January 2020's PlayStation Plus games have been confirmed earlier than expected. PlayStation's official Germany, Austria, and Switzerland YouTube channel have outed the first lineup of 2020, which, as usual, includes two PlayStation 4 titles. January's offerings are Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection and Goat Simulator.
Sony has since officially confirmed the lineup for both the entirety of Europe and North America. Unsurprisingly, we reckon Bluepoint's remastering of Naughty Dog's excellent Uncharted trilogy is worth playing. We awarded it a 9/10 in our review:
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection is probably the best PS4 remaster thus far – and the system's had more than enough of them to give that statement weight. While there are small elements of all three bundled titles that have failed to stand the test of time, this is still a stellar trilogy, with stories and set-pieces that generally tend to better most modern games. Of course, existing fans will already know what wonders await them – but newcomers should brace themselves for 30 or so hours of solid gold.
Meanwhile, we reckon Goat Simulator definitely has novelty value, but it wears thin fairly fast. We gave the ludicrous title a 6/10 in our review:
Goat Simulator's nauseating stupidity has a certain je ne sais quoi, we suppose. You won't be feeding from this particular trough for all that long, but if you're willing to splurge on a headache-inducing afternoon of idiotic entertainment, then – incredibly – there are worse options out there. This isn't baaaad, but it's not the Greatest of all Time either.
What do you make of your PS Plus games for January 2020? Good? Bad? However you feel, be sure to express your opinion in the comments section below.
Comments 137
The Nathan Drake Collection is obviously a bundle of three really good games, but it's always on sale for like £10. Meanwhile, Goat Simulator is fun for about five minutes.
Can't help but feel that this is a weak start to 2020 for PS Plus. At least people who never got to experience the first three Uncharted games for whatever reason can try them now.
I mean ig this is good for people who haven't gotten into uncharted yet.
Hmm strange choice with Uncharted Collection. I'd assume that the vast majority of PS3/4 owners have played these as good as they are...
While GOAT sim is at least interesting, if a little uninspiring due to its age..
I personally see the games as a bonus to the online subs, but they are pretty poor choices based on age and likelihood of players already having them..
Not the best start to the new year for PSPlus
This is straight trash lol. I love Uncharted and goats but this is a pretty terrible lineup for PS+
Great for people that for some reason have yet to play the Uncharted games.
The collection is regularly on sale for $10 or less but now there is absolutely no excuse not to give it a try.
I never picked up the Uncharted collection as I played the first 2 games to death on PS3 and could never get into number 3, whilst Goat simulator is one of the very worst games I've played across 30 odd years of gaming.
EDIT: Sod it, it's a new year so let's try to be more positive 😉 I'll give Uncharted 3 another go and I really enjoyed number 2 so let's see if it still holds up as my favourite in the series. Goat Simulator is still crap (damn it, I was so close 😆)
I'll take the Uncharted collection as I no longer have a ps3 to play my copies but goat sim....what really??!
Don't get me wrong i love Uncharted games, but lets be real here, those games are usualy on sale for 10 bucks and sometimes lower.
Goat simulator yea...no thank you.
Really dissapointed with these last two months, that should have had a much better offer.
@kac get a grip 😂 you sound like you've been personally violated!
and the 10 bucks comments. You guys seriously need to chill.
If they were still supporting the PS3 they could have make both of these cross buy...
I’m personally quite pleased with the Nathan Drake collection. I haven’t played them in a long time and thought about buying it but didn’t as I have been quite strict about adding to my backlog. It’s not very often I play the Plus games anyway but looks like I will this time.
Goat won’t even get added to my library though.
Already have both...
lol comments are funny and sad at the same time. I own Nathan Drake Collection on disc and still don't think its a bad deal.
Well what can I say here then? Fair enuf Uncharted is a decent old game, and you’ve got the lot here. But who the f##k thought anyone would like to be a goat and simulate its lifestyle is beyond my comprehension, it’s as bad as those numptys who are obsessed with unicorns! What a joke giving it away as a free game. This only backs up my previous comments from the last topic about which games we’d like? Sony are having a laugh at our expense, hopefully enough backlash might force a change of title so can I have some support please. If you haven’t played the uncharted games well worth the download.
If you got yourself a new PS4 for Christmas the Uncharted collection would be a great way to dip your toe into the world of PlayStation.
