Netflix's adaptation of The Witcher is available for streaming right now, but is it any good? Henry Cavill stars as Geralt in the reworking of the book series, not the video games, and he is joined by the likes of Anya Chalotra as Yennefer of Vengerberg and Jodhi May playing Queen Calanthe. The streaming platform has already agreed to a second season, but is the first even worth watching? Here's what critics make of The Witcher.
Empire - 4/5
Thanks to a trio of bestselling video games, many will already be familiar with The Witcher’s lore, providing a much-needed leg-up. It’s the uninitiated who may end up bailing early — likely somewhere between two girls being turned into eels and the appearance of a hedgehog knight. But to give up would be to deny yourself a real treat. As with Geralt’s swamp beast tussle, there are riches in store for those with perseverance, and The Witcher’s is a battle well worth seeing through to the end.
TV Guide - 4/5
It all adds up to a show that should make fans of The Witcher books and games pretty happy — the eight-episode Season 1 feels like a prologue to bigger things that will happen in future seasons — but will have a harder time convincing newbies to the canon to continue watching.
Digital Spy - No Score
Like young Yennefer, The Witcher brims with potential. This is a fully realised fantasy world which could even match the soaring heights reached by Game of Thrones one day — but sadly, today is not that day. In fact, this first season feels more like an extended prologue, and once all the major players are in place, season two could end up being the success that The Witcher so desperately wants to be.
PC Gamer - No Score
This is an unrelenting fantasy-ass fantasy story, nothing of major import buffed down to make it more palatable to a wider audience. Yes, that's that a hedgehog-man hybrid. And yeah, he's he gonna kiss the princess. Don't worry about it, he's uh, it's a curse or whatever. They're explaining The Law of Surprise now, be quiet. Cast all doubt aside. Netflix's The Witcher is an excellent adaptation and some of the most exuberant fantasy TV out there.
Entertainment Weekly - No Score
This is the first TV show I’ve ever seen that would actually be better with commercial breaks. The goofy syndicated fantasy of yesteryear had to have a brisk pace, building every 12 minutes to an act-breaking cliffhanger. The Witcher fully embraces the endless-movie layout of the worst Blank Check streaming TV.
Do you plan on watching Netflix's The Witcher? Choose your sword in the comments below.
Comments 43
Uh, I don't remember man-hedgehogs kissing princess in the Witcher 3... At least in my hundred hours so far...
I imagine this having issues, never fixing them, and the creators complaining about how everyone says it's not as good as the games even though it's true.
We need a @ShogunRok review.
Bloody Baron quest or we riot
Rotten tomatoes currently shows 67% from critics and 88% from the audience. Not bad!
@Jaz007 It's not based off the games, its based off the books. Probably why theres loads even I didnt know watching the series.
I haven't played any of the games or read the books yet. But I have recently bought the games and plan to play them over Christmas and new year so I watch the show once I have played a bit of the games first.
Glad it’s based on the books, the games were cinematic enough in their own right telling their own story. I reckon I’ll enjoy it for what it is to be honest, wasn’t expecting it to win awards or anything.
I could never get into the The Witcher 3 after repeated tries so this was always going to be a hard miss for me.
@Jaz007 Its based off the books not the games, the games are actually non canon sequels to the books so if anything is inaccurate its the games. You know in the books Geralt hates having a beard.
Just before you moan about what i'm telling you The Witcher 3 is one of my favourite games.
@WallyWest Though it's obvious that they based a lot of the looks of the characters and locations on TW3. I mean, the bath scene. I'm certain the monster designs will be inspired by TW3 as well. I get it, TW3 is more popular than the books, so it's an easy way to draw attention.
Since it’s not based on the games, I don’t want to ever see another article about this on any gaming website ever. And that’s final. Unless we’ll start covering everything Harry Potter because they did a game or two on that too right?! (Please don’t do that.)
@kyleforrester87 I bet you more gamers watch it than those who know the books. Gaming sites will review because their audience will most likely be the show’s audience.
@kyleforrester87 I wish I could write about Harry Potter.
@kyleforrester87 Typical muggle viewpoint. We want more Harry!!
@Octane Shoguns opinion is what I came for but he's notably absent. I haven't seen him on Twitter either though he may have blocked me awhile back and I just noticed now. 😁
The Wolven Storm / Priscilla's Song.
