Just what is Persona 5 R? All we know right now is that it's a PlayStation 4 game and that it was announced in December last year, but we're about to learn a lot more. Potentially, anyway.
Persona 5 the Animation: Stars and Ours is airing on Japanese TV this weekend, and following the show, Persona 5 R news is going to be relayed. We reckon that this is going to go one of two ways.
The first is that we'll actually get a proper Persona 5 R reveal and we'll finally know what the game is. The second (and less appealing) is that Atlus is once again announcing an announcement, and we'll be told to keep our eyes open for another broadcast or livestream at a later date. Please, please, please be the former.
In any case, the anime airs tomorrow at the time or writing (that's the 23rd March), so we don't have long to wait.
What are you hoping to see from Persona 5 R? Let speculation run wild in the comments section below.
[source twitter.com, via gematsu.com]
Comments 35
What I hope to see from Persona 5R?
That it will come to the switch.
@KoekiieWoekiie Don't forget Smash Brothers gameplay of Joker could be shown.
Even though I'm still playing through Persona 5, I'm excited to see what P5R is. I'm hoping it'll be an expansion with extra story and at least one new palace, along with other extras.
Are you sure it isn't an announcement of announcement of... another announcement!?
@Torakaka Yep, that is right, I wonder what kind of character he will be.
Also just like @crimsontadpoles I hope that there will be a (few) extras and a new palace.
P.S. Guys for what I just said about the switch version: plz dont get mad
Hasn't it already?
Atlas tweeted "Persona 5 Red" the other day getting the "PlayStation Hits" Red Box treatment?
Whatever it is, I’m down to clown
@GADG3Tx87 That does make sense when you think about it.
Oh, good. It's time to play the "Switch owners expect a port and get mad when it doesn't happen" game again.
Anyway, if I buy this or not is contingent on what systems it releases on and how many extra features it has.
I hope its Persona 5 Racing lol.
Its too soon for an updated Persona 5 re-release. I'd want that for PS5.
@Ralizah If you are indirectly speaking to me. I truly won’t get mad if the game does not come over to switch at all. I have never been mad about a game not coming over to a certain platform at all.
I was talking about the last time on PushSquare when there was a angry comment section. People wanting the game on switch vs. People even not wanting the game on the switch.
I do not know why people can get so angry over a game tho. Let alone where it can be played on.
sips tea while playing his PS4 or Switch or PC because he is not a fanboy.
I completely forgot about this. What have I done to deserve so much good game news this morning?
I don’t know. On the one hand, enhanced P5 would be awesome. On the other, where do I have time for that.
Please be a sequel to Sonic R...
I hope it's a reveal. Maybe an overview. Something that let's us know what it is. I'm still guessing an enhanced rerelease.
Persona 5 R U READY FOR KNACK 3???
@Octane You really like Knack. 😁
I think its a Switch thing lets hope not and i hope we get Persona 5R hopefully if that happens then ill be happy. You have Digital Devil Saga we dont. 😆
@KoekiieWoekiie I'm not indirectly talking to you. I'd also love a Switch version.
I'm talking about the fans who believe rumors that a game from a series that has never properly graced a Nintendo system is going to get ported, watch an announcement reveal showing it to be PS4 only, and then take to the internet to make angry comments about the rumor being wrong, as if they were entitled to it.
If it shows up, that's fantastic, and I'll absolutely purchase it on Switch. If it doesn't? I wasn't expecting it to. It has been Playstation-exclusive since its inception (aside from a PC port of the very first one, I believe).
It's also frustrating how so many Nintendo fans repeat this pattern of believing a rumor, watching a livestream, and then getting upset when the rumor turns out to be bunk over and over and over again. We go through this sort of thing every few months, and a lot of people just don't seem to learn.
I'm not going to be playing this again for another 100 hours, even if they add a bit more lol. I'd gladly take Persona 4 and 3 remasters though.
@NinjaWaddleDee I'm disappointed we never got a Persona 3 remaster on Vita that unifies the content of FES and P3P. It'd be awesome to have full control of our party, female protagonist (with bonus social links), The Answer, and exploration outside of dungeons in one game.
As long as it isn't more dancing
@Ralizah Man I fully agree with you.
Sometimes being part of a Nintendo community can be hard with all those (spoiled) brats.
Persona 5: Robert Ramsey edition
It's persona 5 racing for ps4 😌
@KoekiieWoekiie I have a switch but there's nothing more annoying that seeing port beg on ps site. I mean, I rarely see ps4 users port beg on nintendo site
Can’t wait to be told that we’ll get news at FES, then hear that it’s a remake but get no info on platforms or new content.
But really I’m excited, as long as they show what it is then they can’t go wrong.
@Ralizah Yeah and it's even more annoying because they keep pushing P3 characters in the fighting games, PQ, and Dancing games, but there's been no re-release.
@wiiware I'd actually be totally down with Persona 5 Racing. It would be much more exciting for me than a remake 2 years after the original.
I hope it's a sequel to P5 (like FFX-2) finished it on Wednesday and it was an amazing game, first proper JRPG I've played since FFIX. (Seeing it on Switch wouldn't be a mega surprise with Joker in Smash would be great though getting it in more hands)
Yeah i dont think a rerelease in the style of p4 golden would work. Golden came out
on vita years after the ps2 release so made sense. A rerelease of the same game with some added content wouldnt perform well 2 years after the ps4 release. I say this as someone who puts p5 in my favourite ever games list. But i dont have 100 hours to play the same game again
New persona gsme may be VR? As 5 is v so possible. Either that its a sequal to that dungeon crawler persona q2 the labyrinth with persona 5 characters
@crimsontadpoles goro akechi is the killer behind the mental shutdowns XD
All I can say is Persona 5 will need a hell of a lot of enhancing to get me playing it again.
I will probably buy and play this again regardless, but I would very much like it to get the Golden treatment - new social links, revamped music, extra costumes, new dungeon(s), more time to do things, more things to do.
Also give us Persona 3 and 4 on PS4
Well, not much shown there...
Gotta wait until April for more huh...this trail of breadcrumbs is annoying.
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