It’s been a busy week here at Push Square Towers, as we’ve been jet-setting around the UK, visiting studios and attending meetings. It’s time for a bit of rest and relaxation, as we kick back with some good ol’ fashioned video games this weekend.
Sammy Barker, Editor
I've finally got the swing of Everybody's Golf VR, and am agonisingly close to recording my first below par 18-hole session. There are still a few kinks that I need to clean up in my game, but I'm having a great time.
Robert Ramsey, Deputy Editor
I've been gradually getting back into The Elder Scrolls Online in preparation for the upcoming expansion, but boy does that game demand some investment. It's always been gigantic, but add all of the DLC and previous expansions to the mix, and it's easily one of the biggest titles on PS4. Impressive, but also terrifying when there are new releases in the pipeline.
Liam Croft, Senior Staff Writer
I'll be dipping my toes into the underbelly of crime this weekend as I play American Fugitive for review. Alongside solving the murder I didn't commit, I'll be sure to make some more time for Days Gone. Maybe I actually like that game now?
Nicole Hall, Reviewer
It’s been a Fallout-centric week for me. Having secured the Brotherhood of Steel ending this week on Fallout 4 I’ve began wrapping up the remaining bobbleheads and working towards some other Trophies as naturally I’ll be striving for the Platinum. I’ve taken breaks in between only to dabble in Fallout Shelter which even now manages to appeal to me with it’s highly addictive nature.
Christian Kobza, Contributor
This weekend I'll be giving A Plague Tale: Innocence a second playthrough to clean up a few of the collectibles while going for its Platinum Trophy.
Victor Nowogurski, Moderator
So with the weather thinking it's winter instead of spring here I will be indoors playing through Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition on PS4 and a bit of Super Mario Odyssey on the Switch.
Quite a busy WAYP from us this weekend, and one that we've actually delivered on time. But what are you playing this weekend? Let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 68
Yes, me, Rage 2. I like it a lot!
Persona 4 Golden. Enjoying it so far. Can’t tell what’s new with this version and what I just don’t remember because it was so long ago that I played the PS2 version
Finally Decided to Buy Persona 5 since its so cheep and who knows how long it will be before we get persona 5 royal in the west so ill be going through the version we already have until then
Persona 4 Golden for me too. I’ve been interspersing my play through with other games, same as I did with 5. I’ll probably play some Overwatch over the weekend and some Shadow of the Colossus. I’m also trying again with Bloodborne and still just don’t get the love. Third play through even after beating Sekiro in the meantime and it doesn’t appeal to me. The whole ‘best game of the generation’ thing boggles the mind.
Snooker 19... Still plugging away, trying for a 147
Days Gone. I love it, and update 1.08 has made quite a difference! I was looking forward to Rage2, but that game is unbearably ugly. The Apex engine is just is a very poor fit for consoles.
Finishing Nioh, and playing NBA 2k while watching my Bucks push for the finals.
Ni No Kuni 2 and PES 2019. PES is the game that I have been playing all the time since November and Ni No Kuni has gripped me with its artstyle, story and gameplay.
On the last game on Ace Attorney Trilogy. I’ll be playing Dead or Alive 6 for my fighting game fix and maybe throw in Skullgirls too. And playing some Rise of the Tomb Raider all for PS4.
Cracking on with wolfenstein 2.i re read the pushsquare review the comments are amazing word up son.
Replaced my rubbish 49”LG uHD TV with a superb Hisense 50” 4K beauty and I’ve been having a blast playing Wipeout Omega Collection. I’d quite forgotten how stunning it looks and sounds on a modern tv.
Finally finished God of War so giving that a break before trying to finish off the extras. So it'll be more Days Gone and I'm having a lot of fun with it but I have to admit that some of the storylines are laughably bad and so far the hordes are underutilised. Will also be returning to Persona 5 soon to polish that off as well.
Days Gone for me, just passed the bit where you move to a new part of the map and close off the earlier areas. The story is getting very interesting.
Also just got killed by my first Rager bear.
Dark Souls when I can, but I have a few films to watch (Assault on Precinct 13, Hardware and the cartoon prequel of Train to Busan) so I’m thinking I might watch some of those instead this weekend. When I get a minute anyway, family stuff for the majority of today...
Playing some more Hitman 2, and probably some A Hat in Time and Hatsune Miku Project Diva X. It's also been too long since I last played Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask, so I need to rectify that.
Final Fantasy 7! I never finished it on the PS1, so I decided to finally get around to doing that on the PS4.
Burnout Paradise. Final stretch of the platinum run. Great game!
Finally completed Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age after 85 plus hours.Fantastic game and don't understand why I never finished the PS2 version.
