Today marks the 10th anniversary of Sucker Punch's superhero series InFAMOUS, and so the Washington-based developer has taken to Twitter to celebrate the occasion with a thread packed full of interesting facts and mechanics that didn't quite make it into the final game.
Taking a look through the thread, it uncovers a lot of behind the scenes facts we weren't aware of. First off, the original InFAMOUS had a working title of True Hero. "We tried out many titles, and even at the E3 2007 reveal we were awaiting legal clearance for “inFAMOUS.” We had a backup trailer ready with an alternate title just in case, but luckily inFAMOUS was approved in time." Thankfully, the team went with the far, far better name.
Early versions included the ability to switch into civilian clothing at phone booths, building customisation, and a protagonist dubbed Gearwolf. You'd be able to perform stunts on a motorcycle, and the fascinating option of being able to skate through the city using an invisible energy field. We would have loved to see that mechanic come to fruition.
Do you hope to one day see the return of InFAMOUS? Potentially something for the PlayStation 5, or maybe even a new PSVR title in the future? Show off your powers in the comments below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 32
I'm glad they were allowed to name it inFamous. True Hero doesn't roll off the tongue at all.
Get rid of the hipster and bring back Cole...
I liked the first one although I never finished it, probably getting about half way through. After that I've only played bits of Second Son and First Light, but I appreciate that they're decent games.
I'd be down for another game someday but there's plenty in my backlog already. Excited for Ghost of Tsushima and new projects more.
@Splat Cole is dead and Delsin is an amazing protagonist. So is Fetch.
No vr, make a true inFamous secquel with Delsin and Cole working together.
One of my favorite 1st party game series. Finished them all as good and evil.
Sucks we didn't get a PS4 rerelease = / .
@Splat I would love too see a return of Cole.
@sajoey Did you watch the Ending when they left lightning struck yes he is alive and better then delsin. 😜
@Flaming_Kaiser if he's alive, don't you think Zeke would know it?
Second Son was brilliant.
My first one on the other hand is a complete failure and plays on xbox the loser.
new infamous 4 coming.word up son
infamous is a great name.everytime I see that name.first thing that comes in my mind is the infamous mobb deep.word ☝ up son
Sounds like they have some good ideas still to try out for a new inFAMOUS game! The changing clothes in a phone booth is too much of a Superman copycat, though. Plus, most of us barely even know what a phone booth is. What’s the 2019 equivalent? A Starbucks?
I think Gearwolf (although kind of a cool name for a biker) looked like a loser. That hair, what was going on with that? 😂
But, yeah just reading this makes me want a new inFAMOUS so bad.
I always hoped for a remaster of 1-2. Loved all of the games thought Cole was the better protagonist but really enjoyed Delsin’s powers as well. I always hoped that with the lightning hitting the boat Cole was still alive and after finishing the “evil” ending of second Son that Delsin would become the new beast Cole had to go up against. Fingers crossed for the remasters and hopefully some sort of sequel for any of the games.
I love Delsin & Fetch! Really great launch title.
I loved Infamous second Son and would love to see Infamous continue in any form on PS5. I don't care much for remasters of old games, but I would buy them if made. Unfolding a new story and path holds more entertainment value. That is something you do not get in covering familiar ground of remakes.
I loved all Infamous games, but that Second Son evil ending gave me chills!
Hated inFamous when I first played the demo. Then I got it free with ps+ (back when the games they gave were worth a damn) and fell in love with it. First platinum. Second was better in every way and First light and Second Son were awesome too. I hope they do another one with water powers, starting with being able to explode fire hydrants to eventually being able to control the weather and finally cause a tsunami. YES PLEASE.
I really love the inFAMOUS games. I’m happy to see Sucker Punch do something different, but this was still a great series.
As much as I love Cole and his abilities, Second Son is my absolute favorite. Hope to see a 4th main entry.
I love the inFamous franchise. Infamous 2 was probably my favourite but i did really enjoy second son. Would love another game in the series despite Ghost of Tsushima being the type of game ive wanted to play for years. Hopefully once thats done, they will make another inFamous. Im sure it will look gorgeous on ps5, particularly if they keep neon powers.
Still gutted the mooted vita version was cancelled
its easy for an electric base character to revive himself, just look at enel from one piece, what I want is to continue second son where the evil ending is canon, the protagonist is cole and delsin is the antagonist
I loved the first two, and Festival of Blood. Second Son didn't grab me in the same way... for me, Delsin's powers just felt weak compared to Cole. I only felt he got a worthwhile power at the end of the game, and then it was all over.
I did a "good" play-through first, and to this day I haven't gone back to it for the "evil" run. Maybe I should... maybe the "evil" powers are better?
I got First Light with Plus and haven't even touched that, such was my relative disappointment with Second Son.
As someone who loves the inFAMOUS series I want a 1/2 remake, 1/2 reboot. Take the best elements of the first one (cole, main story, powers, etc) and do a re-imagining of the rest.
Im drooling already... Imagine the tower city made for ps5...
enjoyed the first two, but could not get into second son at all. barely played it more than a 1/4 way through. hated delsin, the smoke powers were all a bit meh, and the D.U.P. didn't make for much of an interesting enemy.
Has it really been 10 years? Wow, time is flying by.
Infamous is one of my favorite franchises from PlayStation. The original was a title that really made me want a PS3 after my first one crashed, and Second Son was the game that made me want a PS4. I've platinum'd the first two games, but haven't gotten it for Second Son yet because of backlog. Also need to play Festival of Blood and First Light. Infamous 1 & 2 are two of my favorite games ever, Second Son felt undercooked, but is still very fun.
I'm definitely in the camp who want the series to return, hopefully once Tsushima is done. A new Infamous could be a perfect showcase of what the new hardware is truly capable of.
Had a great time with second son and would love another on PS5...
Loved inFAMOUS, I must have replayed both games at least 3-5 times...Second Son I've only played once but it was good.
Still hoping we'll get another inFAMOUS game during the PS5 era.
infamous second son < first light
@roe Wait you don't have time for more games because of your back log but you are excited for new games...?
@SmokeBombClock well there are already infamous games that I haven't finished so another one would just be adding to that whereas something completely new would perhaps be more appealing to me
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