Destiny's ups and downs have been well documented, and judging from this breaking news, neither Activision nor Bungie were happy with how things were going. The publisher and developer have decided to put an end to their contract, with the rights to the Destiny property being transferred over to Bungie. Wow.
"We have enjoyed a successful eight-year run and would like to thank Activision for their partnership on Destiny. Looking ahead, we’re excited to announce plans for Activision to transfer publishing rights for Destiny to Bungie," the studio writes.
Meanwhile, Activision writes:
The details of this deal aren't immediately clear right now, but the bottom line is that going forward, Destiny will not be published by Activision, and the company will have nothing to do with it.
It's going to be very interesting seeing how all this pans out.
[source bungie.net]
Comments 68
Oh yeah? This could be very interesting!
Interesting!! The grass wasn't greener for Bungie after all LOL
So does that mean Activision will have to start making games again or just keep CoD and its Micro-transactions for their income - supplemented by rehashing 20+yr old games?
Bungie are supposed to be working on other projects too - so maybe they fell out with Activision over that or maybe some of the other devs that were working on their property?
Looks Activision betting big and promising the world to shareholders over 10 years didnt pay off.
Plus it was clearly not pulling the money they wanted in return for the investment nor was Bungie happy, that much was obvious.
So who is Bungie going to partner with now? Something tells me they don't have the ability to create a proper "Destiny 3" without some serious backing and assistance from a larger company.
Aw man this would have been jaw dropping for me two years ago but it goes to show how uninterested I am in Bungie and destiny these days. Kinda sad really.
Bungie devs rise up!
@RedMageLanakyn inb4 microsoft buys them.
they worked together in the past afterall.
anyway this is good news,i'll be very happy if the next bungie game suddenly is not riddled with MTX.
now if this turns out well for bungie then maybe bioware will have the courage to leave EA behind and make proper SP games without MTX again.
M$ Will buy them
If only BioWare could get away from EA.
Very interesting.
I might buy them just to implement a web slinging mechanic.
Good, I never liked the pairing.
@jdv95 Bungie has been an independent company since their split with MS in 2007, they only had a publishing deal with Activision for Destiny. So for them to move forward with Destiny 3, they most likely will need assistance from another larger company. Whether that means they will be "bought" is another subject entirely, although it's certainly not off the table.
@RedMageLanakyn I image they'll suffer on advertising more than anything. Surely that's where most of the money Activision put up was actually spent?
As much hate as the series gets there is still a lot of potential there for something great.
You guys didn't predict this, did you?
Great news ..... yay
@kyleforrester87 @RedMageLanakyn
Cast your mind back to around the time Destiny 2 came out and Bungie agreed to make a game alongside a huge investment from NetEase.
Mystery funding for the immediate future sorted.
@kyleforrester87 make metal gear great again.word up son
@Knuckles-Fajita hmm my spidey sense is tingling..
@kyleforrester87 was it ever great?
@RedMan33 it certainly was. I reckon Tess should start selling in-game "MDGA" caps at £5 a go. Funding for Destiny 3 solved.
@RedMageLanakyn @kyleforrester87
Here's the specifics: $100 million.
@ShogunRok @RedMageLanakyn do you think that Bungie could possibly partner up with Sony to publish future Destiny titles exclusively for the PS platform? They already have a marketing deal in place with that franchise and it would be a relatively easy way for Sony to get some exclusive multiplayer games under their tent for next generation.
@Sanquine microsoft used to own them untill bungle bought their independence a few years later
Great news. Let's hope that Bungie can pull off Destiny 3 without Activision behind them.
@Sanquine that's kinda what I'm fearing too, Micro$oft has been on a spending spree of late.
Curious to see how Bungie changes future Destiny games.
@jdv95 Who says MS will be any different they are not shy with MT i Firstparty titles?
Yasssss activision are the plague! Profit hungry game destroyers . Hopefully it gets better from here
I really hope this means MT will be taken out of Destiny. Who knows, maybe a lot of the things that upset poeple are due to pressure from Activision, and Bungie got sick then messing with their game. That’s what I’m hoping at least.
@johnny30 On the level though, Crash and Spyro remakes have been great.
At least Bungie has survived this marriage. Other developers haven't. Remember Bizarre Creations? They went from Project Gotham Racing, to Blur, to not existing.
@kyleforrester87 aye i guess but not really a big fan of platform type games. Activison gave bungie really toght deadlines and micro transactions and it was their decision to rip up the story and bring it out as dlc
I wonder if EA will try and step in since they wanted a Destiny like game for ages. Also I think a Chinese company recently put some investment into Bungue as well.
Halo 1 through Reach were all excellent for the time imo. I'm hoping they can gear towards that side of gaming, maybe bring the old bioware writers in and Sony to buy them!
Nice. One less studio corrupted by the filth that is Activision. Good luck, Bungie.
Hope this turns out well for Bungie. I guess they had big investment to buy their way out of the contract and keep the IP which bodes well. It also means they can blame Activision for the shadier practices in Destiny 2 to win back fans.
@kyleforrester87 did Sony pony up a fat chunk of advertising $$$$ to make sure people knew where the exclusive content was first?
@Turismo4GT They'd be losing out on Xbox and PC sales if they did that, so it would have to be a very, very large chunk of change from Sony to make that happen. Possibly a steak dinner as well.
Maybe Destiny will be worth playing.
You guys realise that if they're self-publishing they're going to need actual money to make the economics work, right? I understand why y'all want microtransactions out and stuff, and I get why Activision is painted as the devil, but Bungie's going to need to actually make money to support a project of this scale.
I wonder how long till they pull Destiny 2 off of the Blizzard launcher.
