As previously expected, Sony now owns the Sunset Overdrive brand. Despite the game first launching as an Xbox One exclusive, Insomniac Games famously retained the rights to the intellectual property. PlayStation has since purchased the Marvel’s Spider-Man and Ratchet & Clank developer, but Worldwide Studios chairman Shawn Layden said he’d need to “turn over the files” for the full story.
Speaking with Japanese publication Inside Games, the ever-affable Shuhei Yoshida has confirmed that the Japanese giant does now own the Microsoft published title. “SIE holds the rights to past Insomniac Games works,” he admitted. So what are the chances of a port, then? “I am looking forward to future titles.”
It doesn’t sound like Sony has much interest in reviving the Sunset Overdrive franchise, which makes sense given its poor commercial performance compared to the developer’s PlayStation exclusive output. We’d probably play a port if it ever arrived on the PlayStation 4, but there are probably so many legal hurdles in the way that it’s just not worth the effort.
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, please.
[source inside-games.jp]
Comments 82
I Throught It Was Known That Sony Owns The IP Now
Id totally drop a remaster if the bureaucratic hoops weren't a total nightmare. Something tells me it would sell better on PlayStation
@Areus It was assumed, now it's confirmed.
So does Sony make any money from it being on Gamepass?
If it was certain that Microsoft would let the IP go to waste, let’s hope Sony won’t.
I’ve never played the game, but it always intrigued me.
“It doesn’t sound like Sony has much interest in reviving the Sunset Overdrive franchise,”
Don’t blame them.
I really wanted to like it but it just annoyed me and felt too awkward to control. I got about 4 or 5 hours in the weekend it came out and never went back.
Liked the art style but the gameplay (for me) just wasn’t there at all.
It's a fun game and I'd gladly take a port on PS4 or 5, but I agree. Spider-Man 2 please.
This would sell like Hot Cakes on PS4 - its a great game and DLC also great fun. Its like Ratchet and Clank on steroids and its the type of game that Playstation owners would go for. I bought a xbox just for this and Ori and would double dip on PS4.
I found this game really fun which I can't say about alot of xbox's exclusives this generation
Did someone say Spider-Man 2? 😀
I don't know how many people could play sunset 1... but a 4 person co op would be great and at least 16 player pvp. But co op first...if Sony ever brought it back which they should. Good game for a ps5 system launch.
i want Sunset Overdrive more than a spiderman2 that is for sure. why Sunset Overdrive did poorly in sales is because of being an xbox exclusive. i have no doubt the Sunset Overdrive game will do good on the ps4.
@Cutmastavictory we dont need any more of these always online 4player coop rubbish, that will be the death of the Sunset Overdrive game for sure.
@get2sammyb "It doesn’t sound like Sony has much interest in reviving the Sunset Overdrive franchise, which makes sense given its poor commercial performance compared to the developer’s PlayStation exclusive output."
but did it only sell poorly because it was on the XB1? which while it's sales has improved back then was terrible compared to the PS4
i can't help but feel that it might have done well if it was a multiplatform title
Agree with all the positive comments here. Great game on Xbox. It's inFamous but really fun. Which explains why it bombed on Xbox, it's too fun. Seriously, it's too colorful, too flippant, too fun, oh AND it's 3rd person, unlike all the FPS on Xbox.
Enjoyed it way more than I thought I would, played it until the end, did about half of the side stories. There was nothing not to like. Well except those mandatory tower defense sections when you had to cook stuff. They weren't bad, even they were a little fun, but they felt out of place with the fun open world adventure.
Don't think I'd play it again, but I'd play a sequel.
Can we get a Ultimate Edition now ?
i think fun single player games have no place on MS 1st party list everyone of their games has MT so making sequel to single player game might not fit into their bottom line. take gears 5 game sp is good not ground breaking but its good try mp and you can see its MT fest. gears 4 used to have lootboxes now they changed it to cards.
I'd be printing it on a disc for PS4 straight away then, it would do good numbers I reckon
I could see Insomniac outsource the game to a smaller company to port it over to the PS4.
Or PS5.