Now despite the review for A Plague Tale:Innocence only getting a 6,I bought it a few days ago and gotta say I'm absolutely loving it!The graphics are good,the atmosphere is great and the voice acting I think is pretty decent too.Easily an 8 or 9 from me
Also completed Ghost Giant recently so will just be cleaning up and getting the plat for that hopefully.
On the Switch i will be continuing my journey on Octopath Traveller which I'm loving and I'm also having a lot of fun with Steamworld Dig 2 which I bought in the sale recently.
Enjoy your weekend all!
Red Dead Online, as usual with Rockstar's online, it's always fun and funny.
I'm one trophy away from a Fallout 4 platinum - one of my top 5 games this gen.
And then AC Odyssey, HZD.
Rage 2, The Division 2, Days Gone, and then the usual staples of my gaming diet, namely FIFA 19 and F1 2018.
I'll be playing Injustice 2. After finishing Mk10 last week I realised I really dig fighting games.
Also some Hitman 2, PES 2019 and maybe AC oddysey (that game is unnecessary too long)
Looking to finish up Crystalis and move on to some assorted shorter games to boost my clear count for the year. Still have a way to go to try and surpass 50 (last year's count).
darkest dungeons.one of the best rpg of all time.amazing graphics.and gameplay.i love the narrator.back to the pitt.hahaa.challenging addictive gameplay and story.wow.💓💕💖💞💗.word up son
Well, I just finished my PS+ version of Edith Finch.
Now I'll probably play some Smash Ultimate and more FFXII: The Zodiac Age.
Final Fantasy X on my Vita. Loving it all over again but I want to punch Tidus in his stupid face every time he opens his stupid mouth. What a weapon he is.
Also some hunting, fishing, drunken bar fighting, poker and helping random strangers in Red Dead Online.
@playstation1995 DD is a FANTASTIC game that I must finish someday. I was in the middle of the Championship Dungeons when I took a “short break” to play Horizon Zero Dawn (another great game). Then I got caught up in other stuff and never went back.
It has been over a year now, and I am worried that if I pick it up again the difficulty will immediately wreck the team I built. It was tough even when I remembered all the gameplay. But I have to find a way to complete it-not doing so is my biggest gaming regret. Amazing game!
@Westernwolf4 pick someone that's a healer.you gonna need it.this a great rpg .theres gonna be a second darkest dungeon game.but yeah save a lot of money early in the game so you can level up fast.im use to playing hard games.i welcome the challenge.the cell shaded graphics in this game is beautiful.this rpg is original.i never see a rpg during a game.you get a heart attack.or streets.paranoid.darkest dungeon is a amazing game.word up son
Got back into ELDER scrolls online in anticipation of the soon to be released expansion
Still Days Gone and still mostly enjoying it. Think I'm about half way through now
Finishing my first playthrough of A Plague Tale, almost at the end and loved every second of it. By far the best game I've played this year, absolutely brilliant!
@Wazeddie22 I know why i didnt finish it i was 25 plus hours in the game and i found out that because i openend a chest i could not get the final weapon for a character. I was so mad i quit the game straight away. 🤬
MK 10XL i have i a had for a while. 😁
Still playing Mad Max. Missed loads on my first play through all those years ago. It's great fun to revisit and just brainless enough to act as relaxation when I'm not making stuff explode.
In between that, I've kind of fallen in love with arcade mode on GT Sport. I wish we had a proper single player mode on that, but the arcade will do for now.
I'm also itching to finish Assassin's Creed Odyssey, which I've not touched in 3 weeks.
Another inbetween-games weekend. A bit of Terraria, a bit of Tearaway. A sprinkle of Overcooked.
My mate reckons it'll be a while before he can start playing his copy of Sekiro, and he says he'll be able to lend it me for a bit. So I'm on standby for that.
Getting my character ready in ESO for the next expansion. Will also be working towards my Aragami plat.
I’m chilling out on Vespucci beach this weekend.
@Flaming_Kaiser Do you mean the Zodiac Spear?Yeah that was ridiculous.Something to do with opening a certain number of chests in the right order?I never got that far in the PS2 version but it's been changed for the Remastered version anyway.You can open all chests without worrying.To be honest the new trial mode you can get better gear anyway.
Shakedown: Hawaii is so damned addictive.
Just started fallout 4, first fallout game so far and really enjoying it. Just got my first fusion core and away to get some power armour!! Finished mass effect 3 this week, was shell shocked that the ending makes it so hard to ever go back to that world. What a game though, my favourite trilogy ever (didn't think anything could stop uncharted or bioshock but mass effect does)!
@Wazeddie22 Thank god it was in the sewers i started 25 hours in i read that if you openend a certain chest in the sewers at the start you could not get the weapon.
