E3 2018 has almost killed us, so here’s a not-so brief WAYP to remind you that it’s the weekend. You didn’t think we were going to miss it, did you? Never.
Robert Ramsey, Deputy Editor
I'll be continuing Fallout 4 in between watching various World Cup matches. Let's hope that the weekend's footie is a little more exciting!
Stephen Tailby, Senior Staff Writer
Not a ton of gaming time for me this weekend, but I may finally make a start on Rayman Legends. If nothing else, I’ll be sure to carry on blasting aliens in XCOM 2 and trashing Sammy’s records in Trials Fusion.
Graham Banas, Reviewer
After having just finished up a title I was reviewing I'm hopefully going to tackle at least some of my backlog. Now that the physical copies of Moss are out, I think It's time I finally jump into that. Plus I wanna spend some more time with XCOM 2, of which I've spent not nearly enough time with so far. Plus Rainbow Six Siege calls to me as it does practically every day, so I can't let that go either.
Jacob Hull, Reviewer
Now here’s a novel idea: play multiple games at once. This is honestly something I’ve struggled with in the past, favouring the exclusive attention of a single game. But I’m giving it a try, and on the agenda this weekend is the open-world greatness of Assassin’s Creed Origins, inspired by the beautiful footage of Odyssey at E3, and Gran Turismo Sport, which I’m giving another go after numerous updates.
Jenny Jones, Reviewer
I’m playing Rainbow Skies at the moment, which I can’t really talk about due to the embargo. I’ve also just picked up Detroit: Become Human, which I am very tempted to start playing this weekend.
Liam Croft, Reviewer
That trailer for Devil May Cry 5 looked real cool, so I'm in the process of playing through the series for the first time. My continuation of the original Devil May Cry through the HD collection will continue this weekend. Throw in a few matches of Fortnite here and there and that's my lot.
Sam Brooke, Reviewer
While I'll mostly be watching the World Cup this weekend, I'll probably try and fit a few games of PES 2018 in there – not that any of the international teams are licensed. At least it has Japan.
What are you playing this weekend? Try to get some sleep in the comments section below. (We're knackered.)
Comments 70
Trying to beat the last damn Valkyrie in GoW . It's straight BS.
Not much, just seeing e3 interviews on youtube and playing dragon crown on psvita, cross-save is nice
Working on taking down Vicar Amelia on Bloodborne, got her down to half health before being crushed to death. Absolutely love this game now that i have a handle on it, first souls type game i've played.
Multiple games at once ftw. Third person adventure, 2d indie platformer and a driving game is the best combo imo.
As for me, I'm playing Assassins Creed Origins. I reserve judgement so far but I'm not hating it, which is a great sign..!
I'll be playing the usuals; Rayman Legends and Rainbow Six Siege while watching a lot of World Cup. Have a great weekend everyone!
Watching the World Cup, today are four matches.
Also playing Detroit: Become Human and Fifa 18.
Finally a weekend that I can see that I might have some gaming time...if I'm not too tired from work.
@oatmealwarrior92 The Queen? I've been stuck on her for a week now, it is a very tough fight. Thinking of skipping her and finishing to prep for new game plus, but then again, what if it makes that fight harder?!
Probably going to try God of War again (sigh) and play some South Park Fractured, state of decay 2, bloodstained as well.
World of Warcraft. Managed to heal a pug through Uldaman despite crippling lag. Internet connection at the weekend is a nightmare 👻
Street Fighter 4, 5, Anniversary collection. Sega Genesis collection, Persona 5, Dragon Crown Pro and a few Switch games. Yesterday was my B Day so I got a 3 day weekend.
Happy Birthday 🎂 🎉🎈
@b1ackjack_ps i bought it in a sale ages ago but moved onto other games due to not getting anywhere, recently started playing again and something just clicked. Love the way the environments are built!
Playing classic Resi 2 on the Vita in-between watching the World Cup togger.
Vampyr, it kinda grows on ya after awhile. And metro, very fun.
Also reinstalled TLoU. I really need to play this game, just have never got into it for some reason.
I'm in a big gaming mood this weekend. Might continue with Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations, and play more songs with Hatsune Miku Project Diva Future Tone. Also tempted to bring Bravely Default out of my backlog and start playing that.
Also been considering getting Nier Automata or Persona 5, so I might go out and get one of them. Or maybe I'll wait until next weekend after the Steam summer sale has begun in case that has anything tempting.
Though I've got errands to run today, and going to visit family tomorrow for a BBQ, so I might not actually get round to playing many games this weekend.