I've watched 2 episodes so far. It's good, not fantastic but good. The production values are nice, Cavill does a good enough job as Geralt (and I was very skeptical of him being cast in this role). Definately has potential and it is better than the series that got made in Poland a while back.
I'm looking forward to it but some forget that GoT wasn't a massive hit to start with but gradually became much much bigger.
@Radwen @WallyWest Regardless, it only exists because of the games. This would never have happened if the Witcher (especially
3) hasn’t taken off like to did and was so good. The Witcher 3 is often regarded as one of the best games of all time. The books are never spoken off as some of the greatest of all time. In a sense, the Witcher is a games series more than a book series at this point as they got overtaken by and overshadowed by the games.
I know it’s based off of the books, but let’s not pretend the books are why it got made. The games set the bar, so the series should rightfully be compared to the games. And they’ve already done too much to forget that.
I've watched the first 2 episodes and enjoyed them. Definitely has potential.
I'm looking forward to watching this myself but like any other TV series, i'd much rather play a good story driven game.
@3MonthBeef A lot of stuff comes of the back of Taboo would Basic instinct sell as well without the crossing leg's scene for me a film based on a game that was based on a book might get an audience oh look his hairs the same oh look he sounds the same people with more money than sense................If they wanna watch a good film they should try Betty Blue
or for pure nuttyness Bad Boy Bubby
Watched the first episode a couple of hours ago...a corny opening I thought but it dramatically improved as the episode went on...I'm hooked!
how many episodes are available on netflix? i may watch them tonight, why have they taken so long to appear too.
EW's review was one of the most inept reviews I've ever read in my life. They openly admit to not even watching it.
The first episode nearly put me to sleep even though I loved the “Butcher of Blaviken” tale from the first book...the second was much better, especially the Yennefer origin story not based on Sapkovsky. If anybody would like to open an OT discussion for this, I will post
You're not gonna make it in time. Not all there 😅
@Jaz007 But again its based on the books and the series Arthur is heavily involved, lets not pretend the games would exist without the books if you want to do it that way. Anyway we don't know if the show would exist or not exist without the games, the books are very popular in their native land and Netflix is desperate to have their own Game of Thrones so yeah they may well have done The Witcher even if the games never existed.
Fact is though the show will be taking from the books and not the games, the books are the true source and the games are non canon sequels what are CDPR's take on what could have happened after the books events.
@Feena my boyfriend actually fell asleep during the first episode rofl, 2nd episode was much better though.
I'm five episodes in and enjoying. I think 4/5 is a fair score for it so far.
Watched the first episode and I enjoyed it, Geralt's swordfighting at the end was sick as f.
i have watched about half of it so far and i'm liking it, it's a pretty decent show
i say ignore the critics and give it a chance (why we still listen to critics anymore anyway i don't know)
The actings good, sets don't look cheap asf, storys decent. 9.1/10 from me 🔥
I read a few of the books last year, so I'm excited to see what the show brings.
@kyleforrester87 haha well you don't always get what you want.
4 episodes in and I’m liking it. Cavill is doing a great job as Geralt. I only wish that he were taller.
I very much enjoy it. And i did not like the witcher 3
@hotukdeals i did not like TW3 but enjoy the show a lot
Just done all 8 episodes back to back. Not read any of the books but am a big fan of the game. Some episodes were better than others but overall I really enjoyed it and I thought Cavill's Geralt was great.
Binged it on friday.. Liked it very much except for some questionable casting decisions, but after all very close to the original material. Henry Cavills swordsplay was pretty sick!
@huyi it was so sloowww! Completely agree
@Jaz007 I love the games, but the books are far superior to them and they end in a way that makes everything that CDPR added feel like bad fan fiction.
I haven't watched the show yet but the fact it's bassed on the books is very good news as far as I'm concerned. I highly recommend you read them - you won't be dissappointed.
@A_Weiss I know, but it only exists because of the games. The books have had so much more exposure, particularly over here vector them. The Witcher games are more famous than the books. Pretending it’d be up on Netflix right now without the games just isn’t realistic.
@Milamoto I’m glad you like them more, but the Witcher 3 is often brought up as one of the best games ever made, one of the best pieces of media ever made. The books are just about never brought up in that capacity, and individual preferences aside, that says a lot the general reception of the books quality versus the games quality.
Again, it’s all subjective, but if we look at the reasons for popularity, it’s very important.
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