@Wazeddie22 Hopefully we get FF 13 as a remaster never finished it. 😃
Even if its garbage. 😁
@R1spam Well Dishonored kind of stopped Bioshock. And Fallout 4 is top 5 games this gen for me. I could have had the plat a long time ago but I love it so much I keep dragging it out. There's still tons of new missions I keep finding even in the base game whereas I found every mission on base Witcher 3 easy.
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon for me today, the music in this game is sooooooooo good!!
Tetris 99 (Switch) - Taking part in the Game Boy Anniversary event.
Splatoon 2 (Switch) - Representing Team Time Travel in the SplatFest.
South Park: The Fractured But Whole (Switch) - Been replaying this in advance of finally playing the DLC.
Mirror's Edge (Windows Phone) - Decent enough runner.
Microsoft Flight (Games For Windows) - Watching a Longplay
Rage 2. No idea why I bought it- the marketing turned me off and the reviews were middling- but I’m having a blast. I’m not even bothered by the driving (yet)
Trying to finish Days Gone
@Gremio108 Is that the same mate whose copy of Nioh you still have? 😂
As for me, I’m enjoying Injustice 2. I think it’s been a good diversion despite how bad I am at it. I think I’ll pick Persona 5 back up and try to see if I can work toward the ending after leaving it dormant for over a year. On Vita I am playing the excellent Velocity 2X.
Still playing Days Gone so good I don't want to finish it. 😀
@Th3solution Ha, funnily enough I finally gave Nioh back the other day!
Bought Middle Earth: Shadow of War on a whim during the sale so I’ll be giving that a go. Didn’t really enjoy Shadow of Morder but I’m desperate for a good LOTR game so took a chance on it. I’ll also be playing more Elder Scrolls online as I try to finish the last expansion in time for the new one. Might do some BF V too
Bloodborne! I can’t stop. Just pushed the world into blood moon phase, been playing the Old Hunters DLC and near the end of that as well. Just got my arcanist to 99 ARC stat and I’m about to pick up A Call Beyond tool in the Upper Cathedral.
It’s too good, might be my favorite game on PS4.
Having my media/game room repainted, and I'm restricted to my laptop. So I'm playing some old favourites: Dungeon Keeper 2, Star Wars Rebellion, Syndicate, and Simon the Sorcerer. Got Thimbleweed Park some time ago, so I might start that one up.
Grandia 2 on pc, wow great writing. For once I actually want to talk to all of the townspeople.
@Wazeddie22 "Now despite the review for A Plague Tale:Innocence only getting a 6,I bought it a few days ago and gotta say I'm absolutely loving it!The graphics are good,the atmosphere is great and the voice acting I think is pretty decent too.Easily an 8 or 9 from me "
Yeah, if I paid any attention to PushSquare's scores, plus taking my interest into account, I probably wouldn't have bought a single game last year lol. The game looks really interesting, I'm only watching a playthrough right now, but will buy it for myself later on.
@Bonbonetti “6/10 - Not Bad” 🤔
@kyleforrester87 Sure, but soon enough they'll write in an article about how bad it was.
Black Paradox
@Bonbonetti respect for the swift edit
@TheArt I can see why you keep coming back, so far I love how the game seems to reward you for actually having a proper explore. Enjoy red dead online, I keep meaning to have more of a go at it.
It's Paladins on PS4 again. It fits the weekend well since people are playing ranked more. The game remains pretty buggy, but I still manage to have a great time.
Still on Destiny 2 from last weekend! Just completed the Zero Hour mission for the Outbreak exotic and it was great! Hopefully they can build on this type of content going forward.
Days Gone and Pillars of Eternity, with a little MK 11 thrown in here and there.
Finishing Mass Effect Trilogy and moving on into Andromeda.
A Plague Tale: Innocence. Halfway through and love it so far.
PS3: Borderlands 2. Shooting helmets off of Goliaths and watching them rampage and mutate all the way up to "Ultimate Badass Goliath" and "God-liath". Just as fun now as it was 6 years ago.
PS4: Red Dead 2 online. Still wanting a private lobby choice and there is still too much bad weather. The recent update has improved online some. However i ended a session yesterday just because i got tired of the bad weather.
Wipeout's on sale so I bought it on a whim remembering that there was the VR patch released a while back. Not a racer fan, not a Wipeout fan but call me a convert, VR is a game changer and I am having an absolute blast with it. Everyone with VR should try it.
Finishing off Days Gone to get the platinum trophy! Also going to start Persona 5 finally! Cannot wait!
No idea what people reviewed - been playing since launch and still have things to do. And gun play is tons of fun.
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