Quantic Dream once again finds itself in the centre of a whirlwind, as three separate French reports have called into question the culture of the studio and its management. Publications such as Le Monde, Canard PC, and Mediapart have all published damning articles on the Parisian developer’s workplace environment, which leaders David Cage and Guillaume de Fondaumière have described as “surprising”.
We’re not going to get into everything here, but one standout accusation points to a cache of over 600 doctored images, where staff members have been superimposed “in sexual positions, adorned with homophobic or sexist slurs, or even made up to look like Nazis”. Cage and de Fondaumière claim not to have seen the worst images, and say they’re only aware of the ones which “were funny or more or less amusing”.
The theme throughout the article is that there’s a “schoolboy” culture at the studio, which seems heavily at odds with the kind of games it makes. Apparently, for example, there’s a scrawl of a penis with farting testes on a wall. Cage is also accused of making dirty jokes, purportedly sometimes in the presence of his wife. Meanwhile, it’s suggested that de Fondaumière is known for acting sleazy at office parties, pushing kisses on employees as opposed to settling for "air kisses".
Both parties vehemently deny the claims. “I will be extremely clear: it's absolutely false,” de Fondaumière has said. “None of any of this happened at any evening event.” There’s also the insinuation of problematic jokes. One incident refers to a burglary caught on CCTV, where Cage allegedly quipped at an employee of Tunisian origin: "Is that a cousin of yours?" Cage says that these accusations are “ridiculous, absurd, and grotesque”.
In fact, at the insinuation that he’s both homophobic and racist, the director had the following to say: “You want to talk about homophobia? I work with Ellen Page, who fights for LGBT rights. You want to talk about racism? I work with Jesse Williams, who fights for civil rights in the USA. Judge me by my work.”
This is the second controversy to land at Quantic Dream’s feet in recent months, with the mainstream media recently taking its depiction of domestic abuse in upcoming PlayStation 4 exclusive Detroit: Become Human to task.
Update (8PM GMT): Quantic Dream has officially responded to allegations against the organisation with the following statement, posted in both French and English to its Twitter account:
We'll keep you updated of any further developments.
Update (12:45AM GMT): Changed the language regarding the accusations pointed at de Fondaumière due to improved translations emerging.
[source lemonde.fr, via canardpc.com, mediapart.fr, eurogamer.net]
Comments 57
Hi everyone! Feel free to discuss this story, but given the severity of the accusations, can we please try to avoid witch hunts (in any direction) and consider the seriousness of the allegations here.
Let's all try to remain level-headed and polite with one another, please.
Thank you!
Wonder how long it will take for the usual suspects to come on here ready to believe these reports despite not knowing any of the facts.
Eurogamer love it though you can almost taste the glee in their article.
Man.. The media really want Detroit off the table.
Wow. That's some heavy allegations...
I don't really know what to think. Context matters.
'Schoolboy culture'- to some that may be a fun working environment, others may feel uncomfortable.
The jokes and novelty items seem harmless enough.
The doctored pictures though...
Cage even claims to have seen some of them. I would think the person(s) responsible didn't exactly have their colleagues permission.
Seems like that Studio has some serious issues sorting out.
Hope Detroit isn't affected.
I find it difficult to have an opinion on something like this. It's something for a judge to sort out, not me.
I have been triggered by these farting testes and my offence knows no bounds.
Seriously though, they sound like a bunch of knobs and it sounds like a horrible place to work.
@Octane judge dredd?
Yeah, I refuse to believe anything without proof. Some CCTV footage would be great.
As for pics of penises and farts, that's something incredibly stupid to complain about, imo. Some of my colleagues make sexual jokes and the last thing I'm gonna do is be offended by them. People cry "racist" and "homophobe" way too easily these days.
If there are sexual assaults, though, then yes, there is serious problem and people need to deal with the law.
I will wait for more information and make my purchasing decision based on that. I hate witch hunts but then I also hate unethical practices. So I will see what comes out of all this.
