How strange it is to think that in a year where Sony’s secured an unprecedented 20 nominations at The Game Awards and had to revise its sales forecasts due to the continued success of the PlayStation 4 five years into its lifespan, I’m writing about a loss of momentum from the manufacturer. But this is a headline I’m not surprised I’m writing, because I’ve been here before two times already and the point just keeps getting more pertinent: the Japanese giant is far too quiet.
Huge news broke yesterday regarding E3 2019 and the organisation’s decision to skip it entirely, and have we heard a peep from the bigwigs? I can appreciate that the Entertainment Software Association – the body that organises the expo – forced the platform holder’s hand, but it’s hard to have faith in a company that isn’t prepared. Why wasn’t SIEA boss Shawn Layden immediately on the phone to press, answering a few questions about the firm’s decision? One interview would have been enough.

But this is the thing, and I’ve pointed it out before: Sony simply doesn’t do interviews anymore. I used to really enjoy hearing from the execs, because I care about the company and genuinely like learning about its direction. I can’t for the life of me remember the last time we heard from any of the company’s suits, though; I think Shawn Layden did a panel at a Barcelona event, and he’s been on the PlayStation Blogcast a couple of times. There was nothing at E3 2018, or any other events.

Look, I do have some sympathy with the platform holder, because we know how these press conferences tend to go. Expectations rise to astronomical levels, and while PlayStation’s been a victim of its own success to some extent, I get why it wants to avoid letting people down. But it’s doing exactly that by failing to explain its decisions; it takes minutes in this age of social media for the brass to get back to fans on Twitter, but it’s consciously deciding not to do that. Why?
I’m not buying this idea that it has to stay quiet because PlayStation 5 is coming and it’s not quite ready to talk about it yet, because telling fans that it has exciting plans for 2019 is not going to ruin any carefully curated marketing campaign. The same excuses were made of its decision to avoid the press at E3 2018, with cross-console play cited as the culprit. But outside of cross-console play, I wanted to know where the company was at and what it was up to. Instead we got nothing.
And so here we are, a day after the PS4’s anniversary and a week before Thanksgiving, pondering just what PlayStation is up to and why. Let’s be realistic here, with games like God of War and Marvel’s Spider-Man under its umbrella, it’s impossible to argue that the company’s truly lost momentum. There’s absolutely loads on the horizon to look forward to, and I think we can all be pretty certain that a new console is lurking right around the corner.
But I’m still concerned because this isn’t the Sony that delivered the PS4 anymore – I feel like we can all agree on that. The open, inviting PlayStation of 2013 would simply not have allowed this kind of E3 news to break without comment and communication with fans. I understand if Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida, exhausted after an extended stint as makeshift community manager, wants to get back to his day job – but this company simply hasn’t replaced the likes of Adam Boyes and Shahid Ahmad.
I say all this because I care: I want the PlayStation that actually involved us back, and I’m done with this one that brickwalls us. It’s hard to criticise too heavily because Sony continues to deliver year-in, year-out – it’s earned our trust. But it’s spent this year sleepwalking into unforced errors, and it no longer has a public figure around to explain why. Sony’s keeping us at arm’s length, and I just hope for its sake that it’s not a mistake.
Are you equally irritated at Sony’s current lack of communication, or couldn’t you care less? What do you think it’s got in store for 2019, and why do you think it’s being so ridiculously secretive about it all? Would you like to hear more from PlayStation’s executives, or would you prefer to leave them to do their job? Be balanced in the comments section below.
Comments 119
Plain and Simple Cocky Sony is back and Microsoft has been killing it with Xbox lately and will kill it next year at E3.
reading too much into it. nothings happened. losing momentum, no. sales have dominated every month.
Fans = Sammy 😂
No, no I cant.
I like the silence. It’s very ‘Rockstar’.
Everyone knows what’s going on.
But no one knows for sure.
When Sony do announce the next event, you just know everyone is going to tune in.
Because it will be big.
I also think they want to stay quiet and let MS go first...& then they’ll one up them again.
The competition are already smelling blood...
Seriously though, i feel sorry for Sony. They cant do anything right at the moment. Either they dont say anything and get slated, or they do make announcements and they get slated for those too.
Ultimately if Sony have nothing to add to what they have already announced it does raise questions why they would go to the expense. Not having any presence on the show floor at E3 is a mistake though imo.
Question. Have Sony released some of their biggest and best selling exclusive software this year? Yes. Were they of high quality? Yes. Are more exclusives on the way? Yes. Is a new console on the horizon? Yes. Are Sony ready to show it off? No. Is arrogant Sony back? Hell No. And it annoys me that people say they are.
Should we be worried? If the games stop coming then of course, but that is not the case. I fully expect Sony to do something else that meets their needs next year. And im excited to see what it is.
