As we know, Square Enix is set to appear at E3 2019 with its very own presentation. During Sony's last State of Play, it was revealed that more of Final Fantasy VII Remake will be shown off, presumably during the publisher's presser. That's all well and good, but what else is it cooking up for the LA show?
Many have been speculating for a while that it could finally lift the lid on its Avengers project, and if these hints are anything to go by, it's looking likely. Take a look at the below two tweets from Square Enix, promoting its E3 conference:
At first, they don't particularly stand out, but fans have taken notice of the colours seen in the left and right frames of each image. The green, blue, purple, and orange could represent four of the six Infinity Stones, the powerful gems that played a central role in the last couple of Avengers movies. If Square Enix posts a similar tweet again with red and yellow images on either side, we'll have the full set. It's pure speculation right now, of course, but it does make some sense.
What do you think of this? Are these colours hinting at the Avengers game making an appearance at E3, or are fans reading too much into it? Snap your fingers in the comments below.
[source twitter.com, via gearnuke.com]
Comments 22
wow people are REALLY reaching aint they, colours in a picture frame, really? what's next saying the red lines in the Square Enix name are iron Mans arms?
@FullbringIchigo I dunno, I can understand the logic. Not saying it actually does mean anything, but it's not totally unfounded.
@FullbringIchigo Iron Mans arms?, they are clearly the red lines on Ant Mans helmet 😂
@FullbringIchigo This isn’t far fetched at all. Two more colours and they’ve got the whole set, what’s reaching about that?
Would be the perfect time to reveal it.... all things considered.
@LiamCroft because all they are are colours
but let's say they are a tease for a game that doesn't mean Avengers, those 4 colours ALSO happen to be the same colours as the 4 types of Materia from FFVII so they could just as easily be the FFVII Remake right?
to say it's Avengers is reaching when it could be ANYTHING
@LiamCroft I think it’s a reasonable assumption. Those small bits of frame are there on purpose, it’s a deliberate design choice. I personally think it’s a safe bet that this is hinting The Avengers.
It's a stretch, but I can believe this. However, I won't get my hopes up until there's official confirmation.
100%. Looks like a pretty straight forward Avengers tease to me. I would’ve thought that without seeing the headline here.
I just hope they don’t mess the game up. Would be nice to get a decent game out of it.
@FullbringIchigo The colours of the Infinity stones are pretty iconic, much more so than the colours you associate with Materia, but you do you buddy.
Yeah go on then. I'll bite. I mean, they announced it so long ago, id be amazed if they wern't showing it tbh. But then again, it is Square Enix.
@LiamCroft i'm just saying that Avengers ISN'T the only thing it could be, if it's anything at all and i used the Materia from FFVII because it is a game we know is coming and part of Squares biggest franchise and THOSE are the colours and are pretty damn iconic to fans of the game JUST as much as the Stones are to Marvel fans
and even saying it could be FFVII is a stretch JUST like saying it's the Infinity Stones and Avengers themed
the article says and i quote "What do you think of this? Are these colours hinting at the Avengers game making an appearance at E3, or are fans reading too much into it? Snap your fingers in the comments below"
are fans reading too much into it? see that there you even asked us if we think people are reading to much into it and i think they are and then you disagree when we say so
i knew there was a reason i stopped coming here because we can't even have an opinion anymore
It's obviously a new turn based Rainbow game in which Rod and Freddy team up with Geoffrey, Zippy, Bungle and George trying to rescue the kidnapped Jane.
I'm surprised nobody has realised this yet.
@ApostateMage Day One
@FullbringIchigo No need to stop coming. Just ignore unreasonable people.
@FullbringIchigo so its wrong for someone to have a opinion about ur opinion? I could see if someone said sonething like "your dumb" or something but it seemed like a pretty reasonable discussion to me, nothing to get all bent outta shape about.
@ellsworth004 no what i'm saying it's wrong to ask us to voice our opinion and then tell us that our opinion is wrong because it doesn't agree with the one in the article
At this point we don't need a tease or hint because this long after announcing it, it's about bloody time they actually told us something about the game. Announcing games so long before you're ready to even offer details is just ridiculous.
@FullbringIchigo there has been worse speculation
@tameshiyaku oh true i have seen posts about Squares E3 saying anything from another Tomb Raider Reboot to a full on Legacy of Kain series remake
all i'm saying is a few colours on a picture don't mean anything and people shouldn't look into it too deeply, Square will show what they will show, if they show Avengers then great but people shouldn't just assume they are, they will only be disappointed if it doesn't show otherwise
I would LOVE a well done super hero RPG! Super hero games are almost always fighting games of beat-em ups. Maybe the occasional action adventure title. But a full length, meaty Avengers RPG or JRPG-like game sounds positively awesome!
Wait, what?!
I didn't even notice the coffee cup in the GOT episode. So this color code signals - if there - is so beyond me.
I'll wait for the announcement. Where they put the big logo, on the giant screen and have a trailer with lots of flashing lights that end with the giant logo - again. That is more my speed
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