Looking for a full list of all PS5 first-party exclusives? PlayStation 5 will once again see Sony’s pool of talented Worldwide Studios and external partners tasked with creating unique experiences exclusively for the next-gen console. As part of our PS5 guide, we’re going to list all PS5 first-party exclusives currently announced. You can find more information courtesy of the following guides: All PS5 Announced Games, All PS5 Rumoured Games, All PS5 Launch Games, and New PS5 Game Release Dates in 2022. If you're eager to play PS4 exclusives on your PS5, then refer to the following guides: PS5 Backwards Compatibility: Can You Play PS4 Games on PlayStation 5? and PS4 to PS5: All Games with Confirmed Free Upgrades.
All PS5 First-Party Exclusives
In this article you'll find a full list of all PS5 first-party exclusives. Please note that we consider first-party to be a game funded and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment; the developer doesn’t necessarily need to be a subsidiary.
Astro Bot (PS5)
Building upon the great foundations laid in Astro's Playroom, Astro Bot is the full-blown 3D platformer the little robot deserves. It's an explosion of creativity and fun; there is something new to discover in practically every level, and all of it is purpose built to put a smile on your face. Not only is it bursting with imagination, it's also executed brilliantly. The controls are spot on, every new mechanic and power-up is fun to use, and it's all presented with incredibly sharp visuals and flawless performance. The icing on the cake is its celebration of PlayStation's past 30 years, with delightful nods to hundreds of classics. We can't recommend this highly enough.
Astro's Playroom (PS5)
As far as pack-ins go, Astro’s Playroom is exemplary. Inspired by Team Asobi’s critically acclaimed PSVR platformer Astro Bot Rescue Mission – itself originally introduced in The Playroom VR – this short-form platformer serves as an introduction to the PS5, specifically the DualSense controller. As you explore cutesy character Astro’s vibrant world, you’ll physically feel it in your fingertips, from the sensation of rain falling on the hero’s hard, steel exterior to the slippery surfaces of ice. All of this, alone, would make it a truly memorable experience – but the game also doubles as a kind of history lesson, exploring many of the most famous moments from PlayStation’s past. Simply put, it’s an extraordinary four to five hour escapade, and one that every new PS5 owner must play.
Death Stranding Director's Cut (PS5)
Death Stranding Director's Cut takes the truly unique "strand game" adventure and dials things up a notch for PS5. Hideo Kojima and his team created a haunting and strange world with the original game, tasking players with traversing a desolate and dangerous landscape to make deliveries. It shouldn't work, but it does — every step you take can be a risk, and this need to watch your footing is an interesting way to create tension, especially when those nasty BTs show up. Director's Cut enhances the experience with improved graphics and performance, DualSense support, 3D audio, and a range of new content.
Demon's Souls (PS5)
Sony comfortably hooked the enthusiast crowd by adding Demon’s Souls to the PS5’s launch lineup. FromSoftware’s legendary action RPG – which would go on to spawn the so-called Soulsborne series and, eventually, even Elden Ring – was snubbed by the Japanese giant during the PS3 era, as it felt early builds were simply not up to snuff. Publishers like Atlus and Bandai Namco eventually picked it up, and it went on to become a cult classic. Perhaps as a tacit admission that it made a mistake, its recruited tech specialists Bluepoint Games to remake the game for a modern era – and the results are remarkable. This version uses original PS3 code to make for an incredibly authentic experience, but its visuals are among some of the best you’ll find on Sony’s new-gen console. It’s an extraordinary blend of old and new that comes highly recommended.
Destruction AllStars (PS5)
Sony almost totalled Destruction AllStars when it intended to attach a £69.99/$69.99 price tag to the explosive racer, but it reversed its decision prior to the PS5’s launch and added it to the PS Plus lineup. While there was potential in the package on day one, however, it took developer Lucid Games a little time to iterate on the formula. With some small gameplay adjustments, such as the size of the arenas, this slam-‘em-up now feels fantastic – and it’s enhanced by a genuinely cool pool of character designs and some impressive visual effects.