Sony’s too busy counting it’s money to have time for interviews 😉
But joking aside, I’m not too terribly disturbed by the lack of access to executives as long as when we do get news and updates that they are the right ones. What was it Mark Twain said? —
“It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”
As long as they games are still coming, I'm not worried.
@Badboyfx86 blablabla arrogant sony blablabla.
jesus some people just wait all year long for a negative article about sony just so they can call them arrogant.
again sony just can't win with some people.
but sure sony is bad,and xbox is killing right now right?
let's all just forget the killer year sony had with games alone. the only reason microsoft etc talk is because they have to.
sony are in a possition where the games do that for them,and while yes it would be nice to hear more from them,it's not that they are leaving us in the dark all the time. afterall they said yesterday that they have other things planned to interact with the fans.
now i'm just going to wait untill someone brings up that stupid cencorship argument again.
Well maybe it's because that no matter what the Internet can't help but spin every Sony news into a negative, even during their amazing conferences and announcements wherever you look online you'll find xbotz trolling, PC elitists with a superiority complex and Nintendo diehards who can't seem to ever let the past go always hating on and downplaying everything Sony does, I've said it before and I'll say it again that no matter what Sony can't catch a break.
Hell for this instance the consensus from online seems to be "oh Sony is arrogant again" when all it could be is them just shutting up and working to avoid the constant backlash they've been getting from "showing the same games again and again."
Laydens honest response to no PSX this year, doing cross play and providing amazing game experiences paints to me that Sony are actually listening to people and actually 'trying' (despite an impossible task) to please everyone.
It's a problem for the press, not for the players.
The funny part is Xbox and Spencer jump the gun on twitter bragging they ll be at E3. And some pretend console wars are a fanboy thing but don't exist.
Yea no! I prefer quiet
I don't think they've lost momentum at all. What exclusives do we have to look forward to? Days Gone, Dreams, Concrete Genie, Last of Us Part II, Death Stranding, Ghost of Tsushima, and MediEvil. My guess is PS5 will release in late 2020. So that's 7 major first party games over a two year period...nothing to whine/worry about. Plus, I've no doubt that there will be a few PSVR titles thrown in there as well. Not to mention A TON of third party games from now til then.
We've seen all they have left in store for the last couple years of the console, but it will be ONE HELL of a farewell for PS4. There's NO reason to complain.
@viciousarcanum this.
and tbh it's not just xbox and other platform fans doing this,but even some ps fans.
this platform has the weirderst fans at times. it seems like they have a thing for calling them arrogant whenever they can.
Lol, they have had one of their best years in decades and you still want a 24 hour helpline to Sony? Hahah. They can ride this year well into next and milk it. Look how Nintendo rode this year. They haven't done so bad.
Just go get your xbox and stfu with the concern hot takes Christ
This comes across as a Sammy rant rather then actually speaking for the fans that the headline suggests.
Yes Sony did lose a fair few people who were always quite open but those guys were largely courting indie developers which is a policy Sony have took a backseat on now to focus on AAA exclusives and VR games.
Been open with an audience is a double edged sword tbh once you open up communications, people then tend to feel like they can say and ask/demand anything. For example I follow a guy on Twitter who almost every day tweets to Shu and Shawn Layden asking for a new PS AllStars game, imagine that magnetized by hundreds and it's no wonder they want to raise the draw bridge, just ask the PS Blog staff.
Plus let's look at things that have happened in recent months that Sony have done.
Cross Play controversy: Shawn Layden says their looking into it. Then John Kodera himself says their allowing it which also represented a significant policy change.
Days Gone gets delayed: Shawn Layden says the busy February period influenced the decision. When's a publisher been that blunt about such things?
No PSX this year: Shawn Layden once again says that the company didn't have enough content to announce so they didn't want to waste people's time.
Now is that really signs of a company that is getting "arrogant" or "out touch"? I don't think so, it says to me that Sony ARE listening but don't have to reply to every request, only when necessary like yesterday.
Some of you Sony fans are ridiculous. E3 this past year was underwhelming across the board. E3 hasn't been the important industry standard its been in years past. Sony proved with the ps4 announcement and ps experience, they don't need e3.
Think the bigger problem for me is Sony not doing PSX. PSX would be great for things like Medievil Dreams and concrete genie as well as announcing a few VR games and some indie games. I feel they have not given enough high profile time to Dreams. Just seems a long time since Sony announced a new game think it was only Nioh 2 at E3
Ok, having read the article, I do agree with Sony being a little too quiet, even with them trying to keep PS5 news under wraps.
I don't equate that with a loss of momentum though. The $199 PS4 Spiderman bundle will sell. The $199 PSVR bundles could sell some. Dreams has to release eventually, and who knows, maybe even a beta. Then Days Gone and TLOU2. I don't have dates in my head yet for Ghosts or Death Stranding.
