Breaking news: Sony’s studios are working hard on the PlayStation 4’s roster of upcoming exclusives. The company provided an update on four titles today: Déraciné, Days Gone, Everybody’s Golf VR, and Concrete Genie. But what about the wealth of other first-party releases on the way, like Blood & Truth, Ghost of Tsushima, Death Stranding, and The Last of Us: Part II?
“The studios are hard at work polishing up these epic PS4 games, but we aren’t yet ready to share a release timeframe,” wrote marketing bigwig Asad Qizilbash on the PlayStation Blog. “When that news is available, rest assured – you’ll be the first to know!”
Hilariously, Qizilbash didn’t even mention Dreams, only its beta – which will allegedly launch later this year. Then again, with all the chatter about crunch this week, we learned that gamers are willing to wait, so we’re sure you’ll all comfortable giving these teams the time they need. Right?
[source blog.us.playstation.com]
Comments 34
2019 could be a hell of a year..
@roe ''could'', I'd give an arm and a leg if we get all of it next year
Also, is it weird to think that a Dreams beta would be followed up by a release a few months later?
Days Gone got delayed again to April 26, 2019 it needs all the polish it can get as Sony Bend is just use to making PS Vita games.
They should be. I don't see anyone saying polish is a bad thing.
You say that gamers are willing to wait but no doubt there are those that just want the game out now.
I reckon Sony's releases are
Concrete Genie in March
Days Gone April
MLB 19 May
Everybody's Golf in May
Blood and Truth in July
Dreams September
Expect TLOU2, Ghost of Tshushmia and Death Stranding in 2020 now with PS5 launching late 2020.
@DerMeister Polish is a good thing; look at The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077!
@adf86 I know I was being sarcastic. You go on ResetEra and they're all horrified about crunch, but also all whining about how long games take to release. It makes me chuckle.
Yea I don't understand why so many people including journalist always want release dates. Every E3 like show you hear 'but the date? The date?' I feel Sony felt pressurised into giving a date for Days Gone way too early. Their view on not giving dates previously was very sound and honest.
Don't give a date till the game is nearly gold would be fine with me.
@adf86 MLB The Show 19 is launching in March and PS5 will be getting announced Q1 next year and launching in November, Death Stranding, Ghost Of Tsushima and The Last Of Us 2 will be all 2019 games.
Sony allows it's teams ample time to get their games right, but I wonder how much that is due to being the market leader?
If they were 50million units behind Xbox/MS would they still be this laid back?
I wonder what next gen will be like? Seems like the game turnover will be a lot greater with most FP studios expanding.
@Fight_Teza_Fight Either way Sony’s First Party Studios always took their time on their games to make sure it has the quality everyone expects.
@Badboyfx86 You sound pretty sure, but I'm not convinced. I don't think Sony will have every ready by then. And tbh I don't think consumers aren't ready yet.
@adf86 if your prediction is true, then it‘ll be a terrible year for Sony first party wise. Plus MLB always comes out March. That‘s a safe bet.
@adf86 Medievil is probably coming next year too. Maybe Ghost of Tsushima as well, but 2020 is a safer bet on this one.
@adf86 PS5 November 2019 next year is gonna be Awesome, look at the past comparison the proof is in the pudding.
@adf86 That is depressing.
@JAMes-BroWWWn I don't think it's bad, it just doesn't look as good compared to this year. But we have to remember that Sony don't release games in the fall period most of the time so October to December should be ruled out. They won't release a big game before Days Gone now, so your talking May through to September for TLOU2, GoT and Death Stranding to come out and I just can't see that happening. One of them is possible but I just feel we haven't seen enough of those games to guess a release window.
@Badboyfx86 That doesn't say a 2019 release though. It could easily be for Infinity Ward's next CoD game in 2021.
Infinity Wards next game after next year is 2022, Call Of Duty games are all on 3 year release schedules, it makes zero sense for their Next Gen Job listing to be for 2022, when they had their Next Gen Job listing in 2012 Ghosts launched in 2013 with Next Gen.