Comments 66
Like with every new generation, nothing good or interesting so far. Nothing special. Have to wait for next ND project and some of the other 1st parties.
@Grimwood This line-up looks better than the first two PS4 years combined!
Nothing interesting?
I'm really excited for Demon's Souls, Horizon, Ratchet & Clank and Astro Bot, and also will very likely be checking out Sackboy, Spider-Man, GT7.
Personally it's easily the most appealing bunch of games announced pre-console release ever.
@Grimwood say no to drugs ok.what are you talking about.ratchet and clank is amazing.demon souls etc.word up son
Playing through Ratchet & Clank on PS4 right now. It's a simple game but so much fun! Really looking forward to the sequel.
Most exited for Demon's Souls and Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart. I have yet to play Spider-Man and Horizon so I'm probably going to be playing those before I'm getting my hands on the sequels.
This line up is excellent so far!So many games im already excited for.Still,some people are never satisfied.
What I'm eying is ps5 horizon special edition....
Pretty much excited for all of these, Returnal looks the most intriguing but the ones I am most looking forward to are GT7, Spiderman, Astrobot & Horizon so pretty much all of them 🤣
And to think this is only the very beginning for the PS5.
Outside of Demon's Souls I want every one of them!! Too many games not enough time lol!
It's a good start from Sony overall. The key question is how many of these will make it for launch.
That said there are at least 3 titles here I am absolutely looking forward to playing. Good to have a reason to buy a PS5 pretty much right away.
This is a great line up tbh..
Quite a few titles I'm looking forward to
.. Love all of these.. Can you please do a "these are the launch titles" section (maybe including games that will use PS5 at launch via update, etc) it's a shame 99% of these will be 2021+...
Cant wait to see that Horizon sequel to come on P...C like the first game.
@N1ntendodo Going to be quite the wait! 😉
Horizon, Horizon, Horizon.
Oh and the rest aren't too bad either.
A really solid lineup so far! Cannot wait for PS5.
This is such an amazing lineup of games. I’m really excited for Gran Turismo 7, Ratchet and Clank, Horizon Forbidden West, Spider-Man, and even Sackboy!
I never played a Dark Souls game but Demon’s Souls is definitely interesting me as well.
@OneManDroid at this point: launch is only Miles Morales’ Spider Man game. Unless you also want to count the packed in Astro Playground.
I’m still crossing my fingers Ratchet and Clank is 2020, but have a feeling if they thought they could deliver that at launch, we would already know it.
Despite being the only confirmed launch title, we still have to see gameplay for Spider Man.
@Octane yes but with a lot of TBA’s for release dates this could be the first two years of PS5!
@playstation1995 I think it’s you who needs to say no to drugs. He was saying it’s a good lineup not a bad one!
@Dodoo no he wasn't he was hating on the games playa.word up son
I am going to buy........
Demon's Souls, Horizon Forbidden West, Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, Returnal AND Sackboy: A Big Adventure (Only because theres no Knack 3 :-I)
I currently have £709 saved, Possibly £1000 next month?
Ps5 and the Pulse 3D headset....... what ever is left will go on games
@BNAG_Gamer the only game on that list available for purchase at launch is Spider-man, so at least you won't need much for games.
@Dyrual so far, no PS5 version of Yakuza like a dragon has been confirmed. It's supposed to be available for Series X at launch. Maybe it comes to PS5 at a later date
@pip_muzz only spider-man and Astro will be launch titles
Spider man isnt the only game thats available at launch, Yes they wont be first party games BUT I will be buying more than 1 game
Astro Bots is pre installed on the every Ps5, Its basically going to be Sony demo for the Haptic feedback on the Dualsense controller
I want Naughty Dog's game.