Meanwhile Xbox has something worthwhile on their $500 console I'm sure but I have no idea what it is, just that they buy a lot of companies to make gsmes.
Switch has SSBU and Pokémon Go which are the big holiday games for them.
RDR2 is getting all the headlines, and that's on Rockstar dime.
So yeah, would be nice for Sony to speak up more, but where I come from, "money talks, BS walks", so I'll take the $199 Spiderman bundle outselling the $399 Pokémon bundle. $359 SSBU bundle may sell the best this holidsy, but it's Smash.
The Game Awards are in 3 weeks, let's see what Sony has to say then. If GoW can win a couple of awards over RDR2 that's all they need, can't play GoW on Xbox, Switch or PC. Same for Spiderman.
PS5 announcement and moving forward is the real test, which needs to be sooner rather than later now. Not the launch, just the announcement making it official.
The silence may be deafening but if the system keeps selling does it matter?
They said "We are exploring new and familiar ways to engage our community in 2019 and can’t wait to share our plans with you."
So, how about wait and see? Is that difficult to wait?
I know we are in an age of "give me now" (very noticeable in the intermission of E3 2018), but can we just relax and enjoy these great games, and when they're ready to share those plans, we will be here to listen.
And there are more companies making games for PS4.
As a gamer, the PlayStation platform feels better than ever to me. I don't really need to see the same 60 minute presentation showing 90% of games I already know about.
Times are just changing for news delivery in my opinion. All 3 platforms have had really weak 'conferences' this year. It's hard to shock and surprise when everything is announced immediately.
we have three of the biggest exclusives this console generation releasing in 2019. we just had shadow of the colossus, god of war and spiderman released this year. lost momentum? no, that sounds like typical gamers complaining because they have nothing better to do. what else is new?
@Badboyfx86 If not having exclusives (all the games available on PC), studios that produce f2p cheap content and low sales that even the company is ashamed to share are signs of success, then Xbone is the real champion.
and losing momentum?
do those people even know what that means or have they been asleep the past year?
playstation is stronger then it has ever been,2018 was the year with the most AAA exclusives,each of them getting high scores and all of them getting nominated for GOTY awards.
the console itself is still selling like hotcakes at the close end of it's life.
but all of that does not mean anything the moment sony does something weird without the people even knowing the full plan.
it's like those people are robots programmed with 2 settings,react postive on a good news related sony article and react bad on a bad news releated sony article regardless if the article is true or not.
Here it is people. The worst take of the week. Enjoy it while it's fresh in your minds.
Why do they have to say anything now? E3 is 7 months away.
Sony are damned if they do, damned if they don't. If they do open up, the questions of PS5, cross-play, backwards compatibility, faux 4k etc are likely and, if they are gearing up for PS5, they may not be ready to discuss the hardware or new software yet so you only get details on the games we have been getting details of for the past year or more. The only thing we are 'missing' as such is confirmed release dates for games like Last of Us 2, Ghost of Tsushima and Death Stranding - assuming they are not ready to reveal any new games at this point.
What are people expecting Sony to say? Are they hoping to see yet more of the games we have already seen aspects of? If Sony were to be more vocal at the moment, talking about their upcoming releases we already know about, then that too would be wrong, giving too much away, spoiling these games or just repeating themselves over and over again.
Maybe its made worse because MS have had 'news' to share lately and people are hoping to see a response, a reaction from Sony - as if they actually need to.
Oh Sony, it's very hard to love you nowadays. You...
....censor my beloved Japanese anime games
...cancel the yearly PSX
...bring out an average PlayStation Classic with a butt ugly interface, using an open source emulator as a base
...pretend to play Red Dead 2 at 4K on PS4 Pro, you nasty nasty false advertising thing
...and now, you cancel E3 2019.
My dear Sony, tell me: How can we save our relationship if you keep on disappointing me like that? dramatic end
Sony far too quiet? You should hear my PS4. Loud as f**k!
@Lando_ i am sensing sarcasm in this post or i atleast hope there is sarcasm involved.
with some people you just never know anymore.
Too soon to say arrogant Sony are back, but it's definitely worth keeping an eye on. Whatever they're planning will be good though, I reckon.
Jokes aside, I agree with Sammy. The only thing I get to here are the bad news about Sony, that I've stated above, while Microsoft and Nintendo are advertising colourful and loudly. I miss a little bit of "Hey, we are also here, still in the game, look at us, motherf-beep-!" from Sony recently. It feels like, they are taking their success for granted, without having to promote things or explaining decisions through interviews. I'm still waiting for an explanation about their recent censorship policy, for example.
@PS_Nation As per community rules
Do not use profanity; Use of unsavoury language including profanity and swearing is not acceptable, please remember that this website has users of all ages.
So let's watch the language.
