Ghost of Tsushima has finally emerged from the shadows with an impressive gameplay blowout. We got 18 minutes of footage to trawl through thanks to Sony's latest State of Play broadcast, and simply put, we can't wait to play it.
But how will we actually play Ghost of Tsushima? For those who don't know, the game features a number of key options. In terms of gameplay, main character Jin can either fight as a samurai or as the infamous Ghost. The former appears to be all about deft swordplay and deadly duels, while the latter sees Jin take on the role of a ninja, using subterfuge and deception to get the jump on his enemies.
On top of that, the title offers an optional Samurai Cinema mode, which looks amazing. This mode applies a grainy black and white filter to the entire game, complete with more dramatic wind effects. It's designed to make the experience look like a classic samurai movie, and boy is it effective.
And finally, we've got the Japanese voice option. By default, the game's in English, but if you're looking for authenticity, then maybe you'll want to switch to Japanese dialogue. In any case, it's a welcome option.
With all that in mind, we're here to ask: how do you plan on playing Ghost of Tsushima? Samurai, or Ghost? Will you enable Samurai Cinema mode? English voices, or Japanese? Vote in our polls, and then give us your reasoning in the comment section below.
Comments 88
Japanese voices for authenticity and I’ll play the B&W on a second playthrough.
I mean those locations look stunning with color, I wouldn't want to miss that the 1st time around so I'm using the b&w mode after exploring everything possible
I’m not missing out on those colors. I’ll go for color and English voices.
Definitely playing with Japanese VO. It just feels right with a game like this.
I'll probably switch between regular and cinema mode at random intervals.
Samurai style for me. I've never been too fond of doing things stealthily unless it's needed. And English voices for me. I like Japanese voices for some things, but will be too busy fighting in this game to read subtitles.
Colour Japanese voices with subs with mixed fighting.
I'm thinking a mixed play style in color and English, then a play through in chambara style following the honorable path in B&W and Japanese.
Samurai/Cinema Mode next playthrough/Jap VA
Im going to check out cinema mode on a second playthrough, but 100% japanese voices all the way. Like Yakuza, it lends much needed authenticity to the world you are inhabiting. I am really keen on a ghost playthrough but i think that could be rather tough for a first run, so will likely start off as a samurai.
I think this game will really shift ps4's in Japan
Once I confirmed that the japanese voice actor for Jin is Kazuya Nakai, who plays Roronoa Zorro in One Piece, I will only play in Japanese.
Play as the ghost with English V/O on my first playthrough, the play as the samurai with samurai cinema and Japanese V/O on my second playthrough.
Now that's how you add reply value.
I usually use Japanese voices for these kinds of games, but they're usually done by a Japanese team.
Somehow the voice they chose for Jin (which sounded like the wonderful Kazuya Nakai) doesn't really match his facial expressions for some reason.
With a dualshock 4.....
By the time I am done with work my eyes are almost done. if I need to read subtitles I will end up playing less.
No way I am reading subtitles at 11PM
Going to go for a mix of Samurai/Ghost first playthrough but leaning more towards the former for as often as possible.
Will play in Samurai Cinema mode to begin with and save the colour for second time around.
Edging towards Japanese but need to see more, make sure the sync is spot on. If not then in English.
Great options to have!
I’ll press buttons and move analogue sticks
Color and (if the lip-syncing doesn't match the Japanese voices) English.
Play in colour first as a ghost with English voice over, then play a second time in cinema mode as a samurai with japenese voice over. It will be like 2 different games, sort of.
Ghost. Always ghost. Elder Scrolls? Ghost. Fallout? Ghost. MGS Ghost. The Last of Us? Ghost. Spider-man? Ghost. Far Cry? Ghost. Assassin's Creed? Ghost. Horizon? Ghost. God of War? Ghost. Sonic the hedgehog? Ghost.
I find it funny that this looks more impressive all round than anything we've seen from next gen.
English in 👻 ghost of tshushima. Is? english and play it with colors.word up son
I am going to go for a combination of Samurai/Ghost.
I chose all black & white, but I may use color for exploration and black & white for story moments/combat (I'll try to make sure to switch it to black & white when I get close to a main story location just in case a cutscene is triggered). We'll see. I definitely like the idea of making this whole game like a Kurosawa film.
Definitely Japanese.
@Richnj So a Samurai run then? 😉
SMH my head, how come almost 50% of people will play this in english. SHAME.
Jk you can play whatever you desire, I just feel like it's a diservice to the setting
A year later, as a definitive edition I’ll pay $20 for XD
(But Japanese for sure)
@AFCC. Because in this game the English is really good thats why.word up son
Japanese audio for sure.
I love the use of color in the game, so while I might dabble with the B&W mode at some point, I doubt it'll stay on very long.
As to fighting styles? I dunno. Depends heavily on how fun it is to control them in those styles. I imagine a lot of it comes down to situational context, though.
@AFCC I'd imagine because most who will play it are English speakers. Plus having to look at subtitles just to know what is being said in Japanese can take your eyes away from what's going on onscreen. I'll probably play it with Japanese voice overs, with black and white the second time around.
