Sony's adding 50 new games to PlayStation Now for the subscription service's big December update. As the PlayStation Blog points out, For Honor is a highlight, and it arrives alongside a bunch of other PlayStation 4 titles. It's worth reiterating that thanks to the addition of game downloads -- which were introduced back in September -- you can now download most PS4 titles rather than stream them.
Apparently, PS Now covers over 275 PS4 games at this point, which is a pretty hefty number. Add in PS3 and PS2 titles, and the total number of games is over 700.
Are you a PS Now subscriber? Are you tempted to grab it any time soon? Question why Sony can't just put a list of all available PS Now titles on its website in the comments section below.
Comments 29
I will eventually get it, I reckon, but I have a fair amount of games I've yet to start/finish thanks to PSN sales that I wouldn't find the time.
There doesn't seem to be any list that shows what those new 50 games are, which does not surprise me one bit.. Sony is so crap with proper info about PS Now
Here is the line-up
@HungryWolf Thanks!
Cousin just decided to sign up for PSNow and ran into the issue that his internet is too slow to stream properly. He moved to TX a month ago and was told the only way to get faster internet is to move lol.
@HungryWolf thanks. Wow, a list of leftovers nobody wants to eat and For Honor; a piece that some may take a nibble on then realize it’s not for them.
Not tempted at the moment due to a huge backlog. I do like the idea of it, but just don't feel like I'll ever want PS Now.
The main reason being I'm too busy with new games and for the most part only play one game at a time so it'd be a waste to pay for the service and just be playing one game.
Also, my PS Plus catalogue of free games is like its own PS Now.
@AhmadSumadi that's why they said 50 new games but hardly mentioned any of them!
Still a trash service.
M (and I cannot state this clearly enough) eh
Sony are starting to step up on PS Now. Will be interesting how that continues in 2019.
@IBeAGamer it's a terrific service if you have the internet speed for it. Have subscribed multiple times and it's been great!
would be great if they could add this service into the playstation plus system but then making playstation plus more expensive.
it would get more people on playstation plus and the playstation now would be less restricted.
At this point PlayStation Now would be tempting if I was getting a PlayStation for first time. But as I have both PlayStation two and three and have maintained PlayStation plus since 2014. I have both played all the old stuff I want to play and have a collection of random games I couldn’t be bothered to get at launch.
There's a few decent indies here, and it's another positive step for PS Now, but it's still nowhere near enough imo.
No. I hate subscriptions for things I don't use.
I would use it if they had PS1 games and more PS2 PS3 games and I could actually download them! basically make PS Now more like GamePass and I'll be on board
You know what, after kingdom hearts 3 I'm done with Sony
EA ruined star wars
Konami Fired Hideo Kojima then insulted us by delivering us Phantom Pain!
Rockstar became too greedy and basically it became pay to win with GTA5 i still refuse to look at RDR2 online features despite my friends saying jump online.
PSnow is like an insult because... Money grabbing corporation standard
And game companies are giving in to PC gamers with equality etc
Have I missed out on anything?
Oh yeah last night thing, the UK voted out of the EU so why am I still in EU servers full of people who can't speak English? Americans where you at! Yall more fun and more chill 😭
So much heart break
So much disappointment
I just wanna cry and run away with Nintendo hoping they can Coddle me with more Pokemon and zelda games.... 😂
@redd214 Game Pass is better.
@IBeAGamer thanks
@redd214 not a prob man.
I'm getting close to giving this a shot for a few months to see how it pans out sounds like now is a time to jump in.
It just doesn't have the incentive for me to sign up. With XGP you get their exclusives straight away, but they're usually meh. If I could play TLOU2 day and date then... yeah, alright.
@Razza for what its worth, pretty sure the reason PS Now is more expensive than Netflix is partially due to the increased expenses making it stream reliably 100% of the time. Netflix and other video services can start streaming in advance because the video is predetermined, and they can afford to slack because, over the course of a single stream there is room for streaming to be weak now and then as long as it is strong and prepares the next few minutes in advance to cover its ass during hiccups. It just needs to pick up streaming again before you fet to the end of what it has loaded. With PS Now, they dont know what buttons you will press. It has to stream unforgivingly well which I imagine is not cheap in this day and age. Though I think that tech is about to get more affordable because now others are joining in the streaming games market, which could suggest they see the market as becoming more viable.
Just an FYI in case the logic helps with frustration Either way the price is the same and hopefully gets lower very soon.
@BambooBushido Hopefully for PS5's hardware they are taking this into account. If they could somehow solve the problem of PS3 BC then we could even download all the PS1 and PS2 games that were ported to PS3. Though obviously they cant do games that werent ported. Game needs to have a digital version.
There were so many PS1 games on PS3 though. Im surprised we dont have things like Twisted Metal 1 and 2. Those were Sony owned games I believe, unlike Crash and Spyro which are Activision. Im sure Capcom would throw in the original Resident Evil games as well.
@jdv95 I think it should at least be cheaper for PS Plus Subscribers. Though maybe like everyone that uses it is a PS Plus subscriber and that's the demographic.
@roe I like that they added. Super Star Wars. They basically stream SNES now too haha.
@AdamNovice it is probably because the new CEO's previous job had him working on their subscription services abd he was heavily involved in PS Now. Soon as I read Kodera was taking charge I figured we would see PS Plus, PS Now and PS Vue improvements. We have seen improvements for all already. PS Now added downloads and PS2, PS Vue got a whoollleee bunch of stuff but I dont use that so cant remember, and PS Plus started throwing in occasional VR games and has better games on average.. even had Destiny 2 and Black Ops 3.. crazy! Im sure Im forgetting things but Ive been noticing it as its been happening since September last year
@KleebanKliban Yeah hope so, I also wonder if they even consider adding PSP and Vita games to PSNow at some point they probably don't think that would be worth the investment and time
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