Muahaha... much like the Avatar movie, where nearly a gajillion people saw it, I have not. The same is said for Uncharted. Never picked it up. So I guess now I can give it a shot.
My kids love Goat simulator on my XBox and it scored me a ton of easy Achievements over on that. I'll see if I can entice them to get me some trophies on the PS4.
Crap to be honest I've played all 3 of the Drake's games on PS3 I've never wanted to rebuy them on PS4. I've not even played 4 yet because it's lost its appeal to me after 3 number 2 was my fave one. Goat Simulator are they taken the piss an asset flipped game made by someone on Steam and it gets attention because of what it is thanks to YouTube. So for start of 2020 your getting like £15 worth of games and that's when Drake Collection is on sale at £10.
I've said it before and I'll say it again Sony can't really believe in The Order franchise if theyve never released that to Plus and I reckon that would have gone down a treat rather than Goat Simulator for god's sake.
Uncharted Collection is fine but Goat Sim is just awful. They could have at least picked a better indie title like Owl Boy or Celeste to pair up with an old title like the UC.
Uc collection is a great game but I bought the steelcase edition day one, goat simulator is not for me. Good month for anyone that haven't played uc collection yet.
Happy enough with the Uncharted games, scratched my disc copy so a digital replacement will do. Great month for those who were maybe a bit young to have owned a PS3 and got a shiny PS4 for Christmas though.
@ShogunRok The last time I tried to have five minutes of fun with a goat I got a hoof to the groin.
Never again.
Grim. Anyway we now know the games so heres a question.
Super monkey ball banana Blitz HD or Civilization 6?
@themcnoisy Do you mean to buy? I'd go Civilization 6 for the long haul, but in my current state I'd rather play Monkey Ball. Banana Blitz didn't review great though
TBH, I have NEVER played any of the games given out by PS Plus in the past five years. I’ve either already had them, or never really wanted to play them in the first place (case in point: this month). The biggest perk to me is the discounts and bonus $5 off for all UFC fights (before ESPN took that all away)!
Better than last month Plus lineup
Yooka-Laylee & The Impossible Layer is free on the Epic Games store until 4pm today, no subscription necessary. Then at 4 another 2 games will be available for free for the next week until the 9th of Jan. they have given away a different game everyday for the last 12 days. Basically all indies but every single 1 runs in my oldish laptop with no issues. All for free ACTUAL free yet Sony are hitting us with these for a whole month all the while gradually increasing the amount it costs every now & again. I’m sorry I know most people don’t have pc’s but as I say my laptop is old & it costs me nothing to get these free games.m this can’t be overstated enough.
@funkyflounder83 Don’t forget that Games Pass is $5 on PC (instead of $15 on Xbox) and has new games added every week, not to mention all the new first party releases. Talk about value!
For me, however, all these free games and games as services haven’t changed my buying habits at all. I just want a good game, and I’m happy to buy it for the right price! Sony has been carrying the torch of constantly creating unique, meaningful experiences and new IPs, so I think that’s what’s important above anything else, free games be damned!
Bumped yet again by Sony they obviously like scraping the bottom of the games barrel
Genuinely thought that the Uncharted Collection would be getting some positive reaction. Guess there's no pleasing some people.
Great if you don't have the uncharted series as all three are great games but i feel many of us have them already. Oh well. Goat sim.........no thanks.
Uncharted Collection is a great giveaway in my opinion.Goat Simulator on the other hand has got to be for a laugh surely?
But do I care?I have about 20 unplayed games already to be getting on with.
Happy New year all!
It's 2020. If you have a PS3 or PS4 and never played Uncharted I don't know why you have a console tbh.
Meanwhile, Goat Simulator is...a troll game lol
They are great but i allready have them all
Nothing for me, not a fan of the Uncharted games and Goat Simulator just seems like a joke that's been lingering to long.
Sony just do not bother to make an effort any more with PS Plus.
Well i already have the Uncharted games both the PS3 originals AND the Nathan Drake Collection and i have no interest in Goat Simulator at all, i'm not into "meme" games
honestly with how long Uncharted Collection has been out and with all the sales it's been on there is a good chance anyone who had an interest in the game already has it
a pretty poor start to PS+ in 2020 i think
@FullbringIchigo Exactly! I never owned Uncharted and it just didn't come off as a game I'd play. Overlapping this, I also skipped PS3. I look at Tomb Raider the same way. Interesting to watch, but I haven't played it either. So here I now get to put Mr. Drake into my library.
