Crowdfunded Castlevania revival Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night will no longer release on the PS Vita, as a new Kickstarter update confirms that development for Sony’s handheld has been canned. Backers will have the opportunity to switch to a different system or request a full refund – either way, it’s Game Over for the portable appliance.
“This decision is largely due to Sony’s plans to discontinue the PS Vita console,” producer Koji Igarashi explained, “ending production of physical copies and stopping certain online store support features. It is extremely unfortunate, but as a result, we won’t be releasing the game on PS Vita.”
In other news, the title has now been officially delayed into 2019, with the developer hoping to improve the overall quality of the product. “The game will now launch in 2019,” Igarashi continued. “The most important reason for this is to raise the quality level, especially after all the very valuable feedback from the Beta Backer Demo.”
Oh well, it’s not like there’s a shortage of Metroidvanias to play these days, is it?
[source kickstarter.com]
Comments 23
Wasn’t this game due out in 2017 or even 2016? I remember being excited about it when they announced it, but I’d think by now all the hype would be dead.
Anyway, the companion game they released this year (Circle Of The Moon, I believe) was very well reviewed, so here’s hoping the real deal doesn’t disappoint.
Also, I know it’s probably true, but saying the PSV version won’t come out because of Sony sounds a bit like shifting the blame, especially when the game was due out a long time ago.
That sucks. I bought Curse of the Moon as a token of good faith on vita... .
Bargain bin material now.
Oh, that is a shame, would have made an excellent Vita game. I expect there's a lot of upset backers right now, but hopefully the game turns out really good in the end.
At least Curse of the Moon came to the Vita but the long wind down continues.
I backed at a higher tier, and honestly I'm not upset about the delay. Anything to prevent another mighty no 9. For Vita buyers it's a pain, but at least they're offering refunds or transfers.
Booo! I had the Vita version selected. Oh well, it's Kickstarter, what did I expect? LOL
Don't bull$hit me. They cancelled the Vita port either because they don't want to devote time to it or they don't think it'll be worth it. But don't throw Sony under the bus for your own cop-out. If you going to break part of the promise you made while begging for money, at least be honest about it.
That's it for me, I'll probably won't be supporting the game anymore.
I don't care about what excuses he's using, people who really want to support the Vita community release their games there no matter what.
That saves me some money then, shame.
@clvr I mean lets be real. If Sony is stopping releases of games in 2019 in the West at retail...what do you want them to do? The market will be so small by then even in Japan that there really is no point to it, diehard fans or otherwise.
Reminds me of the Wii U situation for a lot of games. It just doesnt line up past a certain point.
Unsurprised. Vita is pretty much an irrelevant platform these days.
Isn't that just forking great! No wonder people have been losing faith in kickstarter.
I'm done with this game.
I mean who is surprised it's just like how Yooka Laylee was cancelled on Wii U, if you want portable then you have to Switch...
Gutted. Looks like i wont be playing this then. Not the kind of thing i want to play on ps4.
Interesting comments from Igarushi. Has he just revelaed Sony's next step in killing the vita? I havent head of any loss of online store features. Has he just revealed that the vita store is going to be closed down in 2019? All i have heard about is no more ps plus from march, and no more physical carts.
I also posted this news at the forums. I pledged for the Vita version so I may ask for the refund since I already changed my other pledge to Switch.
However @Rob_230 is right pointing out that “stopping certain online store support features" sounds strange since new indies and some jap games are still coming to the platform. Do they plan to close the store? I don't think so, the PSP store still works fine so IGA's point is bizzare. @get2sammyb Can you look into this some more?
As for the news I am disspointed. Both Wii U and Vita ports were highly advertised. The developers even promised an open source game engine port(!):
We at Armature thank you so much for funding the Wii U version of Bloodstained. Now we have one more surprise for you… if Bloodstained makes it to $3.5mm, we will also be providing a Playstation Vita version of the game. Our team knows the PS Vita platform inside and out, and we’ll do it justice as we bring you Bloodstained, running on UE4, to the PS Vita.
@belmont Yeah it's a strange comment. I've noticed you have to search for a lot of new games on the PS Vita store now, though, so perhaps that's what he means. Like, they're just not doing any upkeep on it.
My platform for the game is ps4 so it's not a problem for me. Same with the delay, I still have dead cells, guacamelee 2, and the mummy demastered for my metroidvania fix this year.
Well, I honestly thought it was already coming in 2019. Let's be honest though, we knew for a while that the Vita version wouldn't make it in the end.
@get2sammyb So is this mean that it's official that the Vita is done?
I read this block of text from IGA's post
This decision by the team is "largely due to Sony's plans to discontinue the Vita console, ending production of physical copies and stopping certain online store support features."
@Knuckles-Fajita ph don’t get me wrong, I agree with you that it wouldn’t make financial sense to release it on PSVita in 2019, it’s just that it should have come out way earlier than that according to their KS campaign, so I wouldn’t blame only Sony.
A bloody disappointment
I was going to buy it for my Vita but now I'll just wait for when it comes out on PS Plus.
Sad news :/
Meh I was never interested in this game, but it sucks for backers that have been waiting this long.
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