I'm going to be broke at launch. Doesn't help that CAD economy sucks so I'll be paying 25% more for console and games 😰
@Grimwood i agree with you. Not much that defines PS5. PS5 is just the same as PS4. No new experiences. Just expansion passes.
Some fantastic games there. R&C and GT7 being my personal stand outs. Will be a drop the mike moment for me if they casually let us know Astro Bot can be played in VR.
That you get every big 3rd party under the sun is also important. That is what PlayStation has always delivered. Port begging is minimal.
SONY's 1st party are just the amazing cherry on top. And I see 5 there.
How many "exclusive" does the Nintendo Switch have?... Yet I use it every 3-4 months because everything else is not available or months late.
Great list. My only concern is Demons Souls. Can i justify paying 70 pounds for something i may not like given the difficulty. I may be waiting for a sale on that one
@playstation1995 I agree he should stop using drugs.
Bunch of games need to be removed from this list lol
@Dyrual buy the xsx and play miles morales on your pro, between this and horizon 2 being ps4 games theres not a lot of reason to go ps5 just yet...
Isn't the new Horizon also coming to ps4?
1. Ratchet & Clank: A Rift Apart
2. Astro Playroom
@menchi In your definition of exclusive maybe
Demon's Souls and Cyberpunk for me until the new year with a sprinkling of Mario 3D All-Stars and the PS4 exclusives I missed like Days Gone and Ratchet and Clank on the ps+ classics thing. Maybe a bit of GTAV too as I haven't played it since the original release on PS3. It's going to be a fun winter gaming-wise which will hopefully help take my mind off our crumbling civilization.
After that I'll have to wait for some deals or price drops as I can't be spending £70 on games no matter how good they are.
This is the first time since I’ve been gaming that I’ve wanted a new console at launch. The lineup is really good this time.
MS’s GamePass is certainly a big draw for Xbox but I can’t help feeling like Sony will dominate again simply because of their excellent exclusives.
If you want the games on Xbox you can play them all on PC. This isn’t true for PS games (in general).
The end of 2021 onwards will be a good time to pick up a PS5. There's life in the PS4 Pro yet, especially with some PS5 games going to be released on it. Most of these games aren't releasing until mid / end of next year, and by then we'll know a lot more about the system.
@Rob_230 if you played any Dark Souls game you should have a good idea about whether it’s for you. And you can test this out cheaply if you haven’t! DS 1,2,3 are very cheap now.
It's better than the PS4 at it's launch with just Knack and Killzone
@Octane "This line-up looks better than the first two PS4 years combined!"
This line-up also looks like the last year of the PS4. 🤣
@AdamNovice You count a game coming to PS4 and PS5 as a PS5 exclusive? You count games coming to PC and PS5 as PS5 exclusive?
You missed out.
That was the only console generation where I owned all three consoles (PS2, GameCube, and Xbox) and I can tell you that the PS2 was by far the best if we are solely talking about exclusive experiences.
With that said, my two favorite games of that generation were not on PS2. Metroid Prime and Halo 2 were my favorite games of that generation. To this day I don’t think I’ve ever been hyped for a game as much as I was hyped for Halo 2. But metroid prime was my overall favorite.
@Wavey84 I also was onboard with the dreamcast from early on. Great console, wonderful unique games you couldn’t get anywhere else except arcades. Shame about the rampant piracy and poor security. The controller wasn’t the greatest imo.
The PS3 Controller wasn’t Sony’s finest hour but I feel like they took a ‘if it ain’t broke’ approach. The motion controls were abysmal and useless. The PS4 controller is my fav iteration. It’s just so comfortable. But they have one major design flaw. The way the USB cable connects to the controller means I’m constantly breaking the connector if I drop the controller or rage quit and throw it down.
I liked the smaller controllers released for the original Xbox. I found 4 of them at a thrift shop in perfect condition for $10. The original version was clunky as hell and I kind of feel that way about most XBOX controllers.