@keihtg oh I completely agree. I was only comparing the free games because that’s what the article was about but when it comes to actual games I want them I don’t leave it upto chance. I know what I want I get them when They come out usually. The free stuff is just an added bonus. It also goes for the exclusives, I mean all this talk over the past few days about the PS5 being less powerful than the new Xbox means nothing because I want to play the next God of War, Horizon Zero Whatever, Spider-Man 2 & whatever Naughty Dog & Sucker Punch have coming after The Last of us Pt 2 & Ghost of Tsushima as well as though two they have coming this year. Playstation is where I play Persona also, so my gaming habits revolve around this echo system, especially since I moved to all digital this generation.
Terrible selection. Uncharted is good but so old by this point that most people already have played it, also price wise is super cheap. Goat simulator is a one trick pony (or should I say goat) that stops being fun after reading the game’s title.
I won’t make the mistake again of paying a full year subscription. PS4 year was not a good one. Only exclusive game I liked was DeathStranding.
This year I will go wit Xbox
PS5 should have 3 games a month, not 2
Honestly Sony requiring Plus to play online was the best move they possibly could have made. Bc as crappy as the monthly games have gotten I would have dropped it by now.
They're the first free games after Christmas. They are not for us.
They're for brand new PS4 owners.
Three Uncharted games? Brilliant decision.
Word up.
Can the Uncharted games be downloaded as the while set of the choice of games? My wife has finished 1 but needs more trophies in 2 and 3 so won't need it all.
Would have preferred the Goose simulator game. 😁😁
@dellyrascal it’s not a strange choice for uncharted collection because they don’t have to pay a few to do it. They own it. Nobody is buying that game anymore, it doesn’t harm them any. Got simulator they probably paid peanuts for
No video games ever created have 100% customer played ratio. There will always be new people introduced into a franchise. I don't personally care much for PS+ games as I have more than enough retail games to enjoy on PS4, but I'm glad they are there to bring new people into a game series.
Besides Uncharted has ended already so it was time to have all of them to all that want it on PS4.
Think of all the new people who got a ps4 for Christmas stmas! Then think of all those who will have never played uncharted? Then say its a bad start to the year? It's not for everyone sure but those who are just getting into the ps4 world are gonna be chuffed to bits!
I have all three Uncharted games on ps3 (finished the first two, bought the third last week but haven't started it yet). Bought them all late so missed out on the multiplayer and I'm not interested in getting the remasters as they lack the multiplayer. Got goat simulator on Xbox One.
Please tell me this is a New Year's prank... for once can we get some games made in 2018 or later? With PS Now, I don't need Uncharted. And Goat Simulator... just... please do that again Sony. Please.
On the face of it, Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection is a great offering - one of the best exclusive titles of the PS4 generation - even if all the games are last gen.
Its one of the best selling exclusives too though so its this popularity that will upset many PS+ subscribers who already own it. There are numerous other and newer exclusives that could be a better PS+ offering. I still think its an excellent package but whether its the 'best' choice for PS+ or not will have differing opinions. You can't argue though that it is a great bundle of 3 of the best PS exclusives of the past 2 generations.
Goat Simulator though is extremely disappointing. I guess it was inevitable at some point as MS has offered it with GwG and it seems that most 3rd Party games offered on one are offered on the other at some point.
If confirmed, I won't be adding either as I own and have completed Nathan Drake (as well as the PS3 versions) and have absolutely no desire to own or play Goat Simulator.
Was about to buy the uncharted collection
@jly1987 I meant it from a point of how old it is and how many are likely to have it already.. Those that missed out on ps3 like I did would have probably picked them up by now.
Can't obviously speak for all players, but considering how big a trio of games this was in terms of sales etc, I'm surprised by the decision in that regard, although after Christmas sales, it does make sense to give new owners a boost to their respective collections and as you said it won't cost Sony anything.. Which is likely to be where this has come from and I don't blame them, nor am i too bothered..
Not the first time I've had something that's been announced and they are bonuses after all, so win some, lose some.
