Right, you're going to want to buckle up for the ride here. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is a really weird game, but did you know that one of its most bizarre aspects actually kept a secret cutscene under lock and key? One mechanic allowed players to build nukes for their bases, but these could be stolen by other real-life users if they managed to successfully infiltrate the HQ. Konami hid a cutscene behind this feature, making it only possible to view if every nuke in the game was deactivated. This was thought to be an impossible task when attempted naturally, but the PlayStation 3 community has just managed it.
This has been done before on PC, but it was via a glitch that triggered accidentally rather than a consistent effort from the fanbase. As such, there's probably a good chance you've never seen the cutscene in question so we recommend you check it out above. We assume the community chose to do this on PS3 because of the smaller player base, but this achievement is still thoroughly impressive.
So, there we have it. It's definitely not the elusive Chapter 3 that everyone wanted, but it's still worth watching. Now let's get back to hoping and praying that the Metal Gear Solid franchise isn't completely dead. It is, though, isn't it? Goddamnit Konami.
[source youtube.com, via resetera.com]
Comments 37
It still impresses me that there was a PS3 version of this game!
I didn't even know this game was released on PS3, lol...I thought it was PS4 only!
Also, good for them, that's quite a feat!
Oh yeah, I knew this was a thing but had no idea that they would manage it. People want their nukes.
Imagine being part of the PS3 MGS5 community, though?
Mgs5 is a great open world game but it's not a good metal gear solid game, the story portion of the game is way smaller compared it it's predecessor. Mgs series (1-4) is one of my favorite games ever.
@wiiware I completely agree. It was my biggest gaming disappointment of all time.
Nice to see it be unlocked for real, slightly surprising coming from the unassuming PS3 version. Fantastic game.
@LiamCroft Yeah, on the one hand it's great to see people enjoying the game, but on the other hand I want my story heavy non open world game like mgs 1-4 😕
I remember getting hyped after watching the redband trailers, kojima sure know how to make awesome trailers 😃
Really cool achievement! But those PS3 framerates... Sheesh!
Lapsed PS3 be like:
Oh sh** someone just stole all my nukes!
Despite its story issues, this is a brilliant open world stealth game and its cool to see whats left of the PS3 community coming together
@LiamCroft Hi there friend. Sadly I have to agree with you on this one. MGS is one of my all time favourite gaming franchises that it broke my heart seing what it became.
And it all started with MGS Peace Walker. A PSP and VITA game, sure, but bad controls, bad and uninspiring Boss battles an a very lackluster story made taht game extremely bad for me.
MGSV is basicaly Peace Walker with better graphics and better gameplay. That´s it. Bland open world, bland characters, bland Boss fights and bland story. Even MGAcid, wich is a spin off by the way, is better.
This is why, for me, there is only MGS 1, 2, 3 and 4. Anyway, cheers , have a good one and keep up the good work
I randomly started playing this game again last month (PS4), to clean up trophies from when it released. Did all missions S rank now. Just need to do mission tasks.
Anyway while playing the other day that disarmament cut scene triggered, I thought it was a glitch that caused it to happen.
Also, I'm confident in saying MGSV is the greatest game ever made.
Moral of the story : nuke bad
Man.... the potential this game could’ve had if they’d had just left Hideo Kojima and his team alone for awhile longer to finish this out the way it deserved to be... When I got to the end I remember asking myself “Are you serious? This is the ending?!”. This game turned out to be a bigger disappointment to me than Destiny at the time. It wouldn’t have killed Konami to give Kojima another year or two of development time to implement a true, meaty Act 2 and tie everything up in Act 3.
I could never get into that game. The fulcrum mechanic, having to research and what's not, to hide in a box, ridiculous cast and incoherent story. I just thought it felt like a pretentious, mediocre, tedious slogfest
If only MGS5's gameplay could meet previous MGS games stories.
Such a disappointment storywise. So fun gameplaywise
If any of you guys really knew anything about MGS. Then you would be in the obvious knowledge that mgs5s story was only so fractured because of the turmoil kojima and konami were going through at the the time ie theyfrickin despised each other!. The second half of mgs5 five was thrown together from the cutting room floor.
@DavLFC This isn't true, the game is largely intended to be the way it was. If you replay Peace Walker the structure is very similar, replaying old missions and side ops, upgrading Mother Base in the second half of the game to unlock the true ending, only MGSV actually has a bit more story content in the second half. Yeah there's some cut content same as any game, and the Kingdom of the Flies DLC was cancelled, but by and large the game is finished.