As always, I refuse to comment on these 'allegations' until there is indisputable proof. Of course if these allegations can be proved, they should then face the consequences of any such actions and any 'victims' given all the support they need. If not, then those who have made allegations be held accountable and produce evidence.
It seems all too easy to accuse someone for whatever reason without proof. I know that 3 publications may have the same story but maybe also share the same source too. As I said, they should be held accountable if that 'story' is unfounded. The Media are often far too interested in reporting stories like this than actually finding out if these have any truth but then they also don't seem to have any recourse if they are proven to be false - make an official apology - big deal but in the meantime, the 'accused' suffer.
Like I said, if there is truth, then there should be repercussions but not until its substantiated - regardless of whether that truth favours the accused or accuser!
Im really tired of people being accused in the media without any proof or charges. I miss when the media presented the news and you could take most of what they said as fact.
There seems to be no rules anymore and every news publication has turned into gossip girl.
I find it funny that almost every day lately there have been accusations against someone or someplace but there never seems to be any legal charges that follow. If something illegal took place the police would investigate would they not?
I just feel like it is really easy to accuse someone of doing something which can ruin there life without it even ever happening. And if you are lying? They give you a slap on the wrist and tell you not to do it again. But the accused still lost everything.
Its time for news media to be held accountable and only present cases with charges. If someone comes to them with evidence they should call the police and help the victim in that way.
This is heavy accusation, I think the court is the better place to handle it.
@Splints Thing is, they can't prove you're lying anyway, so you don't even get a slap on the wrist.
The media really hates Detroit, including the gaming media, Quantic Dream is under attack by these guys since Detroit was revealed. The gamergate crew are also attacking the game because of Jesse Willians. If a game is being heavily criticized for showing serious issues like domestic abuse by the gaming media, they can't complain when places like Hollywood don't take games seriously.
Sigh, there was no difference between Daily Mail and the gaming media about this one.
About the jokes, are you kidding me? Every workplace has jokes, good friends laughing and talking to each other.
This is why I keep a record of each and every conversation I have at work when using email or Skype. If, God forbid, anyone was to ever accuse me of anything, I want to have some kind of proof that my behavior doesn't match what I'm being accused of.
@adf86 EG loves to stir the pot soon as I see anything to do with them I close the tab now.
this will be the year of he said she said! she did it, no he did it! everything has to be so politically correct becoming sad so many pandering to the hive mind even if they disagree.
Honestly I hate reading and commenting on articles such as this, due mainly to the internet’s “extreme” behaviour. The, “if your not on my side, your a racist and homophobic bigot” becomes tiring to deal with, and I’m a member of a very specific site that supports this train of thought (despite it claiming to be different).
But I will simply say that we do not know all the facts. Some of these accusations, although possible, seem absolutely insane. I’m a supporter of innocent until proven guilty, no matter the situation.
That doesn’t mean I support dogpiling if someone is unable to present evidence. I don’t support that, and I don’t support it from either sides. A great example of this is the ‘recent’ ND comments about sexual harassment on site.
It’s all gone quiet now, purely due to the fact that he was unable to backup anything he said. Was he lying? Unable to say, but am I going to boycott ND games? Absolutely not, especially when nothing has been proven.
Seems similar here, in the fact that many online will keep hunting after Quantic now, with all the labels they can think of, just because of something that was said. Were they lying? Unable to say. Are QD homophobic racists, that also happen to be immature? No, because I have no reason to believe them to be, other than Bob and Mandy claiming comments that have been heard along with there being pictures of turds on the walls. There’s nothing else that can be said, surely? There doesn’t need to be a 600 page thread, or tweets with new hashtags and smarmy comments by members of the press.
Why can’t we all wait until there is something more significant?
It's also really interesting how Detroit is being criticized by the gaming media and Kingdom Come Deliverance isn't. If you are interested, just google it the controversy behind the developer of the other game, I mean, the gaming media should be really pissed because his political remarks, right?
