Our long awaited next look at Cyberpunk 2077 is here. Above, you can find a 15 minute deep dive into the upcoming role-playing title. It features all kinds of stuff -- dialogue options, character progression, mission design, combat, and more. The video does a pretty good job of breaking the game's many systems down, and the sheer amount of options open to you when building your character seems crazy.

As an RPG, it's fair to say Cyberpunk 2077 is shaping up to be incredibly robust. At this point, we just want to get our hands on the game.
Comments 29
I'm still not really sure if this is a game for me but I am excited to try it.
Yep, still looks fantastic. I'm digging the music vibe too.
Watching this on YouTube was a nightmare. Such a toxic culture there. The game still looks incredible and has more depth in just fifteen minutes of gameplay than most games do in their entirety. I can’t wait for this.
So the ways to play the game include being ultra strong and skillful with guns Terminator style, or being great at hacking devices and jacking into people Ghost in the Shell style. Can't wait to play this, I'll want to be a hacker first.
I'm sure the game will be spectacular, but the editing and pacing of this presentation drove me nuts. It was all over the place. I'd have greatly preferred the full 50 minute demo. This was very underwhelming, if I'm being 100% honest with myself.
@crimsontadpoles I normally go full commando in these sort of games but I reckon I’m gunna do the netrunner thing, too.
They are being hardheaded with this game. While im looking forward to it,im not crazy about it being 1st person mode only. They really are cannibalizing sales doing this. While im making an exception,because I like the games plot,others might not be as forgiving as I am. Call me crazy,but if at any point after the games launch,they decide to put 3rd person view,it would give GTA5 a run for best selling game of all time. I really hope they consider it,this is the 1st game ever im buying that's in 1st person view. Its going to take forever to get used to it.
@hulkie No offense, but I think this says more about you than the game. If this is the first game you’re ever playing that’s first person then you have missed out on some absolute fantastic games. Perhaps you should consider broadening your horizons in terms of your gaming?
Looks good. Seems like there's a ton of thought and background to the in-game world. It's going to be fun exploring this futuristic hellhole.
I like how you're not locked into a class system.
@hulkie No other 1st person games? That's missing out on some great games like Dishonored, DOOM, Half-Life 2, Portal 2, Bioshock, even Minecraft!
It's seems great, remind me of the original deus ex game (2000)
@hulkie Never played a first person game? Jeez. Do yourself a favour and play Half Life 2 this weekend!
As for it affecting sales, I doubt it. First person games do very well. Why is it there’s this weird expectation for this game to have a third person mode. Because the developer made another game once that was third person? Huh?
It looks amazing.definetly playing as male v.but them voodoo boys is no joke 😄 haha.word up son
@nessisonett. Borderlands.resistance.the darkness 2.call of Juarez.syndicate.killzone.crysis.etc.word up son
@playstation1995 Exactly. Plenty of great 1st person games. Word up son.
@kyleforrester87 Oh we said you go "full commando" I thought you mean you play in the nude.
@hulkie A third person mode will not bring Cyberpunk anywhere close to GTA V's sales. Only GTA VI will do that. I think you overestimate how many ACTUALLY want a third person view.
Looks amazing!! Cant wait for this
@AdamNovice. I agree with you.gta 6 is going to be legendary.no game can't top gta .first person aint going to help it.he is missing out.i didn't even grew up with fps shooter.but i love fps games.word up son
Pre-order finger is feeling twitchy now...
(Very rarely pre-order but I'm feeling hyped about this).
@Nerdfather1 Nah. Some of us don't enjoy the first person mode. Simple as that.
I'm not missing out at all, since playing fp game is not fun for me, just like VR games may not be for you.
Getting real William Gibson / Count Zero vibes from that story line
@kyleforrester87 I yeah I don't get either, surely a good game is a good game regardless of whether it you are playing from the third person or first person perspective? Fair enough if it makes you queasy or something, but it just feels some people are using it as an excuse to have moan about the game.
Making a massive RPG just first person is the biggest troll of the century.
Destruction, death, and dismemberment in a wasteland world—meh. Just give me some spackle and a putty knife, sandpaper, and painting supplies, and I’ll make it beautiful and inviting. Cyberposh 2077.
@Rash And yet the majority probably played Skyrim and Fallout in first person. Unless some are prone to motion sickness I don't see why this is such an issue.
@AdamNovice Nope, nothing about motion sickness. A look at most of the best GOTYs proves otherwise.
@kyleforrester87 Killing someone with some weights did look awsome.
@AdamNovice I rather have the option and i just prefer 3rd person and personally i dont see what it matters what someone else likes. 😆
But ill try it anyway it looks like they put lots of work in the game. 😃👍
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