January has rolled around and we’re in a bit of a dry patch, but you’ve still got all those Christmas games to complete, haven’t you? Here’s everything we’re playing this weekend.
Robert Ramsey, Deputy Editor
For the first weekend of 2019, I plan on lazing around with a classic Japanese RPG. Sadly I can't tell you what it is, but I can go ahead and say that it's still a thoroughly enjoyable adventure.
Stephen Tailby, Senior Staff Writer
I'm still exploring the depth and breadth of experiences available for PlayStation VR, so I'll most likely be playing a handful of compatible games. On my to-do list are WipEout Omega Collection – a game I already like in its regular form – and Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, an ingenious multiplayer game I've been itching to play for quite some time. And let's face it – I'll probably continue playing Astro Bot Rescue Mission, too.
Christian Kobza, Reviewer
After finally adding the Assassin's Creed Odyssey Platinum Trophy to my collection, I'm in a weird between-game funk. I'm always wanting to chip away at my miles-long backlog, but I also feel apprehensive about starting something that I probably won't finish in time for Kingdom Hearts III's release. Odds are I'll just end up playing a bunch of Black Ops 4 this weekend.
Jamie O'Neill, Reviewer
I'm tempted by the PS Store's January Sale, because it has a 63% saving on SNK Playmore's Metal Slug XX for the PS4 version. However, since the temperature has dropped again in the UK, I'll probably return to the snowy mountain climb to meet the M60 wielding mini-boss, Allen O'Neil, during Mission 3 in the original game on the Metal Slug Anthology.
Jenny Jones, Reviewer
Portal Knights is on PlayStation Plus this month so I think I might give it a try. It looks like a mix between Minecraft and Dragon Quest Builders so I'm hopeful that it's going to be a lot of fun. I'm also planning to finish Dragon Quest Heroes, I only have a few post-game bosses to defeat and then that shiny Platinum will be mine!
Nicole Hall, Reviewer
Growing tired of the grind for the last few trophies in Cat Quest, I’ve turned to Steep which was part of January’s PS Plus helping. As much as gliding through gorgeous snowy settings is weirdly cathartic with races appealing to my competitive nature, I don’t think the game has much to offer in the grand scheme of things.
Victor Nowogurski, Moderator
So since I am still in the process of moving and with the Darkening of Tristam event going on, it will be Diablo III on the Nintendo Switch for me this weekend.
Quite a busy WAYP then bursting with lots of different game selections. What are you playing this weekend? Let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 49
trying to finish KH2 in time for Kingdom Hearts 3, i have done all the others so this is the last one, i just finished Atlantica
More retro goodness for me with Die Hard Trilogy and the excellent Resident Evil 2 on the original PlayStation and the long forgotten but still great Exhumed and Panzer Dragoon Zwei on the Sega Saturn
GT Sport, Octopath and maybe a little Dirt 4 over here.
How ready am I for Resi 2 though!
@carlos82 Exhumed is awesome. I dunno about the Saturn version though. I watched a 30 minute DF video going over all the versions, I recall it was pretty inferior on the Saturn. Most games were, to be fair!
MotoGP 18, F1 2018, Assetto Corsa and MXGP Pro on the PS4.
RaceRoom, Euro+American Truck Sim, Elite Dangerous on PC.
I bought some new games from the Steam Winter sale, so I'll be testing those out as well, to see whether I want to start one of them right now.
@kyleforrester87 from a performance point yes but not as big as most 3d games but the environments are more open and look a bit better because of it on Saturn
@TheIronChimp yeah Duke Nukem is my next on my shopping list for the Saturn and then Doom for the PlayStation, it's such a shame Id wrecked what could have been a fantastic Saturn version of Doom
I'm still giving Dragon Quest its much deserved love and still have plenty of love left for Red Dead Online with my cowgirl gang, The Posse-cats.
Persona 5 and Xenoblade Chronicles 1. I've not got very far in either of them yet, so I'd like to play lots of them both this weekend. And I'll also play a little bit of Pokemon Pinball Ruby and Sapphire as well.
dragon age origins .wow.this game is so amazing especially playing as a mage.word up son
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L who are you rooting for the playoffs.word up son
Doing a critical run of Kingdom Hearts 0.2: A Fragmentary Passage. Less than 4 weeks until KH3!
Annoyingly for me my youngest teenage daughter, is going on a school skiing holiday next month, I stupidly pointed out steep was now on psplus. And just like that I haven't had a chance to play anything. Hopefully a it of late night gaming tonight.
@carlos82 @TheIronChimp yeah that's it I remember, they had to add a bunch of walls and stuff on the PS1 version to make the areas smaller.
Weird game, still a cracker. I remember getting it on a whim as a kid, along with an Ace Combat game.
@gingerfrog wouldn't let her play Steep mate, it'll put her off the idea of skiing for real.
This weekend I'm playing some Disaega 5 and Octopath Traveller. I'm also playing another game, but I can't talk about it yet.
