Over the bank holiday weekend, rumours began to circulate that the Blue Bomber's latest outing, Mega Man 11, would hit PS4 on 3rd October 2018. Well, the North American PlayStation Blog has just updated, and it turns out the game releases on 2nd October 2018. Whether it'll hit Europe at the same time or the day later is still unknown.
You can see the new title in action in the above trailer, and it's looking pretty great. Kellen Haney of Capcom took to the Blog to speak about Mega Man's newest enhancement: the Double Gear system.

"Dr. Wily is up to his old tricks, and Mega Man must tap into the evil genius’ own technology to combat eight haywire Robot Masters. The new Double Gear system allows Mega Man to increase his speed, slowing the world around him to a crawl, or power up his Mega Buster shots to blow away tough enemies. You’ll be able to tap into these new abilities from the start of the game, which can be helpful aids in tricky situations."
We're also introduced to two of the game's bosses: Block Man and Fuse Man. The former attacks by dropping, well, blocks on top of you, while the latter uses his speed and electricity beams to thwart your efforts. It's all looking rather promising from where we're sitting. You can read plenty more on the PlayStation Blog, but be sure to head on back and let us know what you think in the comments below.
Update: Mega Man 11 releases on 2nd October 2018 in Europe as well as North America.
[source blog.us.playstation.com]
Comments 14
It is for pre-order in eu psn for 30 euros. Somewhat pricey
It looks good...but doesn't it feel like it lost something over the years?
Interesting. Appears Nintendo has the marketing rights to this one for some reason, alongside an amiibo, which looks snazzy.
Gotta say, Block Man looks a lot more fun to fight than I anticipated...Fuse Man though...huh.
Now Double Gear looks like a precursor to the ability X gets the charge special weapons.
Gotta say, cant wait.
Nice, I'll get this
It's ironic that the artsyle more closely resembles what Mighty No 9 was supposed to look like then what that game turned out like.
It looks really good.
Man October is going to be expensive for me
Megam Man 11
Red Dead II
Battlefield V
My poor wallet
Idk what it is, but having 3D models in these games just seems off, even if they closely resemble the original sprites (see: remakes of Mega Man 1 and Mega Man X on PSP). Looks great, regardless.
Also..$30?! Geez, LMAO. I'll wait until it hits $15.
I'm excited by this. Still got Mega Man 8-10 left on the Legacy Collection 2, so I'll have to finish those off first.
@smelly_jr Don't count on it, the US dollar is crashing and burning right now hence why the prices of goods are spiraling upwards at such an alarming rate.
@ReanSchwarzer7 The reson for prices going up.has nothing to do with the dollar it's because of the minimum wage increase. People don't understand that they want the minimum wage to go up but businesses aren't going to fork the money out. Nope instead they pass the raise on to too consumers and thus prices go up to cover all the workers getting raises.
well i better crack on with the Legacy Collections then
Since the art style and gameplay looks more like a mega man x I might get it day one depending if it has a physical release or special edition
@Tasuki That's what I always assumed would eventually happen due to a minimum wage increase, although when you make more money, you theoretically spend more money, so it could even out somewhere. Anyway, all I know is I'm not getting a raise. It's bad enough that I'm on salary!
When it comes to games, tho...I also just don't have enough time, lol. Gah, more money, more problems...it's the truth!
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