Nah, but Detroit is an exclusive and Kingdom is also being released for the platform that is so beloved by the media, let's just attack Detroit then.
all i can say is...all of david cage's games are absolutely terrible. (barely games even)
@RedMageLanakyn It's a good thing, but it may not be enough. They can claim it happened in an office room, somewhere outside work, etc. And until (or should I say if?) you clear your name, you got people thinking less of you and you may even lose your job.
@manu0 If i put on all your conversations everything from Sony is terrible.
@Kidfried Hmmmm i dont see anything wrong with his remarks. Then again with the other article ND i was clearly not on the same page as you. But these days its guilty untill proven innocent not the correct way innocent untill proven guilty.
@Flaming_Kaiser nah, i enjoy most of what sony's japanese studios produce
(and dislike almost everything from their western studios)
@manu0 ''all i can say is...all of david cage's games are absolutely terrible. (barely games even)''
How is that in any way related to this article?
@PS_Nation Hollywood doesn't want the competition, and old media is afraid of new media when it comes to how people consume news.
This age of "Social Justice" is an a tail-spin as intelligent people are finally realizing that it's doing more harm than good. Especially to so called "marginalised groups" (I absolutely abhore that term).
I bet most if not all of these accusations are not even true. Considering the weak evidence they have to support those accusations. They want those outrage clicks.
At the end of the day, the only casualty in this culture war will be old media. People are getting tired of their lies, of the agenda they keep trying to push, and the cult of outrage they keep fostering.
With accusations like this you need cold hard facts! Not hearsay or rule34 Photoshoped images that ANYONE can do and NO ONE can stop. Blizzard tried to stop things like this from happening, guess what? Still happens and it's stronger than ever.
It's time to stop!
@PS_Nation I really don't think Detroit being a PlayStation exclusive has anything to do with the difference, the gaming media loves Sony. Kingdom Come is just a lower profile game.
I'll do better then that, I won't even read the article and base it on title alone!
@Constable_What generalizations are bad.
If the allegations are not true then Quantum Dreams will take legal action against these newspapers lets see if that happens.
@Xaessya @David187 Yeah I'm pretty much done with them, it's been clear to me for awhile that they obsess over the same games all the time PUBG and Destiny, they don't do any VR games any coverage and worst of all their editors seem incapable of doing a straight up news article without dropping their own political beliefs in.
The thing is these things actually do happen at workplaces and with Cage and de Fondaumière being leaders, it’s easy to see that if they are in fact guilty of these accusations then their offensive behaviours could be infectious at the company by employees thinking it okay to do the same and others not speaking up in fear of losing their jobs.
I hope it’s not all true but even so I doubt it would have an impact on their games anyway, if this sort of thing happened at Rockstar do you really think Take2 would cut ties with them? No way, R* make too much money for them to do that, and it’s sales wouldn’t suffer either because RDR and GTA are both the biggest and most anticipated games of our time. I know this is about Quantic Dream but their games since Heavy Rain are still big hitters on PlayStation consoles.
Of course Quantic Dreams is going to respond like that in their statement, they are not exactly just going to admit it and suffer the consequences, they know if there’s no proof then they don’t have to admit to anything but how can they prove they didn’t do what they are accused of?
Cage says he’s not homophobic because he’s worked with Ellen Page? Not racist because he worked with Jesse Williams? Homophobic and racist people actually still do business or associate with the very same people they despise, for whatever reasons, be it a business advantage or to make them look good to others.
Only just realised how bottom tier Quantic Dream's logo is.
And let's not go down the "SJW" route, please. We can debate without generalising.
I've deleted a few comments, by the way. Please don't make me hand out warnings.
@ShogunRok whats an SJW?
Anyways if someones going to superimpose images of colleagues its a no no.
Theres a massive difference with having a laugh with colleagues and having a laugh about colleagues.
As for drawing a penis. How juvenile is that?
Thats culture driven and shows a complete lack of respect.
@Kidfried what? Offensive in what manner?
And my comment is deleted? Can't use the "word" 'sjw'? Sorry then
@Kidfried I don't praise racist remarks or sexual advancements like explained in this article or in this new hollywood era. I'm just getting more and more annoyed with this new internet group of people that are so 100% polite, correct and honourable (only on the internet) and that bash people left and right WITH allegations only...but whatever!
