Larger-than-life arcade wrassler WWE 2K Battlegrounds will drop the people’s elbow on the PlayStation 4 from 18th September, publisher 2K Sports has announced. The title, which is developed by NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 maker Saber Interactive, will feature 70 WWE Superstars and Legends at launch – with more to be added post-launch.
In addition to exhibition and online modes, the title will also feature a campaign, where you’ll compete for “the chance to earn a WWE contract”. The blurb explains: “Along the way, you’ll unlock new arenas, inspired by locations such as the Everglades, a military-style Bootcamp, Mexico, New York, and Scotland, while receiving guidance from legendary personalities including Stone Cold Steve Austin and Paul Heyman.”
There are two editions available for pre-order: the Standard Edition and Digital Deluxe Edition. Both come with Edge if you pre-order, though the latter option also includes all versions of Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, and Ronda Rousey unlocked from the offset, as well as 1,100 in-game Golden Bucks, which can be spent on cosmetics.
Comments 7
I know its arcade like.... but having some of the modes from simulation wrestling would really help and take this over the top. Surely you can do hell in a cell, royal rumble, cage match...or some arcade like variations.... Hopefully it turn out well.
This actually looks like fun. Ironic that even graphically it looks better than the buggy trash 2K released last time round.
I’ll try it out at least. Get it right this time 2K.
Kool, I play NBA 2K Playgrounds on the switch it is great fun and this looks like more of the same, hope it delivers!
No Thank for this game
Im getting a Backyard Wrestling (ps2) vibe from this.Had fun with that so i think i may do with this.Hope they don’t drop the ball.Wonder if you can make your own wrestler,that’d be fun
Can't wait for this!
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