It's crazy that the games being successful is not enough, in the long run I don't think it's good for activision if they become cod only company, years after years only releasing cod, if gamers are done with cod, activision is finished.
@get2sammyb Maybe bungie can make more fair mtx like fortnite or warframe, I don't have problems with destiny 2 mtx though because I only plays the single player story mode.
Destiny was and is (to me) boring and lifeless. Then again, I never found Halo to be very appealing either, so I shouldn't be too surprised.
Unreal Tournament, Resistance, Time Splitters, etc. were all more entertaining and felt like the creators actually tried to be creative.
This is great news. Now I hope at E3 to see a Halo Infinite trailer that ends with the Bungie logo popping up followed by the announcement that MS has bought the studio back. That's when Bungie did its best work. Some people will say Bungie getting away from Activision is good for Destiny but the franchise I want to see made 'great again' is Halo and there's only one way that can happen... Hopefully Phil Spencer and the rest of the crew at MS know what they have to do.
Alright...we've milked this into oblivion. Here ya go for $$$. Thanks. Wactivision.
Your welcome, our top brass cleaned house and we fully understand your brutally predatory dlc and marketplace practices. No, heres $$$$. Thank You!. Bungie
@Gamer83 You do know Bungie left MS for the same reason they left Activision.
So it is possible to break a contract with the devil!
Well this will be interesting. We get to see who the real villian is, as it seemed to be split who was making a lot of the shadier decisions with Destiny some would blame Activision others would blame Bungie. But as Sammy has mentioned they need to make money for themselves so it could get worse.
@DLB3 As for the 10 year partnership, I read it was signed in April 2010 so they nearly completed it to be fair.
I don't play Destiny, but if Bungie changed the focus of the next Destiny game to more cinematic single-player experience, that would be sweet (it would have multy-player, of course).
@jdv95 you know i can see MS going for them actually, they have been on a buying spree because they can't compete with Sony hen it comes to 1st party exclusives right now
that doesn't mean Bungie would go back though as i can also see Sony going after them too
@Hordak I know what you mean, and I feel like the second one was worse for that. I actually really liked the relative minimalism of the first one, I love desolate and 'quiet' space-based games and when it first launched, Destiny hit that vibe square on the head. Trouble was, the experience only lasted so long and got very empty very quickly. The second one by comparison then feels to me a lot more like a regular FPS, way too fast paced and frantic for my liking, and started leaning too heavily on humour to make it entertaining.
I'd love to see them get the mix right with a third game, but who knows. I wish them luck either way!
@get2sammyb If anything they will need that more than ever.
Microtransactions/Eververse is not going anywhere folks, but the structure of the game, the release schedule and the audience may, quite dramatically at that.
So please be aware that this doesn't mean that microtransactions are going anywhere, it is quite common to have them in games as services because they keep the boat afloat.
And make no mistake, this has not been a one sided decision by any means, Activision probably wanted to get rid of Destiny as much as Bungie wanted back control. It is no secret that the relationship had been a tense one from the get go, D1 never quite performed to the desired standards which got Activision much more involved in the final D2 product, in order to deliver the kind of money Activision was expecting off of it, Bungie needed to bring more people into the game, which was why D2 was a rather casual experience for the whole of year 1. But those people moved on, and that explains why Activision were so harsh on Forsaken during the Q2 call, in comparison to the influx of launch, it must have looked quite pityful when only the core players that remained from D1 plus some newly made fans from D2 launch that stayed and the new comers to Forsaken off the back of the freebies actually invested again in the game.
But look at reddit and you'll think a revolution has happened and now Destiny will be what everyone ever wanted, with only the good bits and none of the bad bits. Not quite, but if anything, I will take solace in the fact that Bungie can't hide behind anyone else for decisions made. Everything from this point onwards will be on them, and that's reassuring to a certain extent.
@DLB3 yeah I initially thought 2014, too.
@Its_badW0lf we'll see. Microtransactions can exist in this type of game just fine - look at Warframe. Perhaps without Activisions influence they can do it more ethically - that said I have never thought the MTs in Destiny created a "pay to win" scenario.
The issue with Destiny has always seemed to be how Bungie go about creating compelling content that keeps people playing, and how these DLCs are priced, and lock people out of past content - the later of which I have always thought is a silly argument from a fan perspective as Destiny is obviously a persistent world that you will need to keep paying to play in. Not sure how the new situation will help them with that but we'll see.
Could this start a trend where developers aim to focus on quality, story telling, etc instead of their masters who are controlled by the share holders where money/greed comes before passion?! Power to the game studios!
Maybe there's hope for Blizzard & Diablo?
Sooo, what exactly does Activision even sell now outside COD 🙄
I already have forsaken. But Once they split Ill buy something in game. This is great news.
@Agramonte I was wondering the same thing. Activision? More like Dormantvision.
@Knuckles-Fajita is spot on with his comment #25. This is what they've been working towards for a while. Activision was only a means to an end, and with the big investment from NetEase, they're able to step up their plans. They obviously needed the Destiny rights as well, because it's their only real money-maker until they can start launching and supporting multiple worlds - like they've been saying they want to do for years. It'll be interesting to see what they come out with next.
if next COD fails if the sheep ever wake up (if the red dot isnt enough they deserve to get shaffted by convision) then will Activision die.
@Sanquine $ony needs a multiplayer franchise BADLY
@Agramonte For now is Sekiro and Crash Team Racing
@paulo_godoy_BR Oh yeah!, Sekiro.
They have my money on that one
@Agramonte hahahahaha sure, at least this one.
Sekiro is the game I'm most looking forward this year
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