June 2020's PlayStation Plus games have been officially announced. As you may already know, the lineup includes Call of Duty: WWII, which was confirmed earlier this week. The historical shooter will be joined by Star Wars Battlefront 2, which happened to be leaked just prior to this announcement.
That's two multiplayer-focused shooters for PS Plus in June, then. Call of Duty is available to download or add to your library right now, while Star Wars is going to be accessible from the 2nd June.
We liked Call of Duty: WWII a lot when we reviewed it back at launch, although we did point out that it felt uncharacteristically safe in our 7/10 review:

Touching base with your origins is necessary to not lose touch with your audience, and that’s exactly what Call of Duty: WWII does without simply regressing. It gets to the core of its key modes and seizes on their intrinsic appeal with some neat, little twists thrown in. However, its campaign and zombies modes (while solid) feel unusually safe, whereas the multiplayer suffers from lacklustre map design and technical issues. You could say this Call of Duty is a sign of hopeful action to ground the series once more, but doesn’t go beyond its iconic namesake to deliver something truly special.
Similarly, we criticised Star Wars Battlefront 2's disappointing campaign, but felt its multiplayer was surprisingly entertaining. It's only got better since the publication of our review:
Star Wars Battlefront 2’s saving grace is its multiplayer. A strong offering provides you with a number of ways to play and a variety of locations to battle on, and if it manages to stick to a level playing field once the infamous microtransactions are added back into the game, it’s an experience we’ll continue to return to. But this is not enough to excuse the abysmal campaign. Any uniqueness dissipates all too quickly, and what follows is a boring set of missions that often feel misguided and unrealistic.
What do you think of the PS Plus selection for June 2020? Get behind cover in the comments section below.
Comments 92
Safe choices, but ok. Rather have a new indie instead though.
Battlefront 2 is a fantastic game, my kids really love it! Added COD to my library well see if I ever get around to actually playing it. Solid month quality wise even though I own one/may never play the other! Hope people enjoy them!
Very nice. Battlefront 2 is excellent.
Good month. Not played WWII, but I actually think Battlefront 2 is pretty decent — especially after all the updates.
Pretty good line up.definetly downloading both.word up son
Nice! I own neither and will check out both at some point.
I bought a PS+ code awhile back for $40, haven't redeemed it yet but will now. I don't play online but I'll give both of the campaign modes a try. Once I make room on the HDD. Just got a database rebuild error so it might be time to replace my very old 750GB external.
battlefront 2 might be trash on launch but it has so much content now and way better, give it at try don't dismiss it based on launch f*** up ..
@RogerRoger Thanks for the SWBF2 overview. Any thoughts on the campaign?
You're name being rogerroger is hysterical, that's a commonly used phrase in our household.
I am never going to complain about the plus games each month. Sometimes it is a great month for me, sometimes not, and I knew that when I signed up. I know lots of people are going to enjoy these, which is great.
I just want to say that I find the lack of variety lately strange. Last month was two sims, this month is two MP focused shooters, and before then was a big run on remasters.
I would prefer more varied selections from Plus than what we have gotten lately, but whatever.
Will give Cod a crack and take a look at BF2. Fairly good month.
@RogerRoger I’ll give it a shot, I’ve considered a few times after looking at your posts about it, but this sounds like the perfect chance to try it out.
Nice i've been hoping for Battlefront 2 for a while now (i was hoping the first one would also be on Plus at some point too so i could check out the VR mission lol)
2 Simulators last month, 2 shooters this. 2 racing games next?
As per, will add and never download them, but might be worth a punt one drunken evening.
Also, WW2 surely should have been classed as a May game? 🤷♂️
@Toadie They gave it away free for a while, I don't think it was ever part of + though?
I really wish there was more variety. Give 2 different genres so that people who may not like shooters have something to try out. Sane problem last month with two sim games. Especially now with so many people stuck at home a greater variety to choose from would be much more appreciated whether AAA or indie.
I did like Battlefront 2, but I doubt I'll download it again for the moment. Good game though.
