Before the Chibi-Robo avatars set fire to the comments section, it’s perhaps worth pointing out that the Totaku Collection – a new line of PlayStation-inspired figurines – is not manufactured by Sony, so perhaps save your obligatory “copy-cat” hot takes for another site. Nevertheless, this selection of plastic models does share similarities with Nintendo’s own amiibo – after all, it’s not like figurines existed prior to 2014.

Set to release on 23rd March and available for pre-order at various different outlets – like GameStop in the US and GAME in Spain – the line of 10cm characters includes PaRappa the Rapper, Crash Bandicoot, Sackboy, WipEout’s Feisar craft, Heihachi, Kratos, and the Hunter from Bloodborne so far. More are presumably set to follow if this first set proves popular.
What do you make of this? Are you interested at all? Pretend it’s playtime in the comments section below.

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Comments 46
i like this
Too bad they didn’t go old school Kratos. It seems more classic.
@YummyHappyPills "early amiibo face" = good name for a band.
So down for this. As a Playstation gamer since 97, they definitely envoke nostalgic feelings.
Just in time for God of War apparently.
Could I get one of Joel? Ellie? Venom Snake?
Is there anywhere to pre-order these in the UK?
Ooooo I want that Hunter and maybe Kratos! I hope they will be at around the price of amiibo, and not to expensive.
Honestly, aside from Kratos' derp face, I'm liking the look of those. I wouldn't mind getting some. Especially if they're cheaper than those statues.
Ratchet and clank ond please maybe they should make a aniibo like game and it be compatible with phones and vr
Made me think of playstation all stars, still hoping for a sequel
@The_Great_WmR Actually PlayStation Access did a video talking about characters that’d work in a Fighting Game
Really suspicious lol
Considering that amiibos are a copy cat of that Skylanders Activision game, I'd say bringing up amiibos makes zero sense, other than clicks.
@naruball And comments.
I'd be tempted by that Heihachi one, honestly.
@The_Great_WmR You and me both mate.
Cool! I like these. Can I get Kat, Aloy, and LocoRoco figurines on the next round, please?
@KingdomHeartsFan Banjo & Kazooie & Conker also a Minecraft Guy since Microsoft owns Minecraft.
Sony, you go down that road, I'll personally break both your legs.
Overall I’d be curious how would Sony handle the Toys To Life Genre?
Not normally in for this stuff but darn does that Hunter look cool.
I remember dragging my mom to Mcdonalds to get stupid based figurines. Only thing Nintendo came up with was a way to pretend they didn't sell DLC or LootBoxes by hiding it in a toy.
They need to make a Nier and ZeroDawn one.
"Before the Chibi-Robo avatars set fire to the comments section"
Oh look a-meh-bo figurines. Needs more Uncharted.
@sinalefa The only things Nintendo i have is the Metriod amibo i just love Samus a real cool character. Ok im lying also bought the Metriod 3DS and the collectors edition game which looks like a gameboy cartridge.
Where is my Ape Escape amiibo?
Thats pretty cool, I will collect these figures for sure.
So many characters need this: Ratchet & Clank, Kat, Raven, Aloy, Nathan Drake, Sly Cooper, Jak and Daxter, Spyro, Ape Escape, Knack, the knight of Demon's Souls, etc.
Edit: Please, don't forget about Trico!
It's not like figurines on mini-pedestals existed before either. Is there any tech inside to interact with games proper? No? Then these are amiibo knockoffs to the same extent as Good Smile Company's Pyra is a Disney Infinity one.
@Xaessya in the same place as my Kat one.
@nhSnork But don't worry, Sony will not copy the cardboard idea, the technology is too expensive.
I will try to get them i really like the bloodborne, wipeout, sackboy, parappa, crash statues
@Kidfried Well i agree on that one in a heartbeat.
@KingSandyRavage I like them so for me its not pointless.
With Skylanders gone we need a replacement! I have always wished Sony would do an official licensed version. Its not a copy cat. The Amiibo is a Skylanders franchise by Activision.
I like the Amiibo figurines better. Mainly because of figurines like Ryu, Megaman, and Monster Hunter Stories plus probably a few others.
@Agramonte They need to make Horizon Zero Dawn LEGO sets. I haven't bought them in ages, but I've seen the things people have made online, and it looks amazing.
Gimme dat Hunty Boi! Hope these come to the UK. It'll look boss on my shelves next to my other collectible tat.
Nice, I'll pick up Crash and would like a Jak and Daxter one eventually. Couldn't care less about the others.
They don't have NFC so not sure why anyone would call it a copy-cat.
"Why must Sony copy everything that Nintendo do?"
Ok, all kidding aside, if they are priced right, these could be cool. There is plenty of room for expansion too.
I don't care if they copied anyone because I WANT THEM ALL! Saying that i am sure in the PS1 days I bought a Crash figure for my little niece? So everyone copies SONY then
I like them especially Parappa but I won't be picking them up don't need more tat
When I first read the article this I just about flipped my @$!?. I thought they'd have stupid micro-DLC NFC chips in them like amiibo. Then I read the article and think they're pretty cool.
I'm too old to be playing with monos though.
I'll get the crash one
Cool love to see shadow of colossus titans or some of the bad bosses appear as well. That papa the rappa figure is in my sights!
I do like that Bloodbourne. Have a set of Zelda BOTW that or just used for display so a few choose PS ones would be good
Before the Chibi-Robo avatars set fire to the comments section, it’s perhaps worth pointing out that the Totaku Collection – a new line of PlayStation-inspired figurines – is not manufactured by Sony.
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