Dreams is going to win awards, and we don’t just mean gongs of the Geoff Keighley kind. No, we’re talking real-world innovation awards – the likes of which Media Molecule’s going to have to collect in tuxedos as opposed to its usual hipster threads. The game’s been a long time coming, with the developer first demonstrating the very origins of the project all the way back at the PlayStation 4’s reveal event in 2013 – but good grief is it onto something special here.
Why has it taken so long, then? There’s simply nothing like this ever been done before. Yes, this is an evolution of LittleBigPlanet in a lot of ways, but the possibilities are so far beyond what could be done with Sackboy et al that it’s difficult to really compare and contrast the two. This exclusive has more in common with a game engine such as Unreal or Unity – except it’s more than that, because there’s a sculpting utility here as well as a digital audio workstation and an animation suite.
But perhaps beyond all of that, it’s a social network for creativity. Sony’s had such a difficult time communicating what this game is because it can quite literally be anything, and you can be anything within it. Don’t worry if you’re not a game designer, because you can be a curator – discovering the very best content and sharing it with the world. Or you can be an artist, designing assets for others to use. Or a musician, composing songs and sound effects for the community. And so on…

This is one of the most innovative, extraordinary pieces of software that we’ve seen on a console in quite some time. Imagine, for one moment, that you’re making an American Football game. You’ve programmed the game loop, but your quarterback character is currently a cube. Well, it’s time to go Dream Surfing, searching for a Tom Brady look-a-like that fits your creation. Pick one that's already been created and you’ll both get credited for your work, and you may even decide to work with that character artist again on future projects.
Or perhaps it wasn’t Tom Brady you wanted in your game, but Aaron Rodgers instead. No problem, you can simply remix the asset until the colour palette matches that of the Green Bay Packers. Every single thing that you see in Dreams is created in Dreams – this isn’t like LittleBigPlanet where you’re pulling in stock assets that have been pre-designed for you. No, every model, every sound effect, every piece of art, every animation, every bit of logic can be built on a DualShock 4.
And it can be browsed for hours and hours and hours. It’s like when you fall into a YouTube hole, and you’re clicking from recommended video to recommended video – except here, you’re jumping from minigames involving llamas to models of crustaceans to covers of The King of Wishful Thinking. And it all just happens – loading never takes more than five seconds, and is generally instantaneous. Will the servers remain as rapid when the wider public gets access? We hope so.

Creation can be done with the DualShock 4 or a couple of PlayStation Move motion controllers, although good luck purchasing a pair of those at this moment in time. There’s a vast suite of tutorials which will be overwhelming for some, but these are heavily interactive, providing a picture-in-picture workspace as you follow instructions and replicate creations on screen. Or you can just remix someone else’s work and try to figure out how it all functions.
You may not think you have the imagination to make Dreams worthwhile, but outside of some rudimentary audio programming, we’ve spent the majority of the beta simply browsing other creations. And already, in this pre-release environment, the concepts being uploaded are staggering. There’s one level where you drive a jeep through a series of stunning environments; another has some really imaginative platforming mechanics. There’s new stuff every single day.
And if you look at what people eventually achieved in LittleBigPlanet, well, greatness awaits here. You can make RPGs, movies; you can record albums, create cartoons. And you can do it all individually or collaboratively, in an intuitive interface that will take time and dedication to master – but is already being mastered. If the creative aspects of Minecraft and Roblox can be considered a Big Mac, then this is a Five Guys with a strawberry-vanilla milkshake and some of those Cajun-flavoured fries.

Sony’s released some impressive exclusives this generation which have pushed the boundaries of story-telling and audiovisual entertainment. Dreams… Well, it’s something else entirely. It’s an astounding technical achievement with unprecedented ambition. But more exciting than that, we’re still only peeking at the project’s potential. This is a game that will really come into its own in the months and years after its release, and judging by what we’ve seen so far, the sky’s the limit.
Are you impressed by the scope of Dreams? Did you manage to participate in the beta? What are your impressions so far? Imagine the unimaginable in the comments section below.
Comments 80
Can't freaking wait! Think this will really push more PSVR sales as well. Hope they announce a release date soon.
Meh, didn't like LittleBigPlanet.
When it came down to it, I still didn’t get into that bastard.
I am 100% certain all of my info was correct.
Ok. Now I'm excited.
Seriously, MM need to just give you and Tailby jobs to promote this game as every piece you put out about it raises my hype levels massively.
Dreams looks really incredible, you can already check impressive creations on beta version. MediaMolecule has a great community since LittleBigPlanet, so we can expect many creations.
Really can’t wait for this, it really has the potential to be something special.
Checks for beta invite
This will probably be at a day 100 game for me.
At first I hated this article because you mentioned Tom Brady, then I enjoyed it because you mentioned five guys and those delicious Cajun fries!
@NYJetsfan123 Glad I got the balance right!
I really look forward to this game. Maybe I'll actually try my hand at making something. Either way, hope this will be great.
