Look, we're not gonna beat around the bush: May wasn't exactly stuffed with blockbusters on PlayStation 4. While we did end up with quite a long list of nominees for our Game of the Month, only one title really caught our eye... But what was it? You'll have to read on to find out.

Bronze Trophy: Team Sonic Racing
We didn't have high hopes for Team Sonic Racing based on the decidedly rough nature of its pre-release footage, but it actually turned out decent in the end. While we doubt that it'll be remembered quite as fondly as its predecessors, this is still a solid kart racer. Associate editor Stephen Tailby awarded the blue blur a 7/10, calling the game "a good option for PS4 players who want some arcadey thrills".
Read our full Team Sonic Racing review here

Silver Trophy: RAGE 2
RAGE 2 is one of those games that has clear and obvious flaws, but it's held together by one exceptional mechanic or system. In this case, it's the combat that saves RAGE 2 from mediocrity, with co-developer id Software delivering one of the best beat-for-beat shooters on PS4. We gave RAGE 2 a 7/10, concluding that its "on-foot action is some of the most fun we've had this generation".
Read our full RAGE 2 review here

Gold Trophy: Trover Saves the Universe
Another mental game from one of the twisted minds behind Rick and Morty, Trover Saves the Universe is an utterly bonkers ride from start to finish, and it's got a great sense of humour. This was another 7/10 from Stephen, who dubbed the release "one of PS4's strangest offerings". He wrapped things up by writing: "However you play it [in VR or on a TV], the unusual landscapes, characters, and scenarios are what make this a game worth playing."
Read our full Trover Saves the Universe review here

Platinum Trophy: Blood & Truth
Wow, this is only the second time that a PlayStation VR title has won our Game of the Month award, and would you believe that this is the headset's second victory in a row? It seems as though Sony's VR platform is really starting to hit its stride.
Primarily a shooter that does an excellent job of making you feel like a true cockney badarse, Blood & Truth is a "PSVR dream" according to editor Sammy Barker. The Big Man gave London Studio's explosive outing an 8/10, writing, "there isn’t a single shooter on the PS4 that’s more entertainingly tactile than this".
Read our full Blood & Truth review here
Do you agree with our Game of the Month for May 2019? What was your favourite PS4 game in May? Vote in our poll, and then tell us why in the comments section below.
How we decide our Game of the Month: At the end of each month, the editorial team put together a list of nominees. Nominees must have been released within the month, and preferably, they should have been reviewed by Push Square. We select nominees based on our own review scores.
The editorial team then presents this list of nominees to the rest of the Push Square staff. Staff are asked to vote for three games that they think deserve to be crowned Game of the Month. First choice gets 3 points, second choice gets 2 points, and third choice gets 1 point. When voting closes, we tally the results to determine the order of this article. The game with the most points is our Game of the Month.
Comments 15
Not much for me this month at all. But I am really interested in trover.
You guys put Rage 2 in your top 4 but not A Plague Tale: Innocence? Lmao
It's been a good couple of months for PSVR.
My thoughts exactly. I voted 'other' and put in A Plague Tale. Awesome game.
Don't have a PSVR so haven't played Blood & Truth but it has reviewed very well. I might finally cave sometime this summer and buy that device. It's been getting some good stuff lately.
@Gamer83 Same thing I voted for. Everyone pretty much agrees that it's one of the sleeper hits of the year and it got amazing review scores. Yet leave it to this site to put 60 something rated Rage 2 in their top games of the month and leave it out.
@PSfan4Life22 We gave Plague Tale a 6/10, thus it wasn't included.
This will probably be the weakest month
I'll add to the A Plague Tale Innocence love.Its easily the Platinum medal for me but the fact it's got no medal at all is a joke.One of the best games I've played.
@ShogunRok Oh that's right ya'll were one of the only ones who seemed to really dislike it. How in the world something as generic and boring like Rage 2 got a better score from your team than Plague Tale did I'll never understand.
Black Paradox and Shakedown Hawaii for sure over all these big budget games!!! This site loves the kind of titles I find really dull.
@PSfan4Life22 Just different reviewers with different tastes, innit. But it does mean that we can't just go back on our scores and put games we give 6/10s to a chance to win GOTM. Just the way it goes.
@Powerpellet Yep there were some great lesser known titles in May and Push Square instead puts games like Rage 2 that has one of the most boring open worlds and looks like a last gen game in their top picks. Go figure.
I enjoyed A Plague Tale more than the others also.
I have Sonic Team Racing, which is pretty fun but I haven't put much time into it. I borrowed Rage 2 & finished it, was an ok game. I've just picked up Trover this morning, which I'm really keen to try.
@get2sammyb sho nuff
A plague tale should be number 1..Amazing game
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