Thanks for understanding
All the big 3 have been kind of cocky this year and it kind of hurts there reputation. I have a feeling that either Microsoft or Sony are going to have a rocky start for the next gen. We could have another PS3 coming up. A Succesful console usually means a bad console launch for the next gen. (PS2-PS3, Xbox 360-One, Wii-Wii U) Sony is getting too arrogant now.
Noice! Can't wait for the next 10 articles on the exact same topic.
"Fans think" Yet the whole article is I, I and I
"blablabla arrogant sony blablabla.
jesus some people just wait all year long for a negative article about sony just so they can call them arrogant."
This! 100%
Plus, if people think that they can draw conclusions based on Sony arguably being arrogant before ps3 launched, they clearly should have paid more attention in class. That's not enough to establish a pattern.
It is exaggeration. I have a backlog of over 40 PS4 and 30 PS3 games. Sony could, in my opinion, really be more communicative with its fans recently, but I will not change factions so fast, as hinted in my pseudo dramatic post. I've still too many games to play.
I disagree with this article, Sony has no obligation to keep its fans in the loop at all times. No company does, why would they tell everyone their plans if said plans aren't ready yet and could be hijacked or bettered by a rival?
Think your reading into it a bit Sam as long as there's games to play on PS4 Sony don't have to speak out every time. If they want to miss out E3 it's up to them if they want to miss 2019 Expo it's up to them. Maybe they are just concentrating on new IPs for PS5 and what not has anyone thought of that
@jdv95 well said. It's when people ask.
"What did you think of x? Did you love it, did you hate it?" As if there are the two possible emotions one can have.
Clean your fan, man!
Sony has maintained incredible momentum this year, but 2019 isn't looking great at the moment.
That could change any time, of course.
Sony will need to stumble in a number of areas to really lose any momentum, and we're just not at that point yet.
@HungryWolf your forgetting something, this is the internet so of course people can't wait
they want everything now, they don't care if there are plans in place or if something just isn't ready to be said because the internet is full of self entitled morons who believe they are the center of the universe
@Bliquid Does Kodera even exist? I've certainly never heard a single word from him.
2019 will start with two games that will sell 70% or more in PS4: Kingdom Hearts III and Ace Combat 7 (with VR support).
I think they don't need to worry.
I don't have problem with this as long as the games is great.
A bit overblown but i do agree. I understand they are working on a new console but that hasn’t stopped them before. Man PSX 2017 really spooked them.
This is a solid take, but I’m not fussed. If anything we were probably just duped into believing Sony was our friend back at the PS4’s launch. Self-identifying with a multi-national corporation is always going to be a hazardous pursuit.
@PS_Nation I should of been more clear I meant Xbox is heading in the right direction and making the right moves for the future, For Example they bought 7 studios, they have game pass, they killed it with B/C, they’ll have a payment option on their next Console, they are heavily invested in the cloud and streaming, they’re open with their fan base, Sony has been a sitting duck the last year and just cancelling events.
Just a limbo moment between "not-so" end of the PS4 and no announcement of PS5 yet, and selling as well as it did, there's not much to say.
They're losing some momentum, but I don't think it's much of a problem just yet. They're in a comfortable position that'll allow them to coast along for a while. The important factor for them right now will be how much momentum they can create with the PS5 reveal.
I really like this website for its pretty chilled approach and good reviews and not feeling like some fan boy website but it’s staring to feel a bit like fan boys getting miffed with all these articles and getting annoyed at Sony. Just let them do their thing and if it doesn’t work and the end results bad then rant, but they’ve really stepped up over the past few years with the PS4 and have been listening to what fans want so chill and just believe that Sony, Microsoft Nintendo etc know what they are doing.
@jdv95 im a huge PlayStation guy as I had a PS4 day 1 and traded it for PS4 Pro 3 Years after which I enjoy but the damn system is soo loud, I tell it how it is Sony has done nothing but just sleep the last year, but Xbox has been making all the right moves heading into Next Gen, For Example they bought 7 studios, they have game pass, they killed it with B/C, they’ll have a payment option on their next Console, they are heavily invested in the cloud and streaming, they’re open with their fan base.
@Ralizah ''but 2019 isn't looking great at the moment.''
Why do you think that?
@get2sammyb Maybe he's one of those Japanese holograms. So he kinda exists, but he also doesn't really.
We need Tretton, House & Co back!
@Octane We don't really have dates on most of their big games, and Sony is disappearing from trade shows. Reminds me of Nintendo after 2017. Of course, the big difference is that Sony won't have too many issues just cruising on mainly third-party games for a year while it's gearing up the PS5 launch.
Ps5 is being announced in Europe. Retail will start late November through Christmas period. Europe is the home of the playstation. We deserve this!
@Ralizah I'm fairly positive we'll get Ghost and Death Stranding next year, in addition to Dreams, Concrete Genie and Days Gone.
I'm not sure the word means much in journalistic language. I've heard them saying Xbox is gaining momentum since Titanfall.