I’m dusting off my old DVD copy of Ninja in The Dragons Den just to get me in the mood.
Japanese language, subtitles and cinema black and white...the things dreams are made of!!
@Rob_230 Probably, after I mess up trying to be sneaky.
@AFCC Actually, I clicked English, but I play with subs on anyway, so as long as we can have English subs with Japanese VO, then yeah, you're right, I should give Japanese VO a go.
Definitely playing this game in Japanese. I'm sure the English voice actors did a great job, but it's a no-brainer. And like a lot of other folks on here, I'm excited to try the B&W mode, but the colors in this game deserve to be seen. Can't imagine I'll do a second playthrough of a huge open-world game (I never finish them...), so will likely just flip back and forth between the two.
I’m gonna play from the beginning and possibly finish it at the end!
A Samurai Cinema on Cinematic only option would be great
Definitely Colour and Japanese for me. Love the options though. Extra motivation for subsequent playthroughs is something I very much welcome!
Definitely playing in Japanese. Am a bit torn on going for black and white or not. I really like the idea and option of it, but the game looks so beautiful in colour.
Japanese voices for sure but that's pretty much the only thing i'm 100% on right now.
I'm gonna learn Japanese, play it in Japanese and then tell everybody that I played it in Japanese, in Japanese.
Japanese voices is the way to go for me.Plus I'll most likely try and be the Ghost with a bit of Samurai thrown in..
I really want to try that black and white mode too but there's no way I'm going to miss out on those beautiful colours so I'll try it sometime after finishing.
Absolutely hyped!
Too many games these days aren't colourful enough so I'm not going to waste this one in Black and White. Gameplay wise Ghost looks a lot more interesting to me (isn't that the name of the game anyway) and there's nothing honorable about having 10 to 15 opponents, some with ranged weapons. Finally I'll probably play it in Japanese as I'm going to try and learn to read and understand it, so this could be very helpful
On my first playthrough I'll play a combination of samurai and ghost with normal display and english voice, on second playthrough I'll play samurai only with cinema mode and japanese voice
In short there's no right or wrong way to set up the game just make sure you play it.
It looks fantastic, PS4 era is really going out with a bang!
Is it a bit like ISS , with playing as good or bad and here honourable or dishonourable?
So that means you need 2 playthrough to experience the stories?
No. Sorry. This looks boring as hell. Really?!?! This is the last hurrah for the PS4?!?!
Yeah I'm gonna play both playstyles and play it in English. Don't really care for authenticity and don't want to be reading subtitles.
@AFCC Well I don't want to be reading subtitles. I'd like to be focusing on hearing and looking at what's happening on screen instead of focusing so much on words. Imo that's less immersive.
Japanese VO, color unless there is a way to keep the blood red in cinema mode.
As much stealth as the game will let me but much questions remain about stealth.
Can you hide in the tall grass?
Does night and shadows affect the detection of your character?
If you can swim can you approach underwater without being detected?
Can you hug walls and do you have contextual kills from the corner of a wall for exemple?
Can you hide and drag and bodies?
What we’ve seen is already awesome but I need more
And I don’t really like how an arrow to the head makes the enemy react like he just been blast by a shotgun in the chest
A mix of Samurai and Ghost, both look amazing, but if its stats based that may be difficult.
Samurai visuals and Japanese voices!!
Generally excitied for this game!!
I'll play as a ghost, it's more satisfying for me, likely black and white, definitely Japanese VA
A mix if possible, leaning towards stealth if it works well. In colour, in English... if I want to read, I'll buy a book.
Definitely playing in English, don’t want having to read the dialogue to take away from the action. Definitely not playing in black and white, because why? The visuals with color are absolutely stunning and taking that away doesn’t make sense to me. And I’m definitely playing Ghost. I love open world games that allow for stealth or all out combat, usually I tend to go mostly stealth until I’m discovered. It’s nice that they offer so much choice to the player though on how they want to experience the game.
@InsertUsername lol that one always makes me chuckle. We in the other countries see movies with subtitles and we actually don't lose that much! I understand english 100% and still use subtitles everytime...but yeah I get it, it's how you guys are used to things
I was thinking of Samurai for my first play through but with the black and white filter I am now thinking I'll go Ghost first in colour and English, then go Samurai, black and white filter with Japanese voices.
It's cool that this game is including all these options and executing them to such a level where we can even have these discussions.
@Johnnycide thank you for your tremendous contribution, now scurry on back to your Madden/NBA/COD/GTA
How will I play this?
Constantly. I will play this constantly.
@carlos82 The B&W mode is for fans of old samurai films by the likes of Kurowsawa.
@AFCC I understand that desire to feel immersion in a setting and yes often the Japanese actors are better quality but for many reading to understand is a barrier to immersion and can make the game tiresome.
B/W second playthrough I'll use the japanese voices for my 1st since I want it to be authentic on my first run
@AFCC @AFCC Not sure what you mean by "you guys," but already then. Lol. Sounds like generalizing to me.
@nessisonett Sadly, the lip synching takes away all the authenticity. Listening to the models speaking Japanese while their lips move in English feels so unnatural and distracting.
But at the same time playing the game in English will feel weird... I'm not sure how I'll end up playing it.
