Devil May Cry 5 is Capcom back to its best. After a rocky start to the generation, the legendary developer has upped its game dramatically over the last couple of years, and the return of Dante is a standout moment, once again proving that no one understands action quite like Capcom.
In short, Devil May Cry 5 is easily one of the best action titles on the PlayStation 4. Its strength lies in its ability to convey intense, brutal, and satisfying combat in the most stylish way imaginable, resulting in something that's both amazing to play and incredible to watch. The game's a feast for the senses; an immensely polished thrill-ride that doesn't let up until after the credits roll.
Split between three playable characters, the campaign could have easily felt stretched or unbalanced, but the game's pacing is pretty much immaculate. Each lead gets ample time in the spotlight, and their individual fighting styles are always given room to breathe. And make no mistake: there's a lot to learn here. From wrapping your head around V's ability to control his powerful pets from a distance, to mastering Dante's open-ended weapon-switching combo structure, there's a richness to Devil May Cry 5's design that's a joy to explore.

And can we talk about just how good this game looks? Aside from some relatively bland environments, Devil May Cry 5 is stunning. It runs at a silky smooth 60 frames-per-second, its character animations are flawless, and it boasts some of the most impressive visual effects that we've ever seen on a PlayStation system -- period. Those of you who have gone toe-to-toe with the title's final boss will know exactly what we're talking about. Speaking of which, that particular boss battle has got to be 2019's best.
The praise doesn't stop there, however. Perhaps Devil May Cry 5's greatest achievement is the fact that it delivers what feels like a fresh start for the series without sacrificing its love for dumb one-liners and ridiculously over-the-top cutscenes. It's both a fantastic standalone adventure and a love letter to fans who have stuck with the franchise since the PS2 glory days. Where Devil May Cry 4 couldn't quite match its predecessor and felt a little unsure of itself, Devil May Cry 5 knows exactly what it wants to be, and pulls it off with style and swagger to spare.
Have you played Devil May Cry 5? Do you think it's one of the best PS4 games of 2019? Don't drop your combo in the comments section below.
How we decide our Game of the Year: At the end of November, our editorial team creates a list of nominees for Game of the Year based on our own review scores and a number of other factors. After much discussion, we trim the list of nominees down and ask all Push Square staff to vote on their five favourites using a points-based system. The ten games with the most points by the designated deadline are our top ten PS4 titles of 2019. We then use this same order when writing about each game.
Comments 21
as fan of the franchise i am so happy how this game is getting so far. simply astonishing
This was the best PS2 game I played all year.
I had an okay time playing Final Fantasy 15, but only because I imagined being on a boyband tour. Although I like beat em ups in general, I'm not up for going on a second leg with a different boyband.
@ShaiHulud i've played both and devil may cry has its unique style and gameplay with various skills
I only just got around to playing this game. I loved the first DMC, and while I bought all other iterations, I never really played them. Having a fun and painful time with this. I get severe cramps and pain on my right arm. Having to hold Lock On (R1) and attack is seriously causing me issues, and limiting to one mission (or two with a lot of pain) at a time. Why the hell couldn’t they simply allowed you toggle lock and do away with needing to hold R1 is beyond me. It really is f***ing painful for me. I’m not a button masher either (plat’d Sekiro and has no issue, so it’s not about ‘getting gud’).
I was tempted at first to give it a try, but quickly forgot about it since they did some silly censorship stuff on the PS4 version (supposedly there was a patch to get rid of the censorship, but as far as I can tell that seems to be US only).
Anyway, I might still be interested in getting this eventually, but only when it's really cheap in a sale.
Not only is DMC5 not a GOTY contender it's not a very good DMC game either. Bland level design, poor enemy design and forgettable bosses. I can only even remember the reimagined Berial boss and Vergil yet again, who has been a boss in almost every other game.
Combat is mechanically fine, as it should be but 1, 3 and 4 are all better games than 5. I'm a huge fan of the series btw so I take no pleasure in saying any of this, the game was a massive disappointment.
DMC3 > DMC4 > DMC1 > DmC > DMC5 > DMC2
I just picked this up in the last sale. I’m looking forward to jumping into it after I beat Outer Worlds. I’ve heard nothing but amazing things.
@HellOfaHunter I'm sure the gameplay is fine, I just can't cope with the aesthetics of it.
I didn't know about the censorship. I would've maybe bought it on a sale due to the positive reviews here so thanx for the money saving warning. I hate censorship. Looks kinda edgy anyway.
@crimsontadpoles @Powerpellet Capcom put in a single light ray over a butt, it wasn’t present in Xbox or a few other versions on the PS4. It was literally almost nothing. Like, that’s not what you play DMC for at all.
And @Powerpellet Edgy, edgy? DMC is not edgy. DMC is ridiculously stylish and has a strong fun sanest if cool while maintaining a good story. You’re missing the entire point of the series if you think it’s edgy. Unless you’re talking about the DmC reboot, but we don’t talk about that.
@ShaiHulud What? This is absolutely nothing like FFXV... I love that game too, but I don’t know how it is getting compared to DMC5. DMC5 is a great hack’n slash that’s over the top. FFXV is an open-world RPG with a completely different combat system.
@Jaz007 I'm aware of that, it's just that the character design is quite similar.
I still haven't tried this game yet, but for good reason. The only game in the series I enjoy has been the wonderful DmC, the original trilogy was just garbage to me, then 4 came out and made the trilogy look decent. Even when you talk to fans most of them really only recommend DMC or DMC3. That alone should tell you how low the bar is set for the series. I admit I want to play 5, even after being turned off by the demo, but I think that's just because I am hoping it won't be akin to the first 4 titles.
I dunno anything about it but the pictures and trailers. I saw it was a giant sized weapon game and just figured as much. Knowing its a beat em up has me interested for sure but I wont support censored games anymore than I'd watch a censored movie with substituted words like shoot and fudge. Glad you like it I'm sure it's still fun. Just tainted I guess.
@Powerpellet It’s also been removed, the censorship. So you don’t even need to worry about that anymore. Honestly, it’s also possible they were playing with different versions and it was by accident with how minor it was. Maybe not though.
Guess Id give it a look then sometime.
@Shigurui This is some huge bait.
@taylorsparks294 - I don't bait. It's my opinion.
@Shigurui I just don't see how it can't be bait. Especially saying that it's worse than DmC.
@taylorsparks294 - It seems you want it to be bait. See it however you want, it's an opinion. Nothing more or less than that.
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