In all honestly this is likely due to the fact we know everything that’s on the table for next year as far as major titles. They tried to do a press conference with a 4 game showcase and it was a dud. Why waste that time, money, and good will of the fans when they can stream what they want us to know in what is likely to be a year without surprises
I don't blame them for not doing interviews. Every single thing they say gets misquoted without context and blown entirely out of proportion.
I don't mind them being quiet it means they're busy working on things.
If the quality of the games dropped I would understand the concern but they're knocking out hits one after the other
"it takes minutes in this age of social media for the brass to get back to fans on Twitter" - twitter? seriously? apart from it being a toxic cesspit, if you want to prevent leaks or every turn of phrase being poured over in speculation, then it's just much easier to control the information if you don't have a bunch of execs that go on twitter and deliver 140 character soundbytes.
you could argue that maybe the company has lost a couple of its best PR guys, but then it needs time to recruit the right PR guys, not just stick a suit out in front of the media and hope for the best (otherwise you end up with someone like jim ryan saying they felt backwards compatibility was a waste of resources). it's not going to tell the media about PS5 - everyone knows it's coming and questions will be inevitable. it doesn't need to tell the media about TLoU2, ghost of tsushima, death stranding, etc. it's comfortable letting the developers set their own schedule, when there's stuff to be shown, it'll do so. it's not going to tell the media about its event plans for 2019 if it's still working on them. do you really need somebody to affirm every week "we're working hard but have nothing to share right now"?.
to think Sony is stupid & not thinking about the big picture is nuts in my eyes:) the PS5 will be shown & Talked about in 2019 that is a massive deal for the company to work on now & get right!
I bet the PS4 will still get a lot of love from Sony for years to come & people saying MS is killing it should be embarrassed for themselves!!
@JJ2 that's just the execs getting the mob all worked up, they know how to play the game.
I don't see the problem. Sony are letting their games do the talking. Reactionary nonsense imo.
@Badboyfx86 "sony has done nothing but sleep"
this year alone they released a more silent ps4 pro model,added crossplay,are working on psn name changes etc.
so they are not sleeping at all.
and ofcourse microsoft is buying studio's,it's the only thing they can do in order to get good exclusives,sony does not need to buy studio's as they already own several and have a great partnership with others.
as for the cloud streaming thing,well that is something lot's of gamers are actually cautious about since streaming is not a liked method for gaming for several reasons according to many players.
so that cloud streaming's success is yet to be seen.
the only thing that MS is better at then sony is talking to the fans,but they only do so because they have to in order to keep their install base happy for the future since the exclusives are not doing that.
so again so far MS realy is not a step above sony,and while yes they are banking hard on next gen so is sony,but sony is more silent about it,and that could maybe even be a good thing for them.
I think it's the internet culture now, so the suits are scared to talk before it's dissected into facial animations, water puddle or crunch. Dan Houser said they wouldn't even know what to do with GTA6 with people being offended by everything lately. So I don't blame them when they refuse to talk.
Playstation basically built my whole childhood and now is making my adulthood and probably way beyond that. With that in mind, I trust Playstation and Sony, probably more than I trust my eyes, cuz they never failed me (whereas sometimes my eyes did lol)
I'm not saying I blindly follow whatever they do like a slave, it's just that I'm sure they know better than any of us what to do... hasn't that been the case for four generations of consoles?
@jdv95 y
Yup enjoy your weekend
When it comes down to it, it's all about the money. I like games, not companies.
@Octane Of all the games Sony has left for PS4, Death Stranding seems the likeliest to be delayed to 2020. I could see it being a cross-gen title.
I feel like we're more likely to see TLOU Part II than Ghost of Tsushima next year. I could be off-base, though.
Maybe they aren't being silent.
Maybe we just can't hear them over the noise of the PS4 Pro fan.
Yes and the media play the same game
@Ralizah That would make sense. But Kojima said during TGS that the game is still on track to be released in the same year as the upcoming Akira film, which is next year.
And based on Sony's own comments on Ghost during PSX last year, they specifically stated that they wanted to wait with the reveal until the right moment, and how they didn't want to reveal too early. Late 2017 to sometime in 2019 is still an awful long time IMO. If it's 2020, they were definitely making stuff up on the spot at PSX.
'Does Kodera even exist?'
@stua12t It's all done for clicks, unfortunately. Just look at the number of comments. And don't forget the number of articles on the same topic.
@naruball it's funny how push Square staff slam click bait stuff from reddit then publish their own click bait nonsense every now and then.
Glass houses and all that.
@Cutmastavictory haha but at least Sony fans stay on Sony forums!
@bbq_boy um... okay. That's cool. oh you're implying that I'm not a Sony fan....
Er....what? Lol
I like PlayStation for the games, not their press conferences!
Got plenty of games to play, I'm sound as a pound.
