One of 2020's big new games, DOOM Eternal, landed at the end of last week, and by the sound of it has done very well for Bethesda. The hellishly good first person shooter had a record-breaking opening weekend, according to the publisher. Although no sales figures have been provided, Bethesda says the sequel more than doubled the revenue made by the previous DOOM in a similar timeframe.
The publisher also points out its success on PC in particular. It was the top selling game on Steam last week, and achieved peak concurrent players of 100,000, which is much higher than the last game. As for PlayStation 4 numbers, Bethesda hasn't made these clear, but we can presume the game is doing well across all platforms.
Add all this info to resounding positive press, and it's safe to say DOOM Eternal is a winner. Have you been enjoying Bethesda's latest? Grab your chainsaw in the comments below.
[source gematsu.com, via vg247.com]
Comments 20
Am I the only one bored of it by the end of the second mission?
DOOM 2016 was more fun.
I’m liking it...apart from the platforming sections. Some are okay, but some are just infuriating 😡 otherwise, the gunplay, graphics etc are all excellent.
@Nightcrawler71 definitely spent way too much time dying from missing jumps and figuring out paths than actually out shooting things.
I’m loving it way more than the first one - and I platinumed the first one.
I felt like the UAC facility in 2016 wasn’t varied enough and I got a little bored of the environments for the first half. Plus all the other additions are really engaging (love the platforming).
@ankehuber I didnt really enjoy 2016 that much, I felt was just fighting waves of enemies in arenas until the game wanted me to move on. I bought Doom 64 though as never played that one, and its more my type of game.
Wow, this is fantastic news! I'm so glad the DOOM franchise is back on track and as healthy as it is, id's really knocked it out of the park this gen with Wolfenstein and DOOM.
Also, it's very good news for the industry that a single player FPS still with no microtransactions and assorted BS is selling so well; maybe Bethesda will take note for its own franchises.
Can't wait to hear if the MP too is a resounding success!
I'm loving the game to bits.
I can tell I'm more accustomed to Doom on PC. Started Eternal on Ultra Violence and I was struggling through the first mission cause my reactions were just a teeny bit too slow so I bumped down to HMP and now I have 9 extra lives and never went below 7.
I want to play it 100% on PS4 like I did with 2016 but I'll gladly buy and play it on PC for future playthroughs. I just prefer Doom with a mouse+keyboard.
I'm maining PC for DOOM 64 right now, and I'll do the same with DOOM Eternal down the line. Pure dual analog controls just don't do justice to first-person shooters.
It’s well deserved; the game is freaking incredible.
And all of that amidst the Corona virus pandemic. Super impressive.
Nope you re not the only one.
I much prefer the last one and the VR edition than this one so far. 😔
@slampog Too be fair that only boosts gamesales because people cant go out.
@ankehuber yeah I can't agree with that. I'm having a blast with it. I'm almost done with the campaign and still see myself playing better and figuring out new ways to use the mechanics. I'm playing on nightmare BTW, not sure if that matter, but I tried their normal difficulty and found it unchallenging and not very fun.
@Ralizah yeah, I wish I had a rig to play it. The dualshock 4 is fine, but mouse and keyboard is far superior for fps.
Fantastic... having a blast. Good game.
@Nightcrawler71 Wow... I don't really play FPSes but I can't believe they're still putting platforming sections in them. I thought that stopped in the 90s with stuff like Turok.
@slampog Well it's probably because of that. Everyone's at home, people are watching more TV, playing more games, etc. My friend who hadn't bought a console since the Dreamcast just bought a PS4 because he's so bored. MMO subs are going up, Amazon's next day delivery now takes 5 days, streaming services are lowering the quality of their videos as there's not enough bandwidth around. Suddenly everyone is a shut-in.
@Matroska tell me about it, and I’m old enough to remember Turok! There’s no place for platforming in a FPS game.
I’m still in that situation in DOOM. Just going round in circles never finding the exit. 😅
The game is great, but I still enjoyed Doom 2016 more. Dunno why. I'd just started going through the 2016 version again just before release of eternal just to get into the swing of it, on xbox one and Switch (amazing port by the way!) and was thoroughly enjoying it. Bought Eternal and I was a bit, "Meh!". I don't mind the platforming sections as some of them are actually designed to act a bit like puzzles, but they can be frustrating, and do break the flow a little bit. Plus the open air arenas make the game feel a little less claustrophobic and tense. The chainsaw/flamethrower mechanic works well once you get your head around it, but it does take a learning curve (it helps if you are far more aggressive keepIng some enemies at close quarters). don't get me wrong, it's still a great game. It looks great and runs buttery smooth, but it just doesn't feel as urgent, tense, or as fun as Doom 2016.
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