@RogerRoger this is such a well-written post that you've converted me! After all the terrible press it turned me off from ever considering it, but you've genuinely changed my mind. Worth a shot!
@nookie_egg Ahh right, i must have missed that, i know the game can be bought very cheaply these days so i'll just bite the bullet and buy it now haha
You know, I was all ready to slam the selection this month, but from what you're describing, it sounds like the game has turned a corner, so I might actually give it a go.
As for the genre of the two games, they should offer different selections, so that the liklihood of someone not owning one of the games already is lower, and to give more variety for subscribers. I already own WWII (granted, I've played it for about 20 minutes in the years I've owned it) and other than RogerRoger's post, I wasn't interested in BW2 before.
Nice write up, thanks. I used to be quite into Star Wars, (read a few of the novels, there are some really fun ones) but got SW fatigue when they churned out film after film and the reactions that came with them. I'll definitely try to give this a go.
The first game as bare bones as it was, was quite entertaining.
Two I’ve not owned - but thought about SW a couple of times. I’m not that keen on multiplayer but as both games have a campaign element I’ll give em a go.
These won’t please everyone (plus games rarely do), and I’d have preferred two different genres, but you can’t argue they’re not AAA!
“but I wanted indie games“, said the Internet 🙄
I already own the Gold Edition of WWII since I bought it back in 2017. I only played the beta for BF 2 and never bought it because of its horrible release. But now, I'm excited to try it out since I've been hearing more positive things about the game. Better than May's offer imo.
I already have both 🙄 and to make it worse I only bought Battlefront 2 a few weeks ago when it was reduced 😡
I still cannot find COD WWII in the ps store.. It only appears the Gold edition when i search for it, I've been trying for the last 2 days
Check the "PS PLUS" tab, you should see it there.
I HIGHLY recommend everyone try the "Heroes vs. Villains" mode of SW Battlefront II. It's 4v4 with everyone picking one of the hero characters (Luke, Vader, Boba Fett, Rey, etc). Makes for a very different experience than the Battlefield-y other modes. Plus, it's just plain fun to use the hero characters without any restrictions!
Find very ironic that everyone says try SWBF2 now because it's for load of content and I will be I'd like to try the campaign out. But yet when No Man's Sky which did the very same before it people still slag it off and Hello Games about its launch disaster. They promised a lot did HG and seriously over sold the game yet how many times has EA screwed over gamers in the last 15+ years
@Zeke68 i checked the only games there were the ones from the last month, maybe the store isn't updated yet here in portugal
The force is strong this month. For me at least.
@Xaritah. I download. Cod ww2 2 days ago.go down on download you will see it.word up son
Loving call of duty at the moment.
Battlefront 2 single player is horendously bad and is more a glorified bot mode.
But i guess it's still better then another rally or simulator game.
Really looking forward to Star Wars. It’ll scratch that shooter itch since I’ve binned off MW
Battlefront 2 is pretty good fun these days online, it's single player is awful though with no real effort put into translating the online gameplay into a single player fps
Both good games, good month for anyone who doesn't already have these titles.
@RogerRoger As long as I don't have to give EA any money, I'm all for it.
Why the hell does Sony give out 2 games of the exact same genre every month???? Last month 2 Sims, this month 2 FPS. Next month 2 sports games.
Might check out CoD at some point, provided it has an amicable relationship with Vita's control schemes. Still haven't played the first SWBF properly so it'll be a good while before I get to the second game. But as far as IGC boosters go, why not? Not gonna lie, though, if not for more or less both being on Switch, the oh so dramatically maligned May lineup would be a lot more valuable for me - and chances are, they control well in RP, too!😋
I already own both games for crying out loud 😞 but good news for those who don't.
Na not for me, but enjoy everyone. Dragon quest 11 is still holding me.😊😊😊
While I'm personally not interested in either game I could admit this is a great month.
