PlayStation has offered a very brief update on its planned PS5 games reveal event, which was originally set to be broadcast on the 4th June. Said event was postponed following the ongoing Black Lives Matter protests in the US.
PlayStation has updated the description of the announcement video for the event. It now reads: "Updated: This event has been postponed. We'll be in touch with a new date soon."
It's the only update that the company has offered on the showcase thus far, but of course, "soon" can mean just about anything. That said, we wouldn't be at all surprised to hear from the firm within the next week or so. After all, if the PS5 really is launching this year, Sony will soon have no choice but to move forward with its plans, regardless of the terrible state that the world is currently in.
When do you think we'll get a new date? Take a guess in the comments section below.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 95
Next Thursday, hopefully. With other things seemingly going ahead this weekend, there doesn't seem much point in putting it off for longer than that.
they will inform us of a new date soon.
they did not say that they will release the presentation soon. 😉
I can’t wait to see the ps5! Although I might not have a lot of time to play it when it comes out, what with all the wedding planning I have to do.
Now the cyberpunk stream has been postponed my guess is late next week.
Rumours on 4chan say next Friday 12th June but I know the 24th has been banded about as well
Soon = November 2020. Byeeee
I think its possibly and almost certainly, soon.
My insiders said so.
After the last of us review🤔.maybe.anyways n.i.c.e.word up son
Lots online saying its next Thursday. I hope its true.
I think it happens sometime in June.
Hopefully next week Thursday!
Sooner or later!
@AFCC you won't be missed
Announcement this Friday for the show next Thursday.
I definitely think that we'll get the new date this week, and it'll be next week
hope jun 12th rumor is real i really want some good news ***** is getting darker every day..i want some news to light me up.
It’ll be ready when it’s ready. I’m fine with that, personally.
Sorry but imo it was just kind of unnecessary for them to delay it at all and every company doing it is just doing it for the money.
Yeah, sure.
When you're ready Sony, when you're ready.
Next week I reckon. Looking forward to it.
This is Sony taking the mick out of everyone. Why announce the date, when you can announce that you'll announce the date soon and generate even more articles about yourself?
I'm a bit of a cynic, and yes things in America are rather extraordinary at the moment, but Sony are eroding every but of goodwill they have from me with every passing day. Either announce the new date or don't. In the wake of tomorrow's cancellation they've squeezed not one, but now two more days worth of articles about themselves. In marketing terms well played, on my terms I'm getting irritated
I think the june 12th rumor has truth to it. Sony simply cannot wait forever.
@Nepp67 ...what money? Did every company get a big fat stack of cash for voicing support for the BLM movement? If anything, ceasing business and delaying announcements surely would put them out of pocket.
Yes of course the usual :
I wouldn't be surprised if Sony has trademarked this word.
Maybe they do it on purpose to irritate you and Jeff Grubb?
@JJ2 That genuinely made me laugh out loud. Thanks for that
I'll be as happy as everyone here when I watch it, genuinely excited. hence the excitement turning to irritation sometimes. Your joke helped Thanks
(Also, who is Jeff Grubb?)
@nessisonett Trying to get people on their side is also another way to gain profit.
Sony need to be very careful here. They're taking the bloody mick. I am this close to jumping ship and buying the Series X instead. One thing is a change in strategy, another thing is taking us fans for a fool. I'm tired of this just bloody reveal it ffs.
@Nepp67 That’s just nonsense. If that was the case, they’d say nothing at all, getting money from both racists and POC. Look how many celebrities who posted messages of support have reported losing swarms of followers compared to those who said nothing. If they were solely focused on profit, they would do nothing like they have amidst Hong Kong protests, plenty other police murders of unarmed black people etc.
Waiting to hear more about the PS5 be like
@nessisonett ...you're right. No financial motive whatsoever. I very definitely did NOT receive a direct deposit from George Soros for professing support for BLM.
whistles and walks away
@Nepp67 My thoughts exactly. 90% of what occurred yesterday was just pandering to not be called out and today is right back to normal. There is always something terrible going on in the world, and yes, there are many things currently worse than this event that the entire world regularly turns a blind eye to. You didn't see the world stopping like this for Hong Kong, or shutting Blizzard down (I mean completely. Servers, company, etc should have been down for days) for their racist reactions to it for example.
I'm all for equality, currently we don't have it and not in the way everyone believes today, I do stand with these communities (notice I didn't degrade them to a color, but referenced them as PEOPLE), and have many friends who are affected, but we need some good in the world too. Not to take our minds off it, no, but to bring us together in more ways. We can use gaming even more now, we can use venues, live shows, and events more now, instead of the stopping everything. We've all (mostly) been in quarantine, we need to be out again, things need to return to some kind of normalcy.