@carlos82 i had Resi 2 on the Dreamcast it was really handy as you had you ammo and life displayed on the VMU on the controller
plus it had an easy mode where you had a Uzi with unlimited ammo, sometimes you just wanted to mow down every Zombie that got in your way
I think this weekend is going to be more of a PS Plus week as I am loving Onrush and just yesterday I tried Steep which unlike the Beta version...actually worked and I'm already getting SSX vibes..loving it.
Of course I'll also be playing a number of other awesome games such as Lego Incredibles,Spyro and Valkyria Chronicles 4 on Switch
Counting down the days for Resi 2..
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L I cant stand the cowboys also. hopefully the bears win.la rams.seahawks.texans.patriots ain't winning it.haha word up son
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L thank God my 🇫🇷 France Soccer team won the World Cup 🌎 last year.and my Michigan wolverines are number 2 in college basketball 🏀.so it's been crazy.word up son
Mostly Spyro, Star Wars Battlefront 2 and DB FighterZ on PS4.
Dynasty Warriors Next on Vita.
Fist of the North Star, Tomb Raider, Soul Calibur 6, and Street Fighter V.
Astro Bot on PSVR and Iconoclasts on Vita. I am loving Iconoclasts so much that I even restarted the game after losing the first few hours save.
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L yeah me too.i was so upset with them .thankfully France won the World Cup.michigan is doing great.steelers will be back.guaranteed.word up son
Splatoon 2's winter-themed Splatfest and Smash Ultimate with a friend.
Not starting anything new before KH3. Currently playing through KH Chain of Memories.
Rdr2, does this game ever end? Picked up oveecooked for me and my wife to played together, was only like $4, so why not?
Yakuza Kiwami, maybe I will start Iconoclasts too.
Gravity Rush remastered (im upset with myself for never playing this a loooong time ago. So freakin fun and charming), finish Unravel 2 with the wife and finally start Uncharted Lost Legacy
Still pecking away at a few missions in Ch 3 of Red Dead Redemption 2, then getting back into the surprisingly decent The Council with a sprinkle of Tetris Effect and my attempts to finish journey mode and OnRush, just to enjoy the wonderful sense of speed it provides.
RDR2 and GOW. The former just feels so natural and mature, it's still my goty. RDR2 has given me a big surprise spoilers I didn't know apart from Blackwater, the whole of the map from New Austin was there. Now I'm loving the game even more.
@Neolit well at least i got my moneys worth! 😉
I'll probably play Yakuza Kiwami 2. I'm addicted to the Club Cabaret mini-game, and not going to lie, the "As You Like" song is very catchy. Lol. I'm also gonna dabble in Hitman: Definitive Edition. I've been wanting to get into the series for a while, so I'm finally going to take the plunge.
@TheIronChimp good call and it's sequel for the PS1, those first person shooters of that era are some of my favourite games yet I don't really enjoy the modern equivalents except for the recent DOOM
This weekend I'm taking a bit of a break from Divinity: Original Sin 2 and starting Dragon Quest Heroes; the newest addition to my library from the PSN sale.
The kids have managed to get to Hardmode on Terraria while they've been off school. We booted it up today and wow, my character is woefully under-prepared for the new enemies. Every time I leave the house I instantly die, much to the kids' hilarity.
We also tried Steep. I wingsuited directly into a hot air balloon. Cue more laughter at my stupidity.
If I get the chance to play a game of my choosing, I'll try and finish up the Okami platinum, I reckon I'm a couple of hours from done.
after dropping jak 2, i moved on to jak 3 and im really liking it so far. might be on par with the original, which is on of my favorite games of all time. i’ll also be playing a bit of street fighter iv and street fighter v. maybe a bit of tekken as well.
I had completely forgotten about Overboard! Brilliant fun and Nightmare Creatures is a classic - Bloodborne's developers clearly thought so too.
@Old-Mrs-Cloggins I don't have many PS1 games left unfortunately - a few hits, the Final Fantasy's, MGS, Vagrant Story and Doom but oddly I do have Overboard too. Dunno how I ended up with it, it's a great game though.
The Heist DLC in Spiderman, Owlboy and maybe some Hitman 2.
Microsoft Jackpot (Win 10) - Servers are closing in June so I'm playing this here and there till then.
Fallout 3 (G4WL) - Still Let's Playin it...
What in the World? (WP) - Almost done...
@Shepherd_Tallon I haven't played it since it came out but I remember it was great fun at the time, like an early version of Black Flag. Hopefully it's not too dated now...
How have you managed to play it on PS classic?!
Assassin's Creed Odyssey
I finally finished Dishonored 2 , what a great game.
Also completed Spiderman DLC and platinum on the main story.
Bought Horizon Zero Dawn ,. not sure why I never picked it up earlier- Looks great , plays good so far.
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L they ain't going far.texans is horrible.they got blowout by colts.steelers would have done way better.word up son
After getting the platinum in Spyro yesterday, I'm either going to finish Iconoclasts and maybe also Odinsphere today. Must be close to the end of Iconoclasts and am on chapter 2 of Velvets story in Odinsphere!
Judge Eyes, Judge Eyes and Judge Eyes I'm at chapter 6 it is one of the best games of last year
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L Ravens lost hahaha.word up son
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L .haha yes patriots will lost.word upson
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