What if we all exist in a Truman Show like universe where there is no real Kodera? Oh my God, where's the chopper!?
What is certain is that their attitude is at the extreme opposite of Microsoft's. The X018 event was, in short, just a gamepass commercial (and not necesseraly a good one), but it was an event. It had some energy (too much, I know, yeah... What the hell was this audience... ?), and it was, you know, some form of communication. Phil Spencer just said a few words, but at least he was there, and said something.
It's this kind of stuff that Sony is really lacking right now, and what I don't like is that I can't stop myself of thinking that their silence is just the result of their sales : why should they care ? The ps4 is selling, games are selling, everything is ok, right ? RIGHT ?
No, god no. With a little more communication, just a little, they could improve those PSVR sales, for exemple. They're good, I know. Considering context, the PSVR is selling all right. But where are the commercials ? Where are thoses demo stations, those execs talking about how incredible and astonishing Astrobot really is ?
Microsoft is gonna give a really good performance at next E3, I'm sure of it. Why ? Cause Sony is letting them.
Tinfoil hats are in, come get it!
Yes. Exactly. Sony is the silent, mysterious Japanese schoolboy, while Microsoft is the tall, muscular, extroverted baseball player. For a while, the mystery of the loner will pull interest, but in the long run the open-hearted guy is more trustworthy. Humans simply feel safer where they know what they are getting.
@Ralizah Dreams, Concrete Genie, Ghost of Tsushima, Days Gone, MLB and MAYBE TLOUII, Death Stranding and Nioh 2.
2019 is looking great.
I ain’t worried about Sony not showing up at E3. They will probably just announce new games and info on their own time. But I still like seeing the latest stuff that goes on at E3. So I will miss Sony not showing up. Still to look forward what Nintendo or 3rd parties got in store. Maybe even Microsoft.
@Zuby25 Exactly what everyone was saying right before the shudder PS3 launch fiasco
One word - hubris. Runaway success has made them ready to rest on their laurels a bit. Personally I think big companies should take the Coca-Cola approach, where they're still promoting the core products and introducing new ones, running competitions etc to continually drive interest and popularity.
This is an excellently written article by the way, proving once again why sites such as Pushsquare and Eurogamer are my go to sites for gaming news. See, neither of them are doing the lazy coasting and reduced output of Sony right now and it drives my interest in their content all the more.
Respectfully disagree with just about everything.
Maybe it's an age thing (late 40s here), but I don't feel the need to have a company explain their every move to me. They delivered a great console, they continue to deliver great games.
Although I've enjoyed their E3 pressers, I'm not bothered that they're not attending next year, and I don't need to know their reasons for it. I don't need to have them flooding my social media timelines with irrelevant posts just to remind me that they're still around. (Not a dig at you, Sammy - though this article does have a slight feeling of the overly attached girlfriend who's paranoid because she texted her guy 30 seconds ago and he hasn't replied yet! "Talk to me, dammit!" 🤣)
I think social media has a lot to answer for here. It's built and built over the last few years to the point where it's provided such information overload that it seems more and more people can't cope without it. If they don't get multiple daily posts from their fave company or - ahem - "celebrity" detailing the ins-and-outs of a gnat's behind, they can't function properly.
I've actually become pretty sick and tired of social media in recent months, as it seems it's gradually become a pool of entitled twazzocks, whining and moaning about increasingly trivial things. And in all honesty, yes, I've found myself doing the same. Which is why I'm using it less and less. It's just become so overwhelmingly negative, especially Twitter.
I sometimes feel that that negativity is infiltrating this site, too. I mean, I can recall complaints about Sony's E3 for at least the last 3 years. First it was the length of the talky bits. Then that there were no talky bits. And again this year when they tried something completely new. Now they're going to do nothing next year, and - yup - complaining again!
Who knows, perhaps Sony are feeling the same. I mean, no matter what they do, social media finds something new to whine about. External drives. Themes/backgrounds. Cross-play. Name changing. And now, of all the ridiculous things, "oh no, the PS Mini uses an existing emulator! 😱" I'm not saying some of these things didn't need addressing, but crikey were they blown out of all proportion. And some of the utter hate and vile comments/attitudes I've read are mind boggling... and all for things which had no real effect on the core purpose of the product: playing games.
So yeah... wouldn't surprise me if they were just sick of the constant barrage and feel like taking a break before kicking off their PS5 campaign.
Of course, it could also be simply that with things pretty obviously gearing up for PS5, they have nothing further to add/show at the present time. Off the top of my head, we've got at least 3 big exclusives dropping next year - Days Gone, and (hopefully) TLOU2 and Ghost of Tsushima. The rest of the first-party developers who don't currently have PS4 stuff in development (which at this point is probably most of them) are probably working on PS5 stuff which is too early to be announced.
