You'll see a fair few Cthulhu-esque monsters similar to Amygdala throughout Yharnam, hanging from buildings and chapels like a Lovecraftian rendition of King Kong, but as you approach the end of the Nightmare Frontier zone, the chance to do battle with one presents itself. The fight looks a lot tougher than it is, with the size of your foe probably being the most threatening thing here. Mistakes are easily recovered from, but it's definitely worth learning this fight inside-out early on, because you're going to have to fight our friend at a much higher level while on half health in the Cursed Chalice Dungeon later on.
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Chop Off That Useless Tail
This is the much safer tactic for taking on this eldritch horror, and it really makes for a simple (if a little slow) fight all round. Amygdala has a small tail. You're going to hit it with a two-handed weapon. A lot. That's pretty much the entire fight.
There are only two attacks that will have any potential effect as long as your hunter is positioned directly behind this boss, whacking away at its tail. The first is a stomp, which honestly shouldn't even be considered a threat at all: it has a tiny range and does barely any damage when it does manage to hit. As long as you're close enough to the tail, this will miraculously miss you every single time. Secondly, and much more dangerously, is a leap that can crush and often kill in one or two seconds. In order to dodge, though, simply stand exactly where that tail was until Amygdala jumped, and when it lands you'll be without a scratch. Run back to the tail as soon as your foe lands, and keep on hitting.
No Fear
Both the head and arms are rather susceptible to being struck by well, anything, meaning that this fight can be over with haste if a few risks are taken at various stages of the fight. Ensure to stand either underneath or behind her (retreating to her tail is a good idea when Blood Vials need to be consumed) as much as possible, taking up the tail position explained in the previous tactic to avoid leap attacks when needed.
Focus on the arms, giving precedence to the head whenever it lowers itself enough to become a target, and whenever Amygdala is staggered, go around to the front for an easy visceral attack on that cranium. Honestly, your opponent has low health overall and only a few swipes and stomps that can really damage as long as you're in a good position, so it should be over without much issue. Ludwig's Holy Greatsword is a wonderful choice of weaponry here.
23,000 Blood Echoes, three Insight for discovery, and three for victory, as well as the Ailing Loran Chalice are your rewards.
Have you finished off Amygdala yet? Do you have any top tips for this battle? Wag your tail in the comments section below.
Comments 17
itl help ppl strugling but I personly didnt have eniy problems with this one (quite enjoyed it too)
I made an account just to tell you to stop spoiling bosses in the main site. Thanks.
Or how about just make one feature with all the strategies instead of using the info to make 20 seperate articles.
I didn't even found this boss..
I know I missed some others too, but I want to finish Tomb Raider before getting MK, so a replay of Bloodborne will have to wait, on the good side maybe the loading fix patch will be ready by then.
The best weapon I found was the saw cleaver with a waning fire rune attached. Made mince meat of him. To be honest I had a harder time with The One Reborn and that stupid vomit/acid pool attack.
Ludwigs holy sword in 2h mode and be brave with this boss. Falls really quickly and you can get more hits in than most other bosses
Too much ?, you guys could do one single guide
We get it, bloodborne its awesome and super important for the PS4 but news almost every hour about it or guides that shouls be just 1 big article its too much
Like I said before, at least show a generic Bloodborne picture and not the boss picture!
People are getting angry =))
getting sick of Bloodborne this, Bloodborne that......
seriously every single boss....come on man
I find these guides useful, keep posting! Anyway, the nightmare frontier is in the library looking place right? I got the stone and went to the location where that giant creature appears, grabs you and takes you away and you wake up in a room with a lamp post in it. I just don't know where to go from there.
@JesWood13 exit the room and you'll be in a long hall.
Go to the door at the end of the hall.
this was my favorite boss battle yet, it was intense. i ran out of blood vials and was down to a sliver of health and i managed to come out on top. good fun.
no one has to read these articles. just skim right past them. complaints aren't necessary. some people want them, some don't, but just because some don't want them doesn't mean they should be spoiled for everyone.
@BetweenTheTrees Why not compile a guide with all the bosses and be done with it, also, as somebody else said, they could have a generic image for the articles instead of a pic of the boss in question. Your argument holds no weight, since you're saying that because we're complaining we have no merit.
Well, i never said your complaints hold no merit, no need to get so defensive. All i am saying is if you don't like the article, simply choose not to read it.
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