WWE 2K20 frankly should have been cancelled; the game is an absolute embarrassment on every single level, from its ancient visuals to its shameful bugs. This isn’t just slightly broken – it’s a mess, and 2K Sports should feel ashamed taking money from fans after releasing such an abomination. Sure, we can all giggle at the glitches, but let’s not forget there are people who have paid $60 for this product.
Naturally a patch is in the works, but it’s going to take a couple of weeks to materialise. Writing on Twitter, the publisher said that it’s “listening closely to the feedback” being shared online and is “working hard to investigate these concerns and address them as necessary”. While there’s not much more the company can say, we don’t like the way it’s pretending to be surprised by the problems; it knew the state of this title when it shipped it.
Say what you will about EA Sports, but at least it had the balls to cancel two editions of NBA Live when it knew they weren't up to snuff.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 37
This is how 2K operates and have done so for years: release first no matter state, fix later.
That screenshot is grim! Looks like the final scene out of the film hostel!
@Sinton Maybe, but this is one a different level. I can't remember the last time a major title launched in this kind of state.
@get2sammyb Two years ago, WWE 2K18 for the Switch.
This is one of the best examples of how the gaming industry has sacrificed quality to rush out games for profits.
They absolutely knew that the game was broken, but just as other companies have shown a complete lack of respect for their fans with recent rushed games or the Blizzard scandal. The customers are the ones who put these companies in the position they are in but instead they bow to the shareholders who we have made rich.
I absolutely respect Naughty Dog for delaying TLoU2 just as much as Nintendo taking their time with BotW. It is much better for the industry and is more respectful to the fans.
I just hope the bad companies have some blow back on this. It is unacceptable and we as customers have to wise up to this.
@Sinton Switch was still new then, this is unbelievable and across multiple platforms. Even Fallout 76 had the excuse of being always-online.
@Sinton Not quite the same, though. As unfortunate as it is, there's an expectation that Switch ports are going to be rough, especially when it comes to big publishers who clearly couldn't care less.
@get2sammyb Unity maybe?
On the one hand, that sucks.
On the other, you pay the same for accidentally putting a wheel in a bus lane, so...
Life eh.
I'd still suggest the best "fix" would be for it to join the old landfill hole once occupied by the atari E.T. cartridges!
Love the P.R. spin...."listening" to the feedback-if they honestly didn't know themselves prior to launch there's no helping them!
I mean if this bothers people we'll see it reflected in launch sales of the next game. I'd love some line graphs showing sales of this game, the last game, and the next game next year.
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 5, that was a huge mess too during its launch. Meh, I’m not even gonna fool with 2K20. Patch or not. Will there even be a review here for this? We all pretty much know the outcome, so maybe it might be a waste of time for the push square staff.
@Robocod Surely there can’t have been supervisors sitting around watching the game in motion saying ‘Yep, knocked it out the park again with this one’😂
I guess.I will keep playing Fire Pro
Just another reason to wait for reviews on games before you buy them. There are some companies that have earned my trust where I'll still preorder a game, like CDPR or some of the Sony first parties. But this kind of sh*t has been going on for years and years.
Remember the NES days where there were so many junk ass games that you had no idea of? You'd buy a game that had a huge muscular warrior on the front, with magic and stuff flying in the background and you'd put it in and its stick figures shooting pellets at dog looking things.
If you get scammed these days by a video game its partly your fault for not doing your due diligence. There is media everywhere on every game. Just wait 1 day and you'll know if its worth your 60 bucks.
They can promise whatever they want. They released the game nowhere even close to finished. And for that I would never consider buying it, regardless of how good it may end up.
Skyrim on PS3 was worse. That became literally unplayable after so many hours.
Don't ignore the fact that Sony/MS etc need to shoulder some blame here also, they may not have made the game but they sure as hell passed cert for it to be sold on their stores.
@ShogunRok @nessisonett Yeah, don’t get me wrong, this is a new low, but if it was going to happen to one publisher, my first suspect would’ve been 2K.
Stuff like this justifies my stance on rarely buying games day 1 as they are usually not in a good state
Sad that the gaming industry has become this.
@get2sammyb Its weird small indie studio's have too wait weeks or months too get their games approved. And just like Tony Hawk 5 they just release a working game with patches bigger then the game. I think the big companies getting a break every time its a pity. Cant wait for the digital future fix when they want or better said if they want it. 🤔
That sounds like a improvement. 😉
@Shigurui That what happens when companies are so big. They can so what they want. I think its the fear that they can say ok then we will go too the rival console. I do agree with you on every point though its shamefull too see how they get away with stuff like this. I think Microsoft and Sony should be ashamed as platform holders that they allow this shamefull behaviour. Digital future release garbage and fix when they want it. 😩
@ApostateMage Its both a joke a can understand that online needs too be updated but come on games that need too get a patch bigger then the game is a insult. Now can people see why they want a complete digital future. So they release broken games and patch it whenever they like.... 😩
They said the same with the switch version of 2k18 and never got anywhere near making that version work before ditching it completely.
Terrible company and I expect no less
@get2sammyb Mafia III says hello
Yeh im sure ONE patch will fix everything. Developers and publishers need to learn patches are not flex tape.
Is that girl w/ the hanging eye a real image from the game?
Why would a game engine even do that? In what scenario in game is a girl's eye hanging down her face? Are they getting the mad Dr. from the movie From Beyond as a playable DLC character in the game?

I'm surprised they aren't sending the goon squad to everyone posting the clips on YouTube and/or bad-mouthing it. Watch your back Sammy, just in case! 🤣
But seriously, how do titles like this get past Sony/Microsoft certification? Actually, never mind Sony and Microsoft... how to titles like this even get released to the certification teams anyway? I don't care how much publishers push, where is the developers' supposed professional pride? And if it is down to 2K pressure, shame on them too.
You've got teams like Naughty Dog delaying a game just weeks after announcing a release date to be sure it's at a level they are happy with, and then this Visual Concepts lot (never heard of them, by the way) supposedly happy to let this loose.
As irritating as it can be, you have to give Sony credit for allowing their teams to delay.
@rjejr Cracking film, that! 👍
seriously if it's only going to take a few weeks to fix it then they should have just delayed it a month and shipped it with the fix
just pumping it out to make a quick buck just makes a publisher appear look incompetent and is worse for them in the long run
@Paranoimia Wow, surprised anyone knew it, it's kinda old for this crowd. When this released it was nuts, compared to Saw and Hostel now it's like watching Seinfeld or Friends. I have a nostalgic soft spot for really bad 80's films.
@rjejr Yeah, seen it a few times. I'm kinda 'old for this crowd' myself. 🤣
@Paranoimia @rjejr there's obviously a fair few of us 'older ones' on here then. 😝
This is my GOTY and I haven't even played it
@Eldritch Well I suppose we do skew a fair bit older than NL.
Companies should be addressed as THEY, not IT. People, as incompetent and shitty as they are at 2K, THEY themselves knew exactly what THEY were doing when releasing this turd ball.
@I_Like_It Can't answer as to how legal it is, but one thing to bear in mind is that Sony, MS and Nintendo have a certification process, where publishers have to submit builds for testing before they're in published. In theory that should stop anything from being totally broken when released but clearly the process isn't up to scratch in this instance. So I think there's a question for platform holders to answer here as well, as it's hard to imagine how this could ever have been given the green light. But then, I don't really know the first thing about publishing other than what I've just written down!
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