The PlayStation 4 is nearing the end of its life cycle, according to Sony Interactive Entertainment CEO John Kodera. Speaking at the company's latest investor meeting, Kodera's statement comes as no real surprise. After all, the PS4 will turn five years old this November.
The question, then, is how long will this "final phase" actually last? Earlier in the year, inside sources claimed that the PS4's successor is probably a while off yet, so we could see this generation stretching on for at least another year or two.
Still, Kodera's acknowledgement potentially hints at Sony's current situation behind closed doors. We've no doubt that the firm will already have plans in place for its next console -- it's just a case of wheeling it out at the right time.
It's also worth mentioning that Kodera expects a sales dip as the PS4 enters its twilight years -- a common trend when it comes to hardware. However, services such as PlayStation Plus should dampen the impact of any loss in profit, Kodera says.
How much longer do you think the PS4 will last? Are you excited for next-gen, or are you happy to wait? Feed us your thoughts in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com, via gematsu.com]
Comments 52
I give PS4 a solid 3 years for great games.
in other words they are working on the PS5 and it will probably be out in a few years
and that's fine
hey maybe the FFVII Remake will be a PS5 launch title, think of how many units they would sell if it was
I’m pretty convinced the PS5 is 2020 now.
There’s a graph doing the rounds that predicts a fall on Sony profits between March 2019 & 2021.
Given what we know, this suggests a hardware launch.
Edit: Here’s the link.
Personally, I'm good to wait. The PS4 has been a phenomenon this generation, and clearly has more life left in it. 2020-2021 seems like the right time to throw the PS4 a grand retirement party.
Honestly, even when a PS5 comes out, the PS4 will continue to get games for at least a year or two, it's just that most of Sony's focus would be on the PS5 until the sales climb high enough to surpass the PS4. In all, I don't want a new system right now. With having the Switch, PS4 and an XBONE, I'm not ready, and it feels that the VR still hasn't got off on the track it should have yet. Plus, there's still so many greats that can come to PS4 yet...there hasn't been a new Twisted Metal, Sly Cooper and so many other greats that came out yet, and I'm hoping that we will get more games from Sony before a new system even comes out. I still think it's going to be a 2020 thing for the PS5, at least that's what I'm hoping, but I do hope that the PS5 isn't high in price (at least keep it at $400 or less). Unfortunately, I'm not ready to dip into another system too soon.
Next summer at the earliest I reckon. I'll be happy to wait though as I've always upgraded straight away recently and each time its bit me on the b** (discounts/package deals just barely a month after release).
Will never forget the Xbox price drop after just 4 months to match PS4 (at least back in the day customers were compensated for such). Games are usually naff to start with as well, bar the odd exception.
@Fight_Teza_Fight Looks legit. Now can we all get back to enjoying THIS generation?
Probably late 2020 but if it’s $400 and has bc maybe a soft launch in late 2019 or early 2020.
@Turismo4GT If the PS5 is BC we can continue to enjoy the current gen on next gen hardware .
If this does have BC for both standard and VR games, then I might consider a purchase at launch. Otherwise I will more than likely wait a year.
This news isn't surprising though - if you look at current game announcements, major titles are kind of known into 2019 but we aren't seeing early announcements for other titles.
After they said they expect to sell less PS4s this year than last year about 3 weeks ago now, this was obvious. You have to come down the curve after peaking.
I'd recommend anyone yet to buy in to do so soon, this is the best time to do it - post peak. Prices are low, lots of the great games are cheaper.
I'm ready now. Need an excuse to buy a new tele and wont be investing in a PS4 Pro this far in.
Still would be crazy if Sony stretched it out til 2023 which is a whopping 10 years of PS4.
Even when PS5 comes out, I will likely wait a year (possibly 2) before I buy into it. Gotta let the early adopters hold them 'L's with faulty hardware...
Also, may even hold out for the PS5 Pro (or whatever the hopefully not inevitable mid-gen upgrade is called).
I am convincd that FF7 Remake will be now on PS5 with the delays and nothing shown since it's announcement it's looking more than likely. And to think my PS4 is only 3 years old because I don't buy launch consoles anymore
7 years sounds good to me.
Unveil early next year and release in November
We’ve yet to see a standard MSRP of $199. That will trigger the end of times.
I think next year we'll see the ps5 unveiled, and then released either 2020 or the same year.
We change our phones every couple of years, 700 to £800 approx. So yeah, why not a new PlayStation model every few years.
Besides you don’t have to upgrade right away. Your PS4 will still work and still be supported. Like PS3 to PS4 the first 2 years will be cross gen heavy. God of War sequel and Horizon sequel are gonna melt eyes on PS5.
Even though the PS4 came out in late 2013 this gen never really properly got started till 2015, so I think 2020/2021 is a good time to launch the PS5.
I'm happy to wait. I'm still a relatively new PS4 owner, having mine for almost a year. I at least want time to scrape up for a PS5, Sony!
Wow, time flies... It feels like only yesterday I was watching Sony's legendary E3 2013 smackdown of the Xbox One.
@JLPick a year or two. Nah playa ps4 will continue to get support after ps5 comes out .the support will be 3 to 4 years word up son.
Ps5 will come in 2020 late word up son word
So nothing new.
@Turismo4GT My launch PS4 has been wonderful though. I personally trust Sony because of that.
@Jaz007 that's great man. I have a 2015 CUH-1215A PS4 (not quite launch period, I know), and it's been rock-solid so far. Still, new tech brings with it the possibility of new bugs, so I just prefer to wait it out.
As I suggested in a comment on another article yesterday, it seems that most if not all of Sony's first-party studios are currently working on projects which it seems will come to an end at around the same time, give or take a few months.
