If you came across a review of Borderlands 3 prior to launch, it was most certainly done on the PC. The console version of the game has been shrouded in secrecy as developer Gearbox Software focuses on showing off the experience in the best light possible. Now that release day is here, however, we've got our hands on the PlayStation 4 version of 2019's biggest looter shooter. So, the question is, how does it perform on the supercharged PS4 Pro?
Borderlands 3 on PS4 Pro gives you the option of prioritising either the game's framerate via the performance option or its visuals with a focus on resolution. No matter which one you select, you're in for a good time, but after a couple hours of play, we think there's a very clear winner. If you're looking for the best Borderlands 3 experience possible, you'll want to select the performance option.
This won't lock the frame rate to 60 frames-per-second -- we did notice one or two drops when the action got intense -- but it's most definitely the next best thing. There's a smoothness and crispness to just traversing the world, aiming down sights, and popping off a couple of bandit heads. It feels natural -- the way the game is meant to be played.

This is made all the more obvious when you downgrade to the resolution option. Sure, we compared and contrasted the two modes by staring at the scenery as we vigorously switched between them, and the textures upon a couple of rocks do indeed look a little sharper, but it's just not worth the hit to the frame rate. You'll notice it immediately; a sluggishness to movement and aiming that we couldn't shake after having it so good with a reliable 60 fps.
Ultimately, Borderlands 3 is going to be a great game no matter which technical mode you choose, but on PS4 Pro, the performance option is the way to go. With a smooth frame rate that still manages to look great and stylish in the process, it makes for the best playing experience possible.
Have you been playing Borderlands 3? Did you choose to go with the performance or resolution mode? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
Comments 36
So... what about the base PS4?
Always favour framerate
I'm playing on an original PS4 and I have to admit that there are a fair few instances of textures taking time to load, and the menu can stutter a fair bit as you R1/L1 through the tabs or navigate the inventory. I haven't had any noticeable slowdown in the gameplay and I've started noticing the texture problem less as I've been having so much fun with the game, but I can't deny that the menu stutter alone can get quite annoying. Especially considering how often you go into the menus to check the map, look at loot, spend skill points etc.
Playing solo, was great on performance mode. Played a little co op...yeah. not so much
This game is a broken mess. HOW MUCH TIME did you need for crying out loud. Not one version runs well. Split screen is a disaster. I cant figure how you spend all this time.to make BL2.5 and it runs worse than the handsome collection
Right now solo isn't bad but couch co-op is virtually impossible to play. With no option of switching it to vertical splitscreen and freezes and lag spikes when your partner opens their menu co-op is a complete disaster.
I've tried the games that allow frame rate over resolution and chose frame rate every time. Resolution, for me, is only important when you stand still and look close as stuff, and even then it was "that leaf sure does look sharper". But since I'm moving most of the time in games it is the frame rate I notice more.
I think most of the time when people online look at resolution comparisons in videos or still images to judge it's not done well. Many videos will pause the game, zoom in 200% and point out how a texture is muddier. I don't do that when I play. I find it is far far less noticeable when you are actually playing and focused.
Framrate always gets priority in an FPS.
Takes strangely long to load up when I start the game, but actually playing it haven't had any major issues. Menus can get laggy at times but nothing to drastic. Playing solo on a pro
It’s the same as the rise of tomb raider, performance option feels so smooth while I can’t even tell the texture difference on resolutions option with my 55inch 4k tv.
@Kienda On a OG PS4 (bought just after launch) it is a stuttering mess. I'm sure it will be sorted over the coming weeks but I moved my Pro into my sons room so he could keep playing. I would hold off if you can resist to see how well it patches.
@TooBarFoo thanks, I appreciate the answer.
I only have a base PS4 so will hold off until patched.
I chose performance (pro on a 1080 tv) and no issues so far 👍
For a game that's co-op focused, where's the vertical split-screen? Seriously. All the other games ran and played great with this. It's almost unplayable in horizonal. Even the text is unreadable.
This is a must fix for the Devs.
Also the frame rate tanking when the other player his their menu is just unacceptable. Just make it a stripped down interface if need be.
No wonder there was a partial review embargo 🤣
Come on Gearbox, sort your game out.
If you jump back and forth between the two, 30fps will be incredibly jarring. It’ll take a few hours to get used to playing at the lower frame rate, but once you’ve adjusted it’ll be fine, just like Destiny.
