The Last of Us: Part II is designed around stealthier, slower combat scenarios – but Ellie can still go gung-ho when she needs to. One thing the web is beginning to discover is that you can perform aerial takedowns similar to those in Assassin’s Creed, and they look every bit as violent as you’d expect from a title that’s designed to make you feel every single kill.
The embedded video was shared on Reddit by cristi1990an. We particularly like the way Ellie’s momentum throws her to the floor after the assault, and the look of surprise on the enemy’s face demonstrates great attention to detail. We doubt we’ll be performing this move too many times, but we can’t help but wonder which other secret combat manoeuvres the title is harbouring.
Comments 30
I did something similar when first seeing the dogs, I'd climbed out of an upstairs window and happened to be above somebody and without thinking just jumped off and attacked and it had an animation for it. This game just blows my mind at how well the characters are grounded in it
I didn't know you could do this. Time to turn Ellie into Ezio.
The Last of Us 2 combat is so much better than the original, especially the stealth. The prone & jumping sounds simple on paper but adds so much more freedom to gameplay, and obviously the game itself has been designed to accommodate them. I think going back to the original after playing TLOU2 will feel so much more clunker, showing how refined TLOU2 combat is. I love stealth game's so I am glad stealth is definitely a real option now so much more so than the original game, I mix stealth and action for maximum fun.
Still getting a lot of hate from people, but I guess they'd made up their minds and don't want to change them.
Personally, I'm loving it.
I didn't know you could do this either. Looks so brutal.
@Paranoimia Vocal minority, I think. Like you say, some had already made up their minds.
I am happy they included this from Uncharted 4. It worked so well in that game as well.
Good to know actually. I nearly tried last night but i had spent so long setting up the perfect kill run that i didnt want to risk it.
I did the tunnels section last night. Omg. Dripping with atmosphere. The red lighting made things super tense. And tricking the clickers to take out the wlf was incredible emergent gameplay.
Those saying the gameplay in this game need to look at themselves again. They either haven't played it, or are making stuff up. Its fantastic. What a game
I did it once late into the game, except Ellie kicked them in the face. The jump wasn’t as high.
I didn't know this. I'm 16hrs in and I don't think I'm even midway through, just still admiring surroundings and everything a lot, oh yea and playing a lot of guitar.
@Rob_230 But this is an interactive movie, all you need to do is watch the cut-scenes
HO-LY *****!!! and I was frustrated when I didn’t see any prompt when I was above an enemy.
“This game just blows my mind at how well the characters are grounded in it”
It really is mind blowing. The attention to detail in everything you do and inhabit is just amazing.
You could do aerial takedowns in Uncharted 3, 4 and TLL right? My memory is kinda hazy regarding the smaller details lol.
@Octane haha i forgot that part 😂
@get2sammyb when will you guys make a spoiler article of the game? I'm super curious to hear and perhaps discuss about your toughts on the story!
Gameplays is good but my god is the story ***** in this game. Not sure how it getting perfect score from this site. I might start taking this site review with a pinch of salt. I also remember when they try to push article about ffvii remake just due to bad sidequest and slow pacing. Why not do it to tlou 2 drag and bad pacing story?
@AFCC We're planning to run it on Friday. We just wanted to give everyone a bit more time to participate. Definitely coming!
@Rob_230 I genuinely think it's one of the best third-person shooters on the market. The story gets the most attention, but anyone saying Naughty Dog only makes interactive movies has lost the plot.
Can't wait for the multiplayer.
I love this game so much. The story is awesome, but the gameplay and combat is just on another level. Adding the ability to go prone and hide in grasses and such good is a total gamechanger, and the verticality has opened up so many more combat opportunities. I’m getting serious MGS3: Snake Eater vibes from it, and I’m loving every second of it. Been slowly upping the difficulty as I get more confident. Just a truly amazing game.
@FKUBT In what way is the story ass? You need to remember Ellie has always been the main character, not Joel. The story in this game is totally fine, and it fills in a lot of the back story.
Aerial Kills, can't see what the fuss is about. The article title sounds like clickbait. Regardless of what side people take when it comes to the game, it seems the incessant hype has overtaken all rationality.
@thefirst I'm in the same boat. Everything is mind blowing except the story. It's okay I guess but I felt like the ending fell flat a bit. It's a good game and the first 10 hours are really good but then it kind of fizzles out. I liked it but near the end I was thinking "yeah I would like this to end now please".
I tried to do this a few days ago and it didn't work, I assumed there was a skill I'd unlock later on for it. Guess I just mis-timed it or wasn't quite close enough to the enemy or something then...
@get2sammyb hyped to share my thoughts on it too
I tried doing this and it didn't work so I never tried it again. I must have had the angles wrong or something. I wouldn't think they'd take out one of the coolest things you could do in Uncharted 4.
@thefirst "everything about the game is excellent. Except the story."
Surely the story is core to everything: the emotional manipulation, forcing you to witness and carry out offensive, disturbing actions, shifting perspectives and POV just for effect, to get an emotional reaction, bizarre plot twists and inexplicable character decisions at the end.
It seems ND just wanted a game that broke all the rules and conventions and the "Professional" game journalists got off on it because they could feast on the deconstructionist elements.
I can understand the rift between Journo reviews and reviews of gamers who just loved the first game and simply wanted to enjoy a similar story with much loved characters. But no, Druckman et al wanted to show how clever and deviant and radical they were.
I've done anthropology, Narrative, film, media analysis, discourse theory, psychology. TLOU2 is the product of "lets see how many conventions we can rip up and shock people with" and have produced a Frankenstein's Monster of a game.
@Cloud39472 are a bunch of freeloaders, a profit making company that will take on any petition that might rake in some cash.
The problem is that ND were more interested in being 'controversial' than delivering a game that's immersive and engaging in a satisfying and fulfilling way.
Sure the Journos and pro's loved it, "ohh Neil, your story, it' so brave, so controversial," Ego's are bufffed up on both sides,
@banacheck I played part 1 right before starting part 2 and what's most amazing is how they start Part 2 with mechanics that are very close to the end of part 1 when you're fully buffed and go from there. So much detail went into connecting the two parts!
Fair enough, best way really
@thefirst You make some interesting points. I never got into the Walking Dead. And maybe I could have expressed my thoughts about ND base starting position differently. Sure, they wanted to deliver a good game that played differently and presented us with an alternate take with the accompanying emotions, themes, perspectives etc. But did they have to? No, they could have done all that with a different game completely. Overall I think there's a domino effect of failures in the game. Okay, you can't pick one scene, aspect, attribute of the game and use it to universally fault the game, that would be wrong and unfair.But taken as a whole, you can argue the game 'sucks'. It's not just a betrayal; rather it is because the first game is used as the instrument/baseline for all the themes and issues in the second game that it fails. It was a great idea, a very risky /delicate operation to pull of - and this is where ND failed.
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