Anyhoo happy new year... 😊
More utter garbage
Awesome, only Uncharted thing I played was a part of Drake's Fortune on PS3, so really happy with this. Will install Goat Simulator to see what the fuzz is about but expect to start it just once
Good month if i did not played them ^ but too bad i bought them all four uncharted series for 25euro xD it's around 30 35$
let me be clear worst month ever!! ^^ hhh because i already played them that why sorry Sony bad move on the start wish ur company colapse for shooting us down just like this !!!
This is good for me. I was just about to buy the Uncharted collection, only for it to come out free. But why Goat Simulator?
i almost thought about buying the uncharted collection because it is so cheap now. i'm glad i didn't do it. the uncharted games are really good but not what i would want as a plus offering since are super old most people who don't have them could get them for very cheap and i'm not sure about goat simulator but since it is free i'll give it a chance. at least i don't have either of these two games at all which almost never happens to me. i expect them to gove out decent quality games that aren't 5 years old. i'm not expecting call of duty, assassins creed, resident evil or battlefield quality type of games to be given out but they could give out the surge, tropico, grand kingdom, mad max xcom 2 or mafia 3 type of games as they aren't aaa games but games that are still good quality that not everyone likely has.
Wow nice, I’m yet to buy the Uncharted collection and have only played 1 and 4... which is extremely stupid, I know. Goat Simulator will keep my wee brother amused too.
I can see why people would be mad since Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection goes on sale once a month for $10-15 but... I've only got halfway through on UC3 so it's good they're giving it away xD
Been meaning to buy it but so little time to game.
Happy New Year everyone!
Absolutely love the Uncharted games. Obviously played them last generation, but this will give me a reason to revisit them on the Ps4. Looking forward to it.
If you own a PlayStation I would say 95% of us played uncharted. Most of us have Probably played every game in the series. So 5% can enjoy this. Goat simulator I’ll give it a shot! Hope I get to eat cans!
@carlos82 if you've only played the ps3 version of uncharted then the collection is worth a look, one of the things l loved most about the collection is the move from 30fps to 60fps, its deliciously smooth! ... and yes, l totally agree with you about goat sim lol
@boychik0830 I'm not overly excited by this months offerings but at least 4 of the 6 games you've mentioned have been on plus already.
This is aimed at new PS4 owners.
@zeppray - erm, no. I know PSN Profiles only tracks about 4 million people, but on that list only about 800k - 1 million people have played the ND trilogy. In the wider community, it's probably about 10m people out of 100m who have played the games on either the PS3 and/or the PS4
So where did you pull the 95% from? Probably the same place all the people moaning about these games came from...
@SirRealDeal your observation is commended.
You did give good games monthly about a really long time ago but now you're just giving us crappy games that we aren't even interested in
We waited an extra week for this?????? 😃
The Uncharted Collection is fantastic for those who have not yet played it. My kids played a lot of Goat Simulator on Switch. It is....not fantastic.
Happy gaming in the New Year!
I’ve never played Uncharted before, since I’ve been a Nintendo/Microsoft guy since the PS4. Shame on me. So... it’s a great opportunity now.
Eh, some months are good and some are terrible. This isn’t the first terrible month and it won’t be the last. I’ve played Uncharted to death and right now am pressed for HDD space. As for Goat Simulator; my son will play it because that kid will try any game once. Oh well, 11 months till PS5!
Absolutely can't fault The Uncharted Collection - my all-tme favourite series of games - but it's no use to me... I've got the originals on PS3, the Collection on disc for PS4, and re-bought it digitally dirt cheap in a sale.
As for Goat Sim... are they KIDding? 🤔
@boychik0830 We've had - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Assassins Creed: Freedom Cry.
You mentioned they could give us The Surge, Mad Max and Mafia 3, we were given these on ps+ in 2019, unless you didn't have ps+ then.
@fabisputza00 i can't remember the last time i brought a years PS+ (orXBLGold for that matter) i just buy a month every now and then when i either want to play a game online with friends or if a PS+ game takes my attention
last year i brought PS+ twice so i got all the use i wanted from it and it didn't cost much either
@FullbringIchigo I bought it when it was on sale. The most use i get out of is when playing PES2020 online.
Played and loved Goat Sim on PS3. Got it on sale for the PS4 to also play the dlc. The PS4 version has a lot of camera motion blur and depth of field effects that adds more blur. Unless patched on PS4 i recommend the PS3 version which does not have camera motion blur and dof blur.