I'm working both days this weekend so maybe tomorrow night I'll get a little GoW in but otherwise nothing. Streaming the World Cup at work was really hoping to be off to enjoy Germany's match with Mexico but oh well.
@ApostateMage it's not classic Resi when you have an Uzi with unlimited ammo, bro.
Devil May Cry and God of War for me
Going to try and polish off Infamous First Light story and some challenges as I go for the Plat. The. Hopefully I will get some father's day vouchers for the eshop and get Hollow Knight on Switch. Boom!
For me this weekend is all about Vampyr. It has its flaws but I'm really enjoying it. Now if only the big decisions weren't so ambiguously worded.
@RedMageLanakyn @oatmealwarrior92 Feel your pain, I spent ages on her. In the end I swapped my armour for one of the dwarf ones that makes you invulnerable during runic attacks, strong and quick runic attacks and the resurrection stone that gives you rage. Then I think it was just luck - one thing to note that when she is right down in health, your runic attacks suddenly don't do much and I died loads of times. What I did was use the rune that slowed down time then twonked her with arrows and the axe.
Work and the football this weekend, so not much time for gaming.
Messi continues to bottle it on the international stage. Unbelievable.
Finished my first playthrough of Detroit: Become Human so this week the focus will be completing God of War and starting to make some real progress in Yakuza 6.
Just got my plat in Unity so I thought I would try something new and started metro, currently on last light and love it more that the 1st. Might also play some Black Flag at some point
@kyleforrester87 Ha! Can't wait to get that sucka.
After being so good and only sticking to a couple of games at a time that's all fallen apart as I'm now playing all sorts of stuff,I can't help it and it's kind of stressing me out but oh well...so..
I'm trying to 100 per cent God Of War,also trying to 100 per cent Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2,gone back to The Witcher 3 after about a year's break.
On The Switch I'm still obsessed with Stardew Valley (and after 1 in game year my farm does still look nothing at all like a farm,I have no money and most of the villages still hate me it seems.),Playing through the demo Of Octopath Traveller...which is amazing!And now I went and bought Xenoblade chronicles 2 despite not playing the original after liking what I saw on the expansion..
Oh and ALSO bought the expansion for Splatoon 2 too which is ace..But I suck!
@Rudy_Manchego Yeah that seems to be a theme with all the valkyries, get them down to a sliver of health and they're suddenly invincible. I got the queen to that point once, and yeah I was pretty much using the same load out as you suggested. It is luck for sure. She has two attacks that I absolutely suck at dodging, i just need to buckle down and learn the attacks.
I have such a huge backlog. I want to play some Elder Scrolls online, then maybe some Witcher 3
I think @Jake3103 might be onto something, playing multiple games at once. There's a tendency to get stick into one particular game for a lengthy period of time, but there's definitely something to be said for swapping between two or three — can really help keep things feeling fresh for longer.
I'm still playing Yakuza 6.
My PS4 has taken a bit of a backseat at the moment as I recently started Ori and the Blind Forest on Xbox the other day. Very fun game and it's got me excited for the sequel next year.
Hoping to find some time to try and get back into Gran Turismo Sport as well though so there's that.
And, of course, outside of gaming, the World Cup is mostly dominating my screen time at the moment. What a great start to the tournament it's been. Iceland >
@b1ackjack_ps that's Amelia down. Now to just explore for a bit and spend my blood echoes 😀
Monster hunter world, Unravel and watch the World Cup
@RedMageLanakyn It is luck, if she does her leap up and you start a runic attack you can't dodge so she tears you a new one. Or you get an impossible combo. I am sure more pro players have better reflexes then me but I got so close so many times then wham, slammed.
@shonenjump86 Happy Birthday mate.
@roe I want to play that game so bad one of the reason I wanted an Xbox One, which leads me into what I will be playing this weekend.
So after buying my friends Xbox One I decided to tackle a few exclusives I have been wanting to play. So up first will be Killer Instinct and Cuphead!!!
@ShogunRok I've honestly struggled with this for a while. I usually like to focus and play one thing at a time and give it all my attention, but games are so long these days that I get burnt out. I've been finding myself slogging through to the end just to finish them, which is a shame. Hopefully playing a couple of games and alternating between them will, as you say, keep it fresh for longer.
Finally playing Horizon Zero Dawn, currently about 20 hours in and really enjoying the story. However, the facial animations are a bit soft and the climbing mechanics feel a little off. 8/10
@Jake3103 I find reading a book and playing games alternately is a real good way of staving off fatigue.
