For many Dragon Ball fans, the original Dragon Ball Z anime which aired back in the 90s here in the West was their first taste of the Japanese phenomenon. As such, there's a lot of nostalgia attached to the show for a lot of people, and Bandai Namco is clearly well aware of this fact.
Upcoming action role-playing game Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot covers the major story arcs of the aforementioned animation, and just to sweeten the deal, the title's opening movie goes all-in on nostalgia. Featuring the iconic Cha-La, Head-Cha-La song, it's a nod to the opening credits of the anime, and boy is it effective. It's even got the bit at the end where Goku and the gang line up across the screen.
Did you grow up watching Dragon Ball Z and rocking out to Head-Cha-La? Sing along in the comments section below.
Comments 4
Wow, never been massively into Dragon Ball but that’s a very good opening. Might check this out now.
This is really nice. Been watching bits of gameplay videos as well. Definitely looking forward to picking this up day one.
When DBZ aired here, we got the Rock The Dragon opening. It was quite a few years later before I heard any of the other themes.
I prefer the Toonami edition's Rock The Dragon theme tbh.
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