If you have a need for heat, trophies, and speed, we'd highly recommend taking a look at the Need for Speed Heat trophies. The list of trinkets has made its way online, and it seems like a pretty easy-going road to the Platinum.
There are one or two pot holes to watch out for, though. A handful of online trophies require you reach max level in your Crew (think DriveClub), beat a Crew time trial, and complete 25 online events. They aren't that bad, but will still require you to hop online, and we suspect that leveling up your Crew could prove to be on the grindy side.
Elsewhere, many of the trophies seem pretty straightforward. Customise your car in certain ways, smash all the billboards, complete story chapters -- the majority of the list looks easy. There are some outliers; escaping 100 cop chases may take some time, and earning 1,000,000 REP in one night sounds like a tough one. Perhaps it's easier to accrue REP than we think.
Need for Speed Heat is out in just over a week, on 8th November. Will you be racing for the Platinum? Put the pedal to the metal in the comments below.
[source psnprofiles.com]
Comments 15
Looks pretty good.
I'm rather tempted by this!
From the gameplay stuff I've seen, the REP is accrued with a climbing multiplier the longer you stay out at night doing events. You can head home and bank it whenever you want, but if you get busted you lose some of your total score.
@Arugula no there is not
Looks like a pretty easy list. Shouldn't be too much trouble to get the platinum. Only a few more days!!!
I'm enjoying the 'right now' in every NFS Heat article title
Q. Will you be racing for the Platinum?
A. No, not until EA remove Ghost Games from the franchise and another developer, with imagination, takes up the reins.
Not a fan?
Granted, I think Rivals is the only one of Ghost's NFS games I played, but it was enjoyable.
@Gremio108 It will continue until I'm told to stop
Haha! I love the 'I said right now' rips.
@Quintumply You should only obey them if they tell you to "stop it RIGHT NOW"
That "I said right now" thing is never going to get old.
Online trophies are annoying, so I won't be trying to platinum this.
@Hengist have to agree and disagree with you. I played payback and enjoyed the actual racing. However story, characters, the speed cards were terrible. Plus the best mode speed Ross was reserved for dlc when it really should have been in the main game.
@KALofKRYPTON I'm a fan of NFS, I've bought every title since the first one. However, (IMO) every NFS title made by Ghost Games has been 'meh', in comparison to other studios that have made the title. It's not their production values or competency as programmers that I have an issue with, it's their lack of imagination that I have concerns with. Every NFS game by them feels like a reskin of their last NFS title, i.e. Same old crap but with prettier graphics.
@Danloaded I have to agree and agree with you. The racing was good and was exactly the type of arcade racing which I expected from a NFS title. As for the second point, on which I also agree with you, the story, characters & speed cards were terrible.
@Hengist Ah. I do have the benefit of only having played one NFS game this gen I suppose.
"earning 1,000,000 REP in one night sounds like a tough one. Perhaps it's easier to accrue REP than we think."
Perhaps you can buy a XP booster to help with this..
.. I don't know why but I've always had a soft spot for the NFS franchise... Payback was fun for a while, but then the grind / lootbox / micro-transactions stopped you from progressing and it killed it for me... now they've promised no upgrade cards, but not mentioned no micro-transactions (to my knowledge) - so I'm waiting on this one... I can't trust EA after the 1-2-punch of Battlefront 2 / NFS Payback...
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