Goat Sim is a fun silly game that i am glad i experienced. For trophy lovers there may be a problem. There is a very difficult achievement to complete that is needed for a platinum. How difficult? For me impossible, and yes, it kept me from getting the platinum.
That achievement/trophy is Flapmaster and success at playing Flappy Goat is how to get the trophy.
A goat simulator?!
Seems Backwards Compatibility need has been Debunked here.
What a terrible month, the uncharted games have aged so badly and goat simulator isn't worth the download
Pretty rubbish again. Already have them. Doesn't matter though, as I've said before, I won't be renewing when my current sub ends. I'll just stick with Xbox game pass thanks.
What a pile of crap....why are we being given such crap...goat simulator too, what's that all about? I was looking forward to the new games, guess who gonna have to wait another month...yep me and millions of others..bad show sony
What a great way to start the year and decade a trilogy that even during the PS3 era you could find the games for 3 to 5 dollars and the trilogy it's always on discount for 10 bucks on PS4, great games but if you cared to play them you probably already did bought and played, what a disappointment
Already have played both games (actually all four) and this does me no good. However, if you haven't played Uncharted 1, 2 & 3, then this a great deal. Goat Simulator is pretty funny especially when you knock deadmau5 over the side of a skyscraper.
I have all of them but it's a good selection for people who dont.
am i taking crazy pills or is this like the 5th time uncharted(its defenetly charted at this point nate) has been given away
I played all the uncharted games years ago one of them was a PS plus game on my PS3.
@dellyrascal This is more or less par for the course for PS+. Not a complaint, simply an observation.
If they give away a great game, its very likely that the majority of their players have played it before. Those that haven't are probably not interested in it to begin with. There is a small slice of people that want to play a great (older) title, but for one reason or another never picked it up.
I was happier with the early PS4 PS+, since they were giving us indie titles the just launched. Even though they were hit and miss, at least it was something new.
At least 2 Uncharted games have been given before (vita one and Uncharted 3 perhaps). Never been into the Uncharted games so that's meh and have Goat Simulator so another meh.
The games were never the bonus, the games and cloud saves were the reason to have plus. Sony deciding to charge for online years after plus was implemented means online was the "bonus". I don't care about playing online so if plus isn't giving interesting games then it doesn't have a purpose for me. Instead of a PS5 I may just invest in a good gaming PC.
Huh, neat. Goat Simulator is on Switch, but three Uncharted games on top of it? I didn't even deem it possible, although in hindsight there was apparently that one time they gave Jak and Daxter trilogy for PS3 and Vita. Don't mind if I do! ...as long as the controls comply, that is.
its about time they remove the online gaming from this psplus paywall, and make psplus optional.
Happy new year to all ps fans. May the rein continue. And now it's 2020 i can't wait to see some actual gameplay from the next gen games. Enjoy.
Shoulda gave people horizon zero dawn for 2020 or spiderman. Seen as they are super cheap just now.
I have gotten no value out of this month... I doubt many people did. Uncharted is probably owned by at least 70% of user base by now and goat simulator was dead cheap for so many times with all dlcs... Like 3 bucks for complete game. Ages ago.
Disappointing, but not surprising. I've stopped caring about Plus, as I either have one or both games, or do not care at all about one or both games.
Oh well.
@JudaiMasters yeah same here, so nothing interesting this month for me.
Blerg twice in a row with rubbish selection
I said it last month, they would be better off just giving 2 decent indies instead. It's the 4th month in a row I've owned the"big hitter" and it seems this is the issue with 90% of us now.
Completely vindicates my decision to cancel my ps plus and buy my son an Xbox. Spent the day playing the Outer Worlds and Forza 4 for next to nothing. Sony can f**k off.
Really? What a lackluster way to enter the new decade.
Thought it was great deal at first till I read that the collection's constantly on sale for only $10.....
But when's the last time we got a PS Plus game that was still relatively new or haven't dropped much price wise?
@Izoma I paid for a month of plus throughout December so I could try Doom 2016 online and I've just played a bit of Titanfall 2 online Frontia Defence mode because my PC is not back up together since my house move. But I'm not bothering with a PS5 not for a few years this year I'm upgrading my 11 year old i7 2600k custom rig to a new AMD Ryzen 2700 I only need 3 things rest I can pass across. I still have many games on ps4 to start and even finish at least 2 years worth of console gaming from it
@Springy99 a bad month 'vindicates' this?