@TrueAssassin86x Ideally the wisest decision would be to grab PS5 day one and then series X after 2 years or so. Making compatible games for previous gen and next gen will hold the series X back. Plus no real exclusives Microsoft said for the first 1 year or 2. Plus time will enable those studios Microsoft have bought to nurture and see what they can do.
Soony PlayStation 5.
Terrible, terrible joke. What a year is 2020 being...
@GoblinKing86 Exactly, well said.
I saw posts on Reddit speculating 12th of June. It was yesterday when I saw them tho, the source was some journalist in tweet
@NICK_XP Soony™
@pip_muzz they maybe felt the need to announce this due the crying that happened when they delayed it. Sony quiet, people complain. Sony talks people complain.
Good stuff. 😃
Jeff Grubb is the journalist from gamesbeat who first leaked the June 4th date.
I hate this word "soon"
I mean the cop has already lost his job and been arrested...what else could the rioting achieve other than to get the attention of a Trump aside from another impending stoic and flippant speech? This mourning period will last months, granted, but we'll be waiting a while for everything to be "resolved regarding this matter to tackle systematic racism. Sony have no choice other than to leave it for a week or two for people to mourn, otherwise any longer and it may seriously affect their preorders and give xbox a serious advantage. Sony really have to knock it out of the ballpark and upstage Xbox on this one, otherwise Sony are gonna look dumb and like they missed their window months ago, which let's face it, they already have now. Let's hope it was worth the wait, because I sure as hell know it's palpable right now, with hype reaching fever pitch. I mean, there's an equal chance Sony can screw this up as they can nail it. Hopefully my confidence In Sony and the rest of those waiting pays off 🤞.
@Paranoimia that my prediction the 11th
How nostalgic this feeling is...
Can't wait for Soony playstation event
Thankfully the looting didn’t happen in December causing a console shortage
Hopefully justice will be served soon and for once turn into a buffet of justice & equality that keeps on happening.
Soon better equal the next 48 hours, sick of this chaotic communication.
CDPR had a date ready, why can't Sony?
@NICK_XP They cannot. "Soon" is trademarked by Blizzard, and last time they used it (Diablo 3), it meant 1 year and 8 months.
Yall might not believe me, but with there 6 months of silence and now this that window has closed to alot of people. Teasing people is one thing, this has gone to the point of pure annoyance at this point.
@LN78 Alien warlord: Our mega computers tell us the Humans will be caught completely by surprise! 👾
Humans: Nope. 😩
By their own logic they have to what until the "Peaceful Protests" finish.
Comments: Sony's a hypocrite?
Well if Sony is telling you "Lives before products" while use Uyghur Muslims Slave Labour is being hypocritical, make your own mind up or can you make up your own mind?
I see the ignorance and entitlement continues to run strong in the comments on these reveal postponements. I really don't see what the problem is. The main refrain seems to be "they're just doing it for the money, they don't care", to which I just think, so what? A business does a business thing - shock, horror! Putting aside that companies are made up of many staff who likely do care, and putting aside that you don't know what else these companies are doing in the background, how is it skin off your nose for a livestream to be delayed for a few days?
Are you offended on my behalf? Are you genuinely worried that Sony will not do as well as MS with the next gen consoles? Do you think these gestures of support are counter-productive to the realization of a more just and equal world* (which everyone seems to agree is a shared goal here)?
Do I think it does much good? Noooo, not all. But is it better than saying nothing? Yessireebob it is! This is how political change happens.
*I have seen one commentor going with this argument, which I think is worth debating. I disagree with the assertion (as history implies otherwise to me), but if this were the level of discussion that would be different. Instead it's all pearl-clutching "oh the hypocrisy" and "I'm not racist, but..."
After all this is said and done, one FACT remains: We're mere 6 months from PS5 launch day and we know practically FREAKING nothing, no console, not even a single pixel of any game runnig on it, price, the list goes on...
There were 2 things: Technical mumbo-jumbo presentation for devs, which wasn't even meant to be public in the first place and DualSense reveal on PSBlog, which they were FORCED to do to counter potential leaks... Seriously WTF
It is ridiculous!
So the idea is we live in "White Supremacist" counties that is systemically racist, and their ideology of "Whiteness". White people in general are knowingly and unknowingly racist, and because of the structures of white supremacy countries that all western countries you cannot be racist to white people. This is the argument of intersectionality and a lot of left-wing academics have written about this, my only question is. How do you change a society like this without taking out the main problem? Which are white people.