After the success of PS4, Sony will surely be looking to hit the ground running with PS5, providing a number of high-quality first-party titles at launch. Whether by design or happy coincidence, many of their teams have finished their most recent titles at roughly the same time, leaving them to start work on new projects, and it would make sense for those to be on the new platform in order to hit launch, or at least not miss it by more than a few months.
My guess would be that they're skipping E3 next year because they have nothing/not enough new to show for PS4 to fill an hour. If they were to attend, assuming there was no PS5 announcement beforehand, I know exactly what would happen. They'd show more footage of already-announced PS4 games, and people would complain that either (a) there was nothing new on show, or (b) they were showing too much new footage of the already announced games and spoiling them prior to release.
Maybe they're skipping E3 because they're planning to have an event announcing PS5 in the weeks after, with a late 2019/early 2020 launch. Who knows? Either way, when they've got something to share, I'm pretty sure they'll let us know. In the meantime, I'm happy for them to cut down on what would basically be filler material.
@Badboyfx86 Killing how? My One S is just a 4k disc player. They only released two good games this generation. Cuphead and Sunset.
I mean, we know Ghosts of Tsushima, Death Stranding, The Last of Us 2, Days Gone, Dreams, Medieval Remake, FF7 Remake are on the way, so I'm not losing confidence in them at all. Maybe appease the fanbase with SOME piece of info or update we haven't been given, it's certainly better than radio silence.
Simply a journalist looking for clicks. As long as Sony keeps delivering I could care less if they show to E3/PSX/retro game show
@MakeLoveNotWars Xbox has been making all the right moves heading into Next Gen, For Example they bought 7 studios, they have game pass, they killed it with B/C, they’ll have a payment option on their next Console, they are heavily invested in the cloud and streaming, they’re open with their fan base.
You need to change headline from "Fans think" to "Sammy thinks". The only people agreeing with you are Xbox riders and not Sony fans. This is the kind of clickbait rubbish article I'd expect from IGN etc 🙄, you've let us down today Sammy 😥
I honestly don't think it's much of a big deal. I just don't think they have any new games to talk about and last year's show failed to blow anyone's skirt up so they're skipping it this year. E3 is less important than it used to be.
I also think that we're overstating the change in Sony's PR. Like here you mention Sony in 2013 and how well they did, and would the Sony of 2013 stay quiet on this issue?
Well, I say yes, they would. Nobody seems to remember that in 2013 when Microsoft was embroiled in a cyclone of negative press about the Xbox One and the DRM that was in it, nobody knew whether Sony was planning the same thing with PS4. People were asking about used games and online connections for weeks and Sony stayed mum or gave evasive answers. We only found out definitely at the famous E3 that sank the Xbox One.
I just think they recognise that another E3 presser with little to show isn't going to help, and they have their own strategy building up to the reveal of PS5.
Can't argue with that though. "Touchè", as the French say.
well as long as the hardware and games do the talking im not complaining
Anyone would have thought they had replaced pretty much their entire management team in the past year.
My biggest issue with Playstation is they have put all their eggs into one basket by making lots of similiar sandbox games that they hype forever and a day. That isn't a balanced ecosphere of gaming and I'm starting to get a bit bored of it. Of course Nintendo is exciting at the moment with stuff like Splatoon, Arms, Octopath, Smash, and even Labo which dares to be different. Frankly if I never craft a pair of longjohns out of some cowhide and rivergrass and then stealthily raid a bandit camp it'll be too soon.
@solocapers well said. And the excuses they come up with are not convincing at all.
@Bobobiwan You just contradicted yourself.
1. Sales are great so Sony isn't trying hard enough.
2. PSVR sales aren't great because Sony isn't trying hard enough.
Which one is it?
@MrGawain I agree there are a lot of similar open world games out there, but most are actually third party multi platform, and just so happen to be popular on PS4 (RDR2, GTA5, AC, Far Cry, etc)
Spider-Man and Horizon have got a lot of attention, but not all Sony exclusives are “similar sandbox games”. Is God of War a sandbox game? Uncharted 4/LL? These are more linear with open elements.
In fact I would argue that Sony is innovating as much or more than the competitors with their games.
Dreams. Concrete Genie. Death Stranding. Astro Bot. Tetris Effect. Detroit Become Human .... and these are all this year or coming in the next year. The whole VR library (outside of Skyrim I guess) appear to be experiences different from “open world sandbox”
It been a long time since Splatoon and Arms came out. And the concept of Smash has been out since 1999. If anything, it seems Nintendo is the one that recycles ideas. And their biggest hit this gen is the pinnacle of “open world sandbox” gaming.
I’m not trying to contrary or a fan-boy and I do somewhat hear where your coming from, but the breadth of experience that Sony provides (and much of it published by Sony itself) is phenomenal. You just have to know where to look.