This may be coincidence, but could also be by design. It's entirely possible that they will start on new projects which could be announced at E3 2019, alongside a possible announcement of PS5 hardware, to arrive in 2020.
With being totally blown away with how good God of War looks I'll happily wait however long it takes to get this new console ready. Hell, if probably enough games on my shelves to last till then anyway 😁.
He's announcing this now not so much to tell us when the next gen hardware will release but to tell us why we wont' be hearing about too many new PS4 games at E3. They are subtly letting us know game development has moved to PS5.
I'm still going with a repeat of 2013 in 2019, announce in winter, launch in fall. PS4 did launch in Japan in Feb 2014 though so it will be interesting to see if Sony makes it's home country wait again.
Why share this and risk losing potential buyers? Reaffirm the development of a PS5 yes but don't announce the end of the PS4 without the replacement in the wings.
With Sony, I see the 'final phase' of a consoles life as the 'years' that it co-exists with the 'next' generation. At most, only a year before the next console arrives on the market.
The end often isn't when Sony stop making it either as these consoles can still go on for 'years' with support. No one would say the life of the PS3 is over now - and that's nearly 5yrs after the PS4 launched and over a year since it was 'discontinued' in Japan (which was over a year after it was discontinued in the EU). Sony are still supporting the PS3 with free games every month and will do up until March 2019. Point is, the PS3 is 'still going' and will still be supported more than 5yrs after the launch of the PS4. I would say its been in the final phase for the past 4/5yrs - probably since the announcement of the PS4 which happened over 5yrs ago now.
Its not just the PS3 either as both the PS1 and PS2 continued well into the next generation. For all those 'concerned' that their 'beloved' PS4 is about to be cut off and become obsolete, history tells us that its likely to be around half way through - even if the PS5 was to launch 'sooner' - if not quite at the half way point yet. I can't think of any PS console that wasn't supported for less than 10yrs - the PS2 was built for 13yrs and only 'discontinued' 8months before the PS4 launched - in other words, it was still built for 'almost' the entire time the PS3 was the highest specced Playstation.
There are 'leaks' of the PS5 appearing - most notable of these, Simon Pilgrim, a head programmer over at Sony Computer Entertainment, 'accidentally' leaking that the Playstation 5 will be using the Zen microarchitecture for the CPU.
Anyway - even if the PS5 were to release this Nov (not saying it will before any starts focusing on this - just saying hypothetically IF!), it certainly wouldn't mean the PS4 was 'dead' and that it will still go on for years. I still expect that the 'major' 3rd Party AAA games will still come to PS4 for years after the PS5 releases too so its not like people will be forced to upgrade to play all the new releases for many years to come.
Ps5 599$ 😂
Well, PS4 still has many games to be released. If we judge by the exclusives already announced, we will have more two years of this generation.
Next year and beyond, PS4 will have games like The Last of Us 2, Ghost of Tsushima, Days Gone and Death Stranding. Maybe Dreams, Concrete Genie and Medievil are coming this year, who knows.
Anyway, there are so many games to be released, PS4 is a juggernaut.
I am not ready. I have got a big backlog of amazing games and I am fine with the current gen.
I hope will be 2021, but it will probably arrive in 2020
The longer the wait, the better. I would be ready around 2020 or 2021.
This thing is gonna pull a PS2 and hang around foreeeeever
2019 or 2020 is fine by me
I'm ready for the next PS console, the PS4 will still be sold and supported so it's not like as soon as the PS5 releases PS4 will be dead and forgotten. There are features the PS4 don't have and at this point in time will probably never have so my hope is with the PS5.
@JLPick Thats why i wait a year to get the PS5 first finish my backlog. Then i get a pricedrop with the second model. 😁
Whatever, as long as the next console runs physical games I'm happy.
@NintendoFan4Lyf It would be awsome Indeed then i can finish my backlog but Im still waiting at least a year. Wont be trading in my console its the Monster Hunter World edition and i want to keep it. 😁
@GraveLordXD Still have the original PS4 and the Pro in the box. Thats consoles and its not like your PS4 runs games terrible i still have a lot of fun with it. 😁
Whatever and whenever happens I'm not buying a new console yet. Even if I did it would probably be Switch. Perfectly happy with my standard PS4. 2020 makes sense and I'll wait till the price drops so it'll be a couple of years.
Backwards compat, or no thanks. At least for a few years. Gonna hangout in this gen for a while
Bought an Xbox one X just yesterday so I can enjoy a few first parties and third parties, but I am absolutely ready to get a PS5 to replace my PS4 Pro.
People saying no to PS5 cuz of backlog are idiots. Like you'll ever gonna clear that backlog... not in a million years, if life would allow you to live that long.
Ready or not, buying or not. Everyone is ready for PS5. Simple as that.
I joined the PS4 party 2y after release, did I clear my backlog. Nope. But I did hold back buying a PS4 until the big exclusives became PS4 only. I did buy a PS3 at launch cuz of the graphical leap. Never regretted any of my decisions.
It all comes down to what the PS5 offers if I'll upgrade day one or not, regardless how big my backlog will be.
I think 2020 will be the year that PS5 will release and I'll probably get it at launch. I hear that Sony wants the PS5 to be backwards compatible with PS4 games so it should be a smoother transition for users who are afraid of missing out on their back catalogue or the games that they have bought digitally through Playstation Store/Playstation Plus.
November 2019 that late enough to call it a 2020 release PS4 will retain full support to 2022. It will mostly fall on hardware sales. It could very well be they do not dip much and it extends the life cycle. Regardless I will pre-order PS5 day one!
I really hope PS5 is backwards compatible.
I'm predicting 2020 for a PS5 release, if not 2021.
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