@Prime_Objective Yea they've taken the fun out of a console release. Like @ArmyofOne said the whole process has been more exhausting and miserable than anything.
@pip_muzz It’s modern day marketing strategy, look at films they release several pre preview ads before that actual film ad! Just to generate hype and attention and nothing more. But if it works...
I hope it’s next week. They will need to do it soon as I think they annoyed a lot of people by needlessly delaying it and will annoy even more if they don’t have the event in the next few days.
By the way obviously I don't agree with that, but this is what is taking over society, film industry, gaming industry, everything. I don't want toxic tribal politics in gaming, and i am most a Sony fanboy but Alan Wake is great even today and Ori is a work of art 10/10.
Really think it would benefit Sony to simply do a surprise State of Play. Pick a day and set it for 6 p.m. Eastern in the U.S. and tweet it out 10 hours prior with retweets scheduled every couple hours leading up.
@banacheck Yeah but Alan Wake is old man and Ori is one game.
Sony have killed it this gen: Horizon Zero Dawn, God Of War, Uncharted 4, Spider-Man, Days Gone, Bloodborne, Death Stranding, Detroit Become Human etc and we STILL have to come one of the most anticipated sequels of all time in The Last of Us Part II and then Ghost of Tsushima. They have killed it!
Of course I'm aware some of those games are console exclusive only.
@Gamer83 What time is that in Europe though? Midnight? Sod that mate, Non-American Lives Matter too you know!
They'll probably announce when they'll have it over the weekend because the memorial is Thursday then we'll have the event later next week, some day after Tuesday cause that's when the funeral is. Sony is going to have to make a move eventually though because the world doesn't stop even in the face of adversity, but for now be patient and respectful of the whole situation.
Tbh i thought they may have discussed a date in time around cancelling to set something in stone quickly. All good give us something soon im sure.
Alan Wake is a "old man" WTF!? sorry I didn't know I have to take people's age into account when playing a game I'll remember to disrespect my mom because of lol, Is being old a good or bad thing? And Ori is one game? You people are excellent example's of what I talk about, tribalism. Wether it's for luxury items or politics, and i notice the part "Mostly a Sony PlayStation fanboy" flew over your head, and you don't really need to tell a PlayStation fanboy about PlayStation games it's obvious I own them. Ori isn't console exclusive it's on Nintendo Switch & PC and a lot of todays PlayStation gamers owned a 360. I'll remember to whip my back until it's bleeds for my sins, all forgiven?
@banacheck I meant old, man as in its an old game.
Jesus mate keep up!
Yeah I had a 360 as well but it's pretty obvious that when it comes to SP games Sony has ruled the roost this gen and in all honesty I see no reason to think they won't release similar gems next gen.
I'm not impressed with how they have handled the release of news about the PS5 BUT it doesn't make me feel inclined to go back to Microsoft.
It may seem cynical but in my opinion Sony pulled the plug on the reveal purely because they wanted to take centre stage and there was no chance with what's currently going on with the protests and rioting in America. I also feel that Sony may have wanted to reveal it earlier in the year but we were in the midst of a pandemic so once again they were not going to be the biggest story. I think the PS5 will go on to win the next gen but I feel it could have a rocky start, similar to that of the PS3 especially if as is suggested the PS5 comes in the £500 plus range and the Xbox Series X comes in the rumoured £400-£450 range, price could play a pivotal role especially due to the pandemic were alot of people have lossed jobs or been placed on the furlough scheme.
Let's hope nothing else happens in the USA(= The World) then or this show will be cancelled forever :-/
True, my bad. Does 3 p.m. est U.S. work better?
@Gamer83 Yes, yes it does.
1PM EST would be even better, thank you!
@Nepp67 completely agree buddy - yes there is some horrible ***** going on in America and others jumping on the wagon but that doesn't give cause for a delay since it is all online as it is 😕
Hopefully the event will be next week...
Sony in 2020 so far...
blablabla, soon we will this, soon we will that, blablabla
To make up for this, the reveal hast to be super-bombastic-awesome otherwise my hype for the ps5 stays super low
I personally cannot wait, we all should have been watching with excitement this evening. Oh well hopefully just one more week to go...
All I want is for more details on PS4 backwards compatibility & all reveal games to appearing to be running in 60fps and ill be preordering for a day 1 release.
Hi man. Your comment will probably get lost , like most comments, but I really appreciate. Deep and real. Many forget PlayStation has a lot of staff in the US.
I saw a comment saying the wait has been mentally exhausting. 🤯 . Brexit build up, Covid-19 especially for workers, the situation in America, etc etc. That's mentally exhausting.