Anyway, if you're offended with my remark I'm sorry, just wanted to let people know that racist people and these internet cops to me are just as bad and we don't need both of them in this world!
ANYWAY, what bothers me more is that the people offended by these kinds of issues, in the majority of cases, go to the social media/news instead of going to the police or someone that can really help...that just shows that they want the spotlight more than they want justice...
When they can confirm that this story is true I'll be the first to be disgusted by David Cage or Quantic Dream employees, but until then...chill, I say
I'd like to see legitimate proof first. Other than that the only thing Quantic Dream is guilty of is pompous mediocrity.
@themcnoisy Social Justice Warrior
@Wesker oh yeah thanks mate.
@adf86 You do the right thing, that site is really awful.
"Consoles are holding back gaming"
"Please, release it on pc"
"Exclusives are not important"
"PSVR is inferior and will not be a success"
"Exclusives are bad for gaming"
These are some examples of regular comments there, including by the moderators and the staff.
@MadAussieBloke But everything is perfect for their companies, i mean, sites like IGN, Neogaf and Gawker never had any kind of problem on their workplaces. /s xD
@PS_Nation Please watch your language.
I think there have been enough articles about game developers working in 'high stress environments' that studios probably do try and find ways to lighten the mood BUT people need to start being very careful what they say and do because inappropriate behaviors will no longer be accepted.
@Tasuki Okay, sorry.
I work in a small group in an office at night and some of the conversations we have is bad but we are never ever offensive its usually banter and very light hearted.
However reading this and the way they have denied it I am wondering if there is some realm of truth in what has been said in the press.
That being said I have never finished a quantic dream game as I have always found them very very slow and dont flow so well
@naruball The place I work doesn't really have the opportunity for things to happen behind closed doors fortunately, but yeah I'm extra cautious around basically everybody at work.
I don’t fully understand why denying these allegations is considered a terrible response, according to replies to this tweet. Is that what a certain group of people want? For everyone accused to apologise and throw their name under the bus, for something that could actually be false.
Why should you apologise and supposedly fix, when there is nothing to apologise for or fix in the first place.
I really love what "Cage" has brought to the table so far, but why does he have to mention "blacks" like being racist only has to do with Blacks and Whites???? I hope these allegations aren't true!
Obviously, we don't know if these allegations are true or not - not that that'll stop people on both sides of the fence defending or damning Quantic Dream on Twitter and the like - but one thing I do know is that their defence has been pretty whack so far. Oh hey we can't be baddies because we worked with a gay person before.
Yeah, okay.
I'm sure there's something to this because we've reached a point in society where everybody is easily offended you can't even tell jokes anymore without some nutjob flying off the handle.
Let the court's do their job. I'm so sick of the social media witch hunts. Kevin Spacey anyone? Regardless if the accusations hold any truth, it's not for the angry mob on FACEBOOK to decide and ultimately destroy his career but the court's. I'm so sick of this kind of movement seeping over from the US affirmative-action-feminist-ultraleftwing-thoughtpolice crowd to europe. Have allegations? Press a charge. Done. It's what we pay tax for.
Be careful what you do, say, think. #1984
@Kidfried Yup, guess you put it the correct way!
It's not like they burned people on the stake or something at the studio! Come on do people really get offended by a doodle of a penis? It's like juvenile humour sure, but I don't get offended by it!
Anyway, I hate racism like when people go to the extreme and really offend people, but I think people nowadays get offended for the most basic things when they should focus on really really way more important things that are going on! (See the H&M thing that's going around now, that to me IS INSANE!!)...
Anyway, to end my topic, sorry if you got offended by what I said, I would just put racism and this internet warriors in the same bag, they are both hurtful in their own ways!
If David Cage really is a jerk, then he should be treated, or even punished, as such...
The option to quit and find a another job is open to anyone. Quantic Dreams and CD Projekt Red both have received negative media attention. I don't care to promote it and make it bigger than it is. I would still love for Quantic Dreams to win the lawsuit.
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