@Arnna I would call it a bad year. Can’t remember the last Plus game I was interested in. Uncharted’s great but these are very old games that I’ve already played. PsNow is getting better but not a patch on Game Pass. I’ve had a ps since the ps1 but unless Sony up their game I’ll be sticking with the Xbox from now on. Just got to get used to that clunky controller...
They should chuck in a free VR game, surely a bunch of ppl would have got PSVR for xmas
@NoCode23 I even bought Goat Simulator and had a lot of fun discovering all the crazy easter eggs and finding all collectables. With splitscreen it's the perfect game to keep kids entertained for a few hours.
Getting the trophies is also very easy and fun if you leave out Flappy Goat... This one took a few hours of playtime and a few years of my lifetime
It's a bit rubbish that to be honest but I only pay for PS Plus so I can play Red Dead Online so I'm not fussed.
Uncharted Trilogy is excellent. Goat Simulator is the kind of game that I'd never pay for it but I wouldn't mind to give it a try.
About the people complaining, all these whining are making me think that it would be better if Sony stops the free game on Plus and start to use their resource to improve the PS Now catalogue.
@JustAnotherUser6 just hyperbole sorry if I upset you!
@carlos82 The first half of Uncharted 3 is pretty weak but the second half - the continuation in the timeline after U2 - is at least similar to U2, which is my favorite game in the series by far.
I've always wanted them to offer us the option to play the entire Nathan Drake story in chronological order, kind of like what they did w/ the timeline after Godfather 2 released in the combined movie. I know there might be some spoilers early on, like the fact Nathan even has a brother which isn't mentioned AT ALL in the first 3 games, or that he isn't really related to Drake, but it would get me to go back and play it all again. Probably wouldn't work for first timers but it could be a selling point on PS5.
@ShogunRok having strict parents who wouldn't buy the games i wanted is the reason I never played these games.
@rjejr I can't remember much about Uncharted 3 these days, I have a vague memory of some building being on fire but that's about it. I loved number 2 at the time (apart from the stupid last boss) and that train section was amazing. I'll be giving number 3 another go, so that'll be the first game I've played on plus for about a year
@ShogunRok that is a ridiculous statement IMO & more fuel for this site's love of PS+ drama. crap crap crap wow.
@carlos82 All I really remember about U3 is that somewhere near the middle the gang gets back together at an airport in the dessert and I enjoyed the game a lot more after that. Oh and a boat graveyard in the water, not sure what half and if I enjoyed it or not, but that's about it.
@Springy99 in my country we don’t even have PSNow.. so I can’t even try it
I seem to be the only person who dislikes the uncharted series. Always found the main character very annoying and found the gameplay very on-rails.
If I want to explore tombs I’ll always go with the tomb raider reboots
@Arnna I know what you mean about the rails. Game pass has 3 of the recent tomb raiders. Looking forward to Shadow. And now I’ll shut up about game pass!
The Nathan Drake collection came with my PS4, but it's a great choice for a lot of people who haven't played them. Goat Simulator on the other hand... I got it on sale for $5 a few years ago.
This is SOOOO disappointing. I feel like I've wasted money. Considering All Uncharted Titles are available on my PS Now subscription that Playstation tricked me into signing up for. And Goat Sim? Really? Very disappointing.
@ShogunRok And somshow people keep asking for The Order 1886.😁
@thedevilsjester Youknow what happens if you give a indie.
Got a PS4 for Christmas, I think this must be for other people like me. I'm please anyway.
@Flaming_Kaiser At least with an indie title, it would be one that I don't own. I have been subscribed to PS+ since it started, and I can count the number of (non-indie) titles that were good, that I didn't already own, that were given away with PS+, on one hand. I am a grown adult with a job, if there is a game I want, I buy that game, I don't wait 2-4 years to get it on PS+. This means that the only games that would actually interest me, are ones that for some reason I didn't pick up. A hidden gem, an indie title, etc...
In theory, I love the idea of bigger, AAA titles on PS+ (The Uncharted Collection is a great collection that everyone should own); in practice , I would get more out of it with smaller, unknown titles; and maybe, just maybe, I might stumble on a game that I wouldn't have played otherwise.