Build up to PS5 launch ,? What the heck.? I dont get it. Enjoy people. Enjoy.
@ArmyofOne well remember Cerny has gone through the specification already the only thing we haven't seen is the cooling system, the box and some gameplay. But I know I know it's only a games console but that decision from PlayStation hurt I was really looking forward to it.
@GeminiEightySix great comment. Price will be key no doubt and I think you may be right about Xbox Vs PS5 price. But in the end exclusive games are what determine console sales. If PlayStation has 3 or 4 exclusives in the first year then regardless of an extra £50 or so the PS5 will still do better. IMO if Demon Souls remastered is a launch title that will massively boost sales
@ArmyofOne I don't think they will reveal the price mate when they do this reveal event. Sounds crazy I know so close to Nov but I think they will see what MS does...
@Razrye lol. I was being sarcastic. But thanks for identifying yourself as an hater
No problem. Anytime.
@Tha_Likely_Lad Thanks and couldn't agree more about exclusives being system sellers
@GeminiEightySix thanks buddy
Ugh sony's idea of soon could be anywhere from a week to 2 months..
Well, they're gonna have to reveal it soon, because if they hold it off any longer, it's going to make them look bad in front of Microsoft.
@NICK_XP Then trademarked the word trademark. Just to be on the safe side.
@AFCC I think it's funny.
@JJ2 Cheers man. Also just saw a good article on Kotaku about what game companies are doing beside tweeting vacuous (but still worthwhile!) statements. Can you believe EA, of all companies, are being quite impressive here?!!?!
@JohnnyBastos EA actually stood up against the race bait and donated to the libertarian party to help end the police state? Awesome to hear! Mad respect to those guys actually helping to fix the problem as opposed to all these other company's trying to cash in on being woke.
@Jeremiah_Thor Do I sense a smidgen of sarcasm going on there? It's the internet, so hard to tell. So in response either a) You're welcome!, or b) it's all relative dude, no need to be so harsh.
@GeminiEightySix What do you think is the reason other companies do that? Because they are nice in the end its a big investment and it defines the new generation or years for the company.
@banacheck Get over yourself mate with nonsense rage about a old man comment.
@Gamakazil Why do you feel Xbox is not an option? I live in Europe too and know people with Xbox’s me included. It works fine. Or do you mean your friends don’t have an Xbox?
@GeminiEightySix If that’s the pricing it ends up being I can tell you now I’ll get an Xbox. £470 is my limit, not as much as I can afford I’m old enough to save haha, but in my mind it’s all I’m prepared to pay for a next generation console. I have both platforms already. I think if Microsoft also launch a cheaper Xbox Series S as rumoured at an even lower price point then it’ll have a massive dent in the PS5 sales if it’s priced at £500.
Exclusive games or no, people will not pay high prices for the machine in the first place.
The cost of items have gone up over the last couple of years, people’s wages have not.
@S1ayeR74 Yeah, like I said previously I do think the PS5 will go onto win the next generation just because of the quality of exclusives, but it could be a rocky start especially if the price difference is as big as £100. I did read an interview online a couple of days ago, I think it was possibly Jim Ryan and in not so many words said the price would be high. For some people they will just get the system they want regardless of price, but I think in the current climate that £100 could be a massive difference to people, then of course you have the parents who will be getting these for Christmas presents and will say I'm not spending that much on a PS5 you can have an Xbox instead
@GeminiEightySix Yeah I’ve read that interview, and seen people just fob it off as being meaningless and no price was stated so it doesn’t mean anything. I read between the lines like you did and read ‘expensive’. Sony will have another PS3, which means it won’t get any real market share for two to three years when they reduce the price and launch the inevitable slim version.. but that will also impact how many third party games it gets.
@LN78 not even gonna lie I wouldn’t even be surprised at this point 😂
Get ready to rebuy all the games you own again guys... This is what they provide remakes and remasters...
@Gamakazil So basically the Xbox store is not available in your country then. That’s hardly a fair comparison is it if the PlayStation store is available, because of course you get the one that was officially available as it’s easier and legal.
@S1ayeR74 I couldn't agree more, like I've said previously I do think the PS5 will go on to win the next generation but I do think it's going to be the same scenario as the PS3 in being a very sluggish start allowing Xbox a serious foothold. I also feel Microsoft are being extremely consumer friendly implementing the smart delivery system, meaning you can buy the Xbox one version of the game and if and when you upgrade to the series X you get the free upgrade, I know they've said it's down to the developer whether they want to implement it but out of the games we've seen so far a really good amount will be using it.
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