No matter which way you slice it, Dreams is an incredible achievement. Media Molecule might be taking its sweet time developing this project, but the hard work is clearly paying off. The game is now available in Early Access, allowing everyone to finally tinker with the creative tools, and experience the weird and wonderful things people have been making since the beta test. While we don't have access to the single player story yet, there's more than enough in this early version of the game to understand what it's capable of.
In fact, to see the potential, you only need to start Dream Surfing. This automated playlist of games, artwork, and more puts everything on shuffle and leaves you to discover the imaginative world of user generated content. It's like a box of chocolates where even the strangest tasting treats will leave you wanting more. The diversity of style, scope, and tone is already impressive, and this is before the game is even done.

We've played through 8-bit platformers, third person shooter concepts, and abstract horror experiences. We've seen astonishing works of art and atmospheric landscapes. We've sat on a bog while disco music plays in something called Toilet Simulator. Dreams, already, has a bit of everything, and it's truly fascinating.
Seeing what people have been able to achieve with the tools so far, it's easy to be inspired, and thankfully, creating your own curiosities is as straightforward as you could hope it to be. Some excellent tutorials spell things out clear as day while leaving acres of room for you to experiment. Getting used to how it all controls is probably the biggest initial hurdle, but take the aforementioned lessons and it's surprisingly intuitive. Using simple geometry and colour, you can craft an environment in next to no time, and hop into Play mode to see how it all looks.

What amazes us about Dreams is how well implemented everything is. It's in Early Access, but the tools work together in ingenious ways, and the social side of things is seamlessly presented. If you pull creations from the Dreamiverse into your scene, those creators will be credited when you publish. Sharing and commenting on the work of others is incredibly easy too; it feels like an incredibly positive space. It's amazing how well this not only enables people to get creative, but actively encourages it.
We're still very much in the genesis of all this, but it feels exciting. With a DualShock 4 and an idea, you can make whatever you like, and that in itself is brilliant. That it's all so fluid, with simple but powerful tools, next-to-no loading, and intuitive social features, is testament to the years of effort from Media Molecule. We love that we can boot the game up every day and find something new, or make something of our own and share it with the community. The potential is staggering, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.
You can read more of our thoughts on Dreams in our last preview. What do you think of Dreams Early Access so far? Are you letting your imagination loose with the tools, or are you simply enjoying all the oddities created by others? Point your imp at the comments below.
Comments 42
I'm eager to see what insane things people are able to make with this software.
I don't have the patience for it, unfortunately.
We are such stuff as Dreams are made of.
It's fantastic. It feels like we've been waiting forever to see what this is truly about and unfortunately it's gonna take months and maybe even years for the better ideas to fully come together but it's exciting just being able to get a peak into the possibilities already.
It's gonna take a bit more patience for the time being but this is something special.
I'd be shocked if someone hasn't made Big Chungus yet
Dreams is my favorite toy of all time.
I like it, although I can't get on with the motion controlled aspect. It makes everything too fiddly. I want to be able to move around using the sticks for more precision. It's definitely going to be a steep learning curve to get beyond the real basics, hopefully I can succeed!
It's so hard to make cool stuff that I almost envy the patience people have to create things. I haven't made anything after the basic tutorials.
Can you make a golf game??
Although a bit shaky, the things made in the beta was already impressive!
How does the early access system work as it's not common on PS4? Do you pay for early access and then the full game when it's done or will they be an upgrade option for those already on early access?
@hi_drnick I think it was confirmed all early access adopters get the full game for free when it comes out
@hi_drnick The upgrade to the full game will be free to those who purchased this early-access version.
@ztpayne7 @jacobia cheers! Seems like a pretty sweet deal.
@tomassi If you have a pair of Move Controllers, hook those up and run the tutorials.
They're the best way to interact with the creative aspect of Dreams and are far more precise and smoother with movement.
@tomassi That was the one thing I didn't liked about the beta.
