Control launched all the way back in August of 2019, and a couple of weeks after the fact, developer Remedy announced a Season Pass. This is relatively normal practice these days; a lot of games grow and change way beyond their initial state upon release. One interesting wrinkle, however, seems like it could put early buyers at a disadvantage.
Currently, neither of Control's major DLC packs have been released. The first is scheduled to arrive on 26th March, and the second is pencilled in for "mid 2020". This is fair enough, but fans may have purchased the Season Pass as far back as September 2019. This itself isn't a problem, unless such a fan grows impatient having to wait months for a return on their purchase. The main issue is that the Season Pass is being discounted.
On the North American PlayStation Store, Control's Season Pass has been reduced from $24.99 to $16.24. At first glance, this seems like an obvious win for consumers, but what about those who purchased the pass months ago? They paid the full price for all the DLC, and as of right now, have nothing to show for it. Furthermore, regardless of what you pay for the Season Pass, you'll obviously still be getting everything. It's a bit of a kick in the teeth to Control's biggest fans.
Unfortunately, this isn't the only time we've seen it happen. It's a situation that is, at the very least, unfair to those who've already put cash on the table. You could argue it's always best to wait, but it seems unlikely that publishers would want to encourage that sort of behaviour -- plus, how are we to know if or when to expect a price drop? Discount your DLC all you want after the content itself becomes available; at least eager buyers would then have the advantage of playing it earlier than others. In cases like this, though, it seems buying the Season Pass on day one is a mistake. That doesn't seem right to us.
[source store.playstation.com]
Comments 14
I never buy a season pass before I've played the game, as I might not want to continue playing the game when I've finished the main story.
August to March is a bit of a long wait to for extra content to drop too.
Although it is probably a flaw of mine, I have found that I rarely embrace DLC even if I loved the game.
I loved Bloodborne. I mean... LOVED IT! Couldn't get enough. Platinumed it. I bought the Old Hunters DLC. Never finished it. I bought the complete edition of Fallout 4. Loved it. Platinumed it. Still haven't played the DLC.
However - things like Dishonored (Dishonoured - you're welcome ya Brits) with death of the outsider and Uncharted: Lost Legacy - I completed or platinumed these.
Moral of the story for me - I'd rather have a significant stand alone DLC than several piecemeal offerings.
The only exception in recent history was Spider-Man. But looking back on it, I'm not sure I actually enjoyed the DLC that much... hmm...
Its rare that i buy dlc/season passes, even if i enjoyed the game. Recent exceptions were the Assassins Creed Odyssey pass when it was half price (still not played Odyssey though) and the Shadow of the Tomb Raider Season pass when half price.
The trouble i have is thay i find it hard to go back to a game if the content drops months after ive played it, and generally season passes at full price represent a poor value investment.
I got the Ni No Kuni 2 special edition with dlc, but had tired of the game by the time i reached the final boss, so couldnt be bothered to run through the DLC. Same with FF15.
In fact the only one ive bought and loved was Horizon Zero Dawn: Frozen Wilds, which happened to go on sale last year whilst i was playing Horizon, so it was a no brainer.
For me season pass content is a little like buying Telltale Games on release. Whats the point when you know there will be a sale before the whole season is out. Thats why i stopped buying tellyale releases until all episodes were available and on sale. And its why i only picked up Life is Strange 1, 2 and B4 the Storm once the physical release/all episodes were available
It was discounted several months ago too when I got it. I think I paid ~$15
I never buy content with the promise of something in the future and more people should adhere to that rule. It puts all consumers in a stronger position.
I did buy the Metro Exodus season pass which apparently wasnt released in full yet but I didnt realize that untill after the purchase. Now I cant sell the game untill all content is released and I have to keep it installed or Ill forget Im waiting on the extra content.
Then dont buy the season pass at launch. Simple solution.
If it had been reduced 2 weeks ago I might of bought it. But now I’m stuck so I probably won’t ever get to the point where I’d be able to play it.
@Ken_Kaniff Exactly.
Why would anyone pre order a digital item at full price?
Bought for cheap during the holidays, gave to friend as a present. Hopefully a GOTY edition comes around on PS4/5.
I just started playing the game and really enjoying it. Maybe I better get in on this price drop season pass.
Well if its single player games! I wait for the full packed. If its a game worth waiting for. Enjoy the full game with all the patch.. But multiple player game different story you have to share the experience with someone and if you wait too long no one is playing it!
I never buy dlc, im old school when i buy a game i expect all the content on disc, the way it used to be and unlock bonus features by completing the game. I remember when dlc was announced on the ps3 and was horrified the way games were going and look where we are now micro transactions, season passess, dlc, i know these games are expensive to make but id rather have all content and pay a bit extra, especially when dlc is usually announced before the game is released or straight after.
@3MonthBeef true... But you can't play the game if there is none online after 2-3 years after launch.. And it is based on online./ servers
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