Don't own either despite liking shooters. Last one I bought was overwatch lol. Will gladly try both of these for the price of playing overwatch online
Neat. Just like last month I didn't own either game so it's a nice touch in my opinion. ☺️
@Xaritah try on the website
How big is COD World War 2? I have 95 GB free on my PS4 and it STILL refused to download due to "not enough free space"?
How big is star wars too?
Your answers are appreciated.
@RogerRoger Thanks, worth the download then. Just finished watching my son play SWJFO so I'm kind of in the mood. Now if only I can find that code. Gotta be around somewhere.
BF2! Great title! Continual support and a solid multiplayer experience. The solo campaign is a bit mushy. Starts out strong but ends in a whimper. Still enjoyable, but I just feel so much could have been done with the lead.
One of the best months of plus
How disadvantaged will I be in Battlefront 2 not getting in at launch because of the pay-to-win mechanics? Have they made it easier to level up and upgrade your gear with the cards?
So last month we got two simulation games and this month we are getting two FPS games. I wonder if this is a new trend by Sony. Like next month are we going to get two fighting games or two RPGs?
Arguably best PS Plus month ever. Have they included two gargantuan AAA titles in the same month before?
Not in the least bit interested in COD but I will definitely give Star Wars a go.
Well i was wrong about there being 3 games, but now we've had 2 sims followed by 2 primarily multiplayer games, tho i enjoyed WW2 campaign.
So next month i hope for 2 nice single player RPGs, they don't have to be the best or newest. Assassin's Creed, Watchdogs, Dishonored.
Something like that will be great, get to work please Sony
Why was CoD made available early then?
Try the playstation store on a PC if you can. It should be seen together with the other ➕ games. 😊
It will be 2 racing games next month. Still, can't complain at June's free games.
@Netret0120 Both games are huge, about 100gb but all you have to do is buy an 8 TB external hard drive. I have a Seagate and I have over 200 games with still more space.
No more interested in these than lost month's pair tbh. No bother - still got a huge backlog!
@Neolit Why would you not add the games to your library. Even though I think both are worth playing at least for a few hours, I can understand not bothering with installing them. I can't understand why you wouldn't at least add them to your library in case you want to play them at some later date
Well, for my money Call of Duty: WWII has the best Call of Duty single player campaign since Call of Duty 2 on PS2, so I'm happy that more people will getting to experience that.
I'm not bothered by Star Wars Battlefront II. I still can't quite understand why they added 'hero' characters in Battlefront II on PS2. It ruined the gameplay experience then and it remains ruined still with hero characters being more and more of the focus. I long for the days of the original Battlefront game.
Ok both games kept me cold, but not too frozen to refuse put it into library (like farming last month).
If next month will be rpg month I would like Divinity 2 and Neverwinter Nights please. ☺️
I'd rather spend a steamy weekend with Jar Jar Binks than let Battlefront 2 anywhere near my PS4
@Neolit I still don't understand why you wouldn't just spend literally 30 seconds to aquire like £80 worth of games for free. You may have friends that pick up the games a few months or years down the line and you would have the games to play with them.
Am I wrong but didn't they give swbf2 free last year for psplus
haha Sony are such *****! they give out best seller games for free now? slap to the face of all those paying 60 bucks for them, and thats apparently a lot of damn people since its a damn best seller! *****! im glad I didnt buy it. Perhaps Battlefield V will give me that good WW goodness??
Overall I’d say I’m pleased. I dislike online-centric multiplayer first person shooters, but it’s nice to have a couple in the library just in case. Especially Battefront II, since I love me some Star Wars. I didn’t care for the first Battlefront, but this is apparently miles better.
COD WWII might be one I try just to see what it feels like to storm Normandy and because I’m a history buff.
Thank you. Yeah i figured i need to invest in an external HDD and attach it to my ps4 because I currently have 3 games installed and im nearly at full capacity (500GB PS4 Slim)
These are nice games but we really wanted knack 2 I cannot figure out why sony denies the knack fandom.
@Netret0120 late to comment but something to keep in mind the last 40GB on the hard drive is never used. So if it looks like you SHOULD have the free space, take 40GB off that and make sure you actually do.
