Back when it released in 2010, Heavy Rain was looked upon as one of the most experimental titles in Sony’s portfolio. While it built upon a lot of the groundwork laid in PlayStation 2 game Fahrenheit (or Indigo Prophecy, depending on where you’re from) its story-driven murder mystery was unlike anything available at the time. In many ways, it paved the way for releases like Life Is Strange.
And it continues to sell surprisingly well. A report on Quantic Dream’s workplace environment notes that the game has sold over 5.3 million units to date. This, we assume, takes into account both the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 versions. But the really impressive thing is that this figure stood at 4.5 million in June last year, so it’s added almost one million more sales in just over six months.
The report also notes that the budget on Detroit: Become Human is €30 million (~$36 million), which is surprising when you consider the acting talent it’s attracted and the fact that it’s arguably the best looking PlayStation 4 game on the radar. The budget for Heavy Rain was €16 million (~$20 million), though neither total takes into account significant marketing spend.
[source lemonde.fr]
Comments 36
The fact that it's sold 800k units in just over six months is quite surprising to me.
one of the best game ever word up son.that ending.wow😱
@get2sammyb Sammy this games has to me the best ending ever.I was like.who is the killer.a very surprising ending.nicely done David cage.word up son.am I right
@Neolit nah.ps3 controller is better playa.once again.the ending of this game.😱.wow amazing easily top 20 games ever word up son
Can't wait for detroid, I hope it's more like heavy rain than beyond two souls
I quite liked the Move controls, too. I think the story... It has some pretty big plot holes to be fair. Amazingly ambitious game for the time, though — there really was nothing like it then.
Quality game, only need the Kamikaze trophy for the platinum, just can't seem to do it, nearly always hit the police car! Real shame cause it was good to see all the alternate endings
I was a big xbox360 gamer but when this game came out I paid out for a ps3 especially.So glad I did,absolutely fantastic game!
Very well deserved. Clearly not for everyone, but such an important game in video game history.
It's a great game, kudos for Quantic Dream.
I really hope that Detroit is a success too, it will be a lesson for the gaming media as well.
Not me... I bought it a few months ago for PS3 in a charity shop for 50p and.. oh wait, nope. I'm whats wrong with the games industry.
@get2sammyb It was one of the last gen exclusive games us old xbox owners were envious of. So Im not surprised its sold well again.
Single player, Nintendo, consoles, movie theaters are all dead.
Stop posting news that contradict the facts...
Awesome news!
I liked it. Received it as a gift. Haven't touched any other QD games ever since.
I'm personally not a fan, but I'll give credit where it's due- Heavy Rain did help games like Life is Strange, Telltale games and the like break through in the industry. I'll give it that.
Unfortunately, 5.3 million people also witnessed one of the cringiest sex scenes in gaming.
@DerMeister [zombies banging] Clementine will remember that.
I don't care what anyone says; I love Quantic Dream.
Indigo Prophecy is easily my one of my favorite games. I remember being blown away by all of the endings you could get when I played it years back in the OG Xbox.
I loved Heavy Rain back in the day. Way ahead of its time although the acting wasn't 100%. Didn't enjoy Beyond quite as much, but I have a feeling I will LOVE Detroit! Can't wait!
I played HR after Beyond, and while the latter was much better, HR was good. I found it new for $5 at EBGames on sale. Played it with PS Move as well. The one time that POS accessory was actually good for something.
Really looking forward to Detroit.
I tried to get into this, but just like every other Quantic Dream game I've played I don't get the appeal. Go here, shake the controller for that. Walk there, follow button directions on screen. I love cinematic heavy games - Uncharted, Yakuza and Metal Gear Solid are among my favorite series of all-time - but games do need more than what is just QTEs.
That said, there's obviously a market for QD so good for the company and I hope Detroit will be another enjoyable game for fans who like QD's work.
never played, should I?
@Constable_What I'm a big fan as well. You're definitely not alone, and their games clearly sell.
@get2sammyb I'm in pretty good company.
This is probably the only Quantic Dream game that I actually like, more so for its goofiness.
I don’t want this to happen, but I feel like Quantic Dreams will be one of those developers who’s ambitious games people will be looked back on fondly, years from now, while reading an article about how those very ambious and costly games are what cause them to close their doors, permanently.
I don’t want this to happen, but I feel like Quantic Dreams will be one of those developers who’s ambitious games people will be looked back on fondly, years from now, while reading an article about how those very ambious and costly games are what cause them to close their doors, permanently.
I gave both Heavy Raina and Two Souls a go last year and thought they were terrible. Cage does not have a clue about how to write believable characters and too much of the stories feels contrived. Credit for helping promote the interactive story genre, and I would normally root for the "small" studio – but I am not at all impressed by their response to the current allegations.
@playstation1995 word up yo
I remember the shock when I realised that one of the main characters was actually killed off in my first playthrough due to a failed QTE. Great game, I can't wait for Detroit.
It's kind of like a rubbish, quasi-Saw movie with some super questionable moments in it, but I always found it kind of enjoyable in... I guess... the same way I found Saw enjoyable. Big dumb fun.
My most memorable game on PS3 , superb. Can't wait for Detroit , must give Beyond a blast soon.
I still remember walking into the religious nut's apartment. Nathaniel wss his name right? My cousin shot him but I calmed him down.
@get2sammyb All i can think is that lots of people are picking the remaster up on psn. HR is regularly discounted for peanuts; and as we know sony has a much bigger player base this gen who may not have had an opportunity to enjoy this on ps3.
This was a great game.
@Neolit Do French developers rarely close their doors permanently because of government assistance?
I tried playing this a little and lost interest, hopefully I'll give it another shot the next time this game is on sale.
Great game! Kept me guessing til the very end. Can't wait for detroit. Sony are pretty cool dudes who take risks and spend money on creativity and pushing the gaming medium. On another note, it's great to see higher graphical version re-releases on a new generation console. It makes sense to me as a new generation of gamers might have missed them in the past. I mean new generations get to listen to great songs from the past, as well as films so why not games
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