You may have caught a recent story claiming that Blizzard is actively working on bringing cross-platform play functionality to Diablo III. The news came via a representative of the company, so it seemed pretty concrete, but as it turns out, it ain't actually the truth.
Blizzard has issued a statement saying that cross-play for Diablo III isn't currently planned. "While we love the idea of bringing our players together across platforms, we do not have any plans to implement cross-platform gameplay for Diablo at this time," the statement reads. The company isn't ruling anything out, but it's certainly not happening any time soon.
While we're tempted to say that the representative may have leaked the news early, the fact that Blizzard has gone as far as to release an official statement suggests that it doesn't want anyone to be disappointed when cross-play isn't announced. So yeah, send your hopes to hell for now.
Comments 22
Bu, bu, bu...CROSSPLAY! Where's the faux outrage?
This is pretty funny. 🤣
Yup, really loving how the 'everyone will do cross play' floodgates have busted open.
Ever since Sony enabled crossplay, we've gotten news of other developers having no plans to support it...
Hahahahaha 😂 oh...at it again, I suppose, just when I had put my torch and pitchfork back in the barn
Where is that guy where he always says we are the minorities all the devs will be onboard right now.
Blizzard is evil, that’s why they created Diablo, to worship the devil!!!
Let’s start an outrage campaign, call Kotaku and Phil Spencer.
I remember diablo 3 ps4 cross-play with ps3 giving ps4 player headache because of the hacked item that originated from ps3 users, sometimes no cross-play is the best option if the other system isn't safe.
What the Hell?
A little worried about erradic moves by Blizzard lately.
Diablo comic announced...and then cancelled.
Netflix show announced...and then cancelled.
Cross-play announced...and then retracted.
I'm hoping for BlizCon announcement about D1 and D2 remasters now.
Having all Diablo games ported to console would be amazing!
Maybe they could have in-game rewards (classic transmogs) for playing all the games on PlayStation.
@OldHunter It's almost like there was a lot of hot air being blown.
Absolutely gutted.
@Kidfried I'm with u! Canceling as we speak... Or type...or read....yeah...
That's fine. I just want Diablo 4 news...
Going forward, Cross-Play is a good option to have, it will ensure the longevity of certain videogames. Right now though, I suspect it was only a real hot-button issue because Fortnite players were salty about their situation.
That stinks. We need some cross-play games up in here. Hopefully we’ll get some announcements soon.
yo blizz OW needs it, game's tombstone is currently being carved
Honestly I don't see much existing games hopping on the cross play train but it's definitely going to be interesting for future games
@SKC_Diamond I agree. I suspect that cross play will be implemented next gen if anything.
@Tasuki yep I can definitely see them marketing the PS5 with things like "Built with cross play in mind"
I'm perfectly fine with this.
No, seriously. For all of my pro-crossplay comments on the site, I never once suggested anything against the lack of crossplay when developers themselves are against it. I was advocating for said developers to be free to choose what they wanted to do on said matter.
Lol to be fair their statement did say it was a matter of when not if. So in can still come around in some time in the future.
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