@tameshiyaku Not for me. I´d rather have something like this than an never ending horde of sidescrolling 2d pixelated platformers from indie developers.
I already own COD WWII and I'm not so interested in Battlefront 2.. People seems to be satisfied with june games but it's a meh for me :-/
People are never happy.
@Netret0120 i googled it, Star Wars Battlefront 2 is over a 100GB big... You'll have to delete some games if you want to play both
@Lee_jones hmm i havent played battlefront to compare but if you think COD WW2 is actually good... im questioning your sanity buddy
@Th3solution it didnt feel good at all actually. i wish there is a damn WW2 game that FINALLY allows you to play with the GERMANS. What is this crap where each WW2 game ONLY allows to play with allies. What if you are german or italian? Well, italians wouldnt even play with themselves, cuz, even albania might kick their ass. BUT I wish to play Germans for a change, you know. When will we get a game such as this? Or is it going to be completely monopoly of who you can play in WW2 games. As Bush stated once "You are either with us, or against us"
Found it with a PC!!!
@Zeke68 , @Dexeronstarsurge and @playstation1995 .
You guys are the best! 😄
Two simulators: Not okay
Two online shooters: Totally okay
This not logic make good.
I have BF2 via EA Access, and really like it but due to the usual Sony licensing nonsense, I presume I won't be able to get it via Plus because it will show I already own it?
BF2 is really good, some cool gaming modes (co-op probably my favourite) and it's relatively easy to understand.
I've been playing it since December '17 and it has improved so much since then it's untrue. I'm not usually into MP games but Star Wars is so iconic and this game can be so much fun it's got it hooks into me.
Tempted by Call of Duty (more by the campaign than MP) myself but I do have enough to play as it is.
Great selection. I own SWBF 2 but still a fantastic game and I'm glad it's free for all the plus subscribers.
@Skoda Try Battlefront V. And yes, the Call of Duty: WWII campaign is fantastic.
I've had Call of Duty: WWII since last Christmas - or the one before?! - and it's still not out of it's cellophane. Never played Battlefront, but considering Call of Duty is still not unwrapped and has no signs of being unwrapped any time soon, let's just face the facts that I am probably never going to live long enough to get round to playing Battlefront.
Already own Battlefront and I’m not a fan of Call Of Duty. Where do I sign the petition?
Two games that I'm not interested in and my daughter already has Star Wars Battlefront II. Maybe she'll want to try the COD game.
I can see me having to make a bit of room on my drives if these games are as big as people say.
Not particularly interested in online shooters but will prob add and may plod through campaigns at a later date. More likely to do star wars though, I seem to have a dislike of cod despite not ever owning one... think it's due to the fanboys
@RogerRoger No it shouldnt have.
Its great and all that they fixed there game but lets remember it wasnt a case like no mans sky where they were too ambitious and lied about what was in the game only to fix that stuff later.
It was a game built around a predatory system designed to leach as much money off players as possible and its not like they didn't push back against changing the system either.
Glad the games good now, but it shouldve been good from the get go and they sure as hell dont deserve any praise.
Itd be like praising someone who cheated on their significant other for being a better partner after the fact.
Well, two months in a row of no downloads for me!
Cod i find boring my lads love it. Starwars had it on EA ACCESS not a fan
we need the indies back!
I wrote a comment, but it disappeared...!?
Are you not interested with my feedback???
Oh great. Two garbage multiplayer games that have finished their multiplayer cycle, which means they have a dwindilling playerbase and mediocre campaigns. Not to mention they're some of the weakest games in their franchises. Swb2 doesn't even compare to the 2005 original swb2
People in this forum want games like Red Dead Redemption 2 or games that have been out for less then a year. They literally want games like the last of us 2 or anything else is meh to them. Call of duty WW2 is a great game and has lots of play value. The campai the MP and zombies. Same goes to Battlefront 2 an even better game with an amazing MP, dozen of modes a nice campaign and co op missions. I hope we get more games like this or would you rather get your farming simulator again...
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