Great news they now own the IP and studio . Awesome news for me is i keep more money in my pocket cause i no longer will support the studio nor its games . Good day to be a gamer and know how to remain an independent thinker unlike T. Price .
'Xbox One exclusive' Is there such a thing??? This is the only game I thought that might be worth playing from the X1 so hopefully it could come to the PS4.
Cool cool. Would love to see a remaster.
@Kmcroc5472 Im sure they will cry in their sleep. 🤣
Sony also owns the contracts that were transferred at the time of the Insomniac acquisition. If the contract prevents the release of the original Sunset Overdrive on competing consoles, Sony’s hands are tied. Future iterations are free game though. Again, it all depends on the language in the contract.
With over 13 million copies of Spider-man sold, I don’t think they’ll notice.
Sony and insomniac should make spiritual successor rather than sequel, update the gameplay and make a new interesting story
It's ironic that people said Sony made a mistake not funding Sunset dispite Insomniac owning the IP and now Sony owns Sunset anyway lol. Smart business indeed.
Ps5 remastered incoming.word up son
I would love a ps4 port. I never got to play this since I never owned an xb1. Please dont let this go to waste sony
I really dislike Sunset Overdrive, so I won't be too fussed if they never touch it again.
@carlos82 No. Microsoft published that one.
@Flaming_Kaiser after the lies pf Ted Price lies about being and remain independent . Hope he lose his company right away . As for them crying, who cares
@lacerz tfor now heres to the publishing deal sony has for Spider-Man expire so quickly and Spider-Man game license is entrusted to a 3rd party publisher like it should be .you enjoy
They should 100% release a ps4 port, id be shocked if they didn't. I think their would be a lot of interest.
@rjejr may I ask you what your avatar means?
I thought about it real hard but nothing lol
@Rick_Deckard If it does disappear from Gamepass and further purchasing, you should still be able to play/redownload it after the fact if you already bought it.
That's usually how it goes at least.
@rjejr ..... You do know Xbox has 3rd person games right. Literally the game they just released on the 10th is 3rd person
@Kmcroc5472 Inpendence does not pay the bills. How independ are you when cant release your stuff on another platform anyway. Yeah the 3rd party Activision releases where real jems. You are just salty its not on Xbox. 🤣
The game was fun but it felt like whatever Sunset did Spider-Man did it better. I'd rather them use their resources to make more Spider-Man games then Sunset honestly.
@get2sammyb I think it was clear they own franchise now. But do they actually own the first game? From my understanding they're free to make a sequel or spin-off, but the first game is still tied to Microsoft.
I don't think we'll ever know for sure, because they're probably not going to port it anyway.
@Octane I think Microsoft has publishing rights to the first game.
There could be a point where Sony has to wait before getting the first game on their platform, unless MS OKs them doing so before that time.
There's nothing stopping Insomniac or another dev from making a new game in the franchise, which was always the case as they always owned the IP and were independent until Sony bought the studio.
Personally I hope Insomniac makes R&C2 Remake next or maybe a new Resistance, they likely have the resources to make both of those together, while devoting a big team to Spidey 2.
This gen Insomniac have been massively productive, making 3 big AAA games, along with a bunch of VR and other smaller games.
If the studio expands further they could be in a position to deliver a lot of titles for PS5 and PSVR next gen.
Mojang released Minecraft for PlayStation, but has since been bought by Microsoft. Yet Microsoft still supports the PlayStation version of the game.
I thoroughly enjoyed it, it provided a fun and different distraction from other games I was playing at the time. I hope the series thrives on PlayStation
bin it and move on.
@Frigate am on the whole were independent and will remain so and next thing u know he’s on his knees to sony . Basically man cant keep his word so screw him and his studio.
The game hasn't been exclusive for awhile now, long before it became Sony's property.
Most likely we'll see SO2 after Spider-Man 2, with a port of SO in between to catch PlayStation fans up to speed. All on PS5 of course.
@clvr Over at "sister site" Nintendo Life they've been writing a lot of articles lately about things that have nothing at all to do with Nintendo. Evercade. Sega Genesis Mini. Other stuff I have no idea what it is. So I came up with a new slogan.

