villains from across the series battle it out in a kind of RPG-fighter hybrid combat system, and it's every bit as flashy as you'd imagine.

Shadow of the Colossus
Publisher: Sony
Developer: Bluepoint Games
Release date: 6th February 2018
Bluepoint looks set to do it again with another top notch remake/remaster project. Rebuilt from the ground up, this is the current-gen rebirth of an undeniable classic. Slay giant creatures known as colossi while exploring a strange, atmospheric land.

Dynasty Warriors 9
Publisher: Koei Tecmo
Developer: Omega Force
Release date: 13th February 2018
Dynasty Warriors is going open world, and we're hoping that Omega Force can pull it off. Aside from its structure, this is set up to be your typical musou romp, complete with a gigantic character roster and huge battlefields swamped in soldiers.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Publisher: Warhorse Studios
Developer: Warhorse Studios
Release date: 13th February 2018
An ambitious open world RPG that focuses on realistic medieval combat and none of that magical fantasy nonsense, Kingdom Come could turn out to be something special if it can bear the weight of the expectations that it's set for itself.

Metal Gear Survive
Publisher: Konami
Developer: Konami
Release date: 20th February 2018
It may be destined to be torn apart by Metal Gear fans, but based purely on what we've seen of the game in action, Metal Gear Survive looks, you know, kind of decent. That Fox Engine still looks fantastic, and the title's survival elements are intriguing.

Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet
Publisher: Bandai Namco
Developer: Dimps
Release date: 23rd February 2018
With a bigger budget and a longer development cycle, Fatal Bullet may just take Sword Art Online adaptations to a new level. Playing as your own custom hero, you'll shoot, loot, and make friends with all the cute anime girls you could ever dream of.
So 2018 is looking like another blockbuster year for PS4 games. Click through to page 2 for titles such as God of War, Yakuza 6, and Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom.
Comments 58
And to think 2017 looked packed...
I didn't like having money anyways.
Another great year on PS4. I wonder if Medievil and Psychonauts 2 will be released next year too.
So many exclusives coming to PS4, can't wait for all of them. ^^
Next year does have a lot of promise. I just wish I knew how good some of these games will actually be, like Vampyr. It has potential to either be absolutely amazing, or really bad and cringy.
@KirbyTheVampire I think it'd be reasonable to expect Vampyr to have lots of good ideas, but not quite enough budget to realise them to a AAA standard.
I expect plenty of jank, but I'm still really looking forward to it.
A lot of these are maybes for me, except RDR2, Spiderman and Shenmue 3.
You forgot KH3!
As a big roguelike and dungeon crawling fan, I'm looking forward to trying out Moonlighter.
There's a lot of big names here. 2018 looks to be another great year for gaming.
I hope Jurassic World ends up being good. I love a good park simulator and I like the semi-futuristic looks of the films. Too bad the film itself was a giant turd. I wouldn't mind making my own park though.
@DLB3 Oh, you!
When I was a kid I’d buy NES games that weren’t even that great just to have something new to play. Now there are so many excellent games that I don’t have time for them all. Can’t complain.
"Um, hey there corporate machine? May I get a raise?"
"Why do you deserve more money?"
"Haven't you seen the list of PS4 games for 2018? Quality of life!"
Good gravy! That's a lot of amazing looking games... thank you for the list.
Wowzers, there are 21 games in that list that I'm looking forward to. The crazy release schedule of 2017 will continue into 2018. Game on homies!
I am definitely almost getting all games in 2018
Days Gone
God of War
Detroit Become Human
Skull and Bones
Ni No Kuni 2
Farcry 5
Metro Exodus
Darksiders 3
Shenmue 3
MLB 18 the show
Anthem : maybe not
A Way Out : maybe not
Metal Gear Survive : absolutely not
ACE Combat 7 : Nah
Code Vein : Maybe
Vampry : yeah getting it tho
Good lord.
I'd say 2018 will be a pretty good year, provided many of these don't get delayed into next year. Here's hoping......
A Way Out should be bought just for the legend that is the developer.
Knights and bikes!!!! Cant wait!
Wow 😮. Thanks for this nice concise summary. Many of these I hadn’t heard of really, or just didn’t know enough about for them to register with me. Now I’m fully pumped!
I struggled to find 10 games I want in this list. I ended up on 6 - Anthem (Although if EA continue making big Mistakes, I may well change my mind), Metro:Exodus, Spider-Man, Days Gone, Strange Brigade and Red Dead Redemption 2.
Far too many Japanese games for my tastes.
Games like God of War, Vampyre and Far Cry 5 are 'maybe's' - if they review well and catch my attention around release...
@get2sammyb That's probably true. It's the same people who made Life is Strange, correct? If so, it should be pretty decent, at least.
@BAMozzy )
Dissidia, Soul Calibur and Dragon Quests are the big ones for the PS4 next year. I'm currently fanboying so hard over the Switch that I'm buying all of the "lesser" releases on that console just out of preference, but I'm sure the PS4 will have plenty of use again once those games come out. There are few games coming for the 3DS as well but I surmise it will be the last year of relevancy for that system.
Kingdom Hearts 3 left off another 2018 list. I’m starting to suspect that you guys don’t think it will make it this year
How many are exclusives btw just wondering
Awesome list and so many games to look forward to! I'll probably add more titles over time, but here are the games I'm currently planning to pick up:
Monster Hunter World
Mega Man 11
Code Vein
Darksiders III
Metro Exodus
Kingdown Hearts III
Shadow of the Tomb Raider (given it releases next year)
God of War
I'm mainly looking forward to these confirmed 2018 games. I'm not listing Ghost of Tsushima until we have an officially confirmed 2018 release window.
Darksiders III
God of War
Kingdom Hearts III
Marvel Spider-Man (Insomniac Project)
Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
The Avengers Project
The Last of Us: Part II
Code Vein
Days Gone
Detroit: Become Human
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory
Dissidia: Final Fantasy NT
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age
Life is Strange 2
Lost Soul Aside
MegaMan 11
Monster Hunter World
Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet
@Derpie1 I believe there are 22 PS4 exclusives on this list, including console exclusives (also on PC).
@ShogunRok thanks!
Not a great time to NOT be a fan of RPGs. More than half of them are god damn RPGs. smh
So. Many. Games. I'm impressed at how Japanese games have come back in a big way. Big Western publishers seem to be making less games though.
Can't wait to play God of War, Ni No Kuni 2, Spiderman, Dragon Quest 11 (and Builders 2 if localised this year), Far Cry 5, Red Dead Redemption 2 and Kingdom Hearts 3!
2018 is shaping up to be even better than 2017, which is incredible. What a time to be a gamer.
Am I the first one to mention the P3 and P5 dancing games? Man I can’t wait for some more rhythm awesomeness. The soundtracks are gonna be incredible. Y’all can have the rest, I’ll be fine with those two
gulp 2018 is full of too many good games.
Oh great. Now I have to start mugging people to afford all this stuff.
Oh great. Now I have to start mugging people to afford all this stuff.
Oh great. Now I have to start mugging people to afford all this stuff.
Awesome article, lots to look forward too.
To be honest, I have enough of a backlog from 2017 to keep me busy for the next 12 months however, I think am genuinely addicted to buying new games, even when I know they are going to sit on my shelf as part of the collection......I need help!
@Lovespuds If you find help for your addiction, let me know. I need it too.
Most looking forward to Monster Hunter World, Detroit: Become Human, and Vampyr.
Tennis World Tour is looking really tempting though, considering the last tennis games I played were Virtua Tennis 4 and Top Spin 4.
Ace combat!
Monster Hunter
Dynasty Warriors 9
Dragon Quest
Ace Combat
... too many game to play
I'm really worried about "Detroit" bro
I know Cage always delivers, but it's scary af.
There's not really many there that would be immediate buys for me except Red Dead Redemption 2, Dragon Quest XI and Detroit. It's time to catch up on the quality games I missed from 2017.
This list is too much, I think it's better to separate it by exclusives and 3rd party
My must have game / day one buy is:
Monster Hunter: World
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Shadow of the Colossus
Dragon's Crown Pro
God of War
Detroit: Become Human
Days Gone
Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age
Ni no Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom
Mega Man 11
Valkyria Chronicles 4
Shenmue III (already back it on kickstarter)
If the reviews good I'll buy:
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT (If the single player is good)
Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown
ANTHEM (If the single player is good)
Darksiders III
Fist of the North Star
Knights and Bikes
Red Dead Redemption 2 (Probably like gta v, bought it, play it for a couple of hour, and put it in backlog. Probably buy it again if there's ps5 remaster)
SoulCalibur VI (please have normal arcade single player mode with opening and ending for all character, no weird single player gimmick)
@Retro88 It's paris games show gameplay demo is solid, I wouldn't worry about the game
So many good games but there's no actual release date for the majority of them, yet.:/
@mookysam Totally forgotten about Dragon Quest Builders 2. Apparently, Switch's getting a localised version in February?
And gal gun 2
and omega labyrinth Z
and bullet girls phantasia
and girl & panzer: dream tank match
and little witch academia
all slated for Q1 and Q2 of this year.
@WanderingBullet switch is getting the first DQ builders in Feb. No word yet on 2 coming to the west for the switch.
I want to buy it in Feb, but I really don't need it and I have too much in my backlog for switch and PS4 so, I've decided, I'm not buying any new games in 2018. I've enough to keep me going for a few years tbh.
But, if DQ Builders 2 comes to the Switch, I'll bite 😁
@readyletsgo Oh, thanks for clarifying. I thought it was DQ Builders 2.
@WanderingBullet yeah I thought the same for a while too
So, is it considered a sickness to have, and more importantly want, more games than you physically have time to play?? I literally have the time to get through maybe 3-4 really good games per year (ie. Horizon, Witcher, etc.). Add to that, that I literally have 6 or 7 games that are on my bookshelf waiting to be played (ie. Last Guardian, FFXIV, Resident Evil, etc.) and I read this list and could easily see picking up at least 8-10 game on this list!!
Well, isn't the first step admitting that I have a problem?? GULP!
@porhawj2016 Busy year this is the first generaties that i have to sell games for the the space and money. 😂
@Observer0 Im done playing when the PS6 releases. 😋
@wiiware Please stop it im done i dont have any more time.
Without a doubt God Of War 4 and Spider-Man are gonna be the two best this year and also sell the most out of all the Exclusives. Look at this Awesome list of Exclusives for PS4/Pro over the next 2 years, Dreams, Days Gone, MLB The Show, Detroit Become Human, Ghost of Tsushima, Spider-Man, God of War 4, Shenmue 3, Yakuza 6, Left Alive, Wild, Shadow Of Colossus, Death Stranding and The Last Of Us 2. We’ll find out how true that Devil May Cry 5 rumor being Console Exclusive on PS4 later this year.
Jeeze I'm still half catching up with 2015!!! Got to add dark souls remastered to that list too!!! Really looking forward to red dead 2, days gone and God of war 😁
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