Been top of my list for years. Can’t wait!
@get2sammyb Spot on hands-on article! I'm so impressed by this game.
I will dabble in creating things, but dream surfing is where I will spend most if my time. The sheer amount of great things already made, let me know this game is the real deal. The amount of things dreamers will be able to create is mind boggling. I can't wait to continue Dream surfing when creators have had more time.
@Quintumply I know I'm basically laughing at your misery, but that gif gets me every single time
@get2sammyb Hey, Sammy, any idea of the length of game you can create? I suppose it depends on how many elements are involved, but say for a single player, linear-ish campaign?
@jacobia You can chain levels together, so theoretically you could probably make a game as long as you like.
@jacobia Yep, obviously creating something epic like that is going to take a lot of time, but my understanding is that you could theoretically make a full-length game if you wanted to.
I've seen some of the stuff that Sammy has been retweeting over on Twitter and a lot of it is blowing my mind.
Crazy what a person can achieve in this game, and it's only the beta.
"If the creative aspects of Minecraft and Roblox can be considered a Big Mac, then this is a Five Guys with a strawberry-vanilla milkshake and some of those Cajun-flavoured fries". 😂 Sold.
"There’s one level where you drive a jeep through a series of stunning environments"
this is my creation haha! So cool that it's being talked about here
I saw my beta invite yesterday. 😁 😃
@Quintumply Great to hear, seems like it’s something to just keep experimenting with to discover what’s possible.
@get2sammyb Awesome, thx. Just lots and lots and lots of trial and error then, to see what can be achieved.
Still not in the least bit excited about this unfortunately, it just won’t fit into my gaming lifestyle. Unless some truley remarkable games get released for it, i’ll be giving it a miss.
It’s gunna have it’s fans though, for sure.
@get2sammyb Great article. I'm still annoyed at my lack of beta invite so not jumping to buy the game day 1, whenever that day may be, but you can feel your enthusiasm and the promise of good times ahead.
Thanks for linking in the original unveiling from the PS4 reveal, had a couple of differences of opinion on here with people who say that doesn't count, but it clearly should.
Can’t wait! They’ll be some absolute garbage to sift through but it will be worth it for the gems (aka mario maker)
I used to have no interest in this game but the closer we get to release and the more I see and hear the more I want it. Not bc I'm creative at all but the fact of being able to play all the amazing things that ppl that are creative will come up with.
@get2sammyb this looks incredible, is everything in it free? So if someone, whixk they inevitably will make a full length epic it won't be behind any pay wall?
@Tmfwang That's an amazing level, man. I really loved the ending to it.
@maccas09 Yeah as far as I understand, everything that's shared you'll be able to play for free. I think creators can specify whether they want things to be remixed, but I imagine most people will be quite open with that stuff.
@kyleforrester87 Same. I'm sure it will find a fan base just does nothing for me.
"never been done before"
Except when it was done before like project spark
And because they lied through their teeth about the beta I'm just going to pick this up second hand
It sounds impressive enough, but I'd need to see it in action for myself before I get excited for it.
Or to speed things up for you, you don't like anything playstation. There that might solve you future post just copy any paste. Your welcome
@Serisak You can't compare Project Spark to this just like you can't compare LittleBigPlanet or Mario Maker. Yes, the concept has existed before, but this is on an unprecedented new scale.
Has anyone seen that fps those two guys are making god damn look at this.
I mean Look LOOOK
@jacobia Each level you create is called a "scene" in Dreams, and each scene has a thermometer like in Littlebigplanet that tracks how much stuff is in it and stops you if your scene gets too complex. You can connect scenes together to make "Dreams". While there's a limit to how much stuff you can put in a single scene, there's no limit to the number of scenes you can link together so you can make a game as long as you want. There are also tools that let you share data between scenes in a Dream, so you can have things like a character's health, XP, or inventory carry over throughout the game.
@IBeAGamer I think you need to change your handle coz clearly you're not.
@Serisak if you’re going to fanboy at least have some information. Project spark was a poor mans lbp that couldn’t carry lbp or dreams jock strap and failed because it was garbage. There’s never been anything like dreams which is what you’re seeing being said all across the web and I can see this game being a huge streaming hit
@IBeAGamer sometimes I think you made an account here just to hate on Sony. I’ve never once seen you praise Sony or it’s games you just hate and it’s got real old
It's good and has a lot of potential! The PT creation is amazing!!
But there are lots of mediocre creations still, I was honestly hoping for more! But hey after launch I'm sure it will get some crazy games
@AFCC Not been available for a month yet. And limited access, too!
I'm trying to make a world where people live in a giant clock similar to xenoblade chronicles. It's crazy what you can do in the demo.
@Tmfwang As per community rules
Do not use profanity; Use of unsavoury language including profanity and swearing is not acceptable, please remember that this website has users of all ages.
So let's watch the language please.
Thanks for understanding
@gingerfrog I love Jak and Daxter, Sly Cooper, inFamous, Medievil and I'm playing my PS4 right now with a PS4 Pro in the post tomorrow.