MS hasn't been killing anything the last three years and that's exactly the problem. Nintendo is in its own little space so regardless of how that company does neither Sony or MS is going to make moves based on that. Due to the complete irrelevance of Xbox One, even after the X, it has allowed Sony to run around unchecked and this is what you get... A company totally full of itself that now believes its brand to be bigger than the entire industry. I hope MS' acquisition of 7 new studios gets it back on track competing with Sony like back in the 360 days, but I need to see that happen first.
I don't think PlayStation is losing momentum but I'd be lying if I said I didn't hate some of the decisions I've seen, especially since the move to California. They're lost key people, which is concerning but that happens all the time. It's stuff that's actually happening that bothers me. The stance of not wanting to do cross-console play made sense from a business standpoint, but the PR was horrendous and I will continue to say that Sony can f right the heck off with its new censorship policy that essentially boils down to bullying some Japanese devs as well. But at the end of the day, that's small potatoes, what matters is the games and PlayStation games have the most mindshare right now. 20 GOTY nominations, that says it all. Any gripe I have with the company, I take up by going about my purchasing decisions differently but at the end of the day, looking at sales and everything else you can't legitimately argue that PlayStation is losing momentum.
@Badboyfx86 I'm not saying Sony are/aren't being arrogant but how are MS "killing it" exactly? Where are their Spiderman and God of War's? Sea of Thieves doesn't cut it.
I was an original Xbox and 360 gamer and all generation I've been waiting for MS to wake up with exclusives, but there's been almost nothing the whole gen.
Unless you are baiting I just can't see how MS are killing it, in fact more like being killed...
@Gamer83 Xbox has been making all the right moves heading into Next Gen, For Example they bought 7 studios, they have game pass, they killed it with B/C, they’ll have a payment option on their next Console, they are heavily invested in the cloud and streaming, they’re open with their fan base.
@Dodoo Xbox has been making all the right moves heading into Next Gen, For Example they bought 7 studios, they have game pass, they killed it with B/C, they’ll have a payment option on their next Console, they are heavily invested in the cloud and streaming, they’re open with their fan base.
@Medic_alert 5 inFamous games?? Do you count the 2 dlcs as full games??
@Badboyfx86 Yes it looks like they are setting up for next gen but tbh they need to up their game as this gen hasn't been good for them imo.
@naruball What I wanted to say is : I know PSVR sales are good. They're good within the context of a mergin market. But they can be better with a lot more communication.
I'm a fan of PSVR, since day one. I'm delighted by it, considering myself a VR enthousiast. As a PSVR user, I know, for a fact, that there are lots of games to play on it. So I'm confident for the future, of VR in general, but also of PSVR in particular.
BUT everyday I read here and there, from people who DON'T OWN an headset, that "VR is dead" or that "There is no game on PSVR" or again "Sony dropped it like it dropped the VITA". We can off course quickly qualify these comments as pure trolling, but the truth is that a lot of these people genually DON'T KNOW that PSVR is doing ok, that there are games and that they're good.
I consider ASTROBOT a revolution of the platformer genre. How many people, except the PSVR owners, know that there is a game called ASTROBOT that launched ? I had to go to several stores to buy my copy when it launched. Even some managers of those stores didn't know what this game was.
After sony's recent censorship policies I'm shifting what I can to other platforms, every time sonys on top they make these choices that irk me. Still plenty of great games I can only play on it so I'm here for the rest of the PS4's lifespan.
Oh my goodness, first world problems! Everything is just fine. Some people seem to get nervous breakdowns if they don't get new game or hardware reveals in a constant stream, while their backlog is growing and growing.
Wow this is really bothering you isn’t it? I agree that in the age of social media it’s so easy to connect with fans and Sony obviously aren’t doing that. But with the PS5 looming and also the 25th anniversary there’s just no way Sony aren’t planning something huge and all this just stirs up more anticipation. Would they not have been ready for E3? Are they planning their own huge show? Or are they just trying to annoy Microsoft? I’m happy with all of these - especially the last one. I don’t even know what game to play these days these days there’s that much choice. Gaming is the best it’s ever, ever been.
@Medic_alert Sounds like 3 games and 2 short dlcs to a sane person also 🤔
@JoeBlogs What a world we live in haha 😂😂
Its about obvious to everyone that this is the calm before the storm.
Sammy would like Sony to tell them they have a PS5 reveal event in the Spring and then a full reveal at psx. No E3 makes a 2020 ps5 launch even more likely instead of 2019.
LOL so entitle.
But I totally agree, sony should report everything to sammy
Yeap we know they planning different type of event in 2019. PS5 reveal, maybe. But the problem is they dont report to sammy. WTF Sony?
Sony could generate some hype with BC.
Sony: Release or Sell the PS2 emulator inside PS4 OS.
I'd like to play some old games without the massive jaggies.
Reading through these comments, I think it's fair to say that "fans" have no such concerns, and the article is extremely out of touch, bordering on clickbait.
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