Of course, if performance keeps it close to 60 all the time, it’s probably the way to go.
If the game has a photo mode I prefer resolution mode.
@Kienda Yeah i know right.
@TooBarFoo Wow thats criminal i dont hear the big sites talking about that with their reviews.
@Flaming_Kaiser I think most reviews are playing on the Pro. And don't get me wrong it didn't seem unplayable just not enjoyable and I'm sure it will be patched out. Its why I always wait but youngsters want the latest and newest! Digital foundry performance reviews are a must this days with the two tier current gen machines. I would hate to see what it plays like on a base Xbox!
Performance all the way. The only ones that will tell you that resolution is the most important option are those screaming kiddies on that 'other' box.
I once switched over to resolution mode on Rise of the Tomb Raider. It stuttered so much that it felt like a slideshow. And for what? A slight bump in resolution that barely looked any different from what it was on performance mode?
@GADG3Tx87 Resolution mode in rise was much better in my opinion. Performance mode was all over the place in the 30-60 range.
Sounds like they should've locked it at 30fps.
@TooBarFoo I'd imagine it's a 720p disaster on the base Xbox One. However the One X version might be the most stable of the versions.
Performance mode with HDR enabled is the way to go on the Pro. Barely any noticeable difference between the two unless you're sitting super close to the TV.
I think it's utterly pathetic. This game does not look leaps and bounds better than the handsome collection or the goty edition, yet runs at a much lower res when running at the same fps. Choosing UE4 for this game was a very poor choice. So this game is 30fps on base hardware? So we get all the games remastered at 60 fps this gen, except the new one. I hate when a new entry feels like a downgrade
its just best to wait for the ps5 goty, if you not want to deal with all this broken bs and get a half arsed game experience. with this clearly unfinished game that will never run smooth on the ps4pro, because they are not gonna bother to optimize it when the ps5 comes out next year. we have already been through this with the ps3 and ps4 back in 2013.
@munkondi this is just the way its gonna be now for most of the game released before the ps5. they now have a more powerful hardware the ps5 dev kits, and cant be arsed to take the time to finish the game or optimize them when ps5 is a year away of release. its all about getting the games they have now out the door before the ps5 and then re-release the game as goty/complete editions for the ps5. we have been here before when it happen for the ps3 with ps4 arriving in 2013. but i guess people forget easily.
@TooBarFoo But its criminal that a game releases and it get patched to run good dont you agree. 😉
@TheBuzz The Last of Us ran great on PS3 and it looked great. Its criminal to release games in this state.
@GADG3Tx87 I think that can be a personal thing. I dont die when i play at 30FPS. Driveclub played fantastic at 30FPS.
@Flaming_Kaiser the ps3 version of The Last of Us had a game breaking save bug, and they goty that was released on the ps3 later was just vanilla disc and dlc voucher. then they released the remastered for the ps4 with dlc on disc... so with one year until ps5 arrive you can expect much of this bs gonna happen now with the coming last games for the ps4.
Performance mode is best on PS4 Pro. I am several hours in. First 20 minutes you may be looking around at textures on rocks but after a 1/2 hour when you CTFD you get into it and the game rocks. It IS CLASSIC BORDERLANDS (just amped up to 11) so if you did not like the previous, this will not change your mind. Tons of quality of life improvements and fantastic gameplay so far. Love to bounce between Fallout and Borderlands, such great creative worlds! I am glad Borderlands stuck to its guns (sorry) and did not try to change or go with the current trends. Fans will love it. I love it so far.
BTW Push, my go-to gaming site, not getting a code, not cool. At all.
@TheBuzz Never had one issue with the game or saves it still looks and run great. A DLC voucher for GOTY is bad and i wont buy that but its not gamebreaking. 😉
@Flaming_Kaiser they patched the ps3 version later, thats why you had no problem with it i guess. but for the poor guys that did play it day one, they did lose hours of gameplay when the save file got corrupted.. and the goty dont have patches or dlc on disc, its totally worthless. i agree the dlc was not that good either, and with the directions they have taken tlou2, i am not gonna get it. i much more prefer lara croft in tomb raider. she is all about the action and dont bang chicks on side quests.
@TheBuzz I played the game day one i always buy Exclusive games on day one. 😉
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