In an age of loot boxes and microtransactions, few things are more refreshing than free add-on packs that add genuine value to an already excellent experience. Sony, to its credit, has been pretty good with post-release support for its blockbuster exclusives – and while its various first-party developers have all plotted different paths, this arcade-inspired Days Gone challenge mode is way more fleshed out than it has any right to be.
Set to unfold over 12 weeks so that you don’t trade in your Blu-ray just yet, these are a series of score-based challenges with leaderboards and unlocks. The first week, available now, sees you taking on a relentless horde against the clock. Freakers will keep coming until you eat the dirt, but fortunately you’re equipped with an arsenal of all Deacon St. John’s best gear from the main game, including pipe bombs and proximity mines.
The idea is to maintain a chain of kills in order to maximise your score, while undead deaths also add time to the clock. You’ve got just 60 seconds at the beginning, but some well-placed explosions will see your counter moving in a positive direction. As anyone who’s attempted the hordes in the main game will know, it’s easy to get overwhelmed, but that makes for plenty of replay value, as you attempt to come up with the best strategy to maximise your score.

In addition to the primary scoring system, secondary challenges like using explosive barrels add depth to the gameplay, while unlocking medals earns you currency which can then be spent on different characters and rings. Said superfluous jewellery augment statistical boosters, while patches can be levelled up and transported back into the main game. It’s a peek at what a sequel might look like, with RPG-esque character building.
While the overarching complexity of the mode is a teensy bit overwhelming, it’s impressive to see just how much effort has been invested here. There are online leaderboards, and tons of new items to unlock – more of which will be added as the weeks pass. There are even a batch of fresh Trophies for you to collect. With future challenges revolving around Deacon’s bike and other gameplay mechanics, we’re looking forward to returning each week to test ourselves against the rest of the Days Gone community.
Have you taken Days Gone’s new arcade-style mode for a ride yet? Are you a fan of this kind of post-release add-on content? Gun us down like a greedy horde in the comments section below.
Comments 16
@get2sammyb What was your Highest score?
I just started the main game. Enjoying it so far.
@Areus Not very good.
I heard Sony bend already started working on their next game.
It's cool that they're busting out so much support for the game, but as someone who bought the game relatively early in the launch, I feel a bit jipped that this stuff wasn't already included. I have no desire to go back to the game this soon after completing it and I fear all these goodies will be gone by the time I feel like playing again.
Ah well.
@Onion yeah free stuff is such a jip.
@Onion All this challenge mode content is permanent. It’s not going anywhere.
@BearsEatBeets I thought it was like need for speed and forzathon stuff that if you miss it you miss it?
The extra need for speed abandoned cars are now gone forever. I hate this timed unlockable stuff. Add it to game and let me unlock it whenever
@Stocksy I saw on Twitter someone ask how long these challenges would be going and one of the developers replied that they would be permanently added.
I'm enjoying the challenge although I'm not very good at it. High score around 30,000 thus far. Looking forward to the bike challenges the most. And as the article states, free DLC is always appreciated especially in this era of gaming.
so cool that they added new Trophies as well I love when studios do that🙂I felt let down a bit when God Of War did not add a few more.
I loved Days Gone really hoping Sony Bend is working on the sequel.
Love this game goty
@Onion It'll still all be there when you're ready to come back.
Tried it out last night... jeez, it's tough! Don't see me getting that 120,000 score for Gold any time soon, if ever. I guess trial and error are the order of the day. The horde seem to know where you are as soon as you do anything, and there's not enough stamina to keep running away. And that f'king time limit! ARGH!
@Onion *gypped
@get2sammyb @BearsEatBeets
Oh, it's not timed? Awesome! Good to know, thanks. I'm busy with Bloodstained and other games right now, so I don't have time for Days Gone. After Gravity Rush 2, I just don't know what to expect from games anymore. That game had a bunch of online features yanked offline before I even had a chance to play it.
I think you completely misunderstood my point, this game didn't get said free stuff until a significant amount of time had passed since the launch. Many people (including myself) have moved on from the game and either have no interest in going back yet or don't have time. It has nothing to do with being free or not. It doesn't matter anyway since apparently this content isn't going anywhere, so by the time I'm able to return, it should still be there. I thought this was self-explanatory but apparently not, I was not bashing the game in the slightest but merely stating that it sucks for those of us who have moved on from the game now. Would have been nice to have tried all of this stuff out before I shelved it, but it'll still be there I suppose. Is that really so hard to understand?
I'm basically saying "This looks really cool, shame I couldn't have experienced it when I was actually playing the game cause now I've moved on to other things." I'm with everyone that this is a cool addition in an age full of microtransactions and all that. Just sucks for me that they roll all this stuff out after I've already completed it and uninstalled it from my console.
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