@Orpheus79V are you saying kojimas and konami's relationship wasn't irreparably damaged before the end mgsv's development cycle? There were cuts made to the scale and budget. Do your research. Hiring keifer Sutherland , At a extortionate cost, and then having him say about 5 things all game is proof of this
What a great story and achievement. Kudos to all those who participated and continue to rock the PS3. Some games are ghost towns but others have just enough to carve out a new friend or two which helps you appreciate said game a bit more
@DavLFC Everyone knows this...
@Bentleyma- Well I started playing it again recently and... yikes. While it gets bonus points for bring 60fps, it's verging on looking last gen after stuff like TLOU2 and GoT - but not just those two heavy hitters, just in general the bar's been raised really high over the years without a lot of us realising it.
@wiiware it feels like Kojima took the criticism of MGS4 having too many cutscenes but then overcorrected. I also miss having boss fights with personality.
MGS5 has amazing gameplay - 2nd to none. It still shames most games 7 years later. It’s just a shame the storyline was incomplete and had perhaps too many plots for its good (skullface, metal gear and the language viruses).
Trying to tie up every metal gear plot line ever, probably didn’t help!
I did read that it was originally going to be released episodic like hitman 2016, hence why ground zeroes was released separately, though it now appears this was Konami trying to recover cash. Hence why each chapter is introduced like a movie, though this is likely to prevent Kojima s name being erased as it was on the box art.
@DavLFC Kiefer Sutherland wasn't hired at an extortionate cost, and he has more lines than people give him credit for. And yes, Kojima and Konami fell out in the last year of development, but MGSV was being made for almost 5 years, the game was fully mapped out by the point things soured between the two parties. If we pretend they weren't, and the game really is only about a third of what it was intended to be, that would only reflect badly on Kojima ironically - 5 years of dev time and only 1 of the 3 chapters is finished?
However, that's not the case because many people who worked on the game consider it finished, including people who are directly associated with Kojima. Mission 51 being cut is a shame, but it wasn't this removed true ending or anything, it was a DLC that cleared up a loose subplot.
@Orpheus79V I guarantee you Kiefer Sutherland cost three times more than david hayter!!!!
@DavLFC Possibly, but I fail to see how he cut into the budget so much they had to cut down on Snake's lines. He's a decently big actor, but not THAT big.
We also can't forget that around this same time, we got a Castlevania trilogy that featured the likes of Sir Patrick Stewart, Jason Isaacs, Robert Carlyle and Richard Madden in prominent roles. If Konami were willing to splash on those actors for Castlevania, I find it difficult to believe they couldn't afford to have Kiefer in MGS and kept him mostly silent to save on cash. In fact there are some unused lines for Snake found in the files, which demonstrates his few words are a design choice and Kiefer's cost was no issue.
@Danloaded Yeah, the people says previous mgs has too many cut-scenes/story so maybe kojima overcompensate with the gameplay. Man mgs 1 bosses is the best, who can forget psycho mantis, ocelot, sniper wolf, raven, cyborg ninja, and liquid snake fights 😃
@wiiware absolutely but after MGSV and Death Stranding it seems Kojima doesnt do great/memorable boss fights anymore (salanthrapus being the exception).
@Danloaded true. But the Quiet boss fight in MGSV was kinda cool, listening out for her humming to find her locations etc. Kojima at his best them bits. Just a pity there wasnt more of them in mgsv.
@wiiware yeah still arguably the most amazing game ever when you first play it. That bit in mgs1 when physco mantis move your controller with rumble seems such a simple idea now, but at the time I was like wtf!!!!!! Genius ideas.
@Matroska Yeah, I haven't played it in a few years, I just remember it looking really good. Regardless of how dated the PS4 version looks now, it's still an impressive looking game for the PS3, especially compared to the last gen versions of games like Shadow of Mordor. Although I never played MGSV on PS3, so it could play really badly.
@DavLFC even when he was given basically unlimited time and complete control....that gave us Death Stranding. So much hype over an absolutely abysmal product. Looked beautiful, but it was boring and empty, there was absolutely zero gameplay. It was a FedEx simulator. He lucked out with MGS1. Everything after that was a joke.
@ChipBoundary you are talking absolute poo. "He lucked out" dont ever respond to me again. You are the king of text dihorrea. Death stranding was beautiful and compelling. Kojima should get on halo infinite asap. Lol. At least it might bring decent graphics if he's involved. #Bring back bungie. Death stranding was a masterpiece imo
@DavLFC If you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you.
@ChipBoundary and I've got Rare to sell you too. Sea of thieves keep it 250 million for avatars. I'll take kojima lol
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