@TheRedComet yeah the PS2 was unstoppable at that time. I had gamecube and Xbox too but the sheer variety of games and exclusives meant I went back to PS2 again and again.
Not many people I knew owned gamecube. But it was worth it for Twin Snakes and REmake and Mario sunshine. Pretty forgettable controller though 😕
@Wavey84 I never had the pleasure of trying RE4 with Wii motion controls. Everyone tells me it is a great way to control the game but I never had a Wii and never got used to motion controls. I was a bit of a hater because I saw it as a dumb gimmick when I should have been more open minded.
@Wavey84 PS3 was a troublesome child some great first party stuff, many ports or versions which ran like crap because no one knew how to program for the unique architecture. The UI was not good, the controllers were the worst iteration of Sony’s classic design.
@Wavey84 yeah I played through RE5 on both 360 and PS3 and the 360 version looked so much better and ran better. Far less screen tearing and glitches. This is what I get for buying multiple copies of the same game.
@Wavey84 I understand why people dislike 5 but I found it very replayable and fun. Hated 6 though... and Zero was ok but after 2 playthroughs I don’t feel like returning.
RE5’s graphics were so good at the time it still looks better than a lot of PS4 games.
@Agramonte what do you mean with “exclusive” so far Nintendo released for almost every month a Nintendo/Switch exclusive since launch. Yeah some where ports but nonetheless games asked for when look at it sales.
I think that if Nintendo had no so-called “exclusives” that no one would buy their consoles. But I just let Mario and Zelda and Animal Crossing sales speak for themselves.
I agree. I know there is a lot of fuss about gamepass but it's a service not a console. The hype for PS5 is mental.
I havent changed my opinion since the first time I saw the SeX revealed at GA.
This next gen is going to be a blood bath haha.
I may be wrong but I dont really care so theres that 😀
Thanks for the list
@rjejr I don't think anything can top TLOU2 for me personally!
I thought a few of those games are on PS4?
@ViperXT Demon's Souls and Sackboy were both confirmed as launch titles by Sony. It's one heck of a launch with those plus Spidey and Astrobot. Godfall is one, too, but I'm not sold on that one by any means.
@Menchi No I count them as Playstation exclusives
@AdamNovice So not PS5 exclusives. Gotcha. Even though they're on multiple platforms. So why are they on PS5 exclusive lists?
@Octane TLOU2 is, as I just mentioned to my wife the other night as we finally got around to starting The Witcher 3, the game that kind of came and went. She didn't even remember it released already. I honestly don't recall anything about it. I suppose it released while I was busy with the pandemic but it just seemed like it came and went. God of War had literally a patch a day for it's first 10 days, then shortly after had photo mode was added. I can't recall anything about TLOU2 post release. Not even an article about PS5 enhancements. Just poof. OK maybe some review bombing, but not even much of that I don't think.
So, was it really that good? I do think I read it ended, but there could be more, like Horizon ZD?
I think I've been more focused on Ghost of Tsushima. That seems to have a lot more staying power than TLOU2. Certainly a lot more pics in my Twitter feed. I'd probably play Ghost 1st, TLOU2 just seems too depressing. Maybe after the pandemic. TW3 will probably take me thru Christmas.
Question is - is 2020 the PS4s last year, or 2021? 2020 was the obvious choice 2 weeks ago, but with HFW in 2021 next year may still count. 2020 will certainly be viewed as better but 2021 may be it's last year. Has God of War been definitively stated to be PS5 only yet? I still can't believe HFW is coming to PS4, so maybe? Immortals Fenyx Rising looks pretty good too.
I suppose 2020 is PS4s last year for exclusives, but I'll be playing it awhile longer yet.
Only Horizon interests me so far.
MLB The Show 21 and Nioh 1 Complete Edition/Nioh 2 Complete Edition are also on PC and non PS consoles, so are are not exclusive titles. Death Stranding Directors Cut will probs come to PC as well pretty soon (although technically a PS5 exclusive at launch). Cool list though.
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