@dark_knightmare2 Cry more.
@hi_drnick I have a SEGA Saturn, Dreamcast, PS2, PS3, PS4, PSP, PSVITA, N64, GameCube, Wii, WiiU, Switch, Xbox One, GBA SP, DS, 3DS and a New 3DS XL.
I'm a gamer, not a fanboy.
These articles are getting me hyped as f, ever since it was mentioned that P.T. got rebuild on it.
Imagine all the possible little horror games you could make on that thing, so much potential, Sony really has the best exclusives, no doubt
I can't wait to try other people games in this, I hope we get good cart racer and short rpg
They're just upset because the majority of your posts are pretty negative. While I tend to agree with them, I see no need to further your agenda. Just clarifying for you and everyone else!
I already have a job and I barely have time to play so I'm not interested right now, but I could buy this once Pushsquare will start to reccomend the best creations.
@IBeAGamer no bro that’s your job all you do is cry in the comment sections of this site
I though littlebigplanet was a big pile of boring trash and by far Playstion's worst exclusive so I hope dreams has nothing to do with it and is connected in no way. I like what I have seen so far so I hope it releases soon.
I struggled greatly with the controls, they were so disorientating, having to use the motion control as well as both sticks really didn't work for me. I couldn't get past the tutorial because I couldn't get the stairs in the right place to get to the door...
I doubt I’ll ever get into game designing with this, I prefer writing than creating through something like this, but with that said, I am unbelievably excited for this game. I adore seeing how creative other people get with things like this. My favorite part of the LBP series was the user content and this sounds like it’ll be far better than that at its best. It’s amazing what people do with tools like this, I can’t wait to find out how they utilize this.
"If the creative aspects of Minecraft and Roblox can be considered a Big Mac, then this is a Five Guys with a strawberry-vanilla milkshake and some of those Cajun-flavoured fries".
Bad analogy! Five Guys is just overpriced (VERY overpriced) averageness. At least with a Big Mac you know it cheap and cheerful. I had a cheeseburger and fries at Five Guys the other week. It cost me £13!!!!
Its a shame its releasing so close to PS4 end, I hope they have a PS5 port ready to go for launch
@dark_knightmare2 I speak the truth, not my fault that you lot get butthurt.
@NYJetsfan123 I'm negative because Sony are being dicks, simple as that.
@get2sammyb sure! Like I said, tons of potential!
But from what I've read before I was expecting some cooler minigames...maybe? But of course I only tried some of the creations!
The PT recreation stood out to me!
For anyone curious about what someone with no experience can make on dreams this is what I managed to build.
Added trees music and mountains made by others rest I made. It needs a lot of work and someone who knows what there doing could improve this so much more but it was relatively easy to make what I did do just time consuming
@IBeAGamer that's an impressive collection for a 12 year old. Did your mommy or daddy give that to you?
@IBeAGamer no you don’t you just nitpick and cry about every little thing to the point where people think you don’t even like gaming
Yet another game I wish had been out 20 years ago when I would've had the time to properly use. I also never really enjoyed lbp.. Not really sure why that's relevant tho as this seems to have very little in common.
However, I fully intend to get this at some point to enjoy the creations of others. You're effectively paying one fee to play an unlimited number of different games, lots will be naff, most will be short (suits me!) but some will be incredible and I can't understand why some people aren't at all interested in this release. Sure it might not be a day one purchase, you might get it second hand or on sale, but to say you have no interest in it at all seems to me to be ridonkulous.
People are going to make incredible games with this, I can't wait.
OK I think I understand Dreams, but my next question is who is Tom Brady and what the fudge is a Green Bay Packer?
I'm eating a five guys with cajun fries as I read this. PushSquare really does offer a whole new level of immersion!
@hi_drnick @dark_knightmare2 He doesn’t have any friends, lol.
Dreams lifts NDA. Post to your hearts content!
@IBeAGamer you've always got something to say haven't you XD
personally I hope the audio tools are powerful enough. First time hearing of this exclusive, and indeed it does sound groundbreaking
@sammu_el_ Sure do.
@dark_knightmare2 Sorry I don't like bad games.
@hi_drnick My dad died a few years ago and my mum lives like 300 miles away. I'm a newbie collector so need to build up my systems.
Also calling me 12 because I don't like bad moves, how sad.
@PS_Nation Personal attacks over video games?
How pathetic.
@AFCC hey a little while back we were all talking about how amazing dreams is and u asks for an example, now that the bans lifted check this out!
@IBeAGamer you don’t like games period
Thanks to @get2sammyb I finally Dream surfed.
Just WOW. The potential is outright enormous.
Really can't wait to see VR creations too.
@dark_knightmare2 News to me, I have well over 1000 games in general but okiedokie. I guess I just imagined me playing and loving Kingdom Hearts III.
@SirRealDeal Awesome, glad you tried it out!
@PaperyWhiteBoy Incredible!
@PS_Nation what does gameplay play like for Dreams ?
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