Sony want slapped really, for the terrible games this month. I'm sure someone will want them, but PS3 games that have been on PSnow for ages, and the worst sim ever created, just shows the lack of dedication towards those who have PS+, they just don't care. I know it doesn't apply to me but there are people out there who like these games monthly, and its not fair on them. Makes you wonder how committed Sony are to this service. Needs an overhaul.
@thedevilsjester You dont have too tell me that i own all the titles i want and i get the Indies from Limited Run Games. I just have it for the online gaming with saves and i dont care about the rest.
@Flaming_Kaiser I am right there with you; with the addition that the only online games I actually care to play, don't require PS+ so I have PS+ exclusively for cloud saves.
I don't really complain about the selection, because I don't really care that much; its more of a observation and maybe a little disappointment.
I wish I invested more in Limited Run, but often times by the time I realize I enjoy some indie title, the runs are long over and I can't get them anymore.
That's gutting
@lyallop those are examples of quality games that plus has given out and I may not have enjoyed all of those games but I thought they were decent games. If we get more games like those then I would be happy with what we are getting with plus.
@R1spam they are examples of the type of quality games I want on plus. I may not enjoy all of those games I mentioned but I thought they were decent quality plus games and I hope to see more games of those quality level.
What ya gonna do?
I mean, on the one hand, you have the new adopters, people who just got on the PS4 wagon and they get a decent, albeit dated, series to play through.
On the other, you have a vastly smaller proportion of the sales demographic being targeted, who have likely not paid into the service and subsequently enabled that service to continue, which is probably why many feel they no longer get a return on investment.
What with the cost of using the service seeing consistent increase but the return being very inconsistent across the board.
I myself, don't care much, given the Uncharted series had run its course for me after 2016s U4.
I'm almost certain they just put some names on a wheel and spin it before choosing the one that lands.
Goat sim is also a game.
@Flaming_Kaiser my two favourite PSplus games were indies. Meat boy and Gone home. They were a nice surprise for me when I was only playing Dark Souls for years relentlessly lol.
Most of the time I either own the game or don’t want to play it. Like last months games.
If you have a PS plus account just for the games then I don’t think it’s worth the money.
Some of the PSplus discounts are very good and of course playing online is something you can’t do without the service. I’ve been indecisive about whether to keep it because I occasionally play a bit of COD.
But at the end of the day it would be nice if Sony overhauled the service and included some other kind of carrot to make it worthwhile.
Maybe offer their streaming service as part of the deal. Something. Anything.
As it stands it’s difficult to recommend for anyone who buys games regularly or plays online a lot.
@Deanvon01 agree it needs an overhaul. The current system is stagnant and doesn’t really offer that special thing that everyone would want/use.
As it stands the reasons for having PSplus seem to vary a lot from player to player.
@thedevilsjester The biggest problem is scalpers at Limited Run Games. Im really sad thar lots of these nice games are there too be used for profit only. 😢
@Arnna Gone Home is brilliant i loved the story. I would love too see the game get graphical update and see it being Re released. The ending was perfect when you find everything. 😢
But i hate meatboy so insanely hard. 🤬🤬🤬🤬
I finally let my PS Plus membership expire in December after years of membership. I see lots of people saying the games are a great extra no matter what they are. I can't say that's the case for me.
Unless I play destiny 2 or NMS with friends, all of my games are single player. Online play has almost zero value to me, so the Plus titles carry a lot of weight. After the smaller titles were cut early last year, I think we all expected better quality games.
I waited to renew my membership until after the ps plus games were announced. Looks like I can wait a while to drop that $60 lol
Love the uncharted games but see no need to play them again. Problem with ps plus is most of the time I’ve already played the game or the other release is utter s***. Maybe offer DLC as part of ps plus?
Language please - Quintumply
@Rockzlee11 Ya I was going to not renew but then got auto renewed. I just don't see the benefit. I'm personally just not an online gaming fan on console.
This is not bad deal this time IMO with Uncharted but they will never give you the most popular latest games cause they want you to buy them!
If I play a game like GT Sport online I almost always get penalties for people ramming into me and then there is the competitive automatchmaking which to me I find removes the social element of it.
I like games where I don't have to worry about rank or ELO. At least with the older games on PC with community servers I get that and no subscription fees.
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