@adf86 PS4 Pro was a “Mid Gen Upgrade” that launched 3 years halfway during PS4’s 6 year Console Cycle aimed for the Hardcore Crowd as Andrew House stated in the past that they noticed Midway during the Console Cycle some of their user base would want better hardware and switched to PC I provided the link down below, Sony is switching to 3 year hardware refresh cycles as that’s their best strategy going forward and gives their user base 2 options they can upgrade every 3 years or every 6 years, PS4 28nm November 2013, PS4 Pro 16nm November 2016 and PS5 7nm November 2019. PS4 launched on November 15, 2013 which was on a Friday and November 15 next year is also a Friday, I fully expect Sony to mirror everything that they did in 2013 for PS4 the same way for PS5 next year.
January 31st, 2013: Invitations sent out to press to attend the upcoming Playstation Meeting in February.
February 20th, 2013: PS4 is officially revealed at Playstation Meeting.
E3 2013: Further details.
November (15th in US, 29th in EU), 2013: PS4 released.
@Badboyfx86 I just think it's too soon. I don't think they will have too many PS5 exclusive games ready for launch or pretty soon after. Activision may have an eye on next gen but if Sony aren't ready then they won't.
@get2sammyb How funny that you brought up resetera as they are all flip floppers switching from team2019 to team2020 and vise versa on a daily basis, they even believe that PS5 could launch in Q1 Of 2020, Holiday 2019 was always the plan and when PS5 is launching.
Wax on, wax of!
@adf86 I don't think exclusive games will be an issue for a PS5 launch, the PS4's were hardly great back then and it was left to cross gen and remasters to pick up the slack. Assuming it has no problems playing PS4 games it'll have plenty to be getting on with at launch whether it be 2019 or 2020 and with the plethora of Pro enabled games using dynamic scaling, added to hopefully 16x anisotropic filtering like the X and we'd have an existing library that will look and perform better than ever on console. Not to mention it should be pretty easy to add compatibility for PS5 to upcoming games and there's always Knack 3 😂
@adf86 yeah Sony better release PS5 in November 2020.. some people need more time to save up money for buy 4K TV with HDR then pre-order PS5 in 2020 is smart thing to do
@adf86 yep it too early for them to release PS5 in 2019. they need more times to find great exclusive game for PS5 launch title like Nintendo Switch had The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wind was Nintendo Switch's launch title
@porhawj2016 When Sony launched PS4 November 2013, they already had PS4 Pro decided for November 2016 and when PS4 Pro launched November 2016 they already had PS5 decided for November 2019. Sony had the Worst E3 ever this year and never planned PSX for December this year and PS Plus free games are ending next March for PS3 and PS Vita because Sony is making their transition for PS5, not to far out from now everyone will find out all the details for PS5.
@Fight_Teza_Fight You mean polished to perfection? Laidback what a nonsense i guess you can do it faster... 😑
@Badboyfx86 What was so great about the competition? Third party multiplatform releases... 😑
Why would you release a PS5 with so many great titles coming. And have a big chance pissing off a lot of people. 🤨
@Flaming_Kaiser In 2013 PS3 had its last batch of First Party AAA Exclusives launch throughout the year and PS4 got announced early that year at the PlayStation Experience and launched in November, no body complained and PS4 sold great when it launched that November. This time around the PS5 launch it will be even smoother because of PS5 sticking to X/86 Architecture and having B/C. You’ll find out the details Q1 next year at the PlayStation Experience.
@Badboyfx86 Except there's alot more than a "Last Batch" of corfirmed first party PS4 titles left, more like two or three batches...seriously there's what? More than a dozen upcoming high profile first party titles "More if you include budget titles" many of which are likely to release in 2020.
Now mind you, Sony doesn't typically release first party stuff long after the start of the new generation, third party yes, but are you really telling me that they'll be baiting and switching a good half a dozen or so AAA first party PS4 games and moving them to PS5? That seems like a good way to lose a massive portion of your late adopters of the PS4 if they bought their PS4 specifically for those games, the chances they'll upgrade will drop to near nil if Sony did this...
You’ll find out Q1 next year at The Playstation Experience Event that PS5 is launching in November.
Given that Everybody’s Golf VR is appearing, does this mean we might see some new courses, etc?
@Badboyfx86 i don't think Sony want release PS5 next year in 2019.. 2020 would be perfect time for Sony to release it
6 years for a Console Cycle is the sweet spot, Seven is a little too long but doable, we’ll find out everything next year.
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