The cherry on the friggin’ top! This latest Marvel’s Spider-Man trailer is the perfect frosting for a well-baked cake, revealing the title’s wildly imaginative Photo Mode. It works similarly to what you’ve already come to expect from the likes of Horizon: Zero Dawn and God of War – except there’s a beautiful, brilliant comic book twist. So, once you’ve setup your shot, you can add stickers and frames to the scene – it’s freakin’ amazing.
You should watch the trailer embedded above for some examples of how creative you can get. Our personal favourite is the border which makes your screenshot look like it’s the cover to an issue of The Amazing Spider-Man. Talk about going above and beyond, eh? This really is straight-up brilliant.
Comments 40
Damn, watching this just got me even more excited for the game.
I'm going to spend a ridiculous amount of time in photo mode aren't I... .
Push Square Spider-Man screenshot competition?
so cool! I might use photo mode a bit more with this feature
This game graphics are crazy, I can see the individual fabric on the cloth, man games nowadays are amazing
Also the main theme is so good.
Glad photo mode is coming Day 1. Looks so good.
That's pretty cool!
PS4 keeps getting exclusives with ridiculously elaborate photo modes.
Can't wait to try this game. Last one I had was Spiderman game from 2002. Photo mode looks fun.
My first port of call is find a good puddle with Spidey's reflection and send it to all the whiners and say "WHAT FECKING DOWNGRADE"!!!
@KelticDevil Don't you have anything better to contribute to this community other then trolling and calling people"fanboys"? Cos if not then I suggest doing something a lot more constructive like I don't know, actually play some games! I assume you do own some?
But can you add puddles in photo mode?
First time a photo mode interest me!
Looks like some Xbox fanboy has too much time on his hands...
I prefer downgrades (if any) to cancellations...!
@adf86 "Don't you have anything better to contribute to this community other then trolling and calling people"fanboys"?"
You know, there's a fine line between calling people fanboys and calling them whiners. No wait, there isn't any line at all, it's the same thing, name calling. And in your previous post you wrote "find a good puddle with Spidey's reflection and send it to all the whiners" which is pretty much the same thing
@Octane said in his post #13 but he had fun with it and didn't call anybody out by calling them whiners.
So may I suggest before you start calling people out for name calling you stop with the name calling yourself. Pot, kettle, black. Two wrongs don't make a right. And I don't know, lighten up a little, get a sense of humour, go play some videogames, PS already has tasuki to keep people in line. Just a thought.
@adf86 If he has a Xbox, he definitely has nothing to play. I mean, Sea of Thieves or that game with zombies are great games according to them.
I feel calling out people 'fanboy' should be restricted. It is a derogatory term and definitely meant as an insult after all. It never brings any thing constructive anyway.
Keltic is calling out directly people in this community. 'You fanboys are hilarious'
Adf is talking about the whiners in general.
Your arguement is like saying calling out 'You fanboy!' is the same thing as saying 'there are fanboys'
@KelticDevil Well, well. well. It looks like we meet again
Please be aware of the rules here
Do not "troll" or "bait" other users; Posts that purposefully or systematically go against the grain to trigger a reaction from others are prohibited. You are entitled to an opinion, but purposefully disrupting discussions with unpopular opinions to create arguments is not allowed, we simply suggest you don't get involved in these conversations. Users that are seen to be continuously trolling or baiting will be banned.
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Thanks for understanding
@adf86 Nope, he doesn't have anything to do since Pure Xbox shutdown and since he can't hide there anymore.......
@rjejr I blocked him awhile ago, seems like he has quite a bit of leeway here compared to others when it comes to harrassing people and name calling. Better to just not see all the junk he gets away with and move on.
I need pictures! Pictures of Spider-Man!
@RedMageLanakyn Actually he never got any leeway at least from me. He was an unfortunate side effect of having the three sites sharing accounts. In the past he would cause trouble he would get punished but then go to Pure Xbox staff and say that it was unfair that he was banned from there too. I haven't seen him around since Pure Xbox has closed but I guess he got bored and since there is no more Pure Xbox.....
Anyway he's gone now so let's get this comment section back on track. Thanks.
@Tasuki I was actually referring to adf86.
Could? It honestly is the best already.
yes its the best photo mode ever.straight outa comic books.word up son.lets go pittsburgh Steelers.👍
I am going to waste SOOOO much time in this mode.
This is going to be Horizon Zero Dawn all over again, any little fight is going to take an hour as I try to time the perfect action shot. The options look insane, I look forward to creating some comic book covers.
Is New York always that empty?
Not into Spidey myself but that is one cool photo mode.
Loooove the look of this photo mode. This may be the one I use the most
@Kai_ nah york is the city that never sleeps.i live in new york since york is alive even at 1 am in the morning.word up son
@Neolit i agree vwith you.word life.word is bond.word to your mother.word up son👍
It looks great, but it's a shame it's in an update, rather than on the disc. What happened to finishing games before releasing them?
The city sights from skycrappers are really nice. Clean & sharp graphics overall.
If I ever get to play with this it'll probably be a 5-minute thing but this IS creative and cool. A treat for those who like taking screenshots.
Agree! I'm not a photo mode person but this style looks really interesting! I won't spend more than 20 minutes with it but it seems like a really creative spin on it for the 'photographers'!
I already spent a ridiculous amount of time in Mario Odyssey's photo mode, which was VERY simplistic. I'll probably spend even more time in this photo mode.
Keepyer Photo Mode. I’wants mah puddlez!
I usually never care for photo modes, but I may make an exception for this game .
@JoeBlogs Free stuff is awesome; I just wish it was on the disc. In 10 year's time when the servers are off, you won't be able to access it if you hadn't downloaded it already.
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