This is based off of a store called Christmas Tree Shops and That!.

I put it 3 times to square out the box b/c I figured once would look weird.
So there you have it.
@Flaming_Kaiser don't make excuse the mans word is garbage and plenty of studios have survived being independent. The dudes a hack
@Neku Well if it wasn't b/c of the 3rd person view - the Gears of War series is 3rd person as well - then you tell me why such a great game failed so miserably?
And I didn't say it was b/c it was 3rd person, that was only part of it. I'm sure if it was slow moving, brown, and lacked all sense of humour it would have done better on Xbox.
And it is "unlike all the FPS on Xbox" b/c 3rd person is unlike FP. I'm pretty sure it's well known in the industry that Xbox gamers tend to favor FP over 3rd person, I didn't come up with the idea. Blame it on Halo.
@Flaming_Kaiser as long that Disney is in full control and take where it wants i hope for the contract time to fly by , so spiderman games are rebooted and release every where . When that day comes is when
Spider-Man will matter till then hope both platform & studio suffer in the years to come . Its not salt its a disdain.
@rjejr ah I see, I didn’t know about that Christmas tree shop so I didn’t get the reference! Nice one, though 😁
As much as I like Sunset Overdrive, my first thought, outside of Spider-Man 2, when Sony purchased Insomniac wasn't 'now I want Sunset Overdrive 2.' I was more thinking about Ratchet & Clank, and if Sony wanted to revive a long dormant IP with Insomniac, Resistance is much more interesting than SO, at least in my opinion.
What complete and total garbage. Have a little more salt. The Spider-Man games were trash before Insomniac, to want that deal to expire is utterly ridiculous. As for Insomniac 'selling out' a good deal came along and they signed on with a company they've done their best work with anyway. Were your pissing and moaning this much when Ninja Theory went to MS?
@Kmcroc5472 Ah i guess i hit a nerve with your 8 comments on this article. Well its easy too see biased nonsense. You are just here for some Sony bashing. Have at it with your nonsense that 3rd party is the holy grail even when you know what they are. EA, Bethesda, Activision Blizzard, Epic. 😉 👍
This is seriously so frustrating. I hope the sequel does come out for Xbox if they do make one . If not, insomniac has lost a loyal fan
@rjejr maybe 3rd party but there are barely any other fps first party games on Xbox other than halo and sea of thieves. I'm just saying that part was an unnecessary add on. I believe sso failed because of marketing. I don't remember any ads/commercials for that game, whereas I remember clearly seeing ads /commercials for games like the last guardian. Xbox has had horrible marketing all gen, and I believe sunset was a casualty of it.
Also lots of 3ps games do good on Xbox, quantum break was one of the best new ip launches for Xbox when it came out
Why should it go to Xbox? Sony owns the IP now.
Sunset Overdrive had a big marketing campaign actually, and even a system bundle. MS made a big deal about having Insomniac on the system. It didn't sell for two reasons. First was the Xbox brand still suffering from the horrible first impression made at its pre-E3 2013 reveal (bad introductions do have an effect that can last a while) and Insomniac's audience, and it can be backed up with numbers, is on PlayStation.
@Gamer83 I was saying multiplatform release. I mean it would be a betrayal if they practically release the sequel on PlayStation only
A betrayal? Sony owns the IP now, the same way MS owns many IPs from Rare that started on Nintendo consoles. So if Banjo 3 gets made should that get a Switch release?
@Gamer83 Microsoft and Nintendo took which characters they wanted though, so it was a good business exchange. Also if banjo 3 did get a release it could end up on the switch like cuphead ( most likely) since Microsoft and Nintendo is closer now.
I made an account just to spend my 2 cents. So sunset over drive for me was a flipping awesome game i played till the end. Granted it Absolutely did take me a few times/tries to get into the game initailly. The gameplay is unique in were you can NOT stop moving or you WILL become a target for the monster so unless you pause(as i remeber) you are always at risk. But TRUST me if you stick with it and get used to the gameplay YOU WILL love this game. After i finished it I Immediately desire a sequel would even pay a premium for new OVERDRIVE content. I belive it just didnt perform well sales wise becuase it wasnt advertised enough. As i came across it it was advertised as a hidden gem. With better marketing i could imagine much success. I dont know what hoopz it would required but i would almost GAURANTEE FINANCIAL SUCCESS for a rerelease on nintendo switch...hell i might even double dip then. But a sequeal on nintendo switch oooouii would be elated about!!!!!!!!!
