April provided a rock solid month of music, so it's to be expectd that May would bring thigs back down to Earth a little bit. But instead game music in May was more just a continuation of the quality we've come to expect lately. The month actually had some incredible scores to pick from, including a pretty big Sony exclusive for the second time in two months.
Dark Souls Remastered
Okay, so this one's kinda cheating, since the original Dark Souls, was already a PlayStation release anyways. But the fact remains that it's one of the greatest game soundtracks of all time, and it would be criminal to have passed on giving a mention to the masterful work of Motoi Sakuraba and his gothic masterpiece.

Little Witch Academia: Chamber Of Time
The Little Witch Academia anime has a wonderful soundtrack, and this continues to be the case with the game. The title is worth it just to get to spend more time with Akko and friends, but the fact that the music does an excellent job of capturing that same sound and feel of the show was a big win.
Jason Roberts' masterful puzzle game brought with it an exceptional soundtrack. Provided by Joel Corelitz, the game's ambient score is calming and wonderful, except those occasional moments where the score gets downright creepy. It's magical.
Detroit: Become Human
Quantic Dream is no stranger to fantastic scores, and despite the unfortunate passing of frequent collaborator Normand Corbeil before Beyond: Two Souls originally released, Detroit has another sonic winner as the backdrop to David Cage's latest. Curious this time around is that each of the characters you play as are scored by different people, giving each narrative it's own distinct sound. It's brilliant, and the composing team of Philip Sheppard, Nima Fakhara, and John Paesano handily brought three different but connected palettes to the title.
And that does it for May's releases, another month chock full of incredible music and we're only heading upwards as we get further along in the year with titles like Vampyr to look forward to next month.
Comments 24
I love the music in Detroit. It sets the tone for each scene and protagonist perfectly.
I really liked the music in Detroit, too. I thought the multiple composers thing worked out brilliantly.
Great post! @gbanas92 you may want to change the title to say May 2018
Still confused by the Labo pic.
@rjejr It's a piano, this is an article on music. An easy connection to make you'd think
@ztpayne7 Hahah yeah, it confused me xD
Remember, you are the only one here not allowed to mention Nintendo, even if you try to type it as Nintnedo people will catch you
Detroit: Become Human Is the winner for me amazing soundtrack
@sinalefa I didn't mention the company, only the pic. Which isn't even here, which added to my confusion. Isn't the pic on the front page usaully in the article when you click on it?
@Octane I can connect the "what", it's the "why" I'm having a problem with.
Detroit has one of the best soundtracks. I like Kara story and music best. The game is 10/10 for me. Comparing this to telltale game is wrong in the first place. This is totally at another level.
Seeing as this series has had a different musical themed picture since Graham started it, I'm guessing he just thought the Labo piano was a fun alternative to a proper piano.
Well at least Labo is useful for something
@rjejr the labo pic is a direct result of a comment that @AFCC made last month thinking the previous month was a labo piano. Except this month it totally is! More just a little joke than anything really.
@YeYa @ztpayne7 Whoops! Sorry about that one!
@gbanas92 These people don't appreciate our humor 😢 I like this Labo piano and I bet that Mozart would play some sick tunes with it...
Sorry if I confused you all with my comments and knowledge about pianos!
Anyway, in all seriousness, I love these articles and I love Detroit's soundtrack...still haven't finished it but the music is great for me so far!
@gbanas92 Ah inside joke, well that explains it then. If the caption would have been "Labo piano word.up.son" I probably would have figured it out.
@AFCC Well duh! Mozart actually created the Labo piano! That's how much he loved nintendo! And I'm glad you like the series! I love being able to give extra attention to game music that it might not otherwise get! And agreed, Detroit's score is magical!
@rjejr Yeah it was just a one-off joke haha. The intention was definitely not to cause confusion to this extent!
@gbanas92 Yeah, don't forget he created the classic Super Mario music with it!!
Music is something that sometimes it improves the game so much but we don't even stop to enjoy it since everything gameplay wise is so frantic most of the times! So I do enjoy this idea of sharing videogame music and make me enjoy things I didn't even notice!
Btw, finished Detroit, I think I like it as much as Heavy Rain! Fantastic ride 😁
@AFCC Yeah! Mario is Mozart's finest musical contribution!
I haven't started Detroit yet, but I've listened to quite a bit of the soundtrack already and even without the context of the game yet, I love it!
And very much agreed! Game music is something that started standing out to me pretty early on in my gaming obsession (in a good way). And I've been obsessed with game soundtracks ever since! Glad others appreciate them in the same way too!
@gbanas92 maybe you could bring some articles like 'Best playstation music 1995' and so forth would be really cool
@AFCC That's an idea I've been flirting with actually! As like an anniversary of the PS4 type thing. Going back and checking out some of the great scores of years past!
@gbanas92 it would be awesome! Remembering some old forgotten tunes <3
@AFCC I can even think of a few older soundtracks I'd love to draw some extra attention to too! I just might hafta do this!
@gbanas92 looking forward to it!!!
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