Sucker Punch is not a Japanese company and I'm curious (nervous?) about how they handled the world and characters. We'll see how they handle cliché stereotypes and such soon enough.
Honestly. Probably not at all.
I'll definitely do Japanese voices. I think i may use Samurai Cinema up until the part where Jin goes against the Samurai Code and then switch to color.
Samurai, Colour and Japanese on the first play through then Ghost, B&W Japanese on the second.
Also I'm thinking there will probably be a trophy for playing through on each of Samurai & Ghost mode given it is a Sucker Punch game and Infamous has a trophy for each good and bad play through.
Really looking forward to this game!
@maruse Ah. I watched the presentation since I actually missed it at the time and the lip syncing does look a bit off. It might be worked on though, I’ll see how it is on launch.
@Xiaolin awwww did I hurt your fee fees by having a different opinion? Did it make you feel a bit better writing anyone who you don't agree with off as a sports/cod fan? Bless.
Still undecided on whether to play in English or Japanese dub. Im fine reading subtitles (i've played many yakuza games), but the lip sync might put me off from playing in japanese dub.
How will I play - on the sofa, at night, with the lights off and a nice ice cold beer.
Calling ***** on that many people playing the whole game in Japanese. The vast majority of players won't understand it and very few people will play the whole game with subtitles. It's a cool inclusion, but it's a novelty that most people will use very briefly or not at all.
@nessisonett Authenticity? They didn't talk modern Japanese on Tsushima back in 1280
/pedantic mode
This is a perfect storm for me. I speak Japanese so that language track will be good practice. I'm a martial artist and studied Japanese sword for years (Iaido and kenjitsu/kendo) so the samurai play style is the only way to go. Btw, all the techniques and stances he used in battle were pretty accurate and authentic! And I love old Kurosawa films so the film mode is perfect. This game is made for me! Haha
@Octane Hahahaha you got me there!
@Beasley2K Anybody that’s played Yakuza will be perfectly OK with subtitles. Anybody that watches foreign movies (such as, Y’know Parasite, the Best Picture winner), will be perfectly OK with subtitles. Who knows, maybe plenty people understand Japanese too?
@nessisonett I'm not saying people won't play it with subtitles. I'm saying I don't believe as many people will as this poll suggests, and I bet most people that have said they will, will turn it off and switch back. I never claimed people don't understand Japanese, but most people that play this game won't.
Japanese voices would be more immersive and make more sense but I will still use English because at the end of the day I don’t want to spend my time in cutscenes and conversations reading the subtitles I want to be able to understand everything and enjoy the whole scene visually not just some words on the bottom of the screen which is why my vote went to English. I like the Yakuza games and do watch a few movies and tv in its native language but as for Yakuza if it had English I would use it and as for English and tv when they do have English the voice never matches the actor and just looks hilarious so the native language is usually better.
Definitely playing with the authentic Japanese dub, but it can be a real pain to read subs when you're in the middle of a fight. Ideally, I'd have learned Japanese by now... Other than that, I like the idea of playing a true and honorable samurai-testing my skills, but I'll definitely play it a 2nd time using every and all means. And colour all the way! To watch light bounce off blades and blood splatter snow in glorious high def hues!
@Richnj can you ghost in god of war? Haha, not usually kratos' style, but I admire the ambition!
It's funny most people want to play samurai in B&W, to revisit the days of kurosawa, but... I wonder, will it be very easy to see a 'ghost' in black and white? Sounds like a joke, but I wonder if filters will make stealth harder, basically.
@JJ2 that's what I got the impression of, but maybe it isn't so cut and dry, and only contextual to how npcs react to you? Essentially cosmetic. Couldn't say, though!
Bought mines on pre order two wks ago. Can't wait. Il be finishing off nioh 2 so can't wait for the Japanese theme as I'm general yakuzai games and judgement and nioh have bn a blast so I'm really looking forward to this as a whole. Bring it on I say. And I was gonna buy the tlou2 but im gonna wait until someone properly reviews it first before buying..
@Number09 same for me. Gonna get so immersed into this game as I did with nioh. Nioh 2 really fun game also. Highly recommended.
Yes it's definitely two different styles , options to play. Not sure how that works though.
Thanks for reply
Samurai/Ghost combo, English Voices, and Color.
I do plan to try out the B&W Cinematic mode, and maybe even the Japanese voices eventually...
Think Samurai Cinema mode will be saved for a second play through. English or Japanese will depend on the lip sync for me. Will give it a try but if they are speaking Japanese but the lip sync is based on the English script, I can see that being a little offputting for me. Oddly I don't think it would bother me if it was the other way around.
Ghost because I play a lot of Assassin's Creed so I've mastered the sneaky-stabby playstyle already and English voices because I like to hear them speak instead of just reading it at the bottom. I don't really know how I feel about the cinema mode yet we'll have to wait and see.
I'm Japanese black and whiting this from start to finish oh baby
@InsertUsername I meant native english speakers sorry I wasn't too clear, then again I'm not a native speaker ahah
@AFCC Ahh. That explains it. Well your English seems pretty good for just being your second language.
Thank you.
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