After Kat's decisive victory over Kratos in the Ultimate PS Character tournament I am going to play Gravity Rush Remastered this weekend.
Trying to get the platinum on Dragon Quest heroes and hating my life in the process. Wish I could just delete it and be done with it already.
Great game, garbage trophies and difficulty.
Trails of Cold Steel.
I’m early but first impressions are that I’m not sure why this game is so under appreciated. Good stuff.
Been playing quite a bit of Call of Duty Black Ops 3, since it just came out for free on PlayStation Plus. Haven't played CoD in years, so I'm having quite a bit of fun right now. Might also play some Fallout Shelter on my Switch, or some Monster Hunter world, which I still need to get into.
@LobsterJohnson. Love the Avatar. I'm sure you'll get used to the climbing, the facial animations can be strange, They fixed those for the frozen wilds. Enjoy it, I still need to get the hunters lodge trophy for platinum but busy with Bloodborne atm.
@shonenjump86 That would make you 32. Which is funny actually. Its the time when you stop liking 1 v 1 fighting games. True fact, ask anyone over 32.
Happy biffday mate.
This weekend its time for God of War. Do not play this game after an extended break and expect to remember the controls or where you are going.
@MightyDemon82 Thanks, it’s nice to see a fellow Hellboy fan. Good luck with the platinum, personally I dont really like the Hunters Lodge missions so I doubt I’ll be going for the plat.
@LobsterJohnson they really aren't that hard. I don't think any of them took over 45 mins to complete once you get used to that particular mechanic.
I finished Detroit today and got an acceptable ending. I tried to stay on the "middle road" with my first playthrough. I'll definitely be having another playthrough later this year, but will aim for one of the more extreme paths. A fantastic game; loved the acting, characters and story. All three protagonists deserve to have their own game to be honest.
Some MotoGP 18 and Assassin's Creed Origins DLCs. Try to complete Ni no Kuni 2 as well.
I appreciate those B Day wishes. Thank you.
@LobsterJohnson I always have a book nearby. It's what I do for the few hours before bed – it's also a nice way to get away from a screen! I'm reading Neuromancer right now. 😉
The Sexy Brutale and Injustice 2 on PS4.
Forma.8 on Vita.
Between watching world cup I continue my journey through The Witcher 3.
@Jake3103 Nice, are you reading it in preparation for Cyberpunk? If so, I would highly recommend Snow Crash.
@LobsterJohnson It's been on my to-read list for a while, but the recent Cyberpunk 2077 coverage has pulled it to the top of the list. Thanks for the recommendation, I'll check that one out.
Darksiders. Loving some old school hack n slash
I want to keep playing Vampyr, but man the loading times drive me up the wall. Everytime you die you're waiting up to or at least 1 minute before you can try again. They really need need to patch this rubbish.
I picked up Shadow Of The Collossus during the week & am pretty keen to give that a whirl, might be the way to go!
Hollow Knight on the Switch. Fantastic game. Might also play more Child of Light on the PS4.
I'm going to continue with some GoW. With a little Fortnite on Switch. If any of you guys wanna join... oh wait.
Vampyr and since I just bought XCOM 2 war of the chosen,nioh complete edition and ghost recon wildlands off the ps sale I guess I’ll start those
I've been playing Kingdom Hearts II. Trying to work my way through the story before KH3.
Overcooked on the switch with my girlfriend. What a nightmare:)
Just Xenoblade Chronicles 2 this weekend. I was also going to play Splatoon 2 because the Octo Expansion released a few days ago, but I'm enjoying XC2 too much to play anything else.
I will be plainly playing some psvr this father's day. Got one last week and have enjoyed a few games on it but issues with farpoints drifting gun have made me put that one down. It's going to be moss and statik mainly today with a bit of 3d world cup thrown in to the mix.
Fallout Shelter and a mix of VR games here and there. Wipeout is still amazing.
Moto3, Moto2, Football, MotoGP, Football, Football...and a bit of Dark Souls during the breaks.
Yakuza Kiwami. The last chapter. Then I think I'll return to Yakuza 6 or FFXII
I saw a play, but I don’t think I’ll have time for anything else this weekend.
GoW till I plat this beauty
jumped back into ESO, started a mage and got to lev 20 in 2 days XD
I'm still playing Batman: Arkham Knight (PS4). FINALLY nearing the endgame, just defeated Arkham Knight's tank.
@oatmealwarrior92 it’s killing me too. So frustrating to try over and over.
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