I'm pretty sure I'm never going to make anything, I'm so sure I may not even bother with the tutorials, but there is some fun to be had.
But not today, it's finally, FI-NUL-LEE a spring like sunny day so I'm spending it outside. 🌞
@Dobbos Yes! I played one.
I have it downloaded but not had the chance to delve in. However, I have the idea for a game. So... you know... there's that.
Does anyone know if we can get a Push Square library of games going?
$60 for bog simulator 😂
@Boxmonkey it's 30, not 60.
I love the game, I am now on the last tutorial and I'm excited to bring my ideas to the world.
I also love the music creation tool!
@MaxDiehard I'd love to but thats another £80 right there!
The game is so fun. It's super neat being able to browse and play a game so seamlessly.
I need to get around to trying the creation tutorials. I haven't even started them yet.
One thing I'd say about Dreams is, the quality of creations within it so far are fine for early efforts etc, but none of them are games anyone would actually pay any money for (even 20 years ago) so I'll await to see if you can actually use it to create something truly amazing (by which, even something equivalant to Hotline Miami would be awesome to make yourself on a PS4 for others to play).
I wonder what is the incentive for developers to create a game with dreams. Is there any money to be made?
I had the beta and then downloaded early access as soon as it became available. I'm terrible at actually making stuff but for some reason I'm drawn to this. I also struggle with getting the DS to do what I want it to but persevering I think I'm getting better. Really tempted to get some move controllers though.
I think over time bigger and bigger games will be built as more and more resources are built by other users. It's just going to keep getting better as eventually people specialise in certain aspects of it that they are good at e.g. character creation or music.
I’m really enjoying Dreams can’t wait to see what full games will be built on this. Those bashing the content haven’t clearly looked at some of the WIP projects people are working on. You don’t make full game in a week 😂
I made my first “playable” game this weekend but it’s just a very short platformer called “The adventures of Gingy” if anyone wants to play it please do ! No one has beat my score for it yet 😜
And shameless promotion for those who don’t have dreams. This is what I made.
I appreciate this isn’t amazing but for a total amateur I’m super happy with it!
dreams is fun, but crunch mode is brutal.
Push Square GoTGeneration
@get2sammyb @Quintumply I asked it in an earlier article, but how do you guys plan on actually giving this a review score? Are you going for how easy it is for you guys (assuming you are creative minded) to create and share, or from what others have done, or just the story line or what? Seems like a harder thing to review than say LBP which is probably it's closest comparison from what I've seen. Just curious.
Haven't played any great levels yet. So far everything is pretty mediocre.
Can anyone recommend one they enjoyed?
@nookie_egg To be clear, there won't be a review until we have our hands on the final build of the game, so it's a while off yet. As far as scoring it goes, we'll just have to cross that bridge when we get to it, but we'll obviously take everything into consideration.
The ultimate exclusive.
I want an imp that looks like Tyrian Lannister’s head...I’ll name it Ghost.
Woukd be cool if u could have basically endless amounts of people in a level then we could make an ever expanding pushsquare hub to mess about in ps home style
this game reminds me of the early days of 3d gaming, where developers seemed to have a lot more creative freedom and fun, yes it's a bit clunky as the creators get to grips with this whole new world and we will have to wait for the masterpieces but the creativity is exciting just like it was back then!
Really struggling with the controls at the moment. Just doesn't feel right. I'll keep at it though.
Seen some cool stuff. I'm looking forward to MP getting added and all the dream surfing content over the coming months.
Do you need PS+ for sharing creations?
If someone makes a good tennis game in this I’ll have to get it because no-one else seems to be making one.
I have a weird niggling urge to play Dreams even though I know I hate making things that take longer than like eight minutes.
@gcunit As far as I know, you currently don't need PS Plus.
sign me up when and how do i get my hands on this
@lacerz I can confirm that crunch mode is the hardest dificulty
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