What Time Is EA's E3 2018 Press Conference?

Ah, good old Electronic Arts. Despite being one of the world's biggest video game publishers, EA can never seem to get its E3 press conferences right. For a few years now, the company has splintered from the Los Angeles event in order to host its own "we promise this has nothing to do with E3" showcases, but everyone still treats them the same way.

This year, we fully expect EA to have another semi-decent-at-best presser, but at the same time, we'd love to see the publisher finally pull out the stops and deliver something bigger and better. Below, you'll find everything that you need to know.

When is EA's E3 2018 press conference?

EA's E3 2018 press conference, or EA Play as the publisher calls it, will take place on Saturday the 9th June, 2018.

What time is EA's E3 2018 press conference?

Saturday, 9th June @ 11AM PDT

  • North America: 11am PDT / 12pm MDT / 1pm CDT / 2pm EDT
  • UK/Ire: 7pm BST
  • Europe: 8pm CEST / 9pm EEST
  • Asia/Oceania: 3am (Sun) JST / 2am (Sun) AWST / 4am (Sun) AEST
  • Your Local Time:

How long will EA's E3 2018 press conference be?

EA's press conferences usually last around an hour so, although this year, the publisher is hosting a full three-day public event. As such, the showcase itself may be scaled back. At least, we wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.

What games will EA show at its E3 2018 press conference?

A bunch of games have already been confirmed for EA's press conference -- and none of them are at all surprising. FIFA 19, Madden NFL 19, Battlefield V, and ANTHEM will be there.

What games are rumoured to be at EA's E3 2018 press conference?

There aren't that many rumours surrounding EA right now, and that's mostly because we know what the publisher plans on showing. Having said that, there are some smaller details worth noting.

For starters, there are strong rumours that suggest FIFA 19 will be getting official Champions League support. It's also heavily rumoured that Battlefield V will feature a battle royale mode, which wouldn't be the least bit surprising. And is there any chance fans may get the Skate sequel they've been dreaming of?

Are you looking forward to EA's E3 2018 press conference? Let us know what you want to see in the comments section below.