@Neku just read your comment i agree it failed due to poor marketing read my other comment
Sony need to release a complete version on ps4, I'd buy Sunset Overdrive day one if it got a port.
If it got a ps4 port I bet it would see better sales than it did on xbox one.
Sony just had to ruin this games future, leave great things alone, DAMN
Sweet, now they can lock it away next to the Ark of the Covenant where it belongs, never to see the light of day again.
It was a fun game, but not worth paying for again.
As a lifelong gamer, I didn't really ever get excited about this game. I don't think it really would have mattered to me which console it came out on. To me, something was just off about it. Maybe it was the art style. Reminded me of Jet Set Radio for the Dreamcast.
@clvr Well, I wouldn't' expect anybody to get it on PS, but it's not my fault they decided to use the same avatar on both sites. And I'm on NL a lot more than I am on here.
@Neku hmm, didn't think of marketing, which is funny as that's usually my go to why Wii U failed, Nintendo failed to market it AT ALL. Guess I didnt think about that for SO b/c I knew a lot about the game w/o even owning an Xbox when it released. Probably b/c Insomniac made it and I really wanted to play it. I wound up buying an X1 b/c it was bundled w/ Rare Replay - why I bought it - for $178 on clearance at Target. Also came w/ Ori and GoW1. I bought SO b/c it was on clearance at Target for $7.78. I traded in the X1 for $90 towards a Switch about 6 months after getting it.
Maybe the reason they didn't market SO on Xbox was b/c they knew nobody wanted to buy a 3rd person game on Xbox? 🤣
It's cool they own this but the bigger question is will Stormland be on PS5/PSVR2?
Insomniac has a nice list of games that come with them.
The Resistance series, Ratchet & Clank series, Spider-Man, Spyro series, Edge of Nowhere, Feral Rites, and The Unspoken would be great on PS5!
@get2sammyb they also had those for the first Mass Effect but that still came out on PS3, Sony had publishing rights to FFVII but that's now out on XB1 and Switch
so it's not unheard of for it to happen
@Envy We get it. You don't like Sony. There's really no need to be salty about it. As for Microsoft and Nintendo's "close" relationship of late. It makes sense because they are behind compared to Sony, so why not? There's no betrayal to be had. They bought Insomniac, and now they own SO. Get over it. Were you also upset when MS bought Ninja Theory?
@FullbringIchigo Mass Effect released on PS3 because the rights to the license expired. Same thing likely happened with FFVII(original).
@InsertUsername actually I was, ninja theory should've just became a independent studio instead of going to one side. Also, you are right. I don't like Sony but I'll still buy their consoles.
There was nothing wrong with MS buying Ninja Theory, there's nothing wrong with Sony buying Insomniac. This is a business and both companies filled needs they had with these purchases.
@Gamer83 People Are Just mad Because it Was Sony That bought Them if it was Nintendo Or Microsoft You would Hear Nothing But Praise.
I think that's a factor too. People praised MS left and right for the spending spree it went on. Sony buys one studio, a studio who's fanbase is on PlayStation anyway, and Sony is evil and Ted Price is a sellout and a 'hack.' This is what happens when loyalty to plastic messes with people's brains.
@InsertUsername precisely so why can't that happen with this game?
@Gamer83 I Think Alot of Them Feel Jealous As well Like I have Never Seen So Much Hatred For a Company and Their Games But at The Same Time They Want Sony's Games on their Platform of Choice
@FullbringIchigo Well, at the moment, I'd imagine because MS still has the rights to it for the time being. I'm sure Sony and Insomniac might port it when the rights expire, unless MS agrees to sell back the rights